Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp | Depp wins on all 3 counts

Since a lot of people haven't been able to follow events & because, sadly, a lot just assume 'Depp drinks and Amber is hot so therefore everything she says about him is true', I'll post some summarised events for a quick read.

Depp is trying to prove he wasn't physically violent toward her in order to sue her for defamation because she wrote an article about being a survivor of domestic abuse & sexual assault as she tried to make herself the face of the #meToo movement. The article was obviously about Depp because it was at the same time she was publicly accusing him of domestic violence.

Amber Heard & Johnny Depp's friend testified he was very upset with Amber because they got on so well & he saw her every day & was shocked when she sold a story of Depp abusing her and pictures of her being covered in bruises, he claimed that she had no injuries whatsoever and that the "bruises" were make-up. He confronted her about this & said it would be best if they weren't friends any more because of what she had done. He broke down crying about this in court.

Their head of security testified that he never saw Depp being physically aggressive and that Amber Heard was regularly abusive & violent towards Depp & that Depp would always try to avoid conflict & attempt to de-escalate things.

Amber Heard's personal assistant testified that Amber was an aggressive, nasty diva that she only worked for out of convenience as a single mother. She was earning half of what she earned before becoming a mother and eventually when her responsibilities meant she went back to working full time hours & she raised the issue of her pay still being essentially a part-time salary, Amber was aggressive toward her and spat in her face.

One of Amber Heard's supposed legal team was actually her girlfriend, who is also a journalist, that was live-tweeting about the trial (something forbidden in the court). When a witness was testifying in defence of Mr Depp, Heard's girlfriend went on the witness' instagram and screenshot a photo where she had posted about Depp's previous trial in the UK. Heard's girlfriend then cropped the image to remove the date showing that the post was from early 2021 & handed the now edited image to Heard's legal team. This was then taken to the judge & Depp's witness was thrown out for posting about the trial on social media, or at least that was the trick they had created. Depp's team then discovered what had happened and showed the judge the uncropped image to prove that Heard's team had edited it to trick the judge into wrongly removing Depp's witness & exposed the fact that one of Heard's 'legal team' was actually just her girlfriend & journalist. The judge went ballistic & banned Heard's girlfriend from the court. Unfortunately non of this will be exposed to the jury but it shows how desperate and scummy these lying rats are.

Heard's team showed a video, that many of you have seen by now, of Depp smashing up his kitchen & they're trying to pass it off as him being violent. This clip is ancient and is actullaly from when he had just found out that people in his company had stolen an estimated $600m so he was pretty understandably fuming. Heard records him freaking out in the kitchen and then runs off with her phone with a big smirk on her face as she thinks she has her "gotcha" footage. Clearly she was terrified for her safety...

Their marriage counsellor testified that Depp was always trying to be calm and de-escalate everything but that Amber would try to cause fights. She testified that Amber would never let Johnny speak but would instead immediately interrupt him. Amber tried to control the narrative whenever she could, even going to 4 solo meetings with the counsellor so that Depp could not offer a defence against her claims. The counsellor even testified that Amber would be physically voilent and punch and slap Depp in front of her during the sessions. Depp never retaliated.

Amber Heard has been found to have had a record of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend from 2009. She had the police called on her as she physically attacked her girlfriend and broke her necklace. There's only the arrest report as the girlfriend never took it to court. Heard tried to dismiss the arrest report at the time by claiming the arresting officer was a homophobic mysoginist that wanted to hurt her for having a girlfriend. The arresting officer was actually herself a lesbian that does charity work for domestic violence survivors. Big yikes.

Amber Heard received $7m from her divorce from Depp. She claimed, multiple times in TV talk-shows and interviews, that she never wanted any money but to just support other domestic violence survivors. She claimed that to prove she didn't do it for money that she gave the $7m to children's hospitals. She did not. The hospitals have called her out on her fake pledges & records show she still has the money. Her legal team then tried to claim that she had to keep the money because evil Mr Depp was suing her and so therefore it's his fault the poor children didn't get the money. This is complete bollocks because she had the money for over a year before any legal battles started to take place.

Tapes have been played of Heard admitting to hitting Depp with a door, hitting him in the chin & slapping him multiple times whilst also goading him as a coward for not physically retaliating. Strange because her whole case is that he did physically attack her. The tapes are horrific tbh and I can't do them justice in this post.

Heard's team is trying to paint Depp as a violent drunk & near everyone to take the stand so far has testified that Depp never changed in his behaviour when consuming drugs & alcohol but that he was rather a mellowed out drunk.

Oh yea, in case you missed it, she cut off the end of his finger and shat on his bed. Enjoy.

