Television Arrow | Ending on Season 8

Arrow Season 2 > The Flash > Arrow Season 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arrow Season 3
That's completely right.

I watch all of them but will be working on a Flash season 2 promo on Monday, I have to make it using S02E03, it's gonna spoil it somewhat :mad:
Stuck on a new TV series too watch so was just wondering if this is worth watching? I like my super hero films but have never seen a super hero TV series. Would I have too watch The Flash along with this or is that a completely different show?

Arrow Season 2 > The Flash > Arrow Season 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arrow Season 3

Id agree with WW here. Both are good to watch though. If you are going to watch both, in terms of storyline (cos theres a cross over episode, sorta like part 1 in Flash, and part 2 in Arrow) id say watch Arrow s1, s2 then do a parallel with Flash with Arrow (check epguides and watch it as if you were watching it in real time).
So how did that go? :D
I've been postponing it by finishing off other projects in the hope that episode 1 and 2 will come in so at least I can watch in order :lol:

Those americans are so lazy though so looks like I might just have to bite the bullet and start working on it :(
So seen eps 1 and 3 from season 4 and gotta admit, it was pretty good. Based on the little I have watched, it so far seemed a little better than what I have seen of The Flash season 2. Episode 1 was definitely entertaining and quite a lot happens although I would have preferred they focused on some of the plot points a bit more as a few things were rushed. Episode 3 wasn't as good but wasn't bad by any means. Maybe it's because I expected little judging by the trailer but I was pleasantly pleased.

Plus the new bad guy was much better than they make him out to be in the trailer.
Those league of assassin guys are a bit shit. A couple of people with hardly any training beating them up. Laurel taking two at a time.
I finally caught up before the new season starts this week.
Those league of assassin guys are a bit shit. A couple of people with hardly any training beating them up. Laurel taking two at a time.
I finally caught up before the new season starts this week.

I found that part weird as well. Laurel should still be well below the level of what I assume are highly trained fighters who've spent their lives in the profession. Honestly found the finale battle between Ras and Oliver pretty boring too. Hoping for a good season 4.
feck me too much stuff to comprehend.

Darhk is overpowered. Lance working with Darhk, possibly for Sara? Hal Jordan tease. Oliver back on the fecking island for no reason. Flash forward to grave. My money is on Diggle, perhaps Lance.
This looks like its getting shittier by the episode. And there is absolutely no fecking chemistry between Oliver and Felicity. Why the hell did they get those two together? It has made me dislike the character of Felicity so much.
This looks like its getting shittier by the episode. And there is absolutely no fecking chemistry between Oliver and Felicity. Why the hell did they get those two together? It has made me dislike the character of Felicity so much.

Any scene with Oliver and Felicity is cringeworthy. Wastes screen time.
The entire Olly/Felicity makes me wanna break something. It looks like it's going to be a big theme of the season so this is really really disappointing. On the plus side, I like the actor who plays Damian Darkh.
ps: The fecking Island again :wenger:
Am I missing something, or is the gravestone Ollie was at in the end a very big tease. Who is dead? My money is on Lance, needs something big to get the season started.
And yes, Ollie/Felicity is very cringeworthy. Island is weird, but I hope something great is around the corner then.
That kid to Laurel in his weird voice - "woah, you're really strong" :lol:

Looks like it's starting where they left off - shite. I want most of the cast to die.

EDIT: By cast I mean their characters :lol:
I am so fecking sick of those flashbacks. Ollie escapes the island, random military personnel tracks him down, sends him back to the island, Ollie escapes the island. Repeat ad nauseum.
I don't think I've ever hated a character more than Felicity (even though she was great in seasons 1 & 2). They should make her the villain.

It was a decent episode - not horrible but not great. Darkh seems like a good villain and it'll be interesting to see how they stop him with the powers he has. John Diggle is still John Diggle, only now he's bitter and has Magneto's helmet. I wonder if they'll ever give him a character name or powers of some type. I'm liking Speedy but its probably because I find her really attractive.
I can see the grave being Felcity. They seemed to cut from the wedding ring in ice (or whatever it was) to the gravestone and with Oli shedding a tear, it has to be somebody like her or Thea.
I do agree it seems forced between Oli and Felcity, but if thats the end game, I wont mind it too much from the first episode and little doses across.

Im thinking the first half of the season will be filling in the gaps between the death (mid season finale sees the death). Then the next half will be after the funeral.

Darkh is a good villain. I liked the tease between him and Arrow on the train.

Im hoping Speedy is now suffering the affects of being brought back to life, given it was mentioned massively like its a huge deal. If so, that will be interesting to see how it plays off.

The island stuff is boring now (well was last season too). Thankfully it didnt overtake the episode, and we only saw like 3/4 short scenes
I can see the grave being Felcity. They seemed to cut from the wedding ring in ice (or whatever it was) to the gravestone and with Oli shedding a tear, it has to be somebody like her or Thea.
I do agree it seems forced between Oli and Felcity, but if thats the end game, I wont mind it too much from the first episode and little doses across.

Im thinking the first half of the season will be filling in the gaps between the death (mid season finale sees the death). Then the next half will be after the funeral.

Darkh is a good villain. I liked the tease between him and Arrow on the train.

Im hoping Speedy is now suffering the affects of being brought back to life, given it was mentioned massively like its a huge deal. If so, that will be interesting to see how it plays off.

