American Politics

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Note: Fox has apparently mentioned the retraction by CBS both online and in one 26-second segment late Friday night. This after spending 47 minutes across 13 segments and 11 separate shows on the CBS initial story.

Fox News, fair and balanced indeed.

That has always been a problem in the news media even going back to the days of my youth before cable news networks, the internet, etc. An story would run on the front page of the local newspapers, they would get something wrong and you would find the retraction buried in the middle of the paper in a small article taking up 1in x 1in of space.

But everytime someone posts something about FOX News, it just makes me more thankful that after watching it a few times many, many years ago, I decided it was not something I wanted or needed to get my news from.
I make myself sit through some of it a couple of times a week at the gym. It's obviously crap, but I reckon I need to see it so I have some inkling in to how the Fox watchers think. Way back when, I found the notion of Bush Jr actually winning that first election against Gore to be a complete fantasy, but when it actually happened I realized that I'd grown out of touch with too much of the country. At first I tried to lend Fox a sympathetic ear, wanting everyone to have their say etc. It's funny though, as the more of it you watch, the worse it gets. The hysteria, the siege mentality, the self-righteousness, and the awful editorializing masquerading as news. I guess for viewers, there's a comfort in their bargain with Fox. We'll tell you what you want to hear if you believe what we say.
Are they still wittering about that? I saw something about 60 Minutes but couldn't be bothered to click on it.

all the top Republicans were roasting Hillary about that it has been proven false....crickets.... but you can bet our fav comedy channel will be bringing snippets in 2016. heck that crowd blames Obama for Katrina.
I make myself sit through some of it a couple of times a week at the gym. It's obviously crap, but I reckon I need to see it so I have some inkling in to how the Fox watchers think. Way back when, I found the notion of Bush Jr actually winning that first election against Gore to be a complete fantasy, but when it actually happened I realized that I'd grown out of touch with too much of the country. At first I tried to lend Fox a sympathetic ear, wanting everyone to have their say etc. It's funny though, as the more of it you watch, the worse it gets. The hysteria, the siege mentality, the self-righteousness, and the awful editorializing masquerading as news. I guess for viewers, there's a comfort in their bargain with Fox. We'll tell you what you want to hear if you believe what we say.

Yep, that's a very apt description.
I haven't taken a lot of interest in American politics, but help me understand this. Republicans believe in smaller governments and increased freedom for individuals. They advocate right to bear arms and everything, Mark Levin called it the Judaeo-Christian philosophy. They they must surely be in favour of abortion and LGBT laws, as surely having an abortion is a personal issue like owning a gun? Increased freedom for individuals?

Or am I reading this wrong? Are these nuts saying that they shouldn't count abortion as a personal choice because it wasn't written in 1776 when cowboys were toting guns?
Well the abortion issue is heavily religious, their opposition derives from the idea that life begins at conception and is sacrosanct. They don't really get as far as the idea of a woman being in control of her own reproductive system.

In general, repubs believe in cutting back government...when it doesn't affect them. Cut something they like - as exhibited during the recent shutdown - and they will not be happy campers.
Well the abortion issue is heavily religious, their opposition derives from the idea that life begins at conception and is sacrosanct. They don't really get as far as the idea of a woman being in control of her own reproductive system.

In general, repubs believe in cutting back government...when it doesn't affect them. Cut something they like - as exhibited during the recent shutdown - and they will not be happy campers.

But the bible doesn't tell you to carry guns either. I'm a Lutheran Christian for 26 odd years, I'll know if it says so :eek:

Basically they are hypocrites quoting constitution on certain issues and bible on other issues. Bible clearly tells that the revenge is not in your hands, but in the hands of your maker. They should be the ones who should be campaigning for strict gun control.
"Men create gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life." - Aristotle

Makes sense the religious pick and choose scriptures when it was man that wrote them and created god(s).
"Men create gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life." - Aristotle

Makes sense the religious pick and choose scriptures when it was man that wrote them and created god(s).

Without getting caught in the debate of Religion vs Atheism, surely just adopting the strict religious guidelines of Christianity should convince the Republicans to push for Gun Control and Disarmament?
Not to mention Jesus was essentially a communist. An anarcho communist. An arab anarcho communist...who liked hookers. Though that one's probably alright with them, privately.
On the issue of abortion, I think the 'conservatives' need frame their argument slightly different: yes, it should be legal, but not state-funded.
I think they are against the idea of abortion, instead of state pending on it.

It's possible to be against the idea of abortion and not want legal prohibitions placed on the act. The moral argument against abortion is really impossible to win, but I think voters would relate to the idea that certain just don't want their taxes used to pay for things they don't agree with.
It's possible to be against the idea of abortion and not want legal prohibitions placed on the act. The moral argument against abortion is really impossible to win, but I think voters would relate to the idea that certain just don't want their taxes used to pay for things they don't agree with.

