Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

Just finished season 4 of The Wire and I heard before hand it was the best of the lot...I was really disappointed. It wasn't bad but season 2 was much better in my opinion. Last season to go!
Finished all 5 seasons of The Wire over the past few weeks and I really enjoyed it. I don't know what to start next im thinking either The Shield, Sons Of Anarchy or Fringe. Any recommendations?
The Shield. Easily.

I tried to watch SOA after watching The Wire and was sorely disappointed.

Fringe starts out really well, but IMO, it really loses its way sometime around season 3 or 4. Haven't bothered to finish with it yet, although it did start to get a bit more interesting before I tuned out.

So yeah, The Shield.
I couldn't make it past season two of SOA it just ended up feeling like a sort of soap opera with a little bit of action in between 45 mins of up close whispering dialogue. In the last couple of episodes I just started skipping halfway through their conversations.
I was watching The Royle Family last night and it made me realise once more that it's probably the only show I've ever seen that is comparable in terms of standard of acting to The Sopranos and The Wire. It might even be better in that respect. It's obviously a completely different article in that it's a comedy but I just used to watch this when I was younger and love it without realising how outstanding a show it actually was. The writing and acting is just ridiculously good - it obviously goes without saying but it's so easily one of the best shows to have come out of this country. Every single actor is outstanding, and the only criticism I could make of any of them is that I feel the guy who plays Anthony is marginally off the pace every now and then. That's not really a criticism as it is a reflection of how good the show is - I mean that more in the sense that he's the one that can sometimes stand out as being an actor as opposed to an actual person in that living room. With everyone else you have to try and look for it otherwise you're just lost in the brilliance of the show's realism, where as on those very few occasions it has stood out ever so slightly with him (this really is reaching to find fault though because I can only think of two occasions off the top of my head). I don't know how they pull Dave's character off given this to be honest, it's just amazing. He's almost completely retarded by the third season but it still fits. :wenger:

Pity that the last few episodes were so poor in every way by comparison, but then again they were just one offs and not part of the main series. By that time they really had turned Dave into a retard and the whole show had declined pretty remarkably as a whole. It ended up pretty juvenile in contrast to the absolute work of art it was previously.
Is it just me or has there been little recommendation of Dexter in this thread? The first seasons were excellent.
They were decent but not really a classic.

Not that many shows are classics. I reckon it's a better punt after watching the Wire than Fringe, The Shield or Sons of Anarchy. None of these shows hooks you. At least Dexter does that.
My thoughts on The Sopranos was that it had some amazing episodes that was some of the best on tv but it had a lot of shockers also, it kind of balanced out as average overall.
I started watching Sons Of Anarchy and gave up after 4 episodes, what a load of cheesy shit this show is.
I started watching Sons Of Anarchy and gave up after 4 episodes, what a load of cheesy shit this show is.

I'm going through that at the moment coming towards the end of season 3 & think its pretty good & gets better as it goes on.
I quite enjoyed SOA while watching it but when I look back on it I realise it's a bit shit, especially post season two. It certainly won't last the test of time.
Not that many shows are classics. I reckon it's a better punt after watching the Wire than Fringe, The Shield or Sons of Anarchy. None of these shows hooks you. At least Dexter does that.

wow. Seriously how can someone reach a conclusion like this.

I mean Dexter? Even in its "good seasons" Dexter doesnt deserve to mentioned in the same breath as some of the above shows.

Absolutely shit sub plots and some terrible actors. Each to their own but acting is acting and theres not a lot of it in Dexter imo.
Such disrespect putting the Wire in with Sons of Anarchy, Fringe and Dexter......gimmick shows, good maybe, not bonafide greatness. None of them hook me either, I like smart storytelling, not gimmicks myself. Pointless action or stupid twist doesn't do it for me, since it generally means silliness.
Such disrespect putting the Wire in with Sons of Anarchy, Fringe and Dexter......gimmick shows, good maybe, not bonafide greatness. None of them hook me either, I like smart storytelling, not gimmicks myself. Pointless action or stupid twist doesn't do it for me, since it generally means silliness.

More a case of Personal taste rather than respect in this topic, I'm actually a fan of The Wire but there are several shows I would rank higher. I can enjoy all different types of shows if they are slowly built up like the wire or a daft bit of fun like Chuck it's just about how much it can entertain you in that hour or 2 your watching.
Is it just me or has there been little recommendation of Dexter in this thread? The first seasons were excellent.

Dexter was top notch for a while even if the last few seasons have been ordinary.
Is Luther or Undercover worth watching?

