Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

What I disliked about the first episode was a combination of cheap looking effects (the fight scenes were dreadful, the blood spurts were silly) and poor writing, with some really stupid dialogue (when the Thracians go into battle and call their enemies cnuts and say they'll feck their families and so on). I just wasn't taken aback or anything and given how much it had been hyped up on here, I guess my expectations were high.
Yep, all things I hated too.

The thing is, those are basically the only big 'war' scenes in season one, and yeah, they look terrible (by season three they look far better) and purely have extremely vulgar dialogue for the sake of it. For the most part the rest of the season is confined to Batiatus' house and the arenas and it looks far less cheap and the fight scenes are MUCH better.You also get used to the slow-mo and CGI blood which work way better in the arena.

The dialogue also improves massively, far less emphasis on being vulgar and far more on being witty, especially when Batiatus and Ashur are involved (the two best characters in S1).

Trust me, by the time it gets to episode six, there are loads of little plot strands, deceit and clever twists going around that eventually lead up to an absolutely explosive finale where basically everything comes together and culminates brilliantly.

I can't stress enough how much better this show gets.
@ RiP

Spartacus is not a higher cultural experience but stick with it and it won't long until you find yourself crying 'CRIXUSSSSSS' as you blow your beans inside your missus!
My postings in the thread at the time, sums up how good it gets.

2 episodes in
It's complete tripe compared to Rome.
4 episodes in
Anyway, I've watched 4 episodes, and I shan't draw comparisons with Rome any longer, because in its own way it is great entertainment. I mean sure, the plot is very thin, the CGI is poor and the acting can be very suspect at times, but it's steadily improving and is generally fun, gorey, filthy and sadistically brutal entertainment, with tits thrown in everywhere for good measure.

It's the sort of show I'd deem as a 'guilty pleasure'.
8/9 episodes in
It's fantastic TV now. The difference in quality between the first episode and the latest is staggering.
Yeah I've watched 4 episodes and I'm exactly where you were Cina :lol: I'll keep with it anyway, it's entertaining. I stopped comparing it to Rome about 20 seconds into the pilot though! :D
Anyone watching "Helix"? the new Sify tv series?

3 episodes aired so far, and it's terrible, typical lab sci-fi cliche. (expected better based on battlestar galactica)... so i recommend it you if one of your guilty pleasures is to watch shitty tv-shows to fill the gaps between good tv shows.

Anyone watching "Helix"? the new Sify tv series?

3 episodes aired so far, and it's terrible, typical lab sci-fi cliche. (expected better based on battlestar galactica)... so i recommend it you if one of your guilty pleasures is to watch shitty tv-shows to fill the gaps between good tv shows.

I love watching crappy Sify, I will be watching this.
I watched the first season of Modern Family and thought meh. But for some reason I kept coming back to it, I really enjoyed Season 2. Season 3 is ok so far. The back bone of the show for me is Phil and Manny.

I watched the first two seasons of Suits and felt how Rooney in Paris did. I can't watch these shows were something ridiculous happens every episode. Scandal was the same. I'm on Season 2 of Deadwood so far hopefully it maintains it's quality.
Meh, I've watched half of season 3 as well.

Can't wait for the show to resume!!!
Suits was on again the other night (poker episode) so I gave it another try. I know it would've been later on and I wouldn't have appreciated the context, but it strikes me that if you don't think the guys are cool, and if you don't care that the women are fit, it immediately loses a lot of its appeal.
Suits was on again the other night (poker episode) so I gave it another try. I know it would've been later on and I wouldn't have appreciated the context, but it strikes me that if you don't think the guys are cool, and if you don't care that the women are fit, it immediately loses a lot of its appeal.

Yep. It's a show full of douchebags that aren't funny. That's all I get out of it. One episode was my limit.
Well done to him. I deleted Spartacus after 2 episodes!
The first few episodes of Spartacus are quite mediocre indeed. It gets better as the show goes on and as characters are fleshed out. My disappointment after my initial viewing is long gone, I'm enjoying it now. Just don't really like the visuals (slow mos, blood spurts, a lot of backgrounds that look cheapish).
The first few episodes of Spartacus are quite mediocre indeed. It gets better as the show goes on and as characters are fleshed out. My disappointment after my initial viewing is long gone, I'm enjoying it now. Just don't really like the visuals (slow mos, blood spurts, a lot of backgrounds that look cheapish).

i hope this apply to Black Sails as well... Stopped watching the first episode after 20 minutes.
Finished Spartacus season 1, enjoyed it. Gonna carry on with it. I saw there's like a mini series dedicated to the story of House Batiatus, should I watch it or is it a waste of time?
Finished Spartacus season 1, enjoyed it. Gonna carry on with it. I saw there's like a mini series dedicated to the story of House Batiatus, should I watch it or is it a waste of time?

