The ending suited the season tbh. The last two series ending were fantastic especially last season where the battle with Slade happened in flashbacks and in present time. Felcity, ugh. Forgetting how she managed to figure out how to use the suit so easily and pinpoint where Oliver was falling just like that, but all she does is whine and cry now. They ruined her as a character. She used to be fun, nerdy and have accidental innuendos. Now its crying about every decision Oliver makes like its a surprise, though she had a good speech about fighting to live not to die. Shame.
I actually think theres been a few copouts this season.
Merlyn was dead set against Thea being brought back to life but shes been... normal. What was the fuss about? really hope we see this addressed next season and its a long term thing.
Diggle seemed to accepting of Oliver given Oliver kidnapped his wife, left his daughter unattended. A punch as forgiveness? at least Diggle said he said things wont be the same however Thea should be mad pissed at Merlyn moreso given he drugged her, made her kill Sara, pretty much leading to Oliver having to sacrifice his life. I actually think Lance reaction has made the most sense given his daugthers death was kept from him. Hmmm.
Also hate the whole "I didnt tell you to protect you" line. It never makes sense given the people are already in danger anyway, never understand what keeping the secret actually achieved.
Maybe im too critical? There were a few good things, so heres some positives:
Merlyn as R'as was a decent way to take things I thought (hopefully he can make them badass rather than some of the worst fighters ever lol). Speedy

Diggle is awesome and I liked Flash on this show, "you guys have a hottub" rofl. Im still a bit confused about the timeline and how Oli managed to get to Central City and back to Nanda parbat, hmm, but not caring too much since it brought good stuff on both shows with the crossover. Also think Brandon Routh has been fantastic and glad hes going to be part of the new show.
All in all, I agree it seemed like a series finale rather than season finale.