Television Arrested Development

Michael: It's a British expression. Like they say "go-up box" instead of "elevator."
Tobias: Oh, like when they say "poofter" to mean "tourist."


one of the ones I was just thinking about the other day randomly at work.
Tobias after his hair transplant: "Oh, I can just taste those meaty, leading man parts in my mouth" :lol:
I've spent the last 2 days watching Arrested Development while I recover from my back injury. I forgot exactly how funny the show was. I had to stop watching it at times because the laughing would hurt my back.
While I was laid up in bed, I watched the first 2 seasons. I then hobbled downstairs to get the third season, only to find out that it wasn't there. I forgot I let a friend borrow it a few months ago. Quite disappointing.
Any one seen Mr.Show the sketch show written and starring David Cross?

Yes, I have - half brilliant, half utterly shite!

Anyway, I'm crawling back to the warm loving arms of AD right now to soothe my mind after tonight's debacle...:mad:

"why go to a banana stand when we can make your banana stand?"

"Don't worry, these young ladies have been nowhere near the bananas" :lol:
Yes, I have - half brilliant, half utterly shite!

Anyway, I'm crawling back to the warm loving arms of AD right now to soothe my mind after tonight's debacle...:mad:

"why go to a banana stand when we can make your banana stand?"

"Don't worry, these young ladies have been nowhere near the bananas" :lol:

Yeah it was half student improv night and half brilliant. The way all the sketches were connected was a nice touch though. Worth watching though.

Gob: Hey, maybe that's it. Maybe we should do to the Japanese what they do in their movies. Build a miniature city, put it outside the window, tell them it's far away. It'll look real if you squint. God knows they're squinters. What do you think, dad? A whole, tiny town. :lol:
Lucille (to strippers): You boys know how to shovel coal?
Narrator: I don't even want to to tell you what these guys thought that meant.
Oh Tobias, you blow hard.

Michael: "I am not going to turn this mock trial into some sort of-"

Gob: You were going to say 'mockery' weren't you?

Michael: "I was in trouble, like 3 words into that"
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog

Who can say that three times, really fast?

I crack up everytime I hear the name Bob Loblaw.
The third series was a bit shit (compared to the first two). Movie spin offs are generally a bad idea.
They are, and AD isn't really something I'd immediately think was good for a film version, it's a very TV literate TV thing, but I felt the 3rd season ended on a bum note. It got far too meta, and it was meta to feck to begin with as it is...I just want to see another episode of it.

btw, did anyone actually see Running Wilde?...Is it worth downloa...err...buying on DVD when it comes out?
Shouldn't feel sorry for Hurwitz because Running Wilde was awful and AD got a good should be Bryan Fuller you feel sorry for, although again, Fuller is the prime example of making a movie from a TV series being awful.
From that it says he wrote on Star Treck: Voyager, the 2nd series of Heroes and created Pushing Daisies....He sounds like an awful, awful human being.
Pushing Daisies was fabulous, as was Dead Like Me as was Wonderfalls. Which are his three shows. He's also a cool dude.
I don't think season 3 is as bad as many people make out. I still enjoyed it immensely.
It contained some of their best lines (like I said above analrapist and Bob LobLaw are fantastic throw aways) but I just felt the whole story/drive of the series was a bit flat. The retarded girlfriend thing didn't work for me, neither did the Saddam look-a-likes and the last few episodes where they were saying things like "HBO won't takes us" and "maybe we're just not relatable" just seemed too close to breaking the forth wall to me...It was all painfully wink wink.

But it wasn't awful by any standards though...Some of it was fantastic. It also wasn't their fault, they were clearly being fecked around and not writing about what they wanted to write about.
The retarded 'British' girlfriend thing was one of the worst ideas in the history of television.
"television" that includes Robbie Coltrane's B Road Britain? That's a bold claim.
And Miranda.

The retarded 'British' girlfriend thing was one of the worst ideas in the history of television.

Agreed...The whole Wee Britain thing was weird, and very out of sink with the first 2 seasons I felt (it was a Simpsons-esque gag....Bad Simpsons. Series 14 and which I mean cartoon and hackneyed) But then I'd kill to come up with the analrapist gag. I'd kill you in fact.
Maebe didn't get sexy as she got older. Just in case anyone thought that was where that was going. She's munt.
Yeah she had freckly potential. She just got fat. I probably still would....As I would the speccy one who always showed her tits...whose name or role completely escape me at the moment. I'm going to call her tit girl.
Yeah she had freckly potential. She just got fat. I probably still would....As I would the speccy one who always showed her tits...whose name or role completely escape me at the moment. I'm going to call her tit girl.

Oh yeah, I still definitely would. I just wouldn't force her to tattoo my name on her face.

Yeah, the speccy bird is quite sexy in real life.
Just saying his name over and over again is amusing, and randomly calls up an image of Buster running around with a hook for a hand screaming "I'm a monster!!"

Fatty McGoo is in no way as good a name as Bob Loblaw though.

