Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

I just can't bring myself to start something new, I constantly crave the nice warm security blanket of a show that I love, even though I know the story off by heart.

I've recently re-watched Dexter, Lost, Stranger Things (each of which I've seen multiple times) and now I'm either re-starting 24 or Prison Break (Can't decide which one yet).

Nothing new has really grabbed me like these shows have, maybe that's because of the 8 episode seasons, or the fact that there are 2 years in between seasons, but nothing really has that buzz any more. When the likes of Lost were about, there were forums dedicated to it, it was a cultural phenomenon, like GoT but I've only watched that once and have no desire to revisit.

I think the only recent series to grab me straight away was "From" which is great.

Have you watched "The leftovers"?

My wife enjoyed it and she was a big fan of "Lost".

I am similar in that I enjoy watching older shows but I have to say I enjoyed "Severance" (though not sure if that counts as a new show as it's a couple of years old , it was just new to me).
I have seen The Umbrella Academy advertised on Netflix for years, but thought it looked juvenile and stupid. Like a low rent Harry Potter knock off.

Then last week, I was hobbled in bed with a back problem for four days and I just started watching it due to a general paucity of other options, only to discover that it’s fecking brilliant and quite possible one of my favourite shows of the last ten years. Just so damn lovable and entertaining in every way.

I watched through season 3 and loved nearly every minute of it. Last couple of days I binged the final season, season 4. A much shorter truncated 6 episode season, and to my horror found that Netflix had done what Netflix does. I guess spiralling budgets and salaries came into play because they absolutely butchered the show and brought it to the most anti-climatic fan betraying conclusion imaginable. It’s like they saw they had three seasons of utter excellence, and a devoted following and said “nah….feck this….we need to save our money for the 20m an episode 3 Body Problem, or the 400 plus million we spent on the Knives out franchise, and let’s not forget the hundreds of millions we’re spending allowing Zak Synder to make atrociously offensive sci-fi”, and they just shit canned the whole thing in the most pathetic way imaginable.

Can’t recommend the first three seasons highly enough, and you kind of have to watch season 4 to get some closure, but be prepared to be outraged. Even the cast have subtly said how disappointed they are in the way Netflix did the series dirty. But Netflix are gonna Netflix. I really despise their strategy, which revolves around new shows bringing new subscribers, but continuing good ones doesn’t add to their numbers, so they let them fizzle out after a couple of seasons.
I just can't bring myself to start something new, I constantly crave the nice warm security blanket of a show that I love, even though I know the story off by heart.

I've recently re-watched Dexter, Lost, Stranger Things (each of which I've seen multiple times) and now I'm either re-starting 24 or Prison Break (Can't decide which one yet).

Nothing new has really grabbed me like these shows have, maybe that's because of the 8 episode seasons, or the fact that there are 2 years in between seasons, but nothing really has that buzz any more. When the likes of Lost were about, there were forums dedicated to it, it was a cultural phenomenon, like GoT but I've only watched that once and have no desire to revisit.

I think the only recent series to grab me straight away was "From" which is great.
There’s some good stuff out there but I know the feeling. I recently watched Dexter and Stranger Things. Dexter is great but gets increasingly stupid, to the point of ridiculousness by the later seasons, and so I gave up. Stranger things, this last season, was really enjoyable. And if you liked that, I am pretty sure you’ll love Umbrella Academy, which is much better than Stranger Things.

I’ve tried recently to watch House of Dragon, but really can’t be bothered with it. I don’t like any of the characters. I’m on the look out for a new show to really grab me, because there’s nothing like finding something you really enjoy and just binging the shit out of if.
Have you watched "The leftovers"?

My wife enjoyed it and she was a big fan of "Lost".

