Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

Holy feck, how have I not watched Spartacus before. I'm on the second episode, quite enjoyable.

"one of the best ever" is going a bit far but it's a very, very good show. The first few episodes really let it down because they're mostly a case of throwing as much tits and gore in as possible just to get people interested, but by around episode five or six, the plot actually becomes very clever and intricate (whilst still being full of tits and gore). The second series isn't great, but the third has been fantastic. Certainly one of the best shows on TV but a lot of people do dismiss it because of the fact that it's so vulgar and the CGI is so 300-like.

I've heard The Walking Dead is repetetive as feck, is this true?

Not sure I'd call it repetitive, it's just badly written. it started off really well and descended into a melodrama with the odd bit of zombie killing. The biggest problem really is that the characters are mostly badly written and not very likable, which is disappointing because the comics are great and the corresponding characters are brilliant in them.

I think TWD could've been a top show but it was completely mishandled and is extremely "meh".
I'm now halfway through season 3 and I'm still really enjoying it TBH. I think some of you lads take your TV too seriously. Like at the end of the day it's a Zombie killing apocalypse story. Very few of the characters are alive long enough to see proper depth of development.

From the first show the only ones that I can think of as still being alive now are;
Rick - has seen a lot of development and turned into much more of a cold killer than what he started off as.
Carl - Loads of development from being a scared little boy into the lad who shot his mother to stop her turning - Also hints of a flirtation between him and Beth.
Andrea - Another who has gone from good to bad but still has the ability to be human. Will be interesting to see what happens her in the next few episodes for me.
Meryl - Was gone for a long time so still the same guy.
Daryl - Went from being the bad hill billy racist to being a bit of a legend IMO.
Carol - Not much from Carol.
Glenn - legend status 2.0 from Glenn with how he dealt with his interrogation.
I see loads of development here and as much character mapping as could be done within the boundaries of the show. Of the original characters I think Carl, Daryl, and Glenn are all very likeable. Hershel and Maggie are also very very likeable.
Ok, I've finally finished watching Heroes so it's time to find something new.

Just trawling Netflix and spotted a couple of series that I can't recall having heard of; Anyone seen XIII, Persons Unknown or Breakout Kings?

I was miles behind in my TV watching and I've caught up on a few series so I'm looking forward to being able to join in the convos here in the individual threads without the risk of spoiling it for myself.

I'm making the most of it in the madmen thread but very few seem to be discussing the new episode.


Already in production, expected release date in the US is October.

I see loads of development here and as much character mapping as could be done within the boundaries of the show. Of the original characters I think Carl, Daryl, and Glenn are all very likeable. Hershel and Maggie are also very very likeable.

I can't stand Hershal. Nothing wrong with him and in real life, I would probably listen to him but feck THE VOICE OF REASON. I just want killing and he stops this from happening.
Just got season 1 of The Wire (never fancied it before despite the plaudits it gets) I hope it's as good as people say.
America - Population 250 million. 99% of which are zombies. That's a feck load of zombie killing needed.

The whole premise is kinda stupid though but you just have to get over it. Even if all the dead came back to life in the way described in the show there's no way that the cities would have fallen in real life. Once the army/national guard/police got the orders to protect at all costs then the big cities would be OK.
I think the reason it got so fecked up was because the regular dead were coming back as zombies and thus it spread really quickly. They do seem quite shit at times though - like in season 2 where they all walk up to a 3 plank fence and get stuck until the fence gives.

They should really be killing every single zombie they can though. If all survivors did that they could rip through the millions of them after a while. I know it's an awful lot, but the final plan has to be the eradication of the zombies.

They could just round up the herds of them with a big strong rope and then petrol bomb them.

Another thing that annoys me is that the cars always work even though they have been sitting idle for over a year. I also heard that diesel goes "out of date" after about 6 months or so, but I don't know if this is true or not.
Practically no vehicles in the US run on Diesel, they are all petrol. The big thing would be flat batteries but that would be overcome easily with jumppacks which I have seen in the background in the show.

I do agree though that they could all be killed easily. The US army could send one patrol with a tank and a couple of guys with machine guns and kill a few thousand at a time.

The thing spreading through everyone being infected is a sticky point but once this is known a practice of sticking all the dead's brains Greek Scavenger style would sort that.
Just read that petrol goes "off" as well, but sure.

I agree that the cities wouldn't have fallen as if everyone was just advised to stay in doors for a couple of days the army could just kick ass, but the premise is that they did so that's that.

I'm looking forward to WWZ coming out, the zombies in it look pretty badass. Check out the trailer if you haven't seen it already.
Will do.

Also, I worked in the motor trade for years and often moved cars that may have been parked up for a year or longer with no problems with the fuel. You would have the handbrake stuck on which you would overcome by rocking forward and back on the clutch and the battery would be flat.
Just got season 1 of The Wire (never fancied it before despite the plaudits it gets) I hope it's as good as people say.

Can't tell from your post if you've actually watched any of it. It's every bit as good as people say (the last season was disappointing, but there's 4 seasons of unparalleled brilliance before that.)
The Shield is easily better. 7 seasons as well.

Homeland was great in the first season; very disappointing in the second.

I reckon The Shield is most underrated show ever. It didn't have a weak season, and it made you think as well. I'd say the acting is the only thing that keeps it from reaching The Wire, Breaking Bad or The Sopranos level of brilliance.
Can't tell from your post if you've actually watched any of it. It's every bit as good as people say (the last season was disappointing, but there's 4 seasons of unparalleled brilliance before that.)

Watched the first episode so far and I enjoyed it. Gonna get more watched later tonight.
Watched the first episode so far and I enjoyed it. Gonna get more watched later tonight.

Honestly, I can't tell you what a treat you are in for. And the best thing is that it rewards multiple viewings (you might find it a touch confusing the first time around.) Season 4 is the best season of television I've ever seen.
Watched the first episode so far and I enjoyed it. Gonna get more watched later tonight.

It will probably take about 5 or 6 episodes to get into, but it's well worth the wait in the long run. Lots of characters to get your head around and takes a while to get going. It never really goes gung-ho either, but it's still a fantastic watch.

I re-watched up to half way through season 3 and will probably watch some more soon as I don't have much to watch these days.

Tried it, wasn't for me.

Me too. I made it to the second season but it's not for me at all. Betty Draper is fecking awesome though :drool:
The Shield or Homeland?

You're in for a treat with The Shield.
Homeland's first season is very good as well.

Being a TV addict, I've got shows for each day of the week. Now that Spartacus has unfortunately ended, I only have Nikita for Saturdays, and that's a fairly repetitive dumb show. Any good shows that air on Fridays in the US?
You're in for a treat with The Shield.
Homeland's first season is very good as well.

Being a TV addict, I've got shows for each day of the week. Now that Spartacus has unfortunately ended, I only have Nikita for Saturdays, and that's a fairly repetitive dumb show. Any good shows that air on Fridays in the US?

Banshee is pretty good. Lots of extreme violence and boobage. Not a direct answer to your question but it might be something that's slipped under a few peoples radars.

Maybe that new Starz Da Vinchi thing will be good?
You could you know.....just move a show from one day.....I can only assume your downloading them anyway, so whats the difference -_-