Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
He had x before he came on camera?
so CR..what was the point of Mconnel and his cronies filibustering Hagel...?
they made themselves sillier than they already are.
He is going to be confirmed after recess...
They look ridiculous. It's typical DC politics. I saw McCain say they will pass him by vote next week, so why do what they are doing then? Crazy. Idiot Repubs are very short sighted. They forget this will all come back to bite them when a Repub is the president someday.
I'm of the opinion the president should get the cabinet, advisers, etc, he wants. It's all part of the elections have consequences. I think the senate should bring to light relevant questioning of any nominee but this is beyond the pale. And yes they are making themselves look very silly.
Been a long history on both sides of playing this way with cabinet nominees. Supposedly in the past some candidates have been put forward knowing they will be given a hard time by the opponents, not passed, then the guy the Prez really wants is put forward and the political games are over by then so he gets passed easily.
Remember back in the 80's a SC nominee getting a hard time over smoking pot and Ted Kennedy of all people saying he found it hard to believe the nominee could not remember some of the details from something that happened in the 60's.
Nothing new to these games being played.
They look ridiculous. It's typical DC politics. I saw McCain say they will pass him by vote next week, so why do what they are doing then? Crazy. Idiot Repubs are very short sighted. They forget this will all come back to bite them when a Repub is the president someday.
I'm of the opinion the president should get the cabinet, advisers, etc, he wants. It's all part of the elections have consequences. I think the senate should bring to light relevant questioning of any nominee but this is beyond the pale. And yes they are making themselves look very silly.
Question to Americans: Why do you guys have stupid acronyms for everything in your political system? 'POTUS'; 'SOTU'...
It's a little annoying to be honest.
Question to Americans: Why do you guys have stupid acronyms for everything in your political system? 'POTUS'; 'SOTU'...
It's a little annoying to be honest.
Don't be white washed.
that's some depressing shit. I can't help but wonder what elements of that practice still exist in the modern army.
it also made me think of the american civil war, which was really only won, so i've read, when sherman went down to atlanta burning everything he found on his way.
so Bohner thinks Sequester will harm the economy.....but he will allow it to happen anyway.
why worry about Al Queda...
We can't cut even $85B from the economy? Half comes from the military which should make most libs orgasm. And how is this so doom and gloom like we keep hearing about. The expected expenditure of the federal gov't is still actually higher for this year than last. How is spending only slightly more taking a clever to the gov't? All this political gamesmanship is annoying. We're talking about $43B from the non military sector of the gov't. What is that like 1 or 2 days of operation?
not saying there is no waste.
because...absolutely there is and both sides have their sacred cows.
what worries me is both sides admit this 'type' of cut...will hurt the economy...and is gamsmenship.
At some point we have to start cutting. I'm not even speaking to the debt. Strictly the deficit.
Both sides are "admitting" it because they don't want their sacred cows (also called special interests) to get cut. If the gov't would start making cuts, and I mean actual cuts, I wouldn't mind paying a little more in taxes to help it get fixed. How about a 2 or 3 year budget freeze? No increases. I mean as it stands right now even with this years "cleaver approach" we're still talking about nearly a trillion dollar deficit. It has to end.
You want some savings? Close all the bases in the middle east, asia, and europe. Then start cutting back some of the duplicate federal and state programs.
agree about the bases. not sure what you mean by duplicate programs. I don't think there is a lot of fat with helping the poor or elderly. That is the area I would say cuts make no sense. I mean we are not going to accept people being on the streets. Medical care?
We do need to spend on infrastructure though. so freezing all spending is counter productive.
The US needs to raise more money in taxes, the effective corporate tax rate is about half what it was after the war.
agree with pete. raise taxes And spend on infra structure. That will boost the economy. I wonder how muc the so called duplicate programs cost. probably wont put a dent in the defecit.
They have these people in America and they are called Republicans and they say hi.
Legalizing marijuana and hemp would be a boost to the economy, they could tax the shit out of dope and the pot heads would still pay it. Not to mention the money/man hours they would save on keeping the shit off the streets.
Saw this pic in a topic on foreign policy today.
Good for you..wait a second I have a gold star here for you somewhere.
And this last enactment, not a single vote in the Senate against it. And the House is pretty much the same....I think it is attributable, very likely attributable, to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement. It's been written about. Whenever a society adopts racial entitlements, it is very difficult to get out of them through the normal political processes.
Oh dear. Scalia just said SCOTUS should effectively repeal the Voting Rights Act, which stops the southern states changing voting laws to discriminate against black people. The law was re-authorised 98-0 in the Senate and 390-33 in the House in 2006.
He's completely abandoned all pretence now.