Should I watch Sons of Anarchy?
Luther is good, but it is short. Sons of Anarchy is definitely worth watching.
Just finished the second season of Girls. While some of the characters are crap (Shoshanna especially) and it can be a bit uneven, it's got to be some of the most gutsy and cutting edge TV I've ever seen, and really really clever and funny at times. Without trying to sound too cliche, it really hits the spot of what's happening with a newish generation. That big beaked boyfriend is one of the better characters I've ever seen in fiction.

Can't believe the amount of talent this Lena Dunham possesses. Writing, directing and playing the lead role. And she's like what, 26? feck me, don't think I have the talent to be a best boy grip, or even a gaffer.
Nearly finished watching The Wire for the first time. Just got 4 episodes left.

Not sure about Season 5 to be honest (first disappoinment of the entire show), but still I'm hoping for a good ending. Heard it's good anyway.

It goes without saying really that the show as whole has been absolutely unreal. Season 4 was probably the best, with 1 and 2 not far off. I'm already looking forward to watching it again at some point. Have to admit I found it hard to follow in some parts (mainly the political aspects), was looking up the plots on wikipedia after watching episodes and everything.
Finished all 5 seasons of The Wire over the past few weeks and I really enjoyed it. I don't know what to start next im thinking either The Shield, Sons Of Anarchy or Fringe. Any recommendations?

Go with The Shield. Sons of Anarchy is massively overrated, while Fringe is fairly interesting, but wildly inconsistent.
Nearly finished watching The Wire for the first time. Just got 4 episodes left.

Not sure about Season 5 to be honest (first disappoinment of the entire show), but still I'm hoping for a good ending. Heard it's good anyway.

It goes without saying really that the show as whole has been absolutely unreal. Season 4 was probably the best, with 1 and 2 not far off. I'm already looking forward to watching it again at some point. Have to admit I found it hard to follow in some parts (mainly the political aspects), was looking up the plots on wikipedia after watching episodes and everything.

I was so disappointed by Season 5. The first 4 are up there with the best art ever (music, movies, TV, etc.) However, the last season just didn't pull it off. Many people point to the serial killer theme, but for me, the real problem was the news room angle. For me, it came off as David Simon settling scores, and as a result, was way too earnest and obvious.
My thoughts on The Sopranos was that it had some amazing episodes that was some of the best on tv but it had a lot of shockers also, it kind of balanced out as average overall.

Way better than average. The last two seasons were a bit below par, but everything up until then was unreal. I have never seen a better episode of television than the season finale of the first season (I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano.) Pine Barrens was also legendary.
I started watching Sons Of Anarchy and gave up after 4 episodes, what a load of cheesy shit this show is.

I'm going through that at the moment coming towards the end of season 3 & think its pretty good & gets better as it goes on.

Luther is good, but it is short. Sons of Anarchy is definitely worth watching.

Sons of Anarchy is actually quite a good laugh if you've ever spent time around a proper back patch motorcycle club.

My wife, before I met her, was a full patch member of a club associated with the HA, it's president was actually someone that a few of you may have seen if you've ever watched Scrapheap Challenge, he's known as Bowser and used to be a met Police officer.

When I met her she'd already dropped her patch but we went to a few parties with the likes of The Patriots, HA, Road Rats, was funny as watching the way they behave.
Just finished the second season of Girls. While some of the characters are crap (Shoshanna especially) and it can be a bit uneven, it's got to be some of the most gutsy and cutting edge TV I've ever seen, and really really clever and funny at times. Without trying to sound too cliche, it really hits the spot of what's happening with a newish generation. That big beaked boyfriend is one of the better characters I've ever seen in fiction.

Can't believe the amount of talent this Lena Dunham possesses. Writing, directing and playing the lead role. And she's like what, 26? feck me, don't think I have the talent to be a best boy grip, or even a gaffer.
Agree with this, Girls is a pretty good show, and Shoshanna is mostly annoying. The last season does remind me a lot of Louie though, the way it turns kinda surreal. Dunham also seemed to take her "normal body nudity" concept to comical heights a few times as well. The big beaked boyfriend is the greatest character in the show.
Margaery from GOT was on the Finale of Elementary playing a key role that could make return appearances in the future
I don't know what to watch yet. In the last year I've watched;

Mad Men
Friday Night Lights
Breaking Bad
Revolution - ongoing
The Sopranos
The Walking Dead
Game of Thrones
I have to pick another few shows to add to my bucket as once I start watching I'll go through 3-4 episodes a night.

My current bucketlist is;
The West Wing
The Wire​
bucket stuff