Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp | Depp wins on all 3 counts

Depp is hilarious from what i've seen and she is a pure rat, hollywood entitled scum in a nutshell.
Was that the butler cross?

I thought it was a funny strategy to ask him to repeat that Heard asked him 'have you ever been so angry you hurt someone' in the context of discussing Australia over and over
Yea, absolutely bizarre that they spent an hour going over old ground that lead to nothing?
Yea, absolutely bizarre that they spent an hour going over old ground that lead to nothing?

I hate the improper impeachments. If the testimony is materially the same but worded slightly differently it's not right to reread their old testimony as if its different to try and confuse the jury
I've gone down a youtube rabbit hole of these videos. I must say, I've never been much interested in celebrities' lives and that whole side of pop-culture. However, I love storytelling and I found these interviews fascinating.

As far as my opinion on the situation - so far I've come away thinking that Johnny Depp is a thoughtful, generous and all-round really solid dude, that has had terrible childhood, grew up poor, has been self-medicating for years to suppress his trauma and depression. I've yet to hear or see any indications that he's a violent and abusive husband.

That said, I've not yet watched any of the Amber Heard interviews.
From what I understand, most of Heard's legal team are local practitioners, while Depp's have been pro hac vice'd in from California.
why are so many of their arguments recorded? were they recorded secretly by one of them or what?

The witness's expression when the lawyer objected to his own question is priceless

I didn't want too but I have become hooked with this mainly due to Amber's Lawyer and his weird strategy He spent ages getting Johnny to read headlines from newspapers for be real reason I could tell

Is he supposed to be coming off as inept?
Heard's lawyer just accidentally revealed that Heard exaggerated a story about an expert because she told her that her husband brought muffins so Heard assumed she had told her husband about interviewing her.
They both come across horrible to me. She is clearly an abuser emotionally and physically so in the legal matter at hand will lose but the fan support for him seems too much. He's no angel but it seems the bad things he said and done don't go viral.

It’s hard to imagine how that’s even possible with the amount she must be paying her legal team

So ridiculous :lol:
Don't think Heard is attractive at all. Now that psychologist (I assume she is one) that is cross examined though... Really smart and really good looking.
Heard's lawyer just accidentally revealed that Heard exaggerated a story about an expert because she told her that her husband brought muffins so Heard assumed she had told her husband about interviewing her.

That could also be poor lawyering. The lawyer had no premise to assume that the husband knew and was making conjecture to find a way to compromise the experts testimony.

A weaker expert may fumble or give a lead that could get her report nullified for bias if they can prove that she was biased because of the profile of the case, and the person paying her bills.
They both come across horrible to me. She is clearly an abuser emotionally and physically so in the legal matter at hand will lose but the fan support for him seems too much. He's no angel but it seems the bad things he said and done don't go viral.

The trial is not about who's worse. She accused him of physical and sexual violence in a newspaper. Right now it seems to be all made up and that she falsified evidence. If that's the case I hope he bankrupts her.
The trial is not about who's worse. She accused him of physical and sexual violence in a newspaper. Right now it seems to be all made up and that she falsified evidence. If that's the case I hope he bankrupts her.

If you hear the Amber's physiological analysis from the expert witness, she didn't lie. She believes every word she wrote in the paper to be true, but whether it actually happened or not is a different question altogether. Her diagnosis is that of a exaggerator with borderline personality disorder. This in essense means that she has no clue that her understanding of the version of events is flawed.

Someone I know has a similar diagnosis, and there is nothing manipulative about it.

In all honesty, Depp doesn't come out well in the trial either.
If you hear the Amber's physiological analysis from the expert witness, she didn't lie. She believes every word she wrote in the paper to be true, but whether it actually happened or not is a different question altogether. Her diagnosis is that of a exaggerator with borderline personality disorder. This in essense means that she has no clue that her understanding of the version of events is flawed.

Someone I know has a similar diagnosis, and there is nothing manipulative about it.

In all honesty, Depp doesn't come out well in the trial either.
You've just made this up on behalf of the expert witness. Depp comes out as someone that drinks and takes drugs, something that hasn't been secret for the last 20 years. His goal isn't to come out smelling of roses, just to prove that he's not guilty of domestic & sexual violence.
If you hear the Amber's physiological analysis from the expert witness, she didn't lie. She believes every word she wrote in the paper to be true, but whether it actually happened or not is a different question altogether. Her diagnosis is that of a exaggerator with borderline personality disorder. This in essense means that she has no clue that her understanding of the version of events is flawed.

Someone I know has a similar diagnosis, and there is nothing manipulative about it.

In all honesty, Depp doesn't come out well in the trial either.

I don't buy that she didn't know what she was doing, or that she imagined being raped and beaten and believed it to be true. Calculated nightmare of a woman.
The trial is not about who's worse. She accused him of physical and sexual violence in a newspaper. Right now it seems to be all made up and that she falsified evidence. If that's the case I hope he bankrupts her.
Pretty sure in a trial in London a few years back it was established he did abuse her in something of the 12 out of 14 accusations she made.

This whole thing is a mess, you have an abusive alcoholic /drug addict on one side and an abusive mentally ill person on the other. It's a recipe for disaster. Just glad they made it out alive.
Pretty sure in a trial in London a few years back it was established he did abuse her in something of the 12 out of 14 accusations she made.

This whole thing is a mess, you have an abusive alcoholic /drug addict on one side and an abusive mentally ill person on the other. It's a recipe for disaster. Just glad they made it out alive.

They choose to believe newspaper reports or more so he couldn't disprove them I thought.

I'm not sure what this case is really about I think it's more a case of he wants redemption in the eyes of the public and to make her out as the worse of them both
Howard Stern Says Johnny Depp Is 'Overacting' During Defamation Trial (

The reason he televised, is that's what narcissists do. They think they can talk their way out of anything. I think Johnny Depp is a huge narcissist and what I mean by that is — he figured, 'I'll put this on TV and because I'm so persuasive and because I'm so smart. I'm such a wonderful guy.
If he isn't acting — I mean, he's so overacting, 'cause he's writing his own material as he goes along. You know, I got to tell you, he's wrong. He shouldn't be putting this on TV in any shape.

I think it's good it's on tv because if it wasn't we'd still be conflicted on what to believe as i doubt these audios would be made public. Instead we can see how both are acting in the courtroom and Heard looks ice cold to me and Depp has been emotional at times. Granted he's an actor so could be faking it but i think his pain is genuine, he's no saint either but at least he's getting the chance to set the record straight.
It appears to me like people have picked their favourites in this case, and most have picked Depp, despite him being found in court to be a domestic abuser.

Theres a reason why domestic abuse often goes unpunished, and some of the reactions to this case highlight these.

Doesn't sound like either person is very nice at times, especially when drink and drugs are around, but that doesn't discount the fact the Depp lost a defamation court case because the allegations of him being a domestic abuser were found to actually be 'substantially true' in court.
Theres a reason why domestic abuse often goes unpunished, and some of the reactions to this case highlight these.

It would help if it was reported to the police.. Oh wait, they called the police, who saw no evidence of anything, then they didn't file a report.

To which Justice Nicol ignored the evidence from the police in favour of Heard's account, in spite of her interest in the outcome over the non-interested party.

Let's see what evidence she has when it's her case in chief. People should be in favour of Depp at this point.