Hows about you throw him a text then and find out what he's up to?

Hows about you throw him a text then and find out what he's up to?
We're probably not interested, then?SSN reporting that Chelsea have a 32m bid rejected for him.
100% tackles but how many ?
53 passes is not alot plus what is the success %
2 shots and assist is ok
But overall these stats dont say much. He looks a gracefull tidy player but I dont feel that spark of brilliance you would expect of a 50m player.
Just dont see him tearing down organised defences in the PL.
Watched Gomes play last night for the first time and I was disappointed. He may be a better player than on last night's showing but he's no way worth anywhere near the kind of price being quoted.
We're probably not interested, then?
Not to fuzzed about this signing. Altough I can't see anyone better now that Pjanic went to Juventus.
There are probably some shit hot 18\19 year olds around, but I suspect Mourinho wants someone more experienced. And with the "Mourinho is a great manager" quote from this guy I think we will get him if we want, that was basically a come get me plea. Not sure about the valuation though.
Do you mean there isn't anyone better as a creative CM or CMs in general?
As a creative CM which I guess we are mainly looking for. Sure there are better ones around, but not realistic signings. IMO we need a 'transitional' player which can take us from defence to attack and ideally carry the ball, either that or we need a deep lying playmaker ala Kroos. Both kind of players are really hard to get, I can't see any viable alternatives out there tbf.
You got that from one game, where he was playing out of position?
I Know very little about him - including his usual position. Apart from his involvement in Nani's goal he was almost (but not quiet) anonymous. Anyway, Rooney was playing in a unfamiliar position too but was very good at it.
My point was you are basing that opinion on one game. Watching Harry Kane vs Russia is he even worth £10?
Point being you cannot make a judgement on a player based on one game, especially in an international
Not to fuzzed about this signing. Altough I can't see anyone better now that Pjanic went to Juventus.
There are probably some shit hot 18\19 year olds around, but I suspect Mourinho wants someone more experienced. And with the "Mourinho is a great manager" quote from this guy I think we will get him if we want, that was basically a come get me plea. Not sure about the valuation though.
Apparently Benfica get 25% of the fee if he leaves so they're holding out for about £10m more.Lol, how much do Valencia want. £32m is a great price.
Could we, really? I find it funny that people just think that players can be bought like objects in a shop where you just pay the going rate and everyone who wants a Pjanic will get one! Pjanic clearly chose Juventus over us and a host of other suitors that included Barcelona. It's not like we didn't go for the player and chose Gomes instead.We would be daft to go after him now. 32m already seems a lot for him and we could have had Pjanic, who is clearly the better player, for much less. SMH.
I agree, he wasn't as eager to really get himself involved in the game which was a shame considering what he can do on a daily basis. Look forward to seeing him play again on Saturday hopefully.Might be true, however there is a lot that Andre Gomes can do that wasn't seen tonight
1 game can really change peoples' judgement over a player.
He did look a little too complacent last night though.
Of course not. His decision making still needs a lot of improvement as does his inconsistent workrate( not the first time he has looked like this tbh)Probably 1 more full game than half the people wanting him had watched though. He's just not a top class player.
Of course not. His decision making still needs a lot of improvement as does his inconsistent workrate( not the first time he has looked like this tbh)
His incredible skillset, athleticism, and potential as a midfielder is what makes him such an exciting prospect. He has incredible potential to be a top ten player if you ask me, it just comes down to his development and maturity as a player.
On his performance last night, he's not a step-up on what we already have, so why spend 40m? Too many expensive changes of personnel in the last three years without improving the team.
Maybe he'll show more in the next two games.
What do you mean by that? Is it you he has to impress before we sign him or United? Because I'm guessing our scouts watched him a lot more than you have, hence our interest before the Euros had even kicked off.
Yep, the transfer forum is really tedious these days. People are constantly taking swipes at anyone who dares to post that they aren't initially impressed with a hugely hyped young player. As if the opinion of anyone on here matters or has any impact.You'd be right there; but the Transfer Forum would be pretty dull if posters couldn't offer their impressions of a player without having watched him since he was ten years old. You can't qualify every post with 'in my opinion, based on the negligible amount of him I've seen' after all.