Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

Just saw the first episode of Monsieur Spade and quite like it. I hope the remaining episodes live up to it.

Took a while to get used to the fact that certain scenes were flashback scenes but apart from that solid episode.
Just gotten around to watching this now. 4 episodes in. Some of the dialogue is really good, worthy of Dashiell Hammett. Great cast, love these (new to my eyes) actors. Cara Bossom (Teresa) is going to turn into a movie star. She's still very young (19) but has a timeless look about her, you would believe her in any era. Oscar Lesage (Henri), Stanley Weber (Jean-Pierre), Denis Menochet (Chief of Police) - all excellent and bi-lingual. It's a decent "mystery" so far, Clive Owen is doing a good update on Bogart's performance of Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon.

Surprised it's on AMC. They kinda dropped the ball on "prestige" TV after they had such a runaway hit with The Walking Dead. Also surprising how many times we have to see Clive Owen's arse. Of all the arses in this show, his has to be among the last you'd elect to see.

Slight complaint is too many characters are discussed who are off-camera and you can't keep straight who is who, and with the flashbacks, sometimes you can't tell who is who and where they are (Algeria, Bouzouls).

It's been quite enjoyable though.
Don't you mean 1? The US one was shit.
Having loved the UK one (Christmas episode was brilliant/legendary TV), I didn’t watch the US one until a year or so ago.. despite my daughter nagging me to watch it.

It’s different but it’s very good. The depth of decent characters is better in the US one for me, probably because the number of seasons allows them to grow… Uk one (brilliant) is like Fawlty Towers, quality over quantity.
It was cheesy US rubbish. A vehicle for Steve Carell to gurn. A pale shadow of the original.

The UK show doesn't compare to the greatness of the US office. The gurning comment applies far more to Gervais as well.

I call for a threadban, this can't be allowed to stand it's not right.
I’m gonna give Time Bandits a recommend. It’s got Taiki Waititi’s hands all over it so go in expecting his sense of humour. Which I’ll admit has always worked for me. Lisa Kudrow is the star of the show, reminding us she still has great comic timing but all the cast are very watchable. The whole premise works really well in an episodic format, as they jump from era to era, place to place with Apple’s filthy riches well spent on some solid CGI and set design. Some Monty Python vibes too. One to watch and enjoy with your kids.

Just watched the first episode and yeah it's quite funny but no surprise there with Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement involved.

I loved the original film but I can't help feel there's a distinct lack of little people in the series.
Can't disagree more US version more than hold its own against UK version .

Agree. I was expecting it to be awful but it's very entertaining. At this point I'd rate the US one higher as I'm over Gervais (well truth to be told I can't stand the cnut) and the cringe schtick hasn't aged so well for me.
The UK show doesn't compare to the greatness of the US office. The gurning comment applies far more to Gervais as well.

I call for a threadban, this can't be allowed to stand it's not right.
Wait until you hear that I couldn't be bothered to finish Parks and Recs, Schitt's Creek or Lucifer and am struggling with Justified.

I still haven't watched Better Call Saul or Curb Your Enthusiasm although that is largely because we keep watching episode one and my wife then wants to watch something else.
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Just watched the first episode and yeah it's quite funny but no surprise there with Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement involved.

I loved the original film but I can't help feel there's a distinct lack of little people in the series.

Apparently that’s a common complaint. Some people were very cross about this. Didn’t bother me in the slightest and some little people do turn up a few episodes in.
Genuinely two of the best comedy shows ever made.

My god man, you have some terrible takes on TV!
American comedy isn't great. Not sure I've watched one I've really liked since Seinfeld.

Resident Alien was OK for 1 season then tanked.
Hated it. Smug wanker that made Cheers worse.
American comedy isn't great. Not sure I've watched one I've really liked since Seinfeld.

Resident Alien was OK for 1 season then tanked.

I got bored of RA a few episodes in. As for American comedy, can't think of many that I've seen. I've seen plenty of films but not TV. As for humour I think Oz sense of humour is closest to British.
American comedy isn't great. Not sure I've watched one I've really liked since Seinfeld.

Resident Alien was OK for 1 season then tanked.
There was a point in the 90's when Seinfeld, Frasier and Friends were all at their best and I loved all three.

Can't say I've enjoyed many of the 21st century US sitcoms that I've tried. Mind you, the same applies to many of the 21st century UK sitcoms as well. I've reasonably enjoyed some of them on first viewing, but I don't find the comedy sustains multiple viewings before they become more irritating than funny.

I mostly re-watch UK sitcoms from the 70's-90's, and those three US 90's sitcoms I listed, whenever I want to get my comedy fix nowadays. I can re-watch those time and time again and still find them funny and enjoyable.
Apparently that’s a common complaint. Some people were very cross about this. Didn’t bother me in the slightest and some little people do turn up a few episodes in.

Yeah I saw a bit of that afterwards. It was just slightly jarring when they walked in and were all regular sized humans.

I'm really enjoying it but just heard they've cancelled it one month after the season was aired. It's quite wearing the way the multitude of streaming companies are treating TV shows. They're essentially throwing shit at a wall and if it's not an instant success it gets binned.
Just gotten around to watching this now. 4 episodes in. Some of the dialogue is really good, worthy of Dashiell Hammett. Great cast, love these (new to my eyes) actors. Cara Bossom (Teresa) is going to turn into a movie star. She's still very young (19) but has a timeless look about her, you would believe her in any era. Oscar Lesage (Henri), Stanley Weber (Jean-Pierre), Denis Menochet (Chief of Police) - all excellent and bi-lingual. It's a decent "mystery" so far, Clive Owen is doing a good update on Bogart's performance of Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon.

