Television Arrow | Ending on Season 8

Couldn't the flash stop the nuke from taking off? At times like this, we need supergirl.

Flash could have probably taken nearly the whole population of the city out of the city tbh.
Or could go back in time to reset that.
Or they could have asked genius Cisco to help.
@Sylar Exactly. Instead they blow up a city that kills ten thousands of people and we won't hear the end of it from felicity.

I mean if someone that big was going to happen, The flash should have come without anyone asking.
Think everyone is reading into the timelines a bit much, I reckon that Flash had no power during this.
Think everyone is reading into the timelines a bit much, I reckon that Flash had no power during this.
Wasn't the Flash shown at the cemetery therefore in full possession of his power after regaining them or is that considered to happen before losing his powers?
Wasn't the Flash shown at the cemetery therefore in full possession of his power after regaining them or is that considered to happen before losing his powers?
Thats the thing....we don't know.
Wasn't the Flash shown at the cemetery therefore in full possession of his power after regaining them or is that considered to happen before losing his powers?

We dont know, but tbh, it just needed one line or two to clear up the mess "its a shame Barry lost his powers otherwise we could have called him.... Well guess its up to us"...
Couldn't the flash stop the nuke from taking off? At times like this, we need supergirl.
Flash could have probably taken nearly the whole population of the city out of the city tbh.
Or could go back in time to reset that.
Or they could have asked genius Cisco to help.
@Sylar Exactly. Instead they blow up a city that kills ten thousands of people and we won't hear the end of it from felicity.

I mean if someone that big was going to happen, The flash should have come without anyone asking.

We dont know, but tbh, it just needed one line or two to clear up the mess "its a shame Barry lost his powers otherwise we could have called him.... Well guess its up to us"...

The show is run in parallel to Flash. So at this point in Arrow, Flash pretty much had his hands tied being stuck in the Speed Force, subsequently getting out and presumably needing to save the entire world (let alone a town) from Zoom. I'm guessing the bit with the nuke Damien is ready to striker is where Flash was stuck in the speed force and Cisco tied up running away from that zombie meta running loose.

Also, Supergirl is in a parallel universe (I think), thats why in the Flash crossover she had never heard of him or Arrow.
The show is run in parallel to Flash. So at this point in Arrow, Flash pretty much had his hands tied being stuck in the Speed Force, subsequently getting out and presumably needing to save the entire world (let alone a town) from Zoom. I'm guessing the bit with the nuke Damien is ready to striker is where Flash was stuck in the speed force and Cisco tied up running away from that zombie meta running loose.

Also, Supergirl is in a parallel universe (I think), thats why in the Flash crossover she had never heard of him or Arrow.

Nah, Flash lost his speed but the next night on Arrow he was speeding around the funeral...
Nah, Flash lost his speed but the next night on Arrow he was speeding around the funeral...

The funeral was a flashback, so it could have been just before he lost his speed.

Either that, or its a brain fart to air Arrow just after Flash. But in this case its safe to assume Barry is quite tied up and therefore cant stop any Nukes from arrowverse.
The funeral was a flashback, so it could have been just before he lost his speed.

Either that, or its a brain fart to air Arrow just after Flash. But in this case its safe to assume Barry is quite tied up and therefore cant stop any Nukes from arrowverse.

What? It became present day cos of Laurels death.

Its not safe to assume that. And even if he was tied up, why arent they at least trying to call him? Theres no way they would know cos the Speedforce pretty much happened over one episode only (which was what? A day? less than a day?)
Its not safe to assume that. And even if he was tied up, why arent they at least trying to call him? Theres no way they would know cos the Speedforce pretty much happened over one episode only (which was what? A day? less than a day?)

He lost his speed prior to that. They can use a scene of them trying to call Flash, or they could just allow the audience to assume Flash is tied up. I agree they did put themselves in it by having a crossover in the first place, because how the q will always be "Why cant one help the other here". But in this case Flash was unable to help for what, 3-4 episodes? I wasn't questioning things in the last Arrow episode because of that.
It wasnt even the crossover that was the problem. Its just they didnt address the fact they are in the same universe. As I said, one quick line which erases the need to even show them asking for help sorts that out.

Doesnt sort out some of the other mess theyve got but at least tightens that up. They really messed up tbh by showing Flash having his powers during the funeral (would have been easy to just refilm that or not have him appear at all).
He could have time traveled back to the funeral once he got his powers back.

Definitely didn't happen but it's silly getting wound up about the timelines when the episodes have pretty much always been out of sync
Also, Supergirl is in a parallel universe (I think), thats why in the Flash crossover she had never heard of him or Arrow.

