American Politics

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I have no clue as I can't trust any media source in the US. It's been proven that Fox has lied about guests claiming insurance loss and business loss due to ACA, but that doesn't mean there are true cases out there. On the flip side, the left-supporting media sources are probably lying/cherry-picking too.
I have no clue as I can't trust any media source in the US. It's been proven that Fox has lied about guests claiming insurance loss and business loss due to ACA, but that doesn't mean there are true cases out there. On the flip side, the left-supporting media sources are probably lying/cherry-picking too.

Yeah there's definitely some impact. I've analysed the impact for our organisation at roundabout $90k and we're barely a 100 million dollar company here in the
US. We're a pretty decent group with a reasonable age profile and an okay claims ratio so a 10% increase attributed to Obamacare hurts.

I guess you've got to accept it as a new tax and hope it ends up in the right place. It's painful though because healthcare was already so expensive to start with.
Searching through various radio stations the other day, I managed to land on a foxnews station (which as of Friday was an ESPN radio and must have switched over this weekend). Some nutter was on the phone with the host, Tantaros I think, sounded like her. Anyhow, the caller and host were talking about climate change and the massive typhoon. The host mentioned there's no definitive proof that climate change caused the typhoon and also claimed that climate change is a hoax because, "It's snowing in New York in November" (along those lines).
VG, a Norwegian newspaper had a interview with Edward Snowdens father.
I'll give you guys as good a translation as i can:

Edward Snowdens father, Lonnie Snowden (52) claims that there will be revealed far bigger and far more important state-surveillance secrets then what have been revealed so far.

- I love my son. I knew he was a man of principles and that he had character.
I support his actions fully, says the father of the famous informer Edward Snowden (30) in this exclusive interview with VG.

Lonnie Snowden has worked most of his career for the American coast-guard, which is a part of the American military.
He now spends his time to defend his son who is considered a fugitive in the United States, charged for theft of governemnt property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified intelligence ot an unauthorized person.
Edward Snowden have been granted a temporary (1 year) asylum in Russia and lives in Moscow.

- The documents reveals massive wrongdoing and, in my opinion criminal acts. And that is why I, as an American citizen fully support my son.
And if I was a citizen in another country, like Norway, I would also have supported my son;
Because what he has revealed is so dangerous for all who wants to live in freedom, all who wants to have a protected privacy.

Have rejected the big media

The well-maintained and calm resdential area on the edge of the little town of Allentown in Pennsylvania gives no assosiations to neither national superpowers, world-politics or exiting actionmovies.
Rather, it reminds us of the area Upper Macungie, not much unlike the idyllic streat Wisteria Lane, from the TV-show «Desperate housewives».

A single exerciser is the only person we could spot on the sidewalk.
It's dark in the house when VG rings the doorbell. No one opens.
But after a while the man who lives in the house came to the door, the father of Edward Snowden, the man who is responsible for the most comprehensive leak of American state-secrets that have taken a big toll on America's good name and reputation in the international community.

The timing seems to be extremely bad. Lonnie Snowden is laying in bed with the flue, and when we had pulled him out of the bed he wasn't very pleased to see us, to put it in a mild way.
He doesn't cover up his hatred for journalists who comes to his home without an appointment.
He has rejected interview-requests from a list of the worlds biggest media-houses.

Lonnie soon shows himself to be a kinder man than the first impression might have suggested, and even though he firmly said no to be interviewed he took his time for a 20-minute talk which he, in the end promised to call us after considering being interviewed by a Norwegian newspaper.

I love my son

After two weeks he finally contacts us through the phone.
He apologizes strongly for not having called us up til then.
Stil he insists that he does not want an interview, but he said he was willing to answer some questions if we had any.

The 9th of June the English newspaper The Guardian published that Edward Snowden was the source of the papers many sensational and detailed revelations about the American surveillance programs.
For his father, Lonnie Snowden, this came as a shock, and over many madia-stations he pleaded to his son, who then was at an unknown address in Hong Kong, to not reveal anything more.
Instead he urged his son to return to America.

Today Lonnie has a completely different view on the matter.
- In the beginning many people got the impression that you didn't support your sons actions, but now it's clear that you have changed your standpoint completely?