Strong post
Since a lot of people haven't been able to follow events & because, sadly, a lot just assume 'Depp drinks and Amber is hot so therefore everything she says about him is true', I'll post some summarised events for a quick read.

Depp is trying to prove he wasn't physically violent toward her in order to sue her for defamation because she wrote an article about being a survivor of domestic abuse & sexual assault as she tried to make herself the face of the #meToo movement. The article was obviously about Depp because it was at the same time she was publicly accusing him of domestic violence.

Amber Heard & Johnny Depp's friend testified he was very upset with Amber because they got on so well & he saw her every day & was shocked when she sold a story of Depp abusing her and pictures of her being covered in bruises, he claimed that she had no injuries whatsoever and that the "bruises" were make-up. He confronted her about this & said it would be best if they weren't friends any more because of what she had done. He broke down crying about this in court.

Their head of security testified that he never saw Depp being physically aggressive and that Amber Heard was regularly abusive & violent towards Depp & that Depp would always try to avoid conflict & attempt to de-escalate things.

Amber Heard's personal assistant testified that Amber was an aggressive, nasty diva that she only worked for out of convenience as a single mother. She was earning half of what she earned before becoming a mother and eventually when her responsibilities meant she went back to working full time hours & she raised the issue of her pay still being essentially a part-time salary, Amber was aggressive toward her and spat in her face.

One of Amber Heard's supposed legal team was actually her girlfriend, who is also a journalist, that was live-tweeting about the trial (something forbidden in the court). When a witness was testifying in defence of Mr Depp, Heard's girlfriend went on the witness' instagram and screenshot a photo where she had posted about Depp's previous trial in the UK. Heard's girlfriend then cropped the image to remove the date showing that the post was from early 2021 & handed the now edited image to Heard's legal team. This was then taken to the judge & Depp's witness was thrown out for posting about the trial on social media, or at least that was the trick they had created. Depp's team then discovered what had happened and showed the judge the uncropped image to prove that Heard's team had edited it to trick the judge into wrongly removing Depp's witness & exposed the fact that one of Heard's 'legal team' was actually just her girlfriend & journalist. The judge went ballistic & banned Heard's girlfriend from the court. Unfortunately non of this will be exposed to the jury but it shows how desperate and scummy these lying rats are.

Heard's team showed a video, that many of you have seen by now, of Depp smashing up his kitchen & they're trying to pass it off as him being violent. This clip is ancient and is actullaly from when he had just found out that people in his company had stolen an estimated $600m so he was pretty understandably fuming. Heard records him freaking out in the kitchen and then runs off with her phone with a big smirk on her face as she thinks she has her "gotcha" footage. Clearly she was terrified for her safety...

Their marriage counsellor testified that Depp was always trying to be calm and de-escalate everything but that Amber would try to cause fights. She testified that Amber would never let Johnny speak but would instead immediately interrupt him. Amber tried to control the narrative whenever she could, even going to 4 solo meetings with the counsellor so that Depp could not offer a defence against her claims. The counsellor even testified that Amber would be physically voilent and punch and slap Depp in front of her during the sessions. Depp never retaliated.

Amber Heard has been found to have had a record of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend from 2009. She had the police called on her as she physically attacked her girlfriend and broke her necklace. There's only the arrest report as the girlfriend never took it to court. Heard tried to dismiss the arrest report at the time by claiming the arresting officer was a homophobic mysoginist that wanted to hurt her for having a girlfriend. The arresting officer was actually herself a lesbian that does charity work for domestic violence survivors. Big yikes.

Amber Heard received $7m from her divorce from Depp. She claimed, multiple times in TV talk-shows and interviews, that she never wanted any money but to just support other domestic violence survivors. She claimed that to prove she didn't do it for money that she gave the $7m to children's hospitals. She did not. The hospitals have called her out on her fake pledges & records show she still has the money. Her legal team then tried to claim that she had to keep the money because evil Mr Depp was suing her and so therefore it's his fault the poor children didn't get the money. This is complete bollocks because she had the money for over a year before any legal battles started to take place.

Tapes have been played of Heard admitting to hitting Depp with a door, hitting him in the chin & slapping him multiple times whilst also goading him as a coward for not physically retaliating. Strange because her whole case is that he did physically attack her. The tapes are horrific tbh and I can't do them justice in this post.

Heard's team is trying to paint Depp as a violent drunk & near everyone to take the stand so far has testified that Depp never changed in his behaviour when consuming drugs & alcohol but that he was rather a mellowed out drunk.

Oh yea, in case you missed it, she cut off the end of his finger and shat on his bed. Enjoy.

