Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp | Depp wins on all 3 counts

From my understanding in the UK trial Amber Heard was never forced to hand over her phones, computers and other electronic devices, which is fair enough because she wasn't a party to the defamation case.

Since Heard is being sued by Depp he now gets right to production of documentation, which will include access to her phone etc to locate evidence of a conspiracy or lack of evidence of conversation around accusations or alterations to images etc.

If Heard hasn't handed them over, well, expect an horrendous jury instruction about that.
Did she really shat on his bed and blame the dog?
Thats fecked up man
It seems that it was a very toxic and childish relationship and I have no doubt they were both at fault. However, I can't have any sympathy for a person who uses drugs. This guy, albeit a brilliant actor, is poisoning himself. A grown-up with family, a supposed rolemodel for children.

The film industry should fire actors who use drugs.

“Domestic abuse is okay if the victim uses drugs”
I haven't been following this so I don't have any opinion on what went on

but today I somehow ended up watching about half an hour of Depp's testimony on youtube and he comes across as such a genuinely kind and lovely person

he's obviously a very private person too so this must be absolute hell for him
From my understanding in the UK trial Amber Heard was never forced to hand over her phones, computers and other electronic devices, which is fair enough because she wasn't a party to the defamation case.

Since Heard is being sued by Depp he now gets right to production of documentation, which will include access to her phone etc to locate evidence of a conspiracy or lack of evidence of conversation around accusations or alterations to images etc.

If Heard hasn't handed them over, well, expect an horrendous jury instruction about that.

In cases like that, do you actually have to give full access to your phone, as in fully hand it over? Surely there's loads of irrelevant private stuff that could then be found and be damaging to the person? Not too mention stuff like private pictures etc.
In cases like that, do you actually have to give full access to your phone, as in fully hand it over? Surely there's loads of irrelevant private stuff that could then be found and be damaging to the person? Not too mention stuff like private pictures etc.

A forensic copy of the files including the operating system should have been handed over to Depp's expert by Heard's expert.
Depp is guilty of domestic violence. Heard is guilty of domestic abuse and violence and the instigator.

That’s where I’m at so far.
In cases like that, do you actually have to give full access to your phone, as in fully hand it over? Surely there's loads of irrelevant private stuff that could then be found and be damaging to the person? Not too mention stuff like private pictures etc.
Can you imagine the embarrassment? They trawl through your phone looking for dirt and then tell everyone in that courtroom that you spend 4 hours a day on RedCafe.
Can you imagine the embarrassment? They trawl through your phone looking for dirt and then tell everyone in that courtroom that you spend 4 hours a day on RedCafe.

I think generally the Experts only pass on the potentially relevant files to opponents and their counsel.

I did hear that the solicitors for Depp handed literally everything over in the UK trial.

It can't be that bad though if they are having to twist sexts into meaning admissions of violence..
It seems that it was a very toxic and childish relationship and I have no doubt they were both at fault. However, I can't have any sympathy for a person who uses drugs. This guy, albeit a brilliant actor, is poisoning himself. A grown-up with family, a supposed rolemodel for children.

The film industry should fire actors who use drugs.

Haha what terribly shit opinion, surely this is trolling?
Remove the drinkers, drug and steroid users and we are left with what? 10-15 actors :lol:

Good idea. At least for narcotics.
You have to start somewhere. We don't approve domestic violence and racism, do we now? One strike and you're out. Adopt a no-nonsense policy. Actors will think twice when using drugs.
Good idea.
You have to start somewhere. We don't approve domestic violence and racism, do we now? One strike and you're out. Adopt a no-nonsense policy. Actors will think twice when using drugs.

Yeah, we're on different sides of the argument, I don't think that personal drug use can be compared to racism, but what do I know. I feel drugs should be legalized and state regulated.
Apparently Heard never complied with the disclosure order for evidence and has a pending sanctions motion against her.

She hasn't handed over the original files including meta data of photographs taken of her injuries or the videos submitted as evidence.
Apparently Heard never complied with the disclosure order for evidence and has a pending sanctions motion against her.

She hasn't handed over the original files including meta data of photographs taken of her injuries or the videos submitted as evidence.

Does that mean manipulation is suspected?
Depp is guilty of domestic violence. Heard is guilty of domestic abuse and violence and the instigator.

That’s where I’m at so far.
You should hand your evidence in to the Heard team then since they themselves don't have any evidence of domestic violence.
Apparently Heard never complied with the disclosure order for evidence and has a pending sanctions motion against her.

She hasn't handed over the original files including meta data of photographs taken of her injuries or the videos submitted as evidence.

Is it maybe because she faked most of the ‘evidence’
I had this urge to find out how the Guardian were reporting this trial and it's exactly how I thought they would.