I am similar in that I enjoy watching older shows but I have to say I enjoyed "Severance" (though not sure if that counts as a new show as it's a couple of years old , it was just new to me).
I’ve seen Leftovers mentioned as “Lost-like” but I’ve read the synopsis and it didn’t grab me immediately, so I’ve never bothered.
Bad Monkey, the new show from Bill Lawrence (Scrubs), starring Vince Vaughan and Michelle Monaghan, has started strongly. Part comedy, part murder-mystery set in the Florida Keys and the Caribbean. The dialogue and cinematography are at times reminiscent of The White Lotus but it's more comedically leaning than that show. Streaming on ATV+.
There’s some good stuff out there but I know the feeling. I recently watched Dexter and Stranger Things. Dexter is great but gets increasingly stupid, to the point of ridiculousness by the later seasons, and so I gave up. Stranger things, this last season, was really enjoyable. And if you liked that, I am pretty sure you’ll love Umbrella Academy, which is much better than Stranger Things.
I loved Stranger Things but The Umbrella Academy left me cold. We didn't get through the first season.
I loved Stranger Things but The Umbrella Academy left me cold. We didn't get through the first season.
Funny how these things are. I struggled with Stranger Things, especially the early seasons (I enjoyed the recent one), but I loved Umbrella Academy from about the middle of season one onwards. Loved it.

I really enjoy whacky sci-fi fantasy with an adult edge. I also really liked Doom Patrol as that very much fit that genre. I found Steanger Things far too kid orientated for my liking. I can only take so much of watching kids be the center of a show.
Funny how these things are. I struggled with Stranger Things, especially the early seasons (I enjoyed the recent one), but I loved Umbrella Academy from about the middle of season one onwards. Loved it.
Stranger Things is just great 80's nostalgia fun. For me that is the main pleasure. Plus I hate superheros. I'm struggling through The Boys just to stop my son asking us if we have watched it yet. Stuck about half way through season 3, not hating it but it always gets forgotten when something new comes up. I think we watched only the first episode of The Umbrella Academy and noped out.
Stranger Things is just great 80's nostalgia fun. For me that is the main pleasure. Plus I hate superheros. I'm struggling through The Boys just to stop my son asking us if we have watched it yet. Stuck about half way through season 3, not hating it but it always gets forgotten when something new comes up. I think we watched only the first episode of The Umbrella Academy and noped out.
I can see that about superhero’s and The Boys, but I’ll say that Umbrella Academy isn’t really about them being superhero’s. They hardly do any superhero shit. It’s more about their flaws as people and their family relationships. It’s got a lot of time jumping shenanigans and political stuff in it. But it’s mostly ridiculous and funny. The first couple of episodes didn’t do it for me much either but by midway season 1 I was hooked.
I can see that about superhero’s and The Boys, but I’ll say that Umbrella Academy isn’t really about them being superhero’s. They hardly do any superhero shit. It’s more about their flaws as people and their family relationships. It’s got a lot of time jumping shenanigans and political stuff in it. But it’s mostly ridiculous and funny. The first couple of episodes didn’t do it for me much either but by midway season 1 I was hooked.
Maybe we should try it again then. Although I'm also getting a bit over time/multiverse stuff as well. So ....
Maybe we should try it again then. Although I'm also getting a bit over time/multiverse stuff as well. So ....
Haha, I just started Bodies on Netflix which is literally that. Mainly because it has Stephen Graham in it. A murder mystery set across four separate time periods.
Haha, I just started Bodies on Netflix which is literally that. Mainly because it has Stephen Graham in it. A murder mystery set across four separate time periods.
Watched it. Ok I guess. He was great as usual but ... time stuff .... meh

Dark Matter - better but I started to lose the will to live a bit once the numerous versions of the main character arrived late in the piece.
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Bad Monkey, the new show from Bill Lawrence (Scrubs), starring Vince Vaughan and Michelle Monaghan, has started strongly. Part comedy, part murder-mystery set in the Florida Keys and the Caribbean. The dialogue and cinematography are at times reminiscent of The White Lotus but it's more comedically leaning than that show. Streaming on ATV+.
I'm actually surprised Apple dusted off Vince Vaughn. I personally think he's best his useful date. It worked about 15-20 years ago, now I just find him annoying AF. Just watching the trailer was enough to turn me away. Unfair? Maybe.
Slow Horses AppleTV is so good, it’s got me binging the audiobooks. Show is about a team of MI5 agents who have been relegated to the bottom of the rung, dead end that is Slough House for mistakes in the field. Great characters, in particular Gary Oldman who is superb in the lead role as the rude, unkempt, but brilliant Jackson Lamb. Can’t recommend it and the Mick Herron (books or audiobooks) enough.

