The people did not vote Bush in to start wars under false pretenses now did they?( Nor did they want him and Chenny to out American covert operatives. )The cost of which is not just the tanking of the economy because it was not paid for...but the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives...unless you consider non-American lives unimportant. Ramping up Iran??

nah..if anything Obama has helped defuse the tension. Romney would have just given Iran as prize to his neo-con nutters. NK?? hmmm really confused now...His drone polices are a lot more effective than Bush...and the average American could not be arsed about it....heck he was voted in by record numbers. Not surprised Reid does not bring up ludicrous bills like wanting repeal Obamacare or other silly stuff that Obama was voted to prevent.
Lets put it this way it is impossible for anyone to be like Bush...because no one can be that incompetent...
hey CR...what the heck are they saying in Fox now??