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Ander Herrera Spain flag

2014-15 Performances

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6.4 Season Average Rating
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Found this on twitter.
English was very good, he is going to settle in straight away, especially with DDG and Mata.
He speaks good English, seems like a clever lad.
Upload the interview pls someone :(
Liverpool have got to be looking over their shoulders and concerned about top 4 now. Without their main man, rammed fixture list, us with a top manager and getting some good signings done.

Let's hope it pans out like that

Agree with that Sand.

But i dont think we need to tell any clued-in scouser any of that, its pretty obvious that they must be shitin it now. Sadly, many scousers still remain deluded about all things regarding Liverpool - no common-sense about how last seasons 2nd place finish was achieved.

I dont know the stats, but i'd say Pool played the same team for atleast 2/3's of the Prem season? They also got out of all domestic cups asap & had no European football either, so players had a week to rest for most of the season. Gerrard had a good season but i think his performances were exaggerated somewhat. Henderson - not a player we'd want at United thats for sure.

Suarez & Sturridge were the difference in them winning so many games last season & Pools defence is the main reason why they should have won more games or hung onto a win.

Suarez was a massive draw for them to attract quality players & now he's missing until 25th October. Thats not to say he will be there anyway, but while he is - targeted players (in this window) can be convinced he wont be sold & with his form from last season & new additions coming in - players will have their heads turned if the money's right aswell..
Love it!

How many players would say that about David Moyes...?

RVP said:
"It's great working with the new manager David Moyes," Van Persie is quoted as saying in De Telegraaf.

"He has his own style and methods and I like these.

"We are working very hard from the day we started our tour to Asia and Australia. This will result in good matches, that's for sure. There is a very good atmosphere at the club.

"I'm happy with the style of Moyes. He does his own training sessions, he's close with the players and prepares us with his staff very well for the next opponent. That keeps us in shape.

I know what you are going to say, RVP was just being polite. But that's the thing about Moyes, people will ask questions like you did but then when a top player has complimented the man it's a case of that player telling lies. Moyes is basically damned even if a player says good things about him.

Louis van Gaal is on another level to most managers, he is on the most elite level however let's not forget despite not being on that level, David Moyes is still a very good manager and I'm sure Hererra also could learn things from him, just not the same quality he could from Louis.
Welcome Ander Herrera. Looking forward to see him playing for us.
Just heard the news, absolute awesomeness. Welcome Ander!

I have high hopes for this one. I'll e the first to admit that I haven't watched more than a handful of matches where he's featured, but he strikes me as a proper midfielder. How awesome it will be to have one of those in our team again, as opposed to the last few years of having to pigeonhole players who don't necessarily excel in those roles.

I'm properly pumped!

What was the fee, by the way? Everyone just state that we've payed the release clause, without actually mentioning what it was.
A bit worrying that he's best deployed as a #10 but hopefully LvG can bring the best out of him deeper.

There's nothing to worry about. Ander's best position is at #8. That's where he played for Bielsa and in the Spanish U-21 team alongside Thiago + Javi. :)
LVG didn't seem to have any problems turning Bastian Schweinsteiger in to a central midfielder from a wide man so he has form for doing so.

He wont need to do anything with Herrera since Herrera has played all of his career, except last season, in centre midfield.
I go out for the afternoon, and come home to Herrera signed. Couldn't be happier
Awesome buy if you ask me, he's going to be a great player for us, and I hope he has many successful seasons here!
I don't think he is a 36 million player, but he is a good player, creative and much better than anything we have in CM, so yeah I am happy that we signed a player like him, a little bit surprised too. With him, Shaw and van Gaal as manager I am much more positive for next season.
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