I’m also 2 seasons into Snowfall which is great so far but let’s see if it keeps my interest for the entire 6 seasons. But so far so very good.
Watched it. Ok I guess. He was great as usual but ... time stuff .... meh

Dark Matter - better but I started to lose the will to live a bit once the numerous versions of the main character arrived late in the piece.
I felt the same way about Dark Matter
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I’m also 2 seasons into Snowfall which is great so far but let’s see if it keeps my interest for the entire 6 seasons. But so far so very good.
The last season or 2 drop off a bit but plenty good enough to get to the end.
The Leftovers is excellent.
I loved Stranger Things but The Umbrella Academy left me cold. We didn't get through the first season.
Wow, I agree with 2 successive messages of Wibble!!

I really didn't like Umbrella. Gave it 4 episodes I think, but it was just the usual teen fare with very little depth and cartoon like characters. And not a very good looking show either.
Wow, I agree with 2 successive messages of Wibble!!

I really didn't like Umbrella. Gave it 4 episodes I think, but it was just the usual teen fare with very little depth and cartoon like characters. And not a very good looking show either.
I'll have to make a note to pickup my game.
I'm actually surprised Apple dusted off Vince Vaughn. I personally think he's best his useful date. It worked about 15-20 years ago, now I just find him annoying AF. Just watching the trailer was enough to turn me away. Unfair? Maybe.
I also felt the same. Looked like an AI came up with the premise.
I'm actually surprised Apple dusted off Vince Vaughn. I personally think he's best his useful date. It worked about 15-20 years ago, now I just find him annoying AF. Just watching the trailer was enough to turn me away. Unfair? Maybe.
He looks like he's been dipped in a vat of botox and hair dye.
I'm actually surprised Apple dusted off Vince Vaughn. I personally think he's best his useful date. It worked about 15-20 years ago, now I just find him annoying AF. Just watching the trailer was enough to turn me away. Unfair? Maybe.
The Vince Vaughan schtick is alive and well but elevated by Lawrence's script. And there's plenty to enjoy from the ensemble cast.
I quite liked Dark Matter but it was a bit let down by the fact that it followed the book basically to a tee, which also had a pretty poor landing.
Such Brave Girls is great fun. I usually don't care about comedy shows but this show is just off the hinges. Dark dirty humor and great acting.
I'm pretty sure they had even more fun doing it than us watching it.

Edit: Ok, I jinxed it; it got a bit stupid halfway thru the season, guess they used all the best ideas early on. I hope they end it on a high.
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Finished Sugar, 8 eps 30-35 mins long and very easy to watch.
I thought it was very good and most defiantly watch watching.
Really hope they do a multiple seasons, I think there is scope for them.
I am not saying anything about the plot, it has to be watched.
Don't get the love for Sugar. It was okay until the idiotic twist towards the end. It cheapened the whole show. So silly.
I’ve seen Leftovers mentioned as “Lost-like” but I’ve read the synopsis and it didn’t grab me immediately, so I’ve never bothered.
Same here, but I gave it a try. The 1st season was okay I guess, but gave up in the second. It's just silly and cheesy compared to Lost.

Funny how these things are. I struggled with Stranger Things, especially the early seasons (I enjoyed the recent one), but I loved Umbrella Academy from about the middle of season one onwards. Loved it.
What's your major malfunction?
9/10 of the shows people give praise and love here are totally unwatchable.
yeah but if we all enjoyed than same thing, life would be a tad sad.
I like a lot of things that most would not watch, This weekend I have watched Sugar and Elsbeth and enjoyed them both , I would gibe both a solid 8/10, but I can see why the twist in Sugar would not be acceptable to some.
Totally unwatchable is a tad strong dont you think ?