Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

Parks and Recreation.

Oh FFS, almost everyone on this forum likes Parks and Rec. It is widely regarded as one of the best comedies ever. The first season is shitty, which everyone acknowledges, but it is so much better.

For the record, I didn't recommend it to you, just in general. If I was suggesting something to entertain you, I would recommend Friends or sticking your finger up your bum.
Oh FFS, almost everyone on this forum likes Parks and Rec. It is widely regarded as one of the best comedies ever. The first season is shitty, which everyone acknowledges, but it is so much better.

For the record, I didn't recommend it to you, just in general. If I was suggesting something to entertain you, I would recommend Friends or sticking your finger up your bum.


Trailer Park Boys is the best comedy ever, wash your mouth out!

EDIT: Wait, you said one of. Fair enough, carry on.
Justified is brilliant, absolutely brilliant! It's also extremely highly rated by critics and Olyphant is really good. Goggins (sp?) is brilliant too and the dialog between him and Olyphant is really good. It's worth watching till the end for sure
All the shows that have been mentioned in the last few posts (except for Parks and Recreation) seem very middle of the road so I've come to the conclusion that you're all wrong. (when it comes to TV drama I'm snobbish beyond belief.)
Also Happy Endings which I saw recommended last page is good. It may seem like your generic sitcom but it is probably one of the best ones out there right now. How I Met Your Mother is a joke, Big Bang Theory is dull and never watched New Girl properly so can't really judge.

Happy Endings I think would be better off on FX or something than a main network. NBC are playing around with it way too much and feels like its holding it back.
I'm waiting for Eboue to post some shit review on Justified by Roger Ebert and this thread will finally be complete.


Roger Ebert reviews films.
Highlander and Xena need more love in here.
I used to be one then I watched an episode of that awful show, "girls" and didn't care about life any more.
Workaholics is great but I don't think I've ever watched it whilst sober, can't think of a better show if you want silly stoner humour.

You're wrong. Trailer Park Boys is amazing.

Can rednecks ever be amazing?

Highlander and Xena need more love in here.

Seems to be mostly suited for the Stargate/Joss Whedon/nerd crowd, personally I think most of it is really average except for Firefly which was good but also suffers from being overrated by it's 'cult' status and fans.
Parks and Rec is okay but vastly overrated on this forum.

I really like the first season of Workaholics but they seemed to run out of decent ideas after that.
Parks and Rec is okay but vastly overrated on this forum.

If it's overrated, then it's not exclusive to this forum. It's a big hit with internet folk all round. Like Breaking Bad and a few others too.

Network comedy is awful though, just nice to see a few good ones about, even if they do get overrated.
Yeah, I'm not sure how it's overrated on here. P&C is widely regarded as the best comedy on TV by lots of critics and one of the best comedies of the modern era. It's not just people on here who hold it in such high regard.
I can understand Justified initially disappointing if it's been built up to you, as the first season isn't anything more than a quirky cop procedural. It becomes so much more though and creates such a cool world (like a Western set in modern day small-town/southern America), exactly the kind Elmore Leonard's writing deserves. Everything about it is entertaining: smart, snappy dialogue; the coolest of heroes (Olyphant may be one-note but he's perfect as the old-school lawman, much better here than in Deadwood) and anti-heroes (Walton Goggins steals every scene); so many other cool, colourful Southern characters; and the right mix of humour and menace where any scene can end with someone shot dead. It's basically really cool.
I just read through the episode synopses and the first season seems pretty boring in hindsight. I suggest you stick with it through at least halfway through the second season. If it doesn't interest you then, it never will.
Workaholics is great but I don't think I've ever watched it whilst sober, can't think of a better show if you want silly stoner humour.

Can rednecks ever be amazing?

Seems to be mostly suited for the Stargate/Joss Whedon/nerd crowd, personally I think most of it is really average except for Firefly which was good but also suffers from being overrated by it's 'cult' status and fans.

Woah there, even if Joss Whedon shows could get goofy as shit, they're on a whole other level in terms of plot complexity and character depth to fecking Xena.
If it's overrated, then it's not exclusive to this forum. It's a big hit with internet folk all round. Like Breaking Bad and a few others too.

Network comedy is awful though, just nice to see a few good ones about, even if they do get overrated.

Yeah, I'm not sure how it's overrated on here. P&C is widely regarded as the best comedy on TV by lots of critics and one of the best comedies of the modern era. It's not just people on here who hold it in such high regard.

It's slapstick and tomfoolery. I like it to a degree, but the jokes and characters are mostly predictable and unsubtle.

The reason it's highly rated is because it lacks profile. If it suddenly began bringing in Friends numbers or started to get talked about by hoi polloi, it would become less cool and everyone would turn on it.
Or maybe it's just not to your taste, it doesn't mean it isn't a great show.

I actually do like it, but it's not a great show. I can predict most of the jokes from a mile off (apart from Andy's, but then he's quite hit and miss).
The reason it's highly rated is because it lacks profile. If it suddenly began bringing in Friends numbers or started to get talked about by hoi polloi, it would become less cool and everyone would turn on it.

Doubt that if it stayed true to itself. Though becoming popular generally means a comedy has to change itself, so possible like it happened with Scrubs which became overly slapstick and stupid after a few years. But plenty of shows have gained and continue to gain viewers from mainstream without their old audience turning on them out of pure cynicism.....once again, Breaking Bad being the prime example, you can also look at the Wire, that show is HUGE now, after it ended sure, but everyone talks about it....and it's praised to the heavens by, well, everyone.
The reason why Parks & Rec is so well rated is because despite it being a short format, they've managed to flesh out real stories and real characters throughout the seasons. You grow very fond of them and of the show despite yourself (I went in watching it with every intention to hate it as it'd been recommended to me by someone I don't like), and you have loads of laughs along the way. It's a heartfelt sitcom about simple people that manages to grasp a certain feeling of living in a small town, and the importance of community, friendship, love and family. It's silly of course when written down, but the way they've managed to create a real sense of belonging to a fictitious redneck town and managed to be (very) funny along the way (of course, this will depend on your taste) is the reason why people love it so much.

To suggest it's liked cos it lacks profile is simplistic and somewhat condescending.