I don't get that line of thinking. Say for instance, people who don't like gun violence and want stricter rules on Gun Control also contribute to taxes which is spent on police forces and law to keep the nutters in check.
I don't get that line of thinking. Say for instance, people who don't like gun violence and want stricter rules on Gun Control also contribute to taxes which is spent on police forces and law to keep the nutters in check.

they are bloody hypocrites is all.

The Pope has finally come out and said the Church is obsessed with abortion and gays.

Think that will change anything?

Its culture.
I may be wrong but most Republican supporters are of the Protestant faith, i.e. Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, et al. and therefore don't give a shit what the Pope or the Catholic church says or does.
I don't get that line of thinking. Say for instance, people who don't like gun violence and want stricter rules on Gun Control also contribute to taxes which is spent on police forces and law to keep the nutters in check.

That analogy doesn't work because 'gun violence' affects third parties, and it's not merely a matter of 'not liking' gun violence, they view it as a threat to themselves or their property. Neither of which can be said about abortion. A better comparison for abortion would be drugs or homosexuality, private and personal choices which from one time or another, have been legislated against.
That analogy doesn't work because 'gun violence' affects third parties, and it's not merely a matter of 'not liking' gun violence, they view it as a threat to themselves or their property. Neither of which can be said about abortion. A better comparison for abortion would be drugs or homosexuality, private and personal choices which from one time or another, have been legislated against.

Abortion or the lack of, does affect third parties. What if a rape victim wants an abortion, which she got because of the rape?
Abortion or the lack of, does affect third parties. What if a rape victim wants an abortion, which she got because of the rape?

You've veered off the point slightly. The act of aborting a fetus does not directly affect anyone other than those involved.
The woman is not a third party in this case though is she. She is the first and foremost party.

I'm just arguing that the raped woman who gives birth to a child is not the only affected party in this. She now needs to take care of her child, that she doesn't like.

The operating word in that sentence is 'directly'. Me breathing has some affect on you; but we're not playing some butterfly effect stuff here.

Ah, don't worry. I'm just having a hard time believing the Republican bullshit. I'm not pro democrat either. It's like choosing the lesser devil.

Ted Schlock

November 13, 2013
By Bill Maher
Ted Cruz gave an interview to the Des Moines Register, and told them his theory about how to win presidential elections: Nominate people like Ted Cruz:

Cruz said every Republican presidential candidate who ran as a strong conservative won — Nixon in 1968 and 1972, Reagan in 1980 and 1984, George H.W. Bush in 1988, George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. And those that ran as an establishment moderate lost — Ford in 1976, George H.W. Bush in 1992, Dole in 1996, McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012…. "After looking at that 40-year pattern the D.C. strategists all say we need more establishment moderates because they haven't won in four decades, but next time, trust us, they're going to win. That's not a pattern to electoral success."

Ted Cruz is the princess of the debate club, so he gets wet ginning up “facts” like this. Because the first trick to winning an argument is making up all your own definitions and setting the rules. “Resolved: Conservatives win and moderates lose.” Now, how do we prove that? First, define the range of time. Forty years. That way you won’t have to talk about Eisenhower, Hoover, Harding, Coolidge or Taft, all big business Republicans who won. Second, you don’t count Democrats (by definition moderate) who won. So no Roosevelts, Wilson, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama. Third, make up your own arbitrary definition of who’s a strong conservative and who isn’t. (On Cruz’s list, George H.W. Bush is both, you’ll notice. One when he wins, the other when he loses.)

And is Cruz pretending that if Dole, McCain or Romney had won instead of lost, he wouldn’t be listing them with his “strong conservatives” instead of his “moderates?” When you get to use your own definitions, everything is evidence for your argument. It’s beautifully dishonest, if you like that kind of thing.
There is some comedy gold on the Beck watch page.

This may be the greatest proof of the insanity Beck lives within.

There are certain episodes of Glenn Beck's television program that utterly defy explanation and all one can do is wonder what Beck's staff must think when they get tasked with helping him prepare to deliver a ten minute monologue in which he tries to explain contemporary politics by playing with Wizard of Oz dolls and using funny voices and generally just rambling incoherently while wearing a pair of "ruby slipper" sneakers.

As was the case last night, where Beck played with dolls for ten minutes before explaining that Mitch McConnell is the Good Witch of the North, while the NSA is the Wicked Witch of the West, and Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and John Boehner are the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, respectively:

What is most amazing is that Beck truly believes that his real gift and purpose in life is to be a storyteller. - See more at:
I don't know how widespread this is or how effective this is, but none of it would surprise me in the least. In fact, I totally expected it. Right wing Amerika has proved to be such cretins it's almost beyond belief.

Right wing cyber attacks on website confirmed

Yesterday, the House Homeland Security Committee published a video on their Youtube page highlighting a portion of the committee questioning Roberta Stempfley, acting assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Cyber-security and Communications, who confirmed at least 16 attacks on the Affordable Care Act’s portal website in 2013 . . .
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