American Politics

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Any possibilities of Christie switching sides? He'd fare much better as a Dem.

Not a fan of Hillary. I find her to be a a bit of a bitch cnut and think her arrogance will put off a few voters.

Biden would absolutely destroy any GOP/TP nominee during the debates.

Villaraigosa is an intriguing prospect. He's impressed me the few times I've heard him speak.

Read somewhere that Senator Mark Warner could be a darkhorse.
Assuming that is well-researched and not biased towards a particular party, that is a damn good read.

Firstly, it is an excellent article that supports most of what we have suspected of the current Republican party. Cruz asking the administration to state the South won the civil war was not silly or funny. It reveals the inner frustration and hate of the racists.
That didn't actually happen though did it? I thought that was a satire piece.
It was a satire. And yet no media outlet ran with it as they knew it was a satire. Unlike Fox News running that satire about Obama funding a Muslim museum during the shutdown.
Has Obama done a good job as President?

If not is that due to being blocked by congress/senate and if he has been good what has he done?

Actually interested just found this thread.
Have they blocked EVERYTHING he has tried, what major bills has he actually passed?
pretty much anything major. The main one being the ACA or Obamacare which they have tried to repeal even after the Supreme Court has ruled it constitutional.

It's his idea of creating something like the NHS in USA, too much money involved for big insurances companies. We are talking billions. I don't think it will ever pass. All my understanding of politics comes from having watched the West Wing. first I used to blame him. But I learnt if the senate and congress don't have your back you get NOTHING done.
It's his idea of creating something like the NHS in USA, too much money involved for big insurances companies. We are talking billions. I don't think it will ever pass. All my understanding of politics comes from having watched the West Wing. first I used to blame him. But I learnt if the senate and congress don't have your back you get NOTHING done.

Obamacare/ACA is passed (back in 2009), and it's now being implemented, which is why the Tea Party loonies have gone batshit lately. But no, it's not a national healthcare system. It's a business-friendly reform that doesn't solve the fundamental issue with the American healthcare system, but it does improve it significantly, by making sure 30-40 million more people are covered, insurance companies can't reject people because of pre-existing conditions, kids can stay on their parents' plan etc.

His other major (domestic) accomplishment was the stimulus, which most economists say saved the US from a new depression. Also the auto-bailout, killing bin Laden/eviscerating the al-Qaeda leadership, repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, two women on the Supreme Court etc. Basically a massive improvement over the last administration, but not revolutionary in any way. Though in fairness he's had to deal with an unprecedentedly crazy and fanatical opposition who've done everything in their power to block everything he's attempted.
Obamacare/ACA is passed (back in 2009), and it's now being implemented, which is why the Tea Party loonies have gone batshit lately. But no, it's not a national healthcare system. It's a business-friendly reform that doesn't solve the fundamental issue with the American healthcare system, but it does improve it significantly, by making sure 30-40 million more people are covered, insurance companies can't reject people because of pre-existing conditions, kids can stay on their parents' plan etc.

The funniest thing is when people say they don't support the Act, but they do support all those things it actually does. Repubs did a brilliant propaganda job on it.
Plus, he's had to live on the same planet as these two clowns; tough job:

Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz lead shutdown protest at war memorial ~

It's amazing how the US media let's these clowns get away with this shit. Granted they're called out by the far right as being liberal media when they do.

It's an indictment on the US when two political comedy shows provide factual news coverage. And when we must tune in to a British or a Saudi based news channel.

Not all of Obama's policies have been great from what I've heard from various left/middle pundits. It's just that the right/conservative base believe everything he's done is destroying the nation (thanks to GOP/TP propaganda) while ignoring the blunders of the previous administration, and administrations prior to that, and the uber wealthy buying up politicians left and right.
the problem with our media is the false equivalence they give to both sides.

There are no longer any honest journalists. They should call either side on spins. But they wont because the politicians wont appear on their show any longer. Just look at the current shutdown situation. It is entirely manufactured by the GOP. All the speaker has to do is bring both the shutdown and debt ceiling to a vote. No more crisis.

Instead the media blames both sides.
Mainstream media is not independent, it's corporate and hence there's an agenda that is not linked to the public good nevermind they are not interested in the 'truth'. If you think it's bad from a distance, you'd really appreciate how terrible it is when you're living in that bubble - detached from reality
The funniest thing is when people say they don't support the Act, but they do support all those things it actually does. Repubs did a brilliant propaganda job on it.

Of course. Having Frank Luntz come up with the name "Obamacare" in the first place was just brilliant. It just took the loonies who didn't like Obama from crazy to batshit crazy. I saw someone on TV actually say "I don't like Obamacare but I support the Affordable Care Act". Goes to show the kind of ignorant idiots who actually vote in America.
Sadly there are probably just as many ignorants on the Dems side as on the Repub side.
It's just that the Repub ones seem to be crazy as well. Certifiable weirdos, a lot of them.
hmmm. perhaps it is just in Minnesota. I worked out for a number of people by going to MNSURE and for all of them it was cheaper...much cheaper to get the health insurance through the ACA rather than their employers...better coverage too.

or it could just be the Red States where they are in the pocket of the Health Insurance companies and so are willing to screw their own people.
Of course. Having Frank Luntz come up with the name "Obamacare" in the first place was just brilliant. It just took the loonies who didn't like Obama from crazy to batshit crazy. I saw someone on TV actually say "I don't like Obamacare but I support the Affordable Care Act". Goes to show the kind of ignorant idiots who actually vote in America.

I watched some American politics professor or something like that on Danish news recently. He said that a study showed that support for Obamacare was 8% lower than the support for ACA :lol:
God Michelle Malkin is such a horrendous human being. Ugly through and through.

Well done, GOP. Classy move. I can't wait for the next time they want to filibuster the Democrats and Reid just changes the rules.
Chait's reporting a deal's nearly done (Repubs have surrendered basically), not seeing anything on the news over here. Anything else across the pond?
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