Thanks for the summary. I was aware of some of these things, but not all. Certainly confirms that Heard is an absolute wagon. A really bad person, because you know this case will be used in every future argument against #metoo.

My impression of Depp is that he is really calm also. When he was on the stand he seemed xann'd out of it though, to be honest. Wouldn't blame him - tough situation.

A few people here have alluded to having insider info on Depp being a bit of a cnut though, was it you @moses saying you were friends with Shane McGowan or something? (I may have the wrong person, sorry...and you may just not want to say which is fair enough also). I'd like to hear more on this if possible though, because Depp is definitely a character to say the least. Ironically I am posting this a few pints deep :lol:.


Thanks for the summary. I was aware of some of these things, but not all. Certainly confirms that Heard is an absolute wagon. A really bad person, because you know this case will be used in every future argument against #metoo.

My impression of Depp is that he is really calm also. When he was on the stand he seemed xann'd out of it though, to be honest. Wouldn't blame him - tough situation.

A few people here have alluded to having insider info on Depp being a bit of a cnut though, was it you @moses saying you were friends with Shane McGowan or something? (I may have the wrong person, sorry...and you may just not want to say which is fair enough also). I'd like to hear more on this if possible though, because Depp is definitely a character to say the least. Ironically I am posting this a few pints deep :lol:.


I love how he's constantly joking around with Amber heard lawyers stupid questions.
Since a lot of people haven't been able to follow events & because, sadly, a lot just assume 'Depp drinks and Amber is hot so therefore everything she says about him is true', I'll post some summarised events for a quick read.

Depp is trying to prove he wasn't physically violent toward her in order to sue her for defamation because she wrote an article about being a survivor of domestic abuse & sexual assault as she tried to make herself the face of the #meToo movement. The article was obviously about Depp because it was at the same time she was publicly accusing him of domestic violence.

Amber Heard & Johnny Depp's friend testified he was very upset with Amber because they got on so well & he saw her every day & was shocked when she sold a story of Depp abusing her and pictures of her being covered in bruises, he claimed that she had no injuries whatsoever and that the "bruises" were make-up. He confronted her about this & said it would be best if they weren't friends any more because of what she had done. He broke down crying about this in court.

Their head of security testified that he never saw Depp being physically aggressive and that Amber Heard was regularly abusive & violent towards Depp & that Depp would always try to avoid conflict & attempt to de-escalate things.

Amber Heard's personal assistant testified that Amber was an aggressive, nasty diva that she only worked for out of convenience as a single mother. She was earning half of what she earned before becoming a mother and eventually when her responsibilities meant she went back to working full time hours & she raised the issue of her pay still being essentially a part-time salary, Amber was aggressive toward her and spat in her face.

One of Amber Heard's supposed legal team was actually her girlfriend, who is also a journalist, that was live-tweeting about the trial (something forbidden in the court). When a witness was testifying in defence of Mr Depp, Heard's girlfriend went on the witness' instagram and screenshot a photo where she had posted about Depp's previous trial in the UK. Heard's girlfriend then cropped the image to remove the date showing that the post was from early 2021 & handed the now edited image to Heard's legal team. This was then taken to the judge & Depp's witness was thrown out for posting about the trial on social media, or at least that was the trick they had created. Depp's team then discovered what had happened and showed the judge the uncropped image to prove that Heard's team had edited it to trick the judge into wrongly removing Depp's witness & exposed the fact that one of Heard's 'legal team' was actually just her girlfriend & journalist. The judge went ballistic & banned Heard's girlfriend from the court. Unfortunately non of this will be exposed to the jury but it shows how desperate and scummy these lying rats are.

Heard's team showed a video, that many of you have seen by now, of Depp smashing up his kitchen & they're trying to pass it off as him being violent. This clip is ancient and is actullaly from when he had just found out that people in his company had stolen an estimated $600m so he was pretty understandably fuming. Heard records him freaking out in the kitchen and then runs off with her phone with a big smirk on her face as she thinks she has her "gotcha" footage. Clearly she was terrified for her safety...

Their marriage counsellor testified that Depp was always trying to be calm and de-escalate everything but that Amber would try to cause fights. She testified that Amber would never let Johnny speak but would instead immediately interrupt him. Amber tried to control the narrative whenever she could, even going to 4 solo meetings with the counsellor so that Depp could not offer a defence against her claims. The counsellor even testified that Amber would be physically voilent and punch and slap Depp in front of her during the sessions. Depp never retaliated.