Yeah, you should definitely watch it. Great TV and it gives important background.
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Finished Spartacus season 1, enjoyed it. Gonna carry on with it. I saw there's like a mini series dedicated to the story of House Batiatus, should I watch it or is it a waste of time?
Yes, I would watch it. Technically you can still understand the rest without that but you will enjoy the following seasons more if you do watch it. Plus, its only 6 eps.
anybody watching Hell on Wheels?, from what I have seen, it looks pretty good.

I watched about 15 minutes of the pilot but then the missus decided she didn't like it and turned it off. Too violent, allegedly.

Those 15 minutes were great though. So should I start watching it?
Yeah, you should definitely watch it. Great TV and it gives important background.
Yes, I would watch it. Technically you can still understand the rest without that but you will enjoy the following seasons more if you do watch it. Plus, its only 6 eps.
And damn it, saw your posts afterwards, I've already started watching season 2 as I couldn't wait to see the sequel to Spartacus' adventures. Should I put it on hold and go back to it after watching those 6 episodes or can they be watched once I've finished the main story?

Sidenote: the actor they chose to replace Spartacus, I'm not feeling it. Loved the one in the first season, so sad he died :(
And damn it, saw your posts afterwards, I've already started watching season 2 as I couldn't wait to see the sequel to Spartacus' adventures. Should I put it on hold and go back to it after watching those 6 episodes or can they be watched once I've finished the main story?

Sidenote: the actor they chose to replace Spartacus, I'm not feeling it. Loved the one in the first season, so sad he died :(

Yeah, I edited the post because I didn't want to hint at anything but it's fairly important that you watch the prequel in my opinion. More John Hannah as well so you can't really go wrong.

Felt the same way about the new Spartacus btw but he really comes into his own. I think like with any recasting there's a period of readjustment that just feels weird and unnatural, but by the end chances are you'll realise he did a great job of pulling off the sort of character the writers were aiming for during the last season. The Spartacus character is slightly different to the one Whitfield was acting out by then and I think the new actor was well suited.
And damn it, saw your posts afterwards, I've already started watching season 2 as I couldn't wait to see the sequel to Spartacus' adventures. Should I put it on hold and go back to it after watching those 6 episodes or can they be watched once I've finished the main story?

Sidenote: the actor they chose to replace Spartacus, I'm not feeling it. Loved the one in the first season, so sad he died :(
I would go back and watch it. Without spoiling it, I say this because a character will appear at some point and is integral to the story and you will appreciate him more if you see the 6 episodes. It would just make sense and to be honest, I thought that was a great 6 eps.

Yes, I felt the same about the replacement but it gets better. He comes into his own in the final season.
Ok ok I'm as convinced as I am about Mata joining Utd, I'll put season 2 on hold and watch it. Plus you're right, John Hannah was superb so it'll be good to see him some more.

As for the replacement, indeed it's about readjusting I guess, I'd really grown fond of Spartacus of season 1, it's just weird. Mira is hot though. :drool:
Good stuff. Yeah, he'll almost certainly grow on you by season 4. It helps a lot that the circumstances are different because it makes it easier to accept the new actor.

The thing I liked about the new Spartacus was (don't read RiP):

...the adjustment from rebel slave and famous gladiator to more of a God on earth type character. Where as Whitfield's Spartacus was more about revenge, the character Liam McIntye was acting out was more like some sort of powerful, benevolent prophet. I'm sure Whitfield would've done a great job of this, but a lot of credit has to go to McIntyre for playing that role well in his own right - I thought he nailed the sort of presence required for that type of character. On top of that, there's obviously the death scene and how hard that hit, which would've had nothing like the same effect had he not claimed the role by then.
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Ok ok I'm as convinced as I am about Mata joining Utd, I'll put season 2 on hold and watch it. Plus you're right, John Hannah was superb so it'll be good to see him some more.

As for the replacement, indeed it's about readjusting I guess, I'd really grown fond of Spartacus of season 1, it's just weird. Mira is hot though. :drool:
Wait til you see her in S2.

Honestly though, S2 is the weakest of the bunch, very much a transition season, so stick by it. S3 on the other hand is incredible.

GotA is well worth the watch, too.
I've recently watched the first couple of episodes of Masters of Sex, it's alright but I've yet to see it's real appeal beyond Lizzy Caplan's tight dresses and occasional nudity.
Just finished the first season of 30 Rock, didn't go in with high expectations, but boy does it have me in stitches. Tina Fey and Baldwin are great in it, but the people who steal the show for me are Tracey and Kenneth, I laugh almost every time they come on the screen.
Just finished the first season of 30 Rock, didn't go in with high expectations, but boy does it have me in stitches. Tina Fey and Baldwin are great in it, but the people who steal the show for me are Tracey and Kenneth, I laugh almost every time they come on the screen.

Kenneth is great. I've seen the actor who plays Kenneth on Conan and realized he plays an only very slightly more Southern and naive version of himself