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I watched the first episode of Fringe but didn't really pay full attention to it, it seemed decent but not great.. I said I wasn't hugely fussed about it, so the misses has gone and watched it alone (also said the pilot was merely 'decent') but has ended up watching 12 this week.. So maybe I've missed a trick, although she does like some absolute shit (Gossip Girl!!)
So, Peaky Blinders is meant to be awesome. Only 4 episodes so I can probably watch all them and then start Battlestar or Carnivale tomorow. Still haven't decided which, Battlestar is on Netflix so is more convenient but there is a lot more episodes to get through.
Me and the misses started watching the US version of Shameless today. We both really enjoyed the pilot, she came in never seeing the original though whereas I've seen lots of them. Obviously it's trying to be the original, which sometimes can be really frustrating (US Office pilot/s01) but it didn't bother me at all here. It seems good fun, anybody here watched it?
Battlestar is excellent, never watched Carnivale, heard good things about it, I just dont like watching stuff that gets cancelled without a decent ending.