Television Arrested Development

Jay put them in spoilers!

The letter one I've seen, had me in stitches :lol:

Elvis, for a man with good taste in TV shows, I find it hard to believe that you haven't seen all these episodes at least twice. Shame on you. Get on it.

On a completely unrelated note I noticed that when you call me Jay it takes me a while to process that you're referring to me. Maybe it's just late here.
I really like the third actually. I actually really enjoyed the over-the-top circusy nature of it all.

Some of the Mr. F stuff, the Mock Trial and the shots at FOX were funny. I just found that even though it was the shortest season of the lot, it dragged on. I own all 3 seasons on DVD and I watch episodes from the first and season season constantly...the 3rd though, not so much

I did like the episode with the hooker/sister

'Nellie has blown them all away'
Something that says "leather daddy"?




Down to the last 5 episodes of Season 3, I feel sad I'm approaching the end.

This however, has me in stitches each time I watch it.

"I'm afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so now I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands..."
"Michael, you are quite the cupid. You can stick an arrow in my buttocks any time. "
Finished it. Fantastic series, shame it was only 3 seasons. Looking forward to the movie now.

So many great moments, I couldn't pick a favourite.
Finished it. Fantastic series, shame it was only 3 seasons. Looking forward to the movie now.

So many great moments, I couldn't pick a favourite.

The jetpack scene always makes me laugh when I think about it :lol:
Buster: Let me go with you. I was trained by Army. I speak the language.
Michael: You speak Arabic?
Buster: La-ach-ha-tem.
Michael: What’s that mean?
Buster: No, I was just clearing my throat, but I think it actually does mean “laundry” but like a child’s laundry. We don’t really have a word for it.

That had me in stiches for about 5 minutes afterwards. :lol:
"Franklin said some things Whitey wasn’t ready to hear...He also said some things that African-American-y wasn’t ready to hear either."
The dolls are great too. "I wine 'em and 'em, but I don't let them tell me what to do-I DON'T. LET THEM TELL ME. WHAT TO DO."
The banners they put up for their parties kill me every time.