American Politics

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Habitat for Humanity has helped millions. What a gift he has given. He has been vilified by morons on the right. Think about these fools voting for a guy who guts retirement funds and health care leaving people to die, so he can make a buck.

EDIT: Now these same people will vote for Cruz/Paul or whatever crazy their party throws up.
It's not just the crap these websites post but the comments below... mind-numbing. They're brainwashed. The mere statement of fact checking on The Blaze (Glenn Beck's shit site)... sigh.

Ridemodels: The liberals and progressives are liars with pants on fire…….and anyone who believes a word they say without some type of Fact Check here on The Blaze has got to be Brainless…..But that is the typical OBOZO voter.

RationalMan: Will it be Radical Muslims, Communism or American who’ll run “ObamaCare”. So who is it going to be? ;) (Keep in mind you cannot have it both ways?) ;)

geeman: @ Keaster, Have you ever noticed how conservatives will not just follow any talking point a republican makes, listen to most Blazers here who want nothing to do with the likes of John McCain, Lindsay Gramm, or Peter King. We’re not like you stupid, liberal, commie robots with no mind of your own.

IheartIsrael: The Judeo-Bolshevik ran media loves to demonize Republicans for anything and everything bad that happens. Our media in the US is no different than media in China nad North Korea.

FightingBear: Today was a great day in America when the Republicans did not capitulate to the Democrats but rather stood strong and actually did what they were sent to Washington to do…..block Obamacare and his entire Socialist agenda.

Angel98315: The Tea Party is the majority and that is the reason it is trouncing the District of Columbia establishment and Carnegie Foundation’s statist fanboys like you. Your so mentally ill with statism that you fail to even comprehend what the Tea Party is. That will be your undoing.

That's just the most recent, there were more than five pages worth!
I was talking about Jimmy Carter in a meeting today and the tea party dude started bugging out, Their hatred for the other side is deep and really strange. I don't know how anybody could hate Jimmy Carter unless he'd drowned their dad in peanuts or something.

Carter is the perfect example of a man who is religious but doesn't impose his views on others. A military person who wasn't a chicken hawk. An all-round good soul.
How the right can fault him is beyond me. Poor president? More unlucky in my books.
Listening to these republican motherfeckers makes me sick. Boehner is supposed to be the grown up here. Yeah, he would lose the speakership if he did the right thing but he could leave a good legacy for himself and help a whole lot of people. What ever happened to Country First?
The local vs federal structure is just weird. Federal proposes and state disposes. How on earth can you run a 'national' policy if many states can reject? If passed by both houses, then it should be a law without debate.

Most things are, but there are also laws that fall squarely on the State level and they are not discussed at the Federal level.

It all stems from the origin of the nation out of 13 colonies and how having just thrown off one from of dominant centralized government many of the newly independent states were unwilling to give total authority to another centralized government.

There are of course many grey areas and still much debate over states rights vs. the power of the federal government.
Listening to these republican motherfeckers makes me sick. Boehner is supposed to be the grown up here. Yeah, he would lose the speakership if he did the right thing but he could leave a good legacy for himself and help a whole lot of people. What ever happened to Country First?

They expect people to actually believe that they simply want to 'delay' the ACA for a year...what a bunch of lying sacks of filth. After they tried more than 40 times to repeal the law AND went to the Supreme Court to have it undone, they now expect us to believe they simply want it 'fair' and 'delayed'. I can't for the life of me understand why these folks are so insanely stupid.
this whole stand off is the last stand of a scared white minority that would rather see the country destroyed than they give up their privileges to a soon to be majority of non whites. The plus side is the entire 3 branches will soon be in Democratic hands.
this whole stand off is the last stand of a scared white minority that would rather see the country destroyed than they give up their privileges to a soon to be majority of non whites. The plus side is the entire 3 branches will soon be in Democratic hands.

Yep, it's the pain before the gain. Obama's third term will be fantastic.;)
One thing for sure, the Republican can kiss goodbye to those 700,000 Fed. employees and their families who can votes.
One thing for sure, the Republican can kiss goodbye to those 700,000 Fed. employees and their families who can votes.

