Ander Herrera is a Manchester United Player!

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Although we've gotta back Moyes. Him and that bald cnut have made it unbelievably hard to do this transfer window.
We still getting banned for using the word 'embarrassed' then?

Absolute incompetence of the highest order.
They weren't imposters. United would've denied it categorically from their press office if there were people running around Spain being photographed and videoed in the name of the company. The club clearly wanted to put suitable distance between themselves and the deal and used intermediaries and then pulled the plug when they felt it was convenient. God knows why. We've totally screwed ourselves on this. Not only have we lost out today but Herrera would never sign for us now even do go for him seriously in the future. Amazing. Love to hear from Andy Mitten on this in more depth.
I really want Herrera to come out and spit the truth about what happened tomorrow. Its fecking ridiculous what has happened. You simply dont feck with a player like that.
I would say, 'lets hijack the Ozil deal from Arsenal'...but whats the point? Ed would just make a total balls of it.
We've properly shafted Herrera if it's true we only pulled out of the deal now.

Poor lad. Even agreed a pay cut and readied a medical in Bilbao to get here today. Seems like united sent representatives to clinch the deal but were not officially allowed to represent the club.

I really do not know why or how we let this happen.
I feel so sorry for the lad, he clearly wanted to come, really wanted to come and the incompetence of certain individuals at the club made a total mess of the deal leading to its subsequent collapse.
First time I've used this word during this window, but this is all a bit embarrassing now.
Maybe SAF saw the writing on the wall when Gill decided to quit. All must not be well behind the scenes with the Glazers.
I went to watch Breaking Bad and we've discovered new levels of incompetency. feck me.
While everybody is pissing themselves, this has dragged our clubs name through the mud. Other clubs will think we are a bloody joke and what about this poor lad.:mad:

what else can we do?

manchester united, apparently the biggest club in the world, fecked over by three unknown blokes since 2.30pm on deadlne.

you couldn't make this shit up.

This is seriously embarrassing. I know this word has been overused through the Summer but there's seriously no other description of what has just happened regarding this transfer.

Hopefully another big club will take him next Summer and he's a big hit there, he seems like a good lad and surely won't lose his big move because we're so inept.
Those guys were clearly not reps of ours, how didn't we twig it? Look at them for fecksake.

Redcafe is under a DDOS attack.
Imposters sent to spain to drag the club through mud.

Abramovic authorised both.
Got to feel sorry for David Moyes in all this. He's been given a thankless task and been asked to do it with his hands tied behind his back.
Woodward OUT.


The whole blame on all of this rests on Woodward alone, not Moyes or anyone else. It's Eds job to go out and get deals set for these players and to conduct them with the level of decorum that is expected at this club and he has failed on all accounts.
I would say, 'lets hijack the Ozil deal from Arsenal'...but whats the point? Ed would just make a total balls of it.
I think we've embarrassed ourselves enough this Summer.

I honestly don't think we should bid for anybody now until we have competent people doing the business.. As it stands this is a joke, and we're even making it more difficult for us to attract any players in the future..
The club has become an utter joke. Beyond embarrassed right now.

Feel really sorry for the lad Herrera right now too, we've fecked him right over. Poor kid.
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