Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

What about shows that started out good/great and then you should stop watching...

Many of these shows are a tier or two below the likes of the Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, but we can't just talk about them.

Prison Break season 1+2. Then stop watching. (Many will say 2 isnt as good as 1, which is true, but its worth watching. Just stop there.)
Heroes season 1. Then stop watching.
Lost season 1-3. Then stop watching. (Many will say 3 isn't as good as 1 or 2, the first 8 episodes in particular are dull, and depending on whether your a fan or not 2 and 1 will be switchable. Then stop watching.) (Actually season 4 was pretty good too in places, but season 3 ends better).
Pushing Daisies season 1. They didnt make any more so you have to stop there.
Firefly season 1. They didnt make any more so you have to stop there. Although there is a film.
Buffy season 2-6. I'm not sure if this should be included, but its ground breaking in its own right so deserves its place.
Fraiser season 2-10. After hundreds of episodes of the same jokes it gets old.
It's not airing in France until 2014, which probably means 2015 for subtitles, therefore I have no choice but to learn French fully in the next five months.

I think Channel 4 said they bought the rights to show it at the same time as in France, but that that's likely to be late 2014 anyway.
Hmm.. so Carnivale has a vote and I take it The Returned has some tol.

Sons of Anarchy I thought was awful whoever mentioned it. The acting was awful and it just felt cheesy.. only saw 3 episodes so maybe didnt give it enough of a chance.

Shield is one I should probably watch.. a lot of episodes and it looked pretty dated when I last tried.. although I thought that with The Wire and Sopranos but stuck with them.
I've started watching The West Wing, am enjoying it.

Alock, I'd recommend you give The Shield a serious go: I read your list on the previous page, you seem to have very similar taste to me as far as series go, I think you'd enjoy The Shield. It's also the show with one of the best endings ever. It's gripping, not really realistic, but you really get sucked in and at times just can't stop watching.
They made a season 2. Not as good as the first season if I remember rightly but the clown episode was incredible.

They did!? Did I watch that?

I remember that in the end, the final episodes were aired in the UK before America (America having cancelled it and pulled it). For some reason I thought that was Season 1.
Out of Rome, The Wire, and The Sopranos, which one should I watch first? Heard great things about all of them, but not sure where to start. Loved Spartacus and I heard Rome is even better, although there are only 2 seasons. Already seen pretty much all the other main ones like Game of Thrones (best one IMO), Breaking Bad, Dexter, Prison Break, Sherlock (brilliant show, only 6 episodes though so far), Spartacus, Walking Dead, Suits, and then loads of comedies.
Also, how do Sons of Anarchy and Boardwalk Empire compare to the other shows I mentioned? Debating on starting those, although I really don't like Steve Buscemi. His face bothers me.
Out of Rome, The Wire, and The Sopranos, which one should I watch first? Heard great things about all of them, but not sure where to start. Loved Spartacus and I heard Rome is even better, although there are only 2 seasons. Already seen pretty much all the other main ones like Game of Thrones (best one IMO), Breaking Bad, Dexter, Prison Break, Sherlock (brilliant show, only 6 episodes though so far), Spartacus, Walking Dead, Suits, and then loads of comedies.
Also, how do Sons of Anarchy and Boardwalk Empire compare to the other shows I mentioned? Debating on starting those, although I really don't like Steve Buscemi. His face bothers me.

The Wire or Sopranos. Never seen Rome.

The Wire is great but it's slow, I tried to watch Sons Of Anarchy when I finished The Wire and I'd rather watch someone taking a shit. They are not even comparable.

Watched the first season of Boardwalk and wasn't particularly impressed.

Anyone seen Battlestar Galactica? I just started watching it yesterday but haven't finishe the first episode yet.

Edit: Watch The Shield. See RIP's post above.
Out of Rome, The Wire, and The Sopranos, which one should I watch first? Heard great things about all of them, but not sure where to start. Loved Spartacus and I heard Rome is even better, although there are only 2 seasons. Already seen pretty much all the other main ones like Game of Thrones (best one IMO), Breaking Bad, Dexter, Prison Break, Sherlock (brilliant show, only 6 episodes though so far), Spartacus, Walking Dead, Suits, and then loads of comedies.
Also, how do Sons of Anarchy and Boardwalk Empire compare to the other shows I mentioned? Debating on starting those, although I really don't like Steve Buscemi. His face bothers me.

You can't go wrong with any of them in any order, to be honest. There's nothing more anyone can say about The Wire or The Sopranos, but I've only recently watched Rome and I'm already thinking of watching it again. It's brilliant, and even more so when you read up about that period afterwards and see how they've worked into the plot what are only partially non-fictional characters at best. I just assumed the writers had a fairly set in stone course to go down but some of the best parts of the show are fictional events they've built around the real ones.

Great cast, as well - probably my second favourite. I said earlier in this thread that I didn't think anyone stood out or stole the show but that's more because the quality is high in general. I think if it had continued at the same standard for 3 more seasons instead of being cancelled then it would've been as good as Breaking Bad. That's a hell of an 'if' though, obviously.
They did!? Did I watch that?

I remember that in the end, the final episodes were aired in the UK before America (America having cancelled it and pulled it). For some reason I thought that was Season 1.

Yup. Ummm I don't know.

That's right I think the 13 episodes of the second season took about a year to air in the US.

Could only find it in foreignglish but if you watched season 2 you'd remember this scene.
Just watched the first two episodes of Dexter. fecking brilliant start. Can't wait to watch more which is always a good sign.
Just watched the first two episodes of Dexter. fecking brilliant start. Can't wait to watch more which is always a good sign.

I genuinely prefer season 1-4 of Dexter than season 1-4 of Breaking Bad, maybe even completely.