Probably not as odds alone would have roughly 40-50% of that number as conservatives. Plenty of federal employees in the south are brainwashed by rightwing news/radio and blame the Democrats.
Probably not as odds alone would have roughly 40-50% of that number as conservatives. Plenty of federal employees in the south are brainwashed by rightwing news/radio and blame the Democrats.

Just wait until they are unemployed for months because their 'party' keep refusing the Fed. budget.
Republicans won't like it when their corporate buddies start pressuring them on the debt ceiling. It's going to have a serious impact on business.

Spoke a tad bit too soon....

October 8, 2013

Many in G.O.P. Offer Theory: Default Wouldn’t Be That Bad


WASHINGTON — Senator Richard Burr, Republican of North Carolina, a reliable friend of business on Capitol Hill and no one’s idea of a bomb thrower, isn’t buying the apocalyptic warnings that a default on United States government debt would lead to a global economic cataclysm.

“We always have enough money to pay our debt service,” said Mr. Burr, who pointed to a stream of tax revenue flowing into the Treasury as he shrugged off fears of a cascading financial crisis. “You’ve had the federal government out of work for close to two weeks; that’s about $24 billion a month. Every month, you have enough saved in salaries alone that you’re covering three-fifths, four-fifths of the total debt service, about $35 billion a month. That’s manageable for some time.”

As President Obama steps up his declarations about the dire consequences of not raising the debt limit, increasing numbers of Congressional Republicans are disputing that forecast, as well as the timing of when the Treasury might run out of money and the implications of a default, further complicating the negotiating situation for both Mr. Obama and Speaker John A. Boehner, who must find a way out of the impasse.

Both men were counting on the prospect of a global economic meltdown to help pull restive Republicans into line. On Wall Street, among business leaders and in a vast majority of university economics departments, the threat of significant instability resulting from a debt default is not in question. But a lot of Republicans simply do not believe it.

A surprisingly broad section of the Republican Party is convinced that a threat once taken as economic fact may not exist — or at least may not be so serious. Some question the Treasury’s drop-dead deadline of Oct. 17. Some government services might have to be curtailed, they concede. “But I think the real date, candidly, the date that’s highly problematic for our nation, is Nov. 1,” said Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee.
Others say there is no deadline at all — that daily tax receipts would be more than enough to pay off Treasury bonds as they come due.

“It really is irresponsible of the president to try to scare the markets,” said Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky. “If you don’t raise your debt ceiling, all you’re saying is, ‘We’re going to be balancing our budget.’ So if you put it in those terms, all these scary terms of, ‘Oh my goodness, the world’s going to end’ — if we balance the budget, the world’s going to end? Why don’t we spend what comes in?”
“If you propose it that way,” he said of not raising the debt limit, “the American public will say that sounds like a pretty reasonable idea.”

In a news conference, Mr. Obama said repeatedly that those who doubted the repercussions of a default were making a huge mistake.

“When I hear people trying to downplay the consequences of that, I think that’s really irresponsible, and I’m happy to talk to any of them individually and walk them through exactly why it’s irresponsible,” he said. “And it’s particularly funny coming from Republicans who claim to be champions of business. There’s no business person out here who thinks this wouldn’t be a big deal, not one. You go to anywhere from Wall Street to Main Street, and you ask a C.E.O. of a company or ask a small-business person whether it’d be a big deal if the United States government isn’t paying its bills on time. They’ll tell you it’s a big deal. It would hurt.”

The turmoil created by the partial shutdown of the federal government has already sent investors fleeing from stocks to the safe harbor of Treasury bonds, long considered the safest investment on earth because the full faith and credit of the United States government has never been questioned. If that safe harbor is undermined, most economists have said loudly and repeatedly, the impact could be catastrophic.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, both bastions of Republican support, sent letters to Congress on Tuesday urging action on the debt ceiling.
“Our nation has never defaulted in the past, and failing to raise the debt limit in a timely fashion will seriously disrupt our fragile economy and have a ripple effect throughout the world,” wrote Jay Timmons, the president of the manufacturers’ group.
Some Republicans trust such warnings.
“Unlike some of my colleagues, I’ve been told by too many people in the financial business that there will be reactions in the market,” said Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona. “Of course I’m worried.”