Let me correct that, because that is wrong.
You say that i didn't support my sons actions?

- You could get that impression, yes.
Ok, that's fine. I basically, as every other citizen of the United States of America (or any other country)didn't know anything than what was reported in the media.
I know and love my son. I knew that he was a man of character and principles, and that he was an honest person. No one who has ever known my son will say any differently.
In the beginning i didn't take a stand because i didn't know enough facts to take a stand.

- And then you did?

What made me take a stand was after it was made clear to me that the British and American politicians had lied.
I know that they are liars, i also know that my sons 12 minute long video on youtube, who anyone can see, and which content no one can refuse.
That is essentially what changed it for me, and what should change it for everyone else as well. A simple student can go through the material my son published and find out that it's true, says Lonnie Snowden.

Out of control

He is extremely critical over the media and the journalists, especially when it comes to the American ones as he views them as more busy with staying on the good side of the authorities than to publish the truth.


I will translate the rest when i get home, i have some very important medicine i need to try to get a hold of.
Searching through various radio stations the other day, I managed to land on a foxnews station (which as of Friday was an ESPN radio and must have switched over this weekend). Some nutter was on the phone with the host, Tantaros I think, sounded like her. Anyhow, the caller and host were talking about climate change and the massive typhoon. The host mentioned there's no definitive proof that climate change caused the typhoon and also claimed that climate change is a hoax because, "It's snowing in New York in November" (along those lines).

She is right in the sense there is no proof it caused the typhoon, but to say global warming is a hoax is bullshit. Also, it always snows in New York in november, its fecking New York!

Mixed feelings on this honestly. Obviously glad that it will be taking an much abused tool out of the hands of the Republicans. The downside of course is that someday, not in the next election, but at some point the Democrats could find themselves facing a Republican President along with a Republican controlled Senate and one has to wonder how this rule change will be viewed then. It does mean that basically a President with a simple majority will be able to do whatever the feck he wants as far as judicial nominations with the minority party at the time unable to do a damn thing about it. That can be both a good and a bad thing.

It is limited in that it only applies to certain appointments but I do have a feeling that if it survives all challenges it will eventually get expanded.

Like most things the fillibuster itself is not bad in and of itself the abuse of it is what is bad, but of course when it is abused as it has been the idea of a rules change was bound to get pushed forward.
Righwing FB nutter I've known for years posted this below. Sadly. he's a Major in the USAF. What an example to set for junior officers and all enlisted with his constant rightwing rhetoric.

"There will be no stopping Harry Reid in helping destroy the country now!"

And this from

Sean Hannity today: The Senate's passage of filibuster reform is a "lawless maneuver."

Hannity in 2005 under Bush: "I believe it's unconstitutional to filibuster. It is not about advice and consent now to ask for a supermajority on judicial nominations. I believe that is not constitutional."
Mixed feelings on this honestly. Obviously glad that it will be taking an much abused tool out of the hands of the Republicans. The downside of course is that someday, not in the next election, but at some point the Democrats could find themselves facing a Republican President along with a Republican controlled Senate and one has to wonder how this rule change will be viewed then. It does mean that basically a President with a simple majority will be able to do whatever the feck he wants as far as judicial nominations with the minority party at the time unable to do a damn thing about it. That can be both a good and a bad thing.

It is limited in that it only applies to certain appointments but I do have a feeling that if it survives all challenges it will eventually get expanded.

Like most things the fillibuster itself is not bad in and of itself the abuse of it is what is bad, but of course when it is abused as it has been the idea of a rules change was bound to get pushed forward.

It is worrying that it could one day favor Republikans, but something drastic has to be done. These guys are such feckers. Obama has done so much appeasing of these cnuts and they just get worse. Another Clinton presidency and who knows what they're capable of.

Republicans are full of glee about the ACA poor rollout and screw ups....but come November ACA will be in full mode and people will realise what crap private plans they have...even employer based plans. Its all word of mouth.

As for the Senate...well finally...common sense. They need to win the Presidency first. Their numbers are it will be that much harder.

