Ander Herrera is a Manchester United Player!

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Please Woody - god of the muppets - pay that fecking clause and bring this lad to us. Even if that means that we won't sign Fellaini, Baines, Osman and Gibson. Do this one good, for once.

Herrera tells Athletic Bilbao he wants Manchester United move, deal looks on

Earlier today we covered news from regional Basque newspaper El Correo who insinuated that Athletic Club had taken an extra player on the trip to Madrid just in case Ander Herrera wouldn't be playing.
The newspaper explained that it was usual for the club to take 18 players in a travelling squad but that this weekend they had taken 19 and the gist was it could be due to a impending departure for the young midfielder. They questioned the club's manager on this and he informed them that Herrera had not stated he didn't want to play but said he'd talk to the player before the game to check everything was fine.
This evening they have said that Herrera has informed Athletic Club that he wants to leave. El Correo headline the very small article 'Herrera says yes to United and waits', the waiting part is down to the two clubs agreeing a fee but after other reports in Spain that Manchester United would up their bid and were determined to get the player, it looks like the deal could happen.
The player will not force through a transfer if his club are set against it but Athletic sounded like they were softening their stance earlier and have not ruled out the prospect of a transfer happening during this window. Manchester United would up the player's wages significantly and provide Herrera with the chance to play in the Champions League. An excellent season could see him fight his way into contention for the Spanish World Cup squad, and that will be something of a dream if not a scenario expected at this stage.
El Correo say they'll have more on the story in their Sunday newspaper. That hasn't been released yet but when it does we'll bring you coverage of what they're saying in Bilbao about a move which would be Manchester United's record signing.
'or something' ... Whatever it was, they were together in their private time, and seemingly not accidentally. They also felt it appropriate to tweet about it.

Besides, I can't remember the tweets properly, but you seem to so perhaps you should share.
Is this a fecking WUM? They were in for a post match drug test together. They didn't fecking go for tapas together!
They were having their drug urine tests at the same time, so "hanging out together" is probably the most apt description you could come up with.
That's pretty good. Pretty fecking good.
Is this a fecking WUM? They were in for a post match drug test together. They didn't fecking go for tapas together!

Stop being a dick, I clearly said I didn't remember the gist of their conversation, only that they referenced being together fondly. I called it 'hanging out or something'. You stated clearly that they did not 'hang out', so it appears that you remember the specifics more than me, so could you please share?

So calm the feck down, to use language you might prefer.
Awkward moment when he suggested to Rio that they tap ass.
Last article looks promising... Still, signing a player from abroad on deadline day when we're nowhere near closing the deal and it looks like it could be complicated isn't ideal.
Last article looks promising... Still, signing a player from abroad on deadline day when we're nowhere near closing the deal and it looks like it could be complicated isn't ideal.

Deadline day is 2nd of september, we still have 47 hours and about 20 minutes left to do deals !

Enough time to snap up Herrera and Fellaini and i have a feeling we'll end up with Coentrao aswell instead of Baines.

€36 million for Herrera
€28 million for Fellaini
€20 million for Coentrao

fingers crossed :)
If it's true that he wants the move to happen then it helps but to have it going all the way to deadline day has to be regarded as absolute madness.

Makes me wonder how far down the list he actually was, and then you throw in the whole Thiago move that was never in the pipeline and Moyes worrying about adaptability to the PL...and suddenly decides a player costing twice as much from Bilbao doesn't have that issue. I'm not trying to spark a Moyes doesn't know what he's doing debate, but it really is weird.
Stop being a dick, I clearly said I didn't remember the gist of their conversation, only that they referenced being together fondly. I called it 'hanging out or something'. You stated clearly that they did not 'hang out', so it appears that you remember the specifics more than me, so could you please share?

So calm the feck down, to use language you might prefer.
WTF! These transfer threads really bring them out....
Please Woody - god of the muppets - pay that fecking clause and bring this lad to us. Even if that means that we won't sign Fellaini, Baines, Osman and Gibson. Do this one good, for once.