But the voices of denial are loud and persistent, with some Republicans saying that the fallout from the continuing shutdown and the automatic, across-the-board budget cuts known as sequestration has been less severe than predicted.
Mr. Paul acknowledged that some economists disagreed with him, but said others agreed. Peter Morici, a conservative economist and a frequent guest on Fox Business, dashed off a column on Tuesday in which he argued that “House Republicans, by refusing to raise the debt ceiling until they obtain budget reforms, may be the country’s last hope to avoid a financial ruin.”

Congressional Republicans have varied arguments. To Representative Paul Broun, Republican of Georgia and a candidate for the Senate, it is a question of ranking the evils.
“There are a lot of things that are going to affect our economy,” he said. “The greatest threat right now is Obamacare. It’s already destroyed jobs, it’s already destroyed our economy, and if it stays in place as it is now, it’s going to destroy America.”
Representative Ted Yoho, a freshman Florida Republican who had no experience in elective office before this year, said the largest economy on earth should learn from his large-animal veterinary practice.

“Everybody talks about how destabilizing doing this will be on the markets,” he said. “And you’ll see that initially, but heck, I’ve seen that in my business. When you go through that, and you address the problem and you address your creditors and say, ‘Listen, we’re going to pay you. We’re just not going to pay you today, but we’re going to pay you with interest, and we will pay everybody that’s due money’ — if you did that, the world would say America is finally addressing their problem.”

Representative Justin Amash, Republican of Michigan and a leader of the House’s libertarian wing, said: “There’s no way to default on Oct. 17. We will have enough money to make interest payments. The issue is, how do we restructure our government so we don’t have to keep hitting the debt ceiling?”

And while Representative Trent Franks, Republican of Arizona, conceded that a government that could no longer borrow money would have to curtail some of its contracting, he said Democrats should not get carried away.

“It’s like everything else here,” he said. “People on both sides of every argument seem to employ hyperbole when they could just state the truth and it would still be of significant consequence.”
Ashley Parker contributed reporting.
The greatest threat right now is Obamacare. It’s already destroyed jobs, it’s already destroyed our economy, and if it stays in place as it is now, it’s going to destroy America.

I know I shouldn't be, but every time I see an American politician say something so mind-numbingly stupid I am a little bit shocked. Every time I have to remind myself that there are millions of people in the US who believe these things and voted people who say these things into office to represent them.
I know I shouldn't be, but every time I see an American politician say something so mind-numbingly stupid I am a little bit shocked. Every time I have to remind myself that there are millions of people in the US who believe these things and voted people who say these things into office to represent them.

The dolts in America used to be a vocal but minority segment, no longer - they represent the majority now. The intelligent and open minded are now a minority, no idea how that will turn around in our lifetime
The dolts in America used to be a vocal but minority segment, no longer - they represent the majority now. The intelligent and open minded are now a minority, no idea how that will turn around in our lifetime

They were always there. If you think Obama being an African American President isn't still rubbing a lot of these pseudo-racists the wrong way then we're all extremely naïve. They just simply hate they guy and anything he does (good or bad) is going to be portrayed as if he's not 'American' or trying to destroy America (whatever the feck that means). They're just more visible and vocal now because of who's in the White House. The Tea Party should just be called what they really are...KKK MK2.
What do we think the likelihood of the Tea Party becoming plagued by infighting and breaking up is? Not talking about soon, but over say the next 5-10 years. Their strongest asset currently is their unity (in insanity) and they've become more than the sum of their parts as a result. I wouldn't be surprised though to see different factions emerge and for their aggression and stupidity to result in them tearing each other apart.
The GOTea party wont get the whitehouse again for at least another decade if they dont change their ways

they'll never get the white house so long as they remain racists. But if the GOP actually grow a brain and get some guts, they will ditch the racists and reach out to everyone. Initially they will lose, but they will slowly gain support.
The right of the GOP seemingly won't be satisfied until they force an anarcho-capitalist failed state.
The right of the GOP seemingly won't be satisfied until they force an anarcho-capitalist failed state.

You're probably not far off. The resulting anarchy would give many of them the excuse they need to start shooting people they don't like.
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