The island stuff is boring now (well was last season too). Thankfully it didnt overtake the episode, and we only saw like 3/4 short scenes
ohhh, good call!
It's going to be fun seeing all the variations of Darhk in this thread
I can see the grave being Felcity. They seemed to cut from the wedding ring in ice (or whatever it was) to the gravestone and with Oli shedding a tear, it has to be somebody like her or Thea.
I do agree it seems forced between Oli and Felcity, but if thats the end game, I wont mind it too much from the first episode and little doses across.

Im thinking the first half of the season will be filling in the gaps between the death (mid season finale sees the death). Then the next half will be after the funeral.

Darkh is a good villain. I liked the tease between him and Arrow on the train.

Im hoping Speedy is now suffering the affects of being brought back to life, given it was mentioned massively like its a huge deal. If so, that will be interesting to see how it plays off.

The island stuff is boring now (well was last season too). Thankfully it didnt overtake the episode, and we only saw like 3/4 short scenes
After John Barrowman making such a big deal about the Lazarus Pit changing people they better fecking show something.
I'm sure they will. They've said a lot about the long-term after effects of Thea in the pit. She's become more violent for now.

Actually am I the only one finding the flashbacks interesting? I mean it seems repetitive but it's one part of the show that is completely unpredictable (for now) since they've purposely been very secretive about them. I want to see who's on the island this time.
I can see the grave being Felcity. They seemed to cut from the wedding ring in ice (or whatever it was) to the gravestone and with Oli shedding a tear, it has to be somebody like her or Thea.
I do agree it seems forced between Oli and Felcity, but if thats the end game, I wont mind it too much from the first episode and little doses across.

Im thinking the first half of the season will be filling in the gaps between the death (mid season finale sees the death). Then the next half will be after the funeral.

Darkh is a good villain. I liked the tease between him and Arrow on the train.

Im hoping Speedy is now suffering the affects of being brought back to life, given it was mentioned massively like its a huge deal. If so, that will be interesting to see how it plays off.

The island stuff is boring now (well was last season too). Thankfully it didnt overtake the episode, and we only saw like 3/4 short scenes

I sure hope so.
Hmm I guess I'm in the minority, I liked s04e01, definitely liked it more than Flash s02e01.

It was only one episode, but it made me pretty confident that this season will be a step up from s3. Darkh seems OP but so was Slade really. I don't really care as long as the character himself is interesting and the actor is good, and both seem to be the case. I don't mind Oliver and Felicity as long as it doesn't become a central drama; keep them together but keep it in the background. She didn't cry this episode as well, that's a big plus. I still don't really get the hate for the character; even at her worst she didn't stoop to Laurel/Iris levels of annoyance. And really she was only bad for one season, if they can write her like they did prior to all the weeping shit, I would prefer that they kept her on. Although it does look like she's going to die, ah well.

As for the flashbacks, I'm actually happy he's back on the island. The island stuff from s1 and s2 were way better than the Hong Kong shite we got.
I liked Arrow on the whole. I thought Flash was better but still, Arrow seemed more like s1 and 2 than 3. The flashbacks away from the island (well last season) were terrible. Hopefully back on the island it will make it interesting again.

She didn't cry this episode as well, that's a big plus.

YES!!! :lol: Something I forgot to mention, she was a whiny mess and I missed the awkward Felicity (which we sometimes got with Ray Palmer but that was limited last season)
Jeez, what a nothing episode. Hopefully

resurrecting Sarah allows them to kill Laurel so she finally fecks off

Other than that it's getting annoying how Ollie makes a big deal of Thea nearly killing some guy. Boo-hoo, he's shooting fecking arrows that don't end with rubber ducks at people and he's complaining about silly stuff.
Team Arrow has killed so many people already this season. Diggle just shot some dude in the face. Showing dead Sara at the end was a weird choice. But Oliver for Mayor should be interesting.
Some new characters introduced into that episode. I liked the little fight between Thea and Oli. Its building towards the season so it was what I was expecting tbh. Not too disappointed with how it went. Ive had no problems with Laurel this season either. Also awkward Felicity is the best so her and Holt play of well together.
Team Arrow has killed so many people already this season. Diggle just shot some dude in the face. Showing dead Sara at the end was a weird choice. But Oliver for Mayor should be interesting.
They are probably building up for Legends of Tomorrow.
Odds on the grave from the first ep being
Sara's? For some buttfeck stupid reason like they think she's dead again but she's gone to Legends of Tomorrow really.

Thea fighting is great. Little skinny fast fighty people always look good on the tellybox.

Why am I talking like a child.
Oh and sorry but how much more fecking stupid can Laurel get?
Oh lookie here Thea was dead for a few days [?] and she's come back a deranged loon, let's chuck my long time dead sister in the Pit and see how she does. Practice makes perfect y'know!

She's a dunce and she needs to die like she died in Taken.
Oh and sorry but how much more fecking stupid can Laurel get?
Oh lookie here Thea was dead for a few days [?] and she's come back a deranged loon, let's chuck my long time dead sister in the Pit and see how she does. Practice makes perfect y'know!

She's a dunce and she needs to die like she died in Taken.

Fully agree.

She's the worst character on just about anything I watch at the moment, there's literally no upside to her outside of 'she's pretty hot'.