I'll get right on it...
So we are actually trying to sign a player that wants to join us. Well in!

Pedro Herrera: "Anderson is very happy at Athletic"

  • Pedro Herrera, father of the player, ahead of Atletico midfielder feeling after official made the offer from Manchester United

Pedro Herrera was present at the presentation of Ander Athletic as player / PHOTO: AIOL

Carlos ZaballaReporter

Carlos Zaballa | 31/08/2013 9:22 Bilbao
The uncertainty has been installed in the environment Atletico. It seemed that this season passed by more normal channels, focusing solely on the sport without institutional scares of last year. Even, the results have been with the first two days. But things started to truncate the Thursday night, when news broke of interest from Manchester United by taking the services of Ander Herrera before the closure of the summer transfer market this coming Monday.
The official confirmation came yesterday morning. Josu Urrutia used his appearance before the media to discuss the new San Mames to recognize that Athletic had received an offer for midfielder Bilbao. The economic pillar is less than it reflects his buyout clause, which currently is 36 million euros. The president also took the step to realize the position of the club, that does not change anything from the position taken in cases of Javi Martinez and Llorente: refer to the clause.
Need to know the opinion of the main character. Mundo Deportivo got in touch with his father, Pedro Herrera, perhaps the person who knows the mind of your child. The technician was very clear. "Anderson is very good at Athletic, is very happy at Athletic," he said flatly, later to talk about how much it has cost him his son get to wear the red and white sheepskin. "He fought hard to get to this club and it is very difficult to go," said the former player of Zaragoza, the club was formed Ander.
Herrera also offered his opinion on the reasons that led to the institution of the Premier to submit an official offer. "I think Manchester is a decision that has not found a replacement for Cesc," he added. The company has tried to Old Trafford this summer joining the middle of the club, but their efforts have fallen on deaf ears in the interest of Barça player to stay on the computer on which it was formed. "Manchester has taken the decision to opt for a creative player and has thought Ander" said Pedro Herrera, who concluded by reiterating that his son "is very well and very happy at Athletic".

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Ander Herrera 'in the hands' of Manchester United, deal will be confirmed

Bilbao regional newspaper El Correo caused a whole load of fuss when they revealed on Saturday night that Ander Herrera had told Athletic Club Bilbao he wanted to take the opportunity on offer to him and join Manchester United. According to the article on the newspaper's website, released to advertise their newspaper, the midfielder had informed Athletic of his desire to transfer to the current Premier League champions.
They said that more would be in their Sunday edition and they weren't leading anyone on. In today's newspaper they begin their article by saying 'Ander Herrera is in the hands of Manchester United', it's very promising news for fans of the Manchester club.
El Correo claim that personal terms have already been agreed, which would see Herrera earn around €4m a year on a five year deal. Manchester United will have to finalise the situation with Athletic Club to make the deal happen and that will cost them.
There is no talk of Athletic Club demanding Herrera pays the clause personally, thus invoking the income tax problem. However, the Spanish club do want Manchester United to pay a youth levy which would see the total cost rise to around €38m. If David Moyes is serious about the deal then he needs to make sure there are no hesitations over this, the player wants to keep a good relationship with his club and Manchester United would be best served by keeping them onside. The newspaper don't think there will be a problem with the fee.
The money couldn't be processed on Sunday so if this deal does happen, which is looking increasingly likely, it will be done on transfer deadline day. The regional newspaper explain that Athletic Club won't stand in the way of Manchester United because they are a great club who have gone about things the right way. They later go on to say that everyone in Bilbao knows Herrera will be welcome at the club and they seem to be proud to think he could follow in the footsteps of Paul Scholes.
It all appears very friendly and if everything goes to plan El Correo expect Herrera to become a Manchester United player on Monday.
I never thought that players pay income tax in Spain.
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