American Politics

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Any Senator could delay its passage until Friday(after the debt ceiling is hypothetically reached). It would also have to pass the House. And they are fecking retarded.

What about if 60 senators backed it, and Boehner grew a pair and just put it up for a vote? (He was supposedly in on the talks so I'm guessing this is part of the deal).
What about if 60 senators backed it, and Boehner grew a pair and just put it up for a vote? (He was supposedly in on the talks so I'm guessing this is part of the deal).

I'm not sure about holds they can put on it procedurally. Reid could change the rules to eliminate a filibuster, I guess.
I'm not sure about holds they can put on it procedurally. Reid could change the rules to eliminate a filibuster, I guess.

60 votes invokes cloture, ending a filibuster. The problem is the House, not the Senate.
Apparently Boehner wasn't there so that could still feck it up. Although, if a large number of Senators back it (pretty sure 60 stops a potential filibuster), there'd be huge pressure on the House to get it through or face hell.
Republican congressman King was severely critical of Cruz on CNN today. It's always good to see the cracks showing in the GOP.
Obama and Dems showing balls for once, rejecting the House plan which postponed the medical equipment sales tax. Allowing the Repubs anything here would set a very dangerous precedent.
The latest Republican House bill looks dead, presumably Tea Partiers wouldn't back it. You'd hope they now realise they can't be negotiated with, kick them into touch and just work with the Democrats. You'd hope...
And to let INSANE freshmen take over the house...that's the GOP.
The reason Boehner and Cantor dare not upset the TeaParty caucus is, if they bring a clean bill for a vote, they will get primary challenges. Still, for the good of the country they should not allow a Default to be threatened. They need to put the country McCain's slogan.
Looks like something really is happening now (hopefully not speaking too soon this time), Cruz is apparently being timid for once and Repub moderates are sticking the boot in. Boehner reportedly going to put it to vote as well.
every year they talk tough, force a shutdown (or almost do) then they make last minute deals to avoid default.
of course the meeja laps it up.

rinse and repeat.
The GOP were more than willing to ride the tea party wave in 2010. Now they are watching their party split. Meanwhile I don't think the Dems have ever been as united as recently.
So the tea party who are far right have come and split the GOP with their views. The Democrats are looking to get back the house and the senate. How well doe Obama's policies sit with his party. Obama would have chickened out if this was in his first term.

Anyone here watched the West Wing? Everything I know about US politics is from that show.
Looks like the Senate passed the bill somewhat overwhelmingly 83-16 (I'm guessing Ted Cruz abstained).

The Republicans will take a massive hit for this in the mid terms.
I notice Ryan voted against it in the House, and obviously Rubio, Cruz and Paul did in the Senate. Any big 2016 candidate vote yes? Or are they all arse-covering?
Looks like the Senate passed the bill somewhat overwhelmingly 83-16 (I'm guessing Ted Cruz abstained).

The Republicans will take a massive hit for this in the mid terms.

It was 81-18. Inhofe just had heart surgery so was not present to vote.
Republicans: 'we fought the good fight' - yeah, it woulda been worth it if we could have prevented just one poor kid from getting a free inhaler.

I'm hoping the moderate Republicans in the house don't lose their seats to batshit Tea Party candidates during the primary. They are hell bent on getting their agenda through at the expense of anything else. Like a default for example.
listening to the radio this morning and ordinary people's stories about how this BS has affected their lives. Some real damage done to working class families and these bozos in Washington could care less.
Of course there was the odd one that praised Cruz for holding out so long, but stupid is as stupid says.
I'm surprised the republicans are at a 24% approval rating, considering they nearly destroyed what is left of the world economy because of their arrogance.
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