Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

The West Wing is literaly miles better than anything else listed above. A few of which I wouldnt rate at all (Arrow is shocking).

Im presuming you've seen The Wire and The Sopranos so a few other suggestions couple are a bit obvious but all are miles better than most of the current shows, must see's if you havent already....(im a hbo fanboi at this stage it must be said).

Generation Kill
The Shield
The Fall
The Pacific
Six Feet Under

That was the Gillian Anderson show wasn't it? Yeah, that was good.

Anyone looking for something similar Red Riding is worth a watch. 3 part series with a great cast.
The thing is, Parks and Rec builds up a town of characters you could recognize through their dialogue alone. You don't delve as deep into the characters as you do Mark and Jeremy on Peep Show but you meet more recurring characters with actual personality instead.

UK Office is different. Shorter, more grounded, just more British. It really did a great job of portraying a fairly typical office in the UK while managing to be hilarious. Due to the nature of it's audience (you know.. Americans) and the fact that each season has a ton more episodes then the US definitely has more room to delve into storylines and build up character humour which wasn't as easily done in the UK one. As a result the characters are less believable and towards the end almost become caricatures of themselves which is a shame.

For 3/4 seasons though it's some of the best comedy I've seen - incredibly entertaining and tons of laughs. I recommend it for sure, though like Parks and Rec the first season is something you just have to 'get past'.

And yeah, that bit was fecking hilarious. I don't think the word 'minge' has ever been used so perfectly. :lol:

Yep. :lol: Quality delivery with that and the Scotch egg; she did so well not to laugh. There's a bloopers reel on Youtube of that similar scene with him and Tim and they had to redo it so many times because Freeman couldn't control himself. Keith was underused!

Cheers for that, it's definitely on the list. I'm gonna look more into Adult Swim first, then go for Trailer Park Boys, and then The Office US will be next after that. I'm running pretty short on funny shit to watch after that... At that point I'll possibly try Suits again to redeem my humanity. ;)
I gave Suits a second shot after my post yesterday and went til the end of episode 6. Now I have to watch it til the end, cos it's getting to the point where it's so bad it's good. The plots are incredibly stupid, it's unfunny and it tries so hard to be classy and slick that it just ends up being douchy.

Honestly, I'm surprised and disappointed (or angry and confused!!) about it, I'd heard so many good things about Suits that I was sure I was going to enjoy it. What is it about it that its fans like so much?
I gave Suits a second shot after my post yesterday and went til the end of episode 6. Now I have to watch it til the end, cos it's getting to the point where it's so bad it's good. The plots are incredibly stupid, it's unfunny and it tries so hard to be classy and slick that it just ends up being douchy.

Honestly, I'm surprised and disappointed (or angry and confused!!) about it, I'd heard so many good things about Suits that I was sure I was going to enjoy it. What is it about it that its fans like so much?

People like it because they dream of a similar shallow life and job, of hot girls and haircuts like the one one of those yuppie douches have. Fantasy.

I can't comprehend why Cina likes it so much.
I was also surprised that Cina liked it, I usually have similar (not always exactly the same but similar) tastes than him but in this instance not at all.

Akash, I'm as surprised as you to be honest, I'd heard so many good things about that the worse I expected was that I'd dislike it. But I don't only dislike it, I find it very poor, and the legal moments infuriate me, it's so stupid. Ah well, to each his own, at least I gave it a shot, just wasn't for me.
People like it because they dream of a similar shallow life and job, of hot girls and haircuts like the one one of those yuppie douches have. Fantasy.

I can't comprehend why Cina likes it so much.
I'll take that as a compliment to my usually awesome taste in TV.

I can't really comprehend why I like it so much either, I guess yeah, it's an easy to watch escape from reality, I do think it's well written and has nice, snappy dialogue, but on the other hand I can see why people wouldn't agree. I think you take an instant like or dislike for characters and that's what sways you.

Suits is a show I can't help but enjoy, I've always called it a guilty pleasure.

Anyway, anyone able to enlighten me on The Bridge/Tunnel/Broen. Which of the three is better and worth watching first? I hear mixed things.
The legal cases in Suits aren't meant to be at all realistic, they're not why people watch the show. They're basically there to keep the show moving along, to bring characters together or as a method to create conflict and drama.

It's an easy, entertaining (for some of us) watch. The character interactions, and the dialogue between them make the show enjoyable enough.
Yeah I can see what you mean about the legal cases, they're still incredibly stupid and as I said they get to move the plot along and portray the guys as awesome lawyers relying solely on a series of deus ex machina that make little to no sense. When they're actually douchebags. Also the cute paralegal just made this big deduction in the last episode about the protagonist's past based on an instant reasoning that made no sense. I really wouldnt call it good writing myself, I find it incredibly lazy.

