I can see the grave being Felcity. They seemed to cut from the wedding ring in ice (or whatever it was) to the gravestone and with Oli shedding a tear, it has to be somebody like her or Thea.
I do agree it seems forced between Oli and Felcity, but if thats the end game, I wont mind it too much from the first episode and little doses across.
Im thinking the first half of the season will be filling in the gaps between the death (mid season finale sees the death). Then the next half will be after the funeral.
Darkh is a good villain. I liked the tease between him and Arrow on the train.
Im hoping Speedy is now suffering the affects of being brought back to life, given it was mentioned massively like its a huge deal. If so, that will be interesting to see how it plays off.
The island stuff is boring now (well was last season too). Thankfully it didnt overtake the episode, and we only saw like 3/4 short scenes