So whilst I liked the episode, I was still annoyed at bits. Maybe im too critical, i dunno. But things annoy me like:
-Who the feck is Felicitys mother to tell Quentin to throw away his career? So they dated for a little while, now shes getting all judgmental cos he was going to say he didnt know Laurel was Black canary? What? Feck of Felicitys Mother.
And holy feck, a nuke just went off in a city (Momument Point is a city right? Cos it doesnt really sound like a city).
But it was sorta brushed off like it was nothing. Ahh well, at least it was only a few thousand instead of a hundreds of thousands or millions killed. And now, this is gonna give Felicity another whole season to cry about something. Its like this is the Felicity show. Ugh.
Feck off Smoakes. I agree with
Also Is Theas bf dead? Are we meant to care cos .... it felt like a whatever moment.
And another thing that annoys me, arrowverse. ffs call Flash. Or at least mention why he cant come and save you. If its the whole "he hasnt got powers", well the timeline is clearly not the same as Flash given Flash lost his powers, but then next ep of Arrow he arrives at the funeral and speeds off. Heck, if Flash doesnt want to help, call Zoom. Villain or not, dude is not going to want to be fried considering he wants to run the world.
And where the feck is Curtis? Did I miss something in a previous episode? Has he just disappeared somewhere? Why not ask this genius to help?
But yeah... as I said, aside from that, I liked the episode