Now I'm wary of anything else Cina is going to recommend me!
Yeah I can see what you mean about the legal cases, they're still incredibly stupid and as I said they get to move the plot along and portray the guys as awesome lawyers relying solely on a series of deus ex machina that make little to no sense. When they're actually douchebags. Also the cute paralegal just made this big deduction in the last episode about the protagonist's past based on an instant reasoning that made no sense. I really wouldnt call it good writing myself, I find it incredibly lazy.

Now I'm wary of anything else Cina is going to recommend me!
Just watch Spartacus and you'll trust me again.

Although the first three episodes are absolutely useless, but trust me, it gets amazing, and has one of the best finales ever. (9.8 on imdb)

have you watched The Returned, RiP? Being French and all. God, what a glorious show that was.
Oh, and Happy Endings is a great comedy, it starts off as a bit of a modern day Friends wannabe, but by season 2 is transcends into a complete piss take of modern culture, it's fantastic. Damon Wayans Jr is hilarious in it.

Shame it was cancelled, another clever show Americans couldn't get.
Bloody alzheimer's setting in soon Cina? We talked about Happy Endings a while ago, I enjoyed it yeah! (perfect show to watch with the missus also) Another one that is a bit "guilty pleasure" I'd say cos it's easy to criticize its sitcommy rom com style, but when you like the characters it's actually very enjoyable and is great to pass time.

The Returned... does it have French women taking their clothes off in it?
Bloody alzheimer's setting in soon Cina? We talked about Happy Endings a while ago, I enjoyed it yeah! (perfect show to watch with the missus also) Another one that is a bit "guilty pleasure" I'd say cos it's easy to criticize its sitcommy rom com style, but when you like the characters it's actually very enjoyable and is great to pass time.

The Returned... does it have French women taking their clothes off in it?
We did? Oh, good hustle.

Think it's called Les Revenants over there?

It does have boobies in parts, yes.

I have a French colleague who I asked about it and he said he never heard of it, which I found odd, because it's been huge over here, first full series aired on a UK tv station at prime time that was fully subtitled. Canal+ made it I think? I can't recommend it enough, it's so good.
Of course it has titties, France is like a real life HBO like that. Bloody French women.

Funny your colleague hadnt heard of it, it was indeed quite big when it came out and loads of people watched it despite it being on Canal +. I heard mixed reviews, some loved it, some thought it left too many plot holes if I recall correctly. I'll probably try to give it a watch some time though.

Spartacus is the one I fancy the most but as I watch the episodes in the metro I'm just a bit wary of nudity or excessive violence. That being said, screw them.
On the subject of French shows has anyone watched Braquo?

Ive meant to start it a few times but havent got around to it. Looks really good.
My brother loves it, especially season 1 that is brilliant according to him.

Then again he likes Suits so I don't know what to make of that.
My brother loves it, especially season 1 that is brilliant according to him.

Then again he likes Suits so I don't know what to make of that.

Suits is a bit of a head melt alright. Its trys to be a lot of things and doesnt really succeed with any of them.

Im considering a rewatch of Oz. From memory the first 4 seasons were top class then it trailed off and went a tad mental.
The Returned was brilliant.

Although, of course, the Americans are making their own version which will ruin it's reputation and take away from it's potential audience.
Another show that I forgot about is The Americans. I thought it was easily one of the better new shows last year. its also has this fine thing in it...

Halfway through the first episode of Spartacus. Please tell me it gets better.

it gets MUCH better after about 3-4 episodes I think. It starts off really low budget but that soon changes. I felt the same when I first started but am glad I stuck with it
It's about 10 times better by the time it gets to episode 10/11 or so.
The first episode is terrible. Give it time. Think of it like the first/second series of Parks and Rec, it's that high of an improvement between the first 3/4 episodes and the remaining 8.

Im not sure why everyone says this and perhaps I need to re-watch it, but I didn't think the first few were particularly bad, I'm glad they moved away from that slow-mo fighting scenes, but other than that I didn't have much bad to say about it, what did you dislike so much about the first?
What I disliked about the first episode was a combination of cheap looking effects (the fight scenes were dreadful, the blood spurts were silly) and poor writing, with some really stupid dialogue (when the Thracians go into battle and call their enemies cnuts and say they'll feck their families and so on). I just wasn't taken aback or anything and given how much it had been hyped up on here, I guess my expectations were high.