The whole Bob Loblaw thing was a stroke of genius. Especially with Scott Baio replacing Henry Winkler to skew younger and the whole bit with the commercial. There's at least three layers of comedy all wrapped in one package there.

That's what I love about the whole show. Even in all the stupid bits there's another layer. The stuff with the retarded girlfriend isn't exactly well received, but there's that moment where she sits up on the WEE BRITAIN park bench and it says WEE BR***AIN
The thing with the retarded girlfriend...It wasn't that it was in bad taste (which a lot of the usual nay sayers complained about) it was just that it wasn't done very well...It wasn't convincing, or very interesting, or very funny. When you've got a character like Buster, or even GOB, who are clearly slightly mentally retarded anyway, a slightly dull girl who says very little doesn't really make any kind of impact...

One of my favorite scenes in the whole thing is possibly when GOB is trying to blag he knows his wife's name when Michael challenges him and just comes up with "Crindy"...and Michael says "She's not called Crindy" so he looks at the paper and reads out the lawyers name instead....And then when he sees her later, he reads her US Army tag and says "hello.....ooosarmy". :lol:

..I mean with that kind of shit, a girl who says slightly dim things isn't going to be that interesting.
The whole retarded girlfriend thing was a bit weak, but it did lead to the family kidnapping her in the cabin, drugging her and leaving her on a park bench, that whole bit was just fantastic. "We're nice!"
Running Wilde was onto a loser from the start with an absolutely awful premise, rich, selfish never worked a day guy meets a woman his complete opposite, bla bla bla. That said it had a few funny moments because of Will Arnett mainly and the poorly used but ever trying Peter Serafinawicz but the characters were all so badly written it didn't really make much difference. The cancellation wasn't a suprise and brilliantly it means Will Arnett is free to come back to 30 Rock.

The animated series Hurwitz did with Arnett and Bateman was much better than Running Wilde (although not a patch on AD) but again only lasted 13 episodes, it's available to on the internet. Forgot to mention it's called sit down shut up.

The Rita story was a bit underwhelming by their standards but I can understand Michael wanting to play cricket with her, I'm not sure I could say no to a retarded Charlize Theron.
The thing with the retarded girlfriend...It wasn't that it was in bad taste (which a lot of the usual nay sayers complained about) it was just that it wasn't done very well...It wasn't convincing, or very interesting, or very funny. When you've got a character like Buster, or even GOB, who are clearly slightly mentally retarded anyway, a slightly dull girl who says very little doesn't really make any kind of impact...

One of my favorite scenes in the whole thing is possibly when GOB is trying to blag he knows his wife's name when Michael challenges him and just comes up with "Crindy"...and Michael says "She's not called Crindy" so he looks at the paper and reads out the lawyers name instead....And then when he sees her later, he reads her US Army tag and says "hello.....ooosarmy". :lol:

..I mean with that kind of shit, a girl who says slightly dim things isn't going to be that interesting.

Yeah to this day I refer to the US Army as "oosarmy" and people always crack up when they get it.

I think the Rita bit just dragged on a little too long. If they had kept it short it probably would just be an afterthought.

I personally do like the third season a lot because that's when they pretty much resigned themselves to getting canceled and just started ramping the shit out of the self-referential jokes and parodying other shows like they just didn't give a shit at all and had every intention of being as ridiculous as possible on their way off the air.
I think the Rita bit just dragged on a little too long. If they had kept it short it probably would just be an afterthought..

I think the reason for that was again part of trying to get better ratings, by pardoying the lengths shows go to to address ailing ratings, in this case guest stars...Drafting in Charlize Theron meant they had to milk her...If it'd been a contained story line, possibly with GOB as the bloke, and a relatively low key actress, it could've worked...As it was they made her a big role probably because they'd got Charlize Theron...

Speculating a bit though....Also Tobias doesn't seem to do that much in this season...Compared to the Blue man stuff, and and the Mrs Doubtfire shit from earlier seasons...This is part of my reason for finding it less memorable I reckons.
I think the reason for that was again part of trying to get better ratings, by pardoying the lengths shows go to to address ailing ratings, in this case guest stars...Drafting in Charlize Theron meant they had to milk her...If it'd been a contained story line, possibly with GOB as the bloke, and a relatively low key actress, it could've worked...As it was they made her a big role probably because they'd got Charlize Theron...

Speculating a bit though....Also Tobias doesn't seem to do that much in this season...Compared to the Blue man stuff, and and the Mrs Doubtfire shit from earlier seasons...This is part of my reason for finding it less memorable I reckons.

Well they had that dinner episode where they had about 20 different guest stars and started the episode with quarter frames saying someone was going to die. At that point I don't think there was a chance ratings would pick up since it would be too hard to get into the show that late. No idea why I'm bringing that up. I just found it amusing.

Tobias had the hair transplant and the graft vs host disease (and of course the jet pack scene) in the third season, but other than that I don't think he was around much.
This is my favourite moment from the entire show:

I swear I rolled on the floor for ten minutes after seeing that. Eventually I also found out that it was in fact a bit of a meta thing, as the guy who played Buster was in a car commercial with Domo Arigato, which made it even better.