Surprised it's on AMC. They kinda dropped the ball on "prestige" TV after they had such a runaway hit with The Walking Dead. Also surprising how many times we have to see Clive Owen's arse. Of all the arses in this show, his has to be among the last you'd elect to see.

Slight complaint is too many characters are discussed who are off-camera and you can't keep straight who is who, and with the flashbacks, sometimes you can't tell who is who and where they are (Algeria, Bouzouls).

It's been quite enjoyable though.
Finished the final episode of Monsieur Spade. Right up until the last 15 minutes it was a very solid effort. Then they decided to suddenly make the whole thing end like an Agatha Christie novel, or a Knives Out. There were some outrageously badly directed/written scenes (plot spoiler): including the death of the English guy, and the matronly partner was airdropped in from Keeping Up Appearances. I still don’t understand who the black boss was at the end, since we saw the CIA station chief already. The boss had everyone still alive in the story sitting in one room like it was Clue. Then she proceeded to chastise each one of them, none of whom could match her gravitas, and they all — MI6, CIA, SPDEC, OAS — slink away beaten and broken. It literally made no sense.

And the Mahdi element was a Maguffin that felt like they grafted a previous script onto the one they ended up with. I guess that was an homage to The Maltese Falcon (?).


Really did not stick the landing. Left me annoyed.
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Finished the final episode of Monsieur Spade. Right up until the last 15 minutes it was a very solid effort. Then they decided to suddenly make the whole thing end like an Agatha Christie novel, or a Knives Out. There were some outrageously badly directed/written scenes (plot spoiler): including the death of the English guy, and the matronly partner was airdropped in from Keeping Up Appearances. I still don’t understand who the black boss was at the end, since we saw the CIA station chief already. The boss had everyone still alive in the story sitting in one room like it was Clue. Then she proceeded to chastise each one of them, none of whom could match her gravitas, and they all — MI6, CIA, SPDEC, OAS — slink away beaten and broken. It literally made no sense.

And the Mahdi element was a Maguffin that felt like they grafted a previous script onto the one they ended up with. I guess that was an homage to The Maltese Falcon (?).


Really did not stick the landing. Left me annoyed.
I should have warned you:(. I did like most of it but have no idea what the ending was trying to do. That said, I'd be game for another series if they can figure out a lucid story from start to finish.
I should have warned you:(. I did like most of it but have no idea what the ending was trying to do. That said, I'd be game for another series if they can figure out a lucid story from start to finish.
Honestly, what the feck was that ending?

I’d like to see Clive Owen reprise the role, but someone else needs to write it.
Anyone watching Kaos on Netflix? The concept is really cool but I’m two episodes in and it’s rather boring now I’m not sure if I should persist with it.
Anyone watching Kaos on Netflix? The concept is really cool but I’m two episodes in and it’s rather boring now I’m not sure if I should persist with it.
We really enjoyed the whole thing but I did wish that I was a bit more knowledgeable about Greek mythology. There are YouTube videos explaining the family tree and the like but the danger is they also contain spoilers so be careful.
We really enjoyed the whole thing but I did wish that I was a bit more knowledgeable about Greek mythology. There are YouTube videos explaining the family tree and the like but the danger is they also contain spoilers so be careful.

Yeah, it's a bit tricky... I asked GPT about who Orpheus was and I have his plotline spoiled know. I should have tought about that.
What‘s the caf‘s verdict on Fallout? Watched only 20mins of it but seems pretty cool so far. Nice surprise to see Kyle MacLachlan in it.
What‘s the caf‘s verdict on Fallout? Watched only 20mins of it but seems pretty cool so far. Nice surprise to see Kyle MacLachlan in it.
It's decent. The storyline and characters are interesting enough to keep you watching.

If you played Fallout 3 then you'll be glad to hear they did a really good job of recreating the atmosphere of the games. Unlike The Witcher, for example, it actually felt familiar to the game's universe.
Genuinely two of the best comedy shows ever made.

My god man, you have some terrible takes on TV!
I also think that the american Office series was so stupid. Not funny, just stupid. Park and recs was meh.

I thought Succession was very funny at times.

I am disappointed at Tokyo Vice second season. Bit too slow and it does captivate me as season 1.
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What‘s the caf‘s verdict on Fallout? Watched only 20mins of it but seems pretty cool so far. Nice surprise to see Kyle MacLachlan in it.
There’s a thread on it, but if you’re wanting to avoid spoilers I’d say it was a generally positive reception.

Definitely worth a watch if you’re into the post-apocalypse horror comedy-drama type-thing.
Ok, thanks you two.

It's decent. The storyline and characters are interesting enough to keep you watching.

If you played Fallout 3 then you'll be glad to hear they did a really good job of recreating the atmosphere of the games. Unlike The Witcher, for example, it actually felt familiar to the game's universe.
I‘ve played Fallout 4 a good deal, not too seriously but the show did work out the atmosphere and setting pretty good as far as I can tell.