This episode reminded me why I'm so gutted Constantine was cancelled. Matt Ryan is class.
I HATE Laurel, everything she does is wrong.
One thing that is annoying me with Arrow and Flash is the whole villain of the week thing - or in this case, story of the week. Like @Sylar said, it was way too rushed - and could have done with more time. Gotham did a great job at the start getting rid of it and the show has become so much better as a result - likewise with Agents of Shield.
It just annoys me how little time these mini villains get - they get built up at the start of the episode to be unbeatable and a huge threat - then we get some parts of the main story, love scenes, then a 5 min fight where the unbeatable villain is finished off. Time to get rid of that formula I think.
TBF, it's Legends of Tomorrow fault. I thought the whole arc in season 3 where she slowly accept Sara death, becoming a drunk, reconnecting with his father was the decent part of her story. Alas, it's all went out of the window.I know I brought someone back to life when I shouldn't have, and because of that people have died, but did you ever stop to consider MY FEELINGS?!
TBF, it's Legends of Tomorrow fault. I thought the whole arc in season 3 where she slowly accept Sara death, becoming a drunk, reconnecting with his father was the decent part of her story. Alas, it's all went out of the window.
The only good part of bringing Sara back is that it gave reason to Constantine. Other than that, I don't understand why they just didn't use the multiverse reasoning to bring her back. Let just say this Sara is from another Earth
I know I brought someone back to life when I shouldn't have, and because of that people have died, but did you ever stop to consider MY FEELINGS?!
i assumed it was a map of the city separated into sectionsYea wish somebody just bodied Felicity. Shame it's not Laurel who fecks off as well. Only positive of this shit was Black Canary's tits but they're gone as well now, boo.
I can't understand what's happened at the end though, with Darhk and this map of some sort, anybody?
I know I brought someone back to life when I shouldn't have, and because of that people have died, but did you ever stop to consider MY FEELINGS?!
Harsh, but very true. All this set-up for Legends is getting under my skin to be honest.Somebody needs to die soon in this show. There are way too many characters.
And most of them are shit.Somebody needs to die soon in this show. There are way too many characters.
Somebody needs to die soon in this show. There are way too many characters.
It was ok, but yeah, too much of the drama stuff, hate crying whining felecity, especially after they put her on the right path this season.
My guess has now turned to Felicitys mother being the one thats killed. Island stuff was great last week, this week, it was basically two seconds, then back to normal timeline. It was really weird, nothing really happened.
It was nice they put the Ray stuff into the Dahrk storyline, but the characters come and then they go quickly (go of towards Legends show). I understand they need to build towards that and its fine, but its been a lot of time for that with the current storyline not progressed as much.
The shame was Sara basically has the same issue that Thea has which is a copy of what Roy had. Basically same storyline / issue. But what I dont get is they go off shooting HiVE people, but then they try and stop Sara from snapping a guys neck. So shooting them is fine, but neck snap isnt? What?
Mixed episode basically.
Why ? She probably won't appear much in the remaining episodes.
Not seen any of this, is it worth watching? maybe a daft question with a 17 page thread about it.
cheers , I have season one on d/l , I will give it a go.Thought they were going to show her hooking up with Lance
Its a decent show. If you do decide to watch it, from Season 3, watch it together with The Flash. There are some cross over episodes with characters from one show appearing on the other. And Flash is good.
Season 2 is great. Worth it for that alone.Not seen any of this, is it worth watching? maybe a daft question with a 17 page thread about it.
Why ? She probably won't appear much in the remaining episodes.
As far as all the Legends Of Tomorrow set-up episodes go, this was one I actually liked. It was good seeing Ray back, the island flashbacks are still decent, and Dahrk is always entertaining.
What's weird is that 6 episodes into both seasons, I'm preferring Arrow to Flash. I'm just looking forward to all the Legends characters fecking off so that both shows can focus more on their own stories.