Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

I think I'll stay away, but let us know how it pans out in the end.
It is not an important piece of literature, it is a television show. I have seen very few television shows in my time that actually make me reflect in an important way. Perhaps you take your television a little too seriously.

Are you suggesting that my life is a little less rich for abandoning Lost?

No, I'm suggesting that it's difficult to know how a show will progress over the span of a season. Inasmuch as a show might continue being poorly written, it also might improve. Take Walking Dead season 2 for example. The difference between the first half of the season and the second half is night and day. That's what I'm postulating.

Did I say your life was less rich for abandoning Lost? A tad miscontextual, that comment, if you ask me, bro.
Just finished the first season of Walking Dead. It was pretty good, 7ish 7.5 maybe. haven't watched many series but so far I'd rank the series I've watched

The Wire > The Sopranos > The Office > Game of Thrones > Curb Your Enthusiasm > Walking Dead > Extras > Prison Break
Whatever you decide to do next Shaggy, make sure you watch breaking bad.
I've had the first bloody season on my laptop for months if not longer, completely forgot I had it until you reminded me. Will rush through the second and third series of walking dead and get on it.
I've had the first bloody season on my laptop for months if not longer, completely forgot I had it until you reminded me. Will rush through the second and third series of walking dead and get on it.

Really? Surprised you hadn't seen it here before, it took a couple of people to recommend it to me before I finally ventured into that world. It did take me a few episodes to really understand the hype, you'll watch the first few episodes and think "I don't get why everyone goes crazy over this". But then once it grabs you, you'll understand.
Anyway here's some series I'm thinking of downloading next after doing an imdb search. Not in any particular order, so if anyone's seen any of these series a quick little review or a yay or nay would be great. Although Spartacus is first on my list.

Friday night lights
The newsroom
House or cards.
I'm heavily into Boss at the moment, it's like House of Cards but with more boobies. Been plowing through episodes like they're going out of style for 2 days now, which is either an indication of how addictive the show is or how annoying my GF's parents are, as we're at theirs for a few days. Probably a bit of both. But I really do recommend it. Quality stuff.
Anyway here's some series I'm thinking of downloading next after doing an imdb search. Not in any particular order, so if anyone's seen any of these series a quick little review or a yay or nay would be great. Although Spartacus is first on my list.

Friday night lights
The newsroom
House or cards.

Go with Deadwood.
Friday night lights - Very enjoyable, a bit cheesy and predictable though
Rome - Excellent, after watching Spartacus you'll think it's tame as anything (when it was pretty brutal first time around).
Deadwood - One of the best shows ever, watch this first.
Suits - Meh, I didn't like it.
The newsroom - Good but a little silly at times. Watch The West Wing instead.
House or cards. House of Cards? The new one? It's very good. The original? It's very good.
Cheers guys, and Duffy I've seen the west wing. Enjoyed it a lot.
Has anyone watched Enligtened? The critic reviews are on par with Breaking Bad, The Wire etc, considering giving it a shot.
While it does seem like the kind of thing that critics would hype, I really liked it, loved it by the end. It's a slow burner that I think takes until its 3rd from last episode to become brilliant, which made me look back a lot more fondly on the rest of it.

As it's not plot driven, it's hard to explain what it's about in terms of trying to give you an idea if you'd like it. It's kind of a character study exploring ideas of how we try to change ourselves and our place in life after feeling so dissatisfied. The main character (Laura Dern) has a breakdown and returns from a spiritual retreat feeling a changed person, strongly determined to bring about the changes in her life needed to achieve her new goals. She lacks self-awareness though, unable to see how crazy and annoying that new drive makes her seem to those around her.

I think what the show does really well is present a really interesting look at how difficult it is to change, but in an ambiguous way that manages to let you take what you see/want from it. The main character is both dislikeable and sympathetic, and you're meant to be skeptical of her view of events (it becomes overdone, but the typical crappy opening and closing narration is meant to be ironic; it's her bending reality in the way we often do to convince ourselves that things are meaningful and that we know what we're doing. In this case it's often as if she's reading pages straight out of a self-help book). The events of the episode then often show her take on things to be misguided or not truly what she feels. Ambiguity is often an excuse for having nothing to say, but I think over the course of the show the characters are shown to have a lot of depth and there's a lot of good stuff to take from it.
Yeah, which is why I'm trying to be more selective with what I watch now, currently going through arrested development.