She is - but she's moving to CW next season - I wonder if that'll change anything.

My point is - a town with millions of people is about to get blown up - this should never have been the job of a few guys shooting a bow and arrow and a hacker to save. You'd expect Hulk to have a villain like Abomination - it's stupid if you have Hawkeye or Black Widow go against him by themselves while the others not making an appearance or not even mentioned.
She is - but she's moving to CW next season - I wonder if that'll change anything.

My point is - a town with millions of people is about to get blown up - this should never have been the job of a few guys shooting a bow and arrow and a hacker to save. You'd expect Hulk to have a villain like Abomination - it's stupid if you have Hawkeye or Black Widow go against him by themselves while the others not making an appearance or not even mentioned.

Well they had 21 hours and the avengers is Marvel. Also, it was tens if thousands rather than millions, and only Arrow knew the powers and strategy to defeat Damien. Moreover, I'm quite sure you can poke holes in any film with similar logic, which probably isn't fair.

Eg why does a glorified ninja in batman even exist when flash can pick up the joker and put him in a cell? You kinda just accept that occasional crossovers are there but each rival villain is exclusive to the hero of that comic I suppose.
Well they had 21 hours and the avengers is Marvel. Also, it was tens if thousands rather than millions, and only Arrow knew the powers and strategy to defeat Damien. Moreover, I'm quite sure you can poke holes in any film with similar logic, which probably isn't fair.

Eg why does a glorified ninja in batman even exist when flash can pick up the joker and put him in a cell? You kinda just accept that occasional crossovers are there but each rival villain is exclusive to the hero of that comic I suppose.

Well yeah, Avengers is marvel, so was my example of Hawkeye and Black Widow, as they are in the same universe, like arrow and flash (and Constantine and Legends of Tomorrow). If you watched the episode the missile was aimed at a city that had millions of people - it was diverted to a city with tens of thousands.

I still can't see why you don't think its a problem - in a universe that has the flash - a team that shoots arrows are the ones trying to stop a city wiping nuke.
Well yeah, Avengers is marvel, so was my example of Hawkeye and Black Widow, as they are in the same universe, like arrow and flash (and Constantine and Legends of Tomorrow). If you watched the episode the missile was aimed at a city that had millions of people - it was diverted to a city with tens of thousands.

I still can't see why you don't think its a problem - in a universe that has the flash - a team that shoots arrows are the ones trying to stop a city wiping nuke.

Because Flash had lost his speed for 2-3 episodes and was stuck in the speed force thereafter. Even if you accept a time lag of 1 episode between the two shows, Flash is still unavailable, along with his team.
The world is about to end and they fecking spend half the time on Felcitys drama and her stupid family. Just feck off. And I bet theyre gonna do something stupid like have Felicitys dad go and be the hacker that can help Dahrk take over Rubicon. That whole family is aids to this show.

The only good things are when Oli and Diggle work together and fight together. They should just kill off everybody else and to a reset for next season (but it wont happen cos the stupid director loves these stupid pointless dramas - might as well rename this thread The Felicity Show). bleh. And because shes been crying needlessly for a whole season or two, the one time she should be upset (cos she played a part in wiping out a town), shes there hoking with Curtis (who really would have been more useful last week).
Arrow Rant:

1) Arrow beat Raaz Al-Ghoul. He should be more than capable holding his own in a bitch fight with his sister. I get he doesn't want to hurt her but he shouldn't logically be falling down against a kid with 6 months training FFS.
2) JOBBING THERES SO MUCH feckING JOBBING. The story has to move forward, yet we have Felicity's mother suddenly being jealous, despite the world ending, fecking hell.
3) Stop the flash backs. They are 3 seconds long each and told us feck ALL yet again.
4) There is a lot of damage in the Arrowverse, they could have at least referenced it in Flash (ie fiasco on the news or something, alongside the Flash Chaos).
5) There is a pill that makes people submissive? Sounds cack, one too many mystical things to accept in this bullshit season, but then once accepted we then have to agree with the logic that Thea can be phased out of it by two sentences from Oliver saying "this is not you".
6) Renee is about to die and Oliver somewhat has sympathy for her. I get you don't want to kill but have some logic FFS. You should have killed Malcom, Damien and Renee when you had the chance and now millions area dead because you didn't. So fecking illogical its unreal.