It's not better for sure, but I probably enjoyed those 4 seasons of Dexter more than any other drama.
It's like CSi, but instead of Horatio being a total smarmy cock face bastard and insane unreal storylines it's got a magnificent main character and I haven't punched a kitten yet.
I genuinely prefer season 1-4 of Dexter than season 1-4 of Breaking Bad, maybe even completely.

It's not better for sure, but I probably enjoyed those 4 seasons of Dexter more than any other drama.

Watched 3-4 episodes of Dexter, got really bored and never checked back in. Probably not my cup of tea.
I dl'd the first series of Orange is the New Black ahead of our recent vacation and we watched several of the episodes already. Very impressed despite a less than interesting premier. I'd definitely recommend it
The Wire or Sopranos. Never seen Rome.

The Wire is great but it's slow, I tried to watch Sons Of Anarchy when I finished The Wire and I'd rather watch someone taking a shit. They are not even comparable.

Watched the first season of Boardwalk and wasn't particularly impressed.

Anyone seen Battlestar Galactica? I just started watching it yesterday but haven't finishe the first episode yet.

Edit: Watch The Shield. See RIP's post above.
Yes and its great IMO. Ending like everyone would say was a bit meh. By first episode you mean pilot right? 3 hour movie?
Can't choose between Newsroom, Mad Men or Sons Of Anarchy at the moment. Heard good things about all of them but their IMDB synopsis seem dull...
Can't choose between Newsroom, Mad Men or Sons Of Anarchy at the moment. Heard good things about all of them but their IMDB synopsis seem dull...

Newsroom is an easyish watch, there isn't a great deal to it. I think it's an alright program but definitely not deserving of it's 8.5 rating on IMDB. Basically there is a news story each week, and they will try to broadcast it in the 'right way' - ignoring gossip/rumours etc.etc. I think it's more meant to be about the characters interacting and having relationships with one another and stuff, but I find them pretty boring. For me it's a 7/10.

Sons of Anarchy - I've only watched 3 episodes, and while there was some good action scenes it mostly seemed to be full of awful acting and was a little cheesy. I found it all a bit silly, and I'm not a huge fan of the lead (Charlie Dunham - Green Streets main thug). For me, it was a 6/10 being generous - HOWEVER, I know a lot of people who love it and think I'm crazy for disliking it, so maybe you should give it a try.

Mad Men - it's pretty slow, don't expect much to happen in each episode, but in terms of character interactions and dialogue it's great quality. For me, the overall entertainment lacks to put it as one of the best ever like overs do, but I can appreciate how much people like it and what is great about it. 8/10 from me.
Can't choose between Newsroom, Mad Men or Sons Of Anarchy at the moment. Heard good things about all of them but their IMDB synopsis seem dull...
Haven't seen either of the other two, but Mad Men is a very good show if you 'get it'. It's no insult to those who don't like it, it's a slow burner for sure, but if you're engrossed by Don's character, by the writing, the ambiance, you'll love it to bits. Give the first season a shot, if you find it boring then give up, but at least give it a try!
I am a bit stuck with West Wing, in season 4. And now all the other shows have started...
Yes and its great IMO. Ending like everyone would say was a bit meh. By first episode you mean pilot right? 3 hour movie?

It was 90mins on Netflix, so I assume it's a 2 part pilot there.

Wasn't sure about it to start with, as it seemed a bit cheesey and shit. But once I got into the swing of it I really enjoyed it. Will be watching the other pilot tonight.

Some of the stuff that happens in it is pretty shocking, which I didn't expect really. The big blonde woman is a stunner too!

I don't know anything about it, so the less said about the ending the better!
I was going to, but the aspect ratio was 4:3

4:3 dammit Nick! You could've warned me about this!

:lol: When I first started watching it I bought season 1 from HMV on VHS!

I am a bit stuck with West Wing, in season 4. And now all the other shows have started...

Season 5 was a bit of drop, but 6 and 7 are a return to form - Jimmy Smitts and Alan Alda are great when they begin to feature heavily.
I'm just on season 1 of The West Wing, towards the end, it's very enjoyable, the acting and dialogue are great, and it's interesting. Hard to fault it to be honest.
The dialogue becomes a bit too predictable though. They don't always have to do that thing where they all say the same thing and finish each other's sentences.
The dialogue becomes a bit too predictable though. They don't always have to do that thing where they all say the same thing and finish each other's sentences.
I can see that, yeah, Sorkin's a really good writer, but at times he's too good and it can be a bit annoying now and again.
I think I'll give Mad Men or Sons Of Anarchy a go, dependent on which wins the toss of the coin. Newsroom has just become less appealing after reading the last few posts... cheers guys
Just finished Sopranos yesterday and it was brilliant, though I was getting tired of it by the end. Probably ended at the right moment then I guess.

Anyway I need help choosing between Parks and Recreation and Trailer Park Boys.
Just finished Sopranos yesterday and it was brilliant, though I was getting tired of it by the end. Probably ended at the right moment then I guess.

Anyway I need help choosing between Parks and Recreation and Trailer Park Boys.

I agree with the Sopranos. I think it might be down to the fact I watched the entirety of it in a few weeks. Perhaps it would have been better spread out more.
Just finished Sopranos yesterday and it was brilliant, though I was getting tired of it by the end. Probably ended at the right moment then I guess.

Anyway I need help choosing between Parks and Recreation and Trailer Park Boys.
Parks, definitely.

Careful cos season 1 (which is just 6 episodes) isn't really indicative of how good it gets. Get through those 6 episodes, and even if you're not a fan, give season 2 a go. It gets really good after season 1, and even better with the introduction of new characters later on.