But Lost is different. Its doesn't go downhill after two episodes unlike one poster mentioned. Also not watching a show because it did not live up to its hype is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I guess he just wanted a reason NOT to continue watching the show.
But Lost is different. Its doesn't go downhill after two episodes unlike one poster mentioned. Also not watching a show because it did not live up to its hype is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I guess he just wanted a reason NOT to continue watching the show.

It's the ending that puts me off. A show or a film can be brilliant throughout, but if it doesn't have a great ending or the ending doesn't live up to expectations then it just ruins the whole thing for me.

But I do like the concept of lost so I may end up watching it at some point.
Boardwalk is overrated, I think there was so much hype between the fact that it has such a good cast, is made by HBO, written by Terence Winter, and has a massive budget.

It's good but far from great and certainly not worthy of all the praise bestowed upon it.

Not really overrated. 1st season was excellent. 2nd season was not nearly as good. Haven't gotten around to watch the 3rd season yet.
Boardwalk Empire is excellent, it does suffer from poor episodes and the very annoying wife character. Season 3 was absolutely brilliant because the villain was top notch, one of my favorite ever. Season 1 was great, Season 2 was pretty poor.
It's the ending that puts me off. A show or a film can be brilliant throughout, but if it doesn't have a great ending or the ending doesn't live up to expectations then it just ruins the whole thing for me.

But I do like the concept of lost so I may end up watching it at some point.

I agree that the ending of Lost really pissed me off as I said that would be the safe thing to do midway through season 1 and I felt it to be a cop out, probably because you can tell they were writing things as it went on and the plot became really convoluted. Having said that, I don't know how I would change things had I was asked to write the ending so not sure how I feel about it now...

Boardwalk Empire is excellent, it does suffer from poor episodes and the very annoying wife character. Season 3 was absolutely brilliant because the villain was top notch, one of my favorite ever. Season 1 was great, Season 2 was pretty poor.

Everytime she is on the screen I feel like punching someone :mad: glad you said that about season 3 though as I just started watching it yesterday night.
So I'm thinking one of these should be next

Banshee, bates Motel, Vikings, Justified, House of Cards

Anyone seen any of these?
Banshee. Justified and House of Cards are good too.

But give Banshee a go first. Like all shows there are silly moments but more than enough good stuff in the show.
The Wire is generally considered to be in the top 3 shows of all time.
Where would we be without Pavan's weekly tv updates.
OK I think Im gonna watch Banshee. Have the 1st 2 eps downloaded.

The tits sold it for me
Watched Our Friends In the North the other week. Great show. Had no idea there was a point when Daniel Craig wasn't painfully bland.

A nine part series depicting the varying fortunes of four friends - Nicky, Geordie, Mary and Tosker - from the optimistic times of 1964 to the uncertainties of 1995. Taking nine pivotal years (1964, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1995) the personal lives of the characters become intertwined with the political struggles of their home town of Newcastle, and the capital, London. We also see the machinations behind the scenes that affect their lives, often for the worse: slum housing projects, police corruption, the rise of Thatcherism, political sleaze, and specific events like the 1984 Miners' Strike.
Friday night lights - Very enjoyable, a bit cheesy and predictable though
Rome - Excellent, after watching Spartacus you'll think it's tame as anything (when it was pretty brutal first time around).
Deadwood - One of the best shows ever, watch this first.
Suits - Meh, I didn't like it.
The newsroom - Good but a little silly at times. Watch The West Wing instead.
House or cards. House of Cards? The new one? It's very good. The original? It's very good.

Still rate Deadwood as my favourite show ever.

Nearly impulse bought the box set for £20 from hmv at the weekend.
Anyone seen any of these shows?

The Wire
The Shield

Are they any good?

Only seen Homeland out of the three and really enjoy it. The first season is exceptional both from a story and acting perspective. Second season was good but didn't hit the heights of the first (although they made it hard on themselves to do it).

Definitely worth a watch, first two eps will tell you if you'll enjoy the series.