But it brings me to my question; are we too pro Depp here and out of touch with the general consensus, or is this just the Guardian being the Guardian?

I think being anti-Heard (which seems very reasonable at this point) has made some people too quick to be pro-Depp. When the most likely explanation is that he was also abusive and unpleasant while simultaneously being a victim of her abusive and unpleasant behaviour. Black and white positions are probably ill-advised in either direction beyond that.

Fact is he was found to have assaulted her in that UK libel case. And as the appeal court later made clear, that wasn't simply based on he said/she said argument but rather her accounts being backed by contemporaneous communication, witness testimony, medical records, etc. in a way his weren't. And it wasn't just one incident, it was twelve seperate incidents. In normal circumstances that sort of finding would make people very slow to support Depp and I'm not sure her also being abusive should lead people to actively supporting him in the way some have. Rather people should be looking for her to be held to account for her own actions.

But it isn't just here anyway, that pro-Depp sentiment is fairly present on social media atm.
Both have done bad stuff, but Amber Heard is a classic example of Borderline Syndrome from what I can hear from these audio tapes and information we've got so far. Especially the way she argues with depp in the audio tapes. Some clients of mine at work are diagnosed with Borderline and a good friend's ex also had it. It's always drama and attention seeking. They need people to be 100% devoted to them and them only. If they don't get their way (through manipulating), they'll kick and scream until they do. Usually it works and the other party will comply out of fear for escalation.

Last thing you want is a girlfriend with borderline personality. It's harsh to say, but I would advise anyone against it.

It's sad because people with borderline generally don't try to be evil, but they often do very evil things without realising what it does to the other person.

I trust Depp more than Amber in this case, but it's not clear yet.
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Both have done bad stuff, but Amber Heard is a classic example of Borderline Syndrome from what I can hear from these audio tapes and information we've got so far. Especially the way she argues with depp in the audio tapes. Some clients of mine at work are diagnosed with Borderline and a good friend's ex also had it. It's always drama and attention seeking. They need people to be 100% devoted to them and them only. If they don't get their way (through manipulating), they'll kick and scream until they do. Usually it works and the other party will comply out of fear for escalation.

Last thing you want is a girlfriend with borderline personality. It's harsh to say, but I would advise anyone against it.

It's sad because people with borderline generally don't try to be evil, but they often do very evil things without realising what it does to the other person.

I trust Depp more than Amber in this case, but it's not clear yet.

Awww... but I always wanted a mentally ill girlfriend!
Awww... but I always wanted a mentally ill girlfriend!

Just saying one mental illness isn't like the other. Borderline is probably the most destructive mental illness for the people around them.
Depp had a really bad cross today.

Powerful end to redirect though with the tapes of Heard being mental, and a mic drop of Heard taunting him, daring him to tell the world that he as a man was the victim of domestic abuse and see if anyone believes him..
Depp had a really bad cross today.

Powerful end to redirect though with the tapes of Heard being mental, and a mic drop of Heard taunting him, daring him to tell the world that he as a man was the victim of domestic abuse and see if anyone believes him..
Don't think it was that bad for Depp. It ended a little bad but overall I think it could have gone a lot worse for him than it did. The audio tape of Heard saying she couldn't take back the story she told the police because it would hurt her credibility is pretty damning. Hopefully she's finished here.
Don't think it was that bad for Depp. It ended a little bad but overall I think it could have gone a lot worse for him than it did. The audio tape of Heard saying she couldn't take back the story she told the police because it would hurt her credibility is pretty damning. Hopefully she's finished here.

Previous days were great but he was in poor form today and Rottenborn controlled him with an effective strategy of just playing the video and asking really limited questions to frustrate him because he couldn't reframe with his natural charm.

His lawyers got him through it towards the end.

Overall his cross went fine, but definitely needed rehabilitation on redirect. Thankfully he got it (in spite of himself since he was rambling a LOT)
Previous days were great but he was in poor form today and Rottenborn controlled him with an effective strategy of just playing the video and asking really limited questions to frustrate him because he couldn't reframe with his natural charm.

His lawyers got him through it towards the end.

Overall his cross went fine, but definitely needed rehabilitation on redirect. Thankfully he got it (in spite of himself since he was rambling a LOT)
You still watching? Where are they going with this cross? Seems like the biggest waste of time ever.
Just saying one mental illness isn't like the other. Borderline is probably the most destructive mental illness for the people around them.

I believe you and I meant nothing bad with what I said, was a poor attempt at a joke from my part.
You still watching? Where are they going with this cross? Seems like the biggest waste of time ever.

Was that the butler cross?

I thought it was a funny strategy to ask him to repeat that Heard asked him 'have you ever been so angry you hurt someone' in the context of discussing Australia over and over