Red Dreams
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Note: Fox has apparently mentioned the retraction by CBS both online and in one 26-second segment late Friday night. This after spending 47 minutes across 13 segments and 11 separate shows on the CBS initial story.
Fox News, fair and balanced indeed.
Are they still wittering about that? I saw something about 60 Minutes but couldn't be bothered to click on it.
I make myself sit through some of it a couple of times a week at the gym. It's obviously crap, but I reckon I need to see it so I have some inkling in to how the Fox watchers think. Way back when, I found the notion of Bush Jr actually winning that first election against Gore to be a complete fantasy, but when it actually happened I realized that I'd grown out of touch with too much of the country. At first I tried to lend Fox a sympathetic ear, wanting everyone to have their say etc. It's funny though, as the more of it you watch, the worse it gets. The hysteria, the siege mentality, the self-righteousness, and the awful editorializing masquerading as news. I guess for viewers, there's a comfort in their bargain with Fox. We'll tell you what you want to hear if you believe what we say.
Well the abortion issue is heavily religious, their opposition derives from the idea that life begins at conception and is sacrosanct. They don't really get as far as the idea of a woman being in control of her own reproductive system.
In general, repubs believe in cutting back government...when it doesn't affect them. Cut something they like - as exhibited during the recent shutdown - and they will not be happy campers.
"Men create gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life." - Aristotle
Makes sense the religious pick and choose scriptures when it was man that wrote them and created god(s).
On the issue of abortion, I think the 'conservatives' need frame their argument slightly different: yes, it should be legal, but not state-funded.
I think they are against the idea of abortion, instead of state pending on it.
I think they are against the idea of abortion, instead of state spending on it.
It's possible to be against the idea of abortion and not want legal prohibitions placed on the act. The moral argument against abortion is really impossible to win, but I think voters would relate to the idea that certain just don't want their taxes used to pay for things they don't agree with.
I don't get that line of thinking. Say for instance, people who don't like gun violence and want stricter rules on Gun Control also contribute to taxes which is spent on police forces and law to keep the nutters in check.
I may be wrong but most Republican supporters are of the Protestant faith, i.e. Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, et al. and therefore don't give a shit what the Pope or the Catholic church says or does.
Not really. Most of the Catholics I know couldn't care less about what the Pope has to say.
I don't get that line of thinking. Say for instance, people who don't like gun violence and want stricter rules on Gun Control also contribute to taxes which is spent on police forces and law to keep the nutters in check.
That analogy doesn't work because 'gun violence' affects third parties, and it's not merely a matter of 'not liking' gun violence, they view it as a threat to themselves or their property. Neither of which can be said about abortion. A better comparison for abortion would be drugs or homosexuality, private and personal choices which from one time or another, have been legislated against.
they will pray for her though. they just wont want to pay for her medical expenses.
I don't think they are just religious nuts. Surely Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck should be showing their right cheek as well, when someone layeth the smack down on their left cheek?
Abortion or the lack of, does affect third parties. What if a rape victim wants an abortion, which she got because of the rape?
You've veered off the point slightly. The act of aborting a fetus does not directly affect anyone other than those involved.
Abortion or the lack of, does affect third parties. What if a rape victim wants an abortion, which she got because of the rape?
But giving birth and introducing a new life on earth, surely does?
The woman is not a third party in this case though is she. She is the first and foremost party.
The operating word in that sentence is 'directly'. Me breathing has some affect on you; but we're not playing some butterfly effect stuff here.