American Politics

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Jesus, Christie's entire family are fatties. It's disgusting. There's no way America wants that representing them.
I'm so glad McAuliffe won. He's a worthless sack of crap, but at least he's not Cuccinelli.
Christie hasn't a chance in the GOP primaries. He'd be better off switching parties. Speaking of, what does the process of switching parties involve?

Btw, imagine the food consumption and cost if Christie's family lived in the White House.
Christie hasn't a chance in the GOP primaries. He'd be better off switching parties. Speaking of, what does the process of switching parties involve?

Btw, imagine the food consumption and cost if Christie's family lived in the White House.

Just saying you are leaving one for the other really, then when you are next up for election you have to work with your new party to get re-elected, providing they want you of course.
I'm so glad McAuliffe won. He's a worthless sack of crap, but at least he's not Cuccinelli.

Virginny was my home stated for 17 years but now not following much what's going on there. Interesting to see McAuliffe win there though. I wonder what the old repubs are saying about that now.
Also wonder how long before McAuliffe does increase taxes. Compared to CA, they practically pay you to live in VA ;)
Is Jeb Bush still likely to be running in 2016? Not sure if there being two moderates with a chance of the nomination would be beneficial or a hindrance to the repubs, could water down each one's votes but could also be more successful at highlighting the tea partiers as psychopaths.
Christie hasn't a chance in the GOP primaries. He'd be better off switching parties. Speaking of, what does the process of switching parties involve?

Btw, imagine the food consumption and cost if Christie's family lived in the White House.

I disagree with this. I think he would do very well and win the Republican nomination. I mean, even in the midst of rabid tea partyism of the 2012 elections and the rise (and fall) of Bachmann, Gingrich and Santorum, the Republikans still went with l'il mormon mama pants Mittens. I think Christie's fat bastard bully persona will play very very well with the base and eventually the tea baggers, especially if he gets momentum, and he no doubt will go as far to the right as needs with his bully fat bastard rhetoric and will slate the feck out of Obama to make up for past tolerance.

And except for the dumbest of bellends, they'll realize what an idiot Cruz is, and Rand darling is self destructing and has always been a joke, and Rubio seems to be falling into irrelevancy as well. Christie will be tolerable for undecideds and moderates, and the ones who want red meat will flock to his fat bully boy schtick.
De Blasio's victory in NY was very good...a future Presidential run?

:lol: He's a damp squid. To be fair, he was the best of a mediocre bunch, nothing more.

His campaign was more "working class" oriented, which resonated with the majority of NYers (outer borough, squeezed by high rent)
Christie hasn't a chance in the GOP primaries. He'd be better off switching parties. Speaking of, what does the process of switching parties involve?

Btw, imagine the food consumption and cost if Christie's family lived in the White House.
It will be fatso running for the GOP - 100%. No doubt he will be bringing Democratic votes over to his party.
I can't imagine how Maher stands to allow a filthy personality like Coulter on his show. Damn shame she's wasn't on the actual panel but I'm sure he's aware it would only be constant bickering with a dimwit, right whiner like her on the panel.
I can't imagine how Maher stands to allow a filthy personality like Coulter on his show. Damn shame she's wasn't on the actual panel but I'm sure he's aware it would only be constant bickering with a dimwit, right whiner like her on the panel.

Coulter is pretty good at promoting herself. Its all sensationalism. Doubt she believes half the crap she spouts.
Coulter is pretty good at promoting herself. Its all sensationalism. Doubt she believes half the crap she spouts.

I think she truly does. Just like Beck and Hannity. Cult of personality. It consumes them and they come to believe the shit they spout, and feel they are the voice of the people. It's a bubble mentality.
I think she truly does. Just like Beck and Hannity. Cult of personality. It consumes them and they come to believe the shit they spout, and feel they are the voice of the people. It's a bubble mentality.

what is really scary is the followers Beck, Hannity and Rush have. Ok Beck is a moron. Hannity is no genius. But Limbaugh is a bloody opportunist. I pity the numbnuts who quote what they say as if it is the bible.
Maher's whole thing about having her on was . . . "you don't really believe the crap your spewing . . . "

Nod, nod, wink wink, sheepish smile. They both helped each other start their careers back in "Politically Incorrect" and both realize it. Rumors have always had it that Bill schlumped her, and I totally believe it. There's some kind of old chemistry there. So I think Bill cuts her slack, and kind of wants to help her (and prove how full of shit these types are), and would probably bonk her again given half the chance.
do you think he can overcome the loony fringe?
I think the Republicans are sick of the tea party weirdos that have brought their party to their knees . They will push hard for a candidate that crosses party lines in their view . That will be his platform. For them to have any chance at all, they will have to distance themselves from the nutjobs.
He's a sneaky fecker though, and a bully.
Sean Hannity, what a nutter.

'I dare you Christie, I dare you to call Obama a Liiiarrrrr'.

Worse than Katy Perry on Roar. I mean what's the fecking point. Why would Christie cut his nose in spite? He's a republican, with the republic votes. Shouldn't he try to win the independents? These feckwits seem to be imploring Christie to prove he's hardcore. It's like a bunch of adolescent boys.

I thought Hannity was an idiot, wait till you hear Mark Levin.
So you have Home Depot, one of America's biggest and most popular chain stores tweeting crap like this. I mean, what the feck? What's the point?

CBS has admitted errors in that 60 Minutes Benghazi segment a couple weeks ago. The far right loons and Fox were loving it that an apparent liberal media outlet was pointing the finger. Fox was giving plenty of attention to CBS but has supposedly not mentioned anything about CBS' recent admission.

So when do these loons return to status quo that CBS is part of the "libral media?"

A few firings occurred when Dan Rather brought up Bush's military record. Will there be a similar fallout from this buffoonery?

Warren 2016?

"On one side is a majority of Democratic voters, who are angrier, more disaffected, and altogether more populist than they’ve been in years. They are more attuned to income inequality than before the Obama presidency and more supportive of Social Security and Medicare.1 They’ve grown fonder of regulation and more skeptical of big business.2 A recent Pew poll showed that voters under 30—who skew overwhelmingly Democratic—view socialism more favorably than capitalism. Above all, Democrats are increasingly hostile to Wall Street and believe the government should rein it in."
Warren in 2016 might be too soon but the economy could dictate whether she goes up against the Hillary machine. I'd be happy with either of them.
Warren in 2016 might be too soon but the economy could dictate whether she goes up against the Hillary machine. I'd be happy with either of them.

agree. I know there is a lot of suspicion about the Clintons from both lefties and moderate republicans, but she will try and do what is right I feel. She did advocate single payer after all.
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