Its all about preventing the first black President to govern. The GOP is well on its way to being a minorty party. And no.they are not going to take back the senate next year.
It is worrying that it could one day favor Republikans, but something drastic has to be done. These guys are such feckers. Obama has done so much appeasing of these cnuts and they just get worse. Another Clinton presidency and who knows what they're capable of.


Wow. That says it all.

In other unrelated news, am I the only one who is being ticked off by the amount of press bugs on the insurance websites are getting? You would think it's standard knowledge that there is a beta period whereby software bugs are identified and removed, it's impossible to get a perfect software product off the assembly line without feedback from the community who has to use it.

Mild rant over
Is it beyond the realms of possibility to consider cyber attacks on the ACA website from entities less than enthused about Obamacare?
Is it beyond the realms of possibility to consider cyber attacks on the ACA website from entities less than enthused about Obamacare?

Part of the strategy has been like 20 something state governors have refused to put up an exchange, making their citizens have to go to an already strained federal website. And Homeland security has detected at least 12 cyber attacks. It would be extremely naive to think the Republikans wouldn't be concocting all the dirty tricks possible to feck this up, because they are dogmeat if this succeeds and they know it. Their very future depends on fecking this up.

That's why Benghazi has become such a right wing wankfest. An early start to damage a future Hilary Clinton presidential run.

Weird thing this so called democracy has become.
I suggest a thread for JFK on the 50th year after his death.

MediaMatters has posted something about rightwing loonies claiming JFK would be a Tea Party guy today. What mind-numbing ignorance. First off, JFK actually like black people. Secondly, well that's the only point necessary granted there are many more.
I suggest a thread for JFK on the 50th year after his death.

MediaMatters has posted something about rightwing loonies claiming JFK would be a Tea Party guy today. What mind-numbing ignorance. First off, JFK actually like black people. Secondly, well that's the only point necessary granted there are many more.

From what I remember JFK had to be nudged to modify his policy on the plight of blacks. But he did act swiftly and decisively when he decided on a policy. RFK was more attuned to the plight of minorities but he again didn't get to that point until several years after taking office.

LBJ was the true hero of racial equality IMO. JFK did care about poor folks though. I think he was genuinely shocked while campaigning for president when he saw how they were living in the poorer parts of Virginia.
Phil Valentine has stated that Valerie Jarrett is secretly giving President Obama his orders, says she's 10x worse than Karl Rove, and claims the entire White House is infested with socialists.
Mixed feelings on this honestly. Obviously glad that it will be taking an much abused tool out of the hands of the Republicans. The downside of course is that someday, not in the next election, but at some point the Democrats could find themselves facing a Republican President along with a Republican controlled Senate and one has to wonder how this rule change will be viewed then. It does mean that basically a President with a simple majority will be able to do whatever the feck he wants as far as judicial nominations with the minority party at the time unable to do a damn thing about it. That can be both a good and a bad thing.

It is limited in that it only applies to certain appointments but I do have a feeling that if it survives all challenges it will eventually get expanded.

Like most things the fillibuster itself is not bad in and of itself the abuse of it is what is bad, but of course when it is abused as it has been the idea of a rules change was bound to get pushed forward.

The filibuster is just a pile of crap...end of! If you want to change things win an election.
that would mean majority rule :eek:

Well, yeah, it's what elections are all about. If you don't like what the majority is doing then there's the midterms in two years and another general election in 4. I know why the filibuster was created but it doesn't serve its true purpose in modern politics. It's one of those things where I think that 1776 doesn't apply to 2013. The founding fathers I'm sure wouldn't even imagine back then it being used as a tool for your own political gain. Time to get rid of it.
It is worrying that it could one day favor Republikans, but something drastic has to be done. These guys are such feckers. Obama has done so much appeasing of these cnuts and they just get worse. Another Clinton presidency and who knows what they're capable of.


Repubs won't be in the white house for a long time again unless they denounce their tea-party colleagues and move to slightly more tolerant agenda. The only person I can see making a proper shot at the White House for them is Christie.
Phil Valentine has stated that Valerie Jarrett is secretly giving President Obama his orders, says she's 10x worse than Karl Rove, and claims the entire White House is infested with socialists.

Most people are socialists and aren't even aware of it. Only a truly deluded, selfish and greedy person would really believe that capitalism and very limited government is the cure for all society's ills.
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