Flash is 10x the better show, how Arrow spiralled into this ocean of shitness is beyond me.
how about an injured Anarky managing to take on Diggle, Thea and Arrow all at the same time? hahaha
how about an injured Anarky managing to take on Diggle, Thea and Arrow all at the same time? hahaha

Oh yeah that was a pile of turd too. Seriously the whole show is turd, I'm curious to find out what happens at the end and I'l stop.

I bet its all an anti-climax too, they'll do something like take Damien's toy doll away from him and put him in jail.
Oh yeah that was a pile of turd too. Seriously the whole show is turd, I'm curious to find out what happens at the end and I'l stop.

I bet its all an anti-climax too, they'll do something like take Damien's toy doll away from him and put him in jail.

Or cos they have Damiens daughter, they use that to stop him from destroying the world.
The show needs a reset tbh. Get rid of a lot of the characters, kill of the romance angle (and a lot of the crying), and just go back to Arrow/Diggle and team Arrow taking on comic book villains. Also stop with the stupid flashbacks (or change it so we get flashbacks for different characters if and when its needed which last for more than 3 seconds).
Can't believe I just read that spoiler before watching Flash. For feck sake.
Holy feck this is so cringe.

Lyla sends Argus team on a suicide mission, Oliver tells her to stop, she doesn't give a feck and then she cries because, surprise surprise, were killed.

Cry about everything continues, it's all their fault and usual shit but there're riots in the city, Oli jumps on a fecking cab says 'HEY EVERYBODY STOP PLS' and everybody fecking stops, then he goes all Trump on them inspired by this fecking pointless Puff Diddy whom 'he gave hope to'.

Then there's Malcolm, he goes into the bunker and sits with them as if it's all fine, he wanted to destroy the Earth with Darhk couple of hours ago, everybody hated him but now it's fine, we're all friends. Then the nuke must have taken a fecking stop for a coffee because it took so fecking long to actually hit the target. I actually hoped it'd be redirected to kill her mum but nah.

Then those fecking peons throwing cans at Darhk, oh my God. Before people couldn't touch him, he was imploding exploding arrows by creating some vacuum shit in front of his face but now Oli can hit him with an arrow and cut his face and the peasants don't afraid of nothing. Minutes ago Darhk chokes him to death with his Darth Vader power and then boom, Oli's eyes glow and he's untouchable.

Then there's peons revolt like it was Deathstroke all over again. Martial-arts trained serial killers who were murdering people at drop of a hat couple of days earlier now are getting beaten by fecking pedestrians. It reminds me of this 4chan 'who'd win, Tony Brady or 100 gorilla apes' meme. In the middle of the fight, imbecile in helmet, Argus CEO and captain Alcoholic pop up and have a convo with Oliver. And of course, back to Felicity, let's detonate all those nukes in the air so nobody will get hurt, I mean, what is a shockwave and radioactive dust anyway, people in Chernobyl were simply lame.

Then everybody has personality crisis for some funny reasons, Felicity doesn't die which is disappointing. Congratulations on the worst finale you could make. I'm not watching S5 of this shit, rant over.
Sad thing is it could genuinely be an incredible show if the writing was better. Just remove Donna, and write the others better stop making Felicity cry every minute, and stick to the gritty action stuff. It's ridiculous the gulf in quality between this and shows like Daredevil. I wasnt even a Marvel fan but it is enthralling and absolutely brilliant recommend everyone give it a watch . Available to binge on Netflix.
Sad thing is it could genuinely be an incredible show if the writing was better. Just remove Donna, and write the others better stop making Felicity cry every minute, and stick to the gritty action stuff. It's ridiculous the gulf in quality between this and shows like Daredevil. I wasnt even a Marvel fan but it is enthralling and absolutely brilliant recommend everyone give it a watch . Available to binge on Netflix.

I think the problems are deeper than that. How the feck can Thea fecking Queen suddenly be on par with Oliver in combat after 6 months training with her dad. Sums up the show.
I think the problems are deeper than that. How the feck can Thea fecking Queen suddenly be on par with Oliver in combat after 6 months training with her dad. Sums up the show.
You're right that is ludicrous, but it's a long standing writing problem that's only getting progressively worse. I just feel it has\had a feckload of potential, if it keeps this up though next season will end up being the last.
When Dahrk called back up when he was fighting Arrow in the street, why did they charge in when they had guns, all they had to do was open fire, and they`d have killed every one in 10 sec

Plus the having an idea for everything like how to destroy the nukes, coming up with the idea so easily at the last second, this season was among the worst in tv history lol, and that didnt even feel like a finale
At least I can stop watching now the season is over. That's my review of the finale.