Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Jeffthered, you seem to have personal issue with Antony.
Ambivalent feelings on this. It shines a light on the Greenwood situation that makes me uncomfortable. I want the player back because I think he's better than Pellistri, but if he really is guilty of what he's accused of, that's a matter for the police. And we all know some legends of the game were guilty of spousal violence. So the police need to step it up.
I hope him coming back doesn’t affect the game time of Pellistri, he’s been quality for us in the few games he’s played.
Jeffthered, you seem to have personal issue with Antony.
He's got some truth in there. Antony is pretty limited. We like him because he puts in a shift in the midfield, but ideally we'd have a much more prolific winger. And at United, you should expect to have that.
Antony is a good tool to have. In a functioning team the Brazilian can be extremely dangerous. He is a proper worker and have skills. But unfortunately Antony has another side: he extremely one footed and lacks football IQ. Thus, he relies on the team a lot. If: 1. the team have a target man at whom he can ping/cross balls 2. team creates a channel for him to run and shoot (yeah big ifs I know) - he is 100m player.
In a case like this, can the club legally suspend a player if they're not charged following initial investigation?
We really need to get to the bottom of why people draw comparisons between police investigating someone for attempted rape and the police not currently investigating allegations of assault.

The desire to conflate the Greenwood and Antony situations, despite being vastly different, must be based on something and I'm not sure we've got to the bottom of what.

I think the comparison is perfectly logical on a very superficial level on the basis of them both playing for Man Utd and both appearing to be attacking women. It would be churlish not acknowledge that the causal observer will simply say "here we go again".

The two cases ARE very different as things stand but I dont know either player personally so in terms of their character I cant comment. The evidence against Greenwood was there for all to see, some evidence at least, and I think thats what prompted the club to act. As it stands I see no reason why Anotony cannot resume playing until something comes along that may force the issue.
This feels uneasy, like having VAR review a goal you're still celebrating. I wish he was completely cleared before he was back, because the multiple accusations (down to two from three, sure, but two is two greater than none) are the smoke that tell you there's a fire somewhere.

That said, this is the not the same as the Greenwood situation, there's no indisputable evidence of any wrongdoing, and the player has been vocal and cooperative to prove his innocence. These investigations take time, and we can't keep players out every time there's an accusation otherwise the act of accusation will be used with malicious intent. So the statement makes sense, and it is fair that he's back in the squad.

Hope he can handle abuse he's going to get from oppo fans everywhere (and perhaps a section of our own). You can get away with it an Arsenal shirt, clearly, but not a United one.
He’s not that good . A bit of a Dan James
yeah i like his directness but at times he can be a bit jamesish. Hell theres been multiple times where youd think it be impossible not to score yet he finds a way. People would be killing antony for that.
I hope him coming back doesn’t affect the game time of Pellistri, he’s been quality for us in the few games he’s played.
He hasn’t been quality. I’m not sure what you’ve been watching. As poor as Antony been he’s still a lot better than Pellestri is right now
He hasn’t been quality. I’m not sure what you’ve been watching. As poor as Antony been he’s still a lot better than Pellestri is right now
Against palace he was better than Antony’s played for a while. He helped us score the first goal with his pass to Dalot.
He hasn’t been quality. I’m not sure what you’ve been watching. As poor as Antony been he’s still a lot better than Pellestri is right now
There's really not much between them right now. Pellestri has a different skill set and probably a higher ceiling.
Seems like common sense prevails again.

I really don't get the desire to put someone's career on hold because someone said something. Maybe he's done something wrong, maybe he hasn't. Let the police do their job. If he's guilty he'll be charged.

On a side note, I appreciate the reason why people are named in cases like this, but I also think it's bizarre... I'd assume the police would have the power to decide whether naming a suspect in public would be beneficial, but it's just the press having a field day.
Pellistri' end product is really mediocre

Compared to what's on offer from City, Arsenal and Liverpool yes without any question, but he's probably the best option at RW we've got right now, at least based on what we've seen from Antony and Sancho so far.
Threads like these ruin the quality of what is otherwise a decent community of fans.

I'm not enthralled Antony is back but I don't see value in discussing this in an online forum where everyone's first instinct is to react against an opinion they disagree with. Nuanced discussion is a dying art.
I haven't followed up on this case a lot.

Was there any recent info that prompted the return to the squad?
I haven't followed up on this case a lot.

Was there any recent info that prompted the return to the squad?
He's cooperated with the authorities in Brazil and then went back to Manchester for a formal interview with the Manchester police. With no charge/arrest being made he's done the formal part of defending himself against the accusations which was the reason for the leave of absence.
Given the circumstances and information available, this was the right thing to do. Simple as that. Never should have been out of the squad in the first place. But from a footballing side of things, I hope Pellistri continues to get chances. He's much more of a winger than Antony is.
Given the circumstances and information available, this was the right thing to do. Simple as that. Never should have been out of the squad in the first place. But from a footballing side of things, I hope Pellistri continues to get chances. He's much more of a winger than Antony is.

just thought you might like to know. that Bayern are so desperate for defenders, computer insists on boating...has been training with them....he has been punished for assaulting his girlfriend...not in Germany....but Bayerns sporting director. has said this is a private matter and shouldn't affect whether they sign him.

naturally, this has caused a storm, so it will be interesting to see what they do
100% behind EtH with what he said in the press conference, common sense at last. Its a shame the journalist doesn't consider what message false accusations sends to domestic violence victims.
Personally think he looks average at best
yeah i wanted real bad for him to look great, but swear half the time he is dribbling with the ball he looks out of control/like hes about to lose it at any moment. He was constantly getting in good finishing positions, only to look incredibly weak putting home chances. Think people were just desperate for someone else besides antony, but for right now at least no way should he (pellistri) be the starter for us, regardless of the antony situatio
Is this her lawyer deciding she can’t represent her and the accuser continuing regardless or something? Don’t really get it.
I presume the lawyer was trying to first get a criminal case against Antony going, and then take it to civil court for a lawsuit. Probably realized there's not enough evidence for either and bounced.
Was there ever actually any evidence at all that any media outlet who reported this was aware of?

Obviously it's different if the evidence gets plastered over social media but I really think there should be laws against reporting stuff like this until after any charges are made or police have concluded investigating. It's unfair on both parties in terms of public judgement and incentivises selling a story for money over any form of fair justice.