Amber Heard has been found to have had a record of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend from 2009. She had the police called on her as she physically attacked her girlfriend and broke her necklace. There's only the arrest report as the girlfriend never took it to court. Heard tried to dismiss the arrest report at the time by claiming the arresting officer was a homophobic mysoginist that wanted to hurt her for having a girlfriend. The arresting officer was actually herself a lesbian that does charity work for domestic violence survivors. Big yikes.

Amber Heard received $7m from her divorce from Depp. She claimed, multiple times in TV talk-shows and interviews, that she never wanted any money but to just support other domestic violence survivors. She claimed that to prove she didn't do it for money that she gave the $7m to children's hospitals. She did not. The hospitals have called her out on her fake pledges & records show she still has the money. Her legal team then tried to claim that she had to keep the money because evil Mr Depp was suing her and so therefore it's his fault the poor children didn't get the money. This is complete bollocks because she had the money for over a year before any legal battles started to take place.

Tapes have been played of Heard admitting to hitting Depp with a door, hitting him in the chin & slapping him multiple times whilst also goading him as a coward for not physically retaliating. Strange because her whole case is that he did physically attack her. The tapes are horrific tbh and I can't do them justice in this post.

Heard's team is trying to paint Depp as a violent drunk & near everyone to take the stand so far has testified that Depp never changed in his behaviour when consuming drugs & alcohol but that he was rather a mellowed out drunk.

Oh yea, in case you missed it, she cut off the end of his finger and shat on his bed. Enjoy.
Thanks for this summary mate
Since a lot of people haven't been able to follow events & because, sadly, a lot just assume 'Depp drinks and Amber is hot so therefore everything she says about him is true', I'll post some summarised events for a quick read.

Depp is trying to prove he wasn't physically violent toward her in order to sue her for defamation because she wrote an article about being a survivor of domestic abuse & sexual assault as she tried to make herself the face of the #meToo movement. The article was obviously about Depp because it was at the same time she was publicly accusing him of domestic violence.

Amber Heard & Johnny Depp's friend testified he was very upset with Amber because they got on so well & he saw her every day & was shocked when she sold a story of Depp abusing her and pictures of her being covered in bruises, he claimed that she had no injuries whatsoever and that the "bruises" were make-up. He confronted her about this & said it would be best if they weren't friends any more because of what she had done. He broke down crying about this in court.

Their head of security testified that he never saw Depp being physically aggressive and that Amber Heard was regularly abusive & violent towards Depp & that Depp would always try to avoid conflict & attempt to de-escalate things.

Amber Heard's personal assistant testified that Amber was an aggressive, nasty diva that she only worked for out of convenience as a single mother. She was earning half of what she earned before becoming a mother and eventually when her responsibilities meant she went back to working full time hours & she raised the issue of her pay still being essentially a part-time salary, Amber was aggressive toward her and spat in her face.

One of Amber Heard's supposed legal team was actually her girlfriend, who is also a journalist, that was live-tweeting about the trial (something forbidden in the court). When a witness was testifying in defence of Mr Depp, Heard's girlfriend went on the witness' instagram and screenshot a photo where she had posted about Depp's previous trial in the UK. Heard's girlfriend then cropped the image to remove the date showing that the post was from early 2021 & handed the now edited image to Heard's legal team. This was then taken to the judge & Depp's witness was thrown out for posting about the trial on social media, or at least that was the trick they had created. Depp's team then discovered what had happened and showed the judge the uncropped image to prove that Heard's team had edited it to trick the judge into wrongly removing Depp's witness & exposed the fact that one of Heard's 'legal team' was actually just her girlfriend & journalist. The judge went ballistic & banned Heard's girlfriend from the court. Unfortunately non of this will be exposed to the jury but it shows how desperate and scummy these lying rats are.

Heard's team showed a video, that many of you have seen by now, of Depp smashing up his kitchen & they're trying to pass it off as him being violent. This clip is ancient and is actullaly from when he had just found out that people in his company had stolen an estimated $600m so he was pretty understandably fuming. Heard records him freaking out in the kitchen and then runs off with her phone with a big smirk on her face as she thinks she has her "gotcha" footage. Clearly she was terrified for her safety...

Their marriage counsellor testified that Depp was always trying to be calm and de-escalate everything but that Amber would try to cause fights. She testified that Amber would never let Johnny speak but would instead immediately interrupt him. Amber tried to control the narrative whenever she could, even going to 4 solo meetings with the counsellor so that Depp could not offer a defence against her claims. The counsellor even testified that Amber would be physically voilent and punch and slap Depp in front of her during the sessions. Depp never retaliated.

Amber Heard has been found to have had a record of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend from 2009. She had the police called on her as she physically attacked her girlfriend and broke her necklace. There's only the arrest report as the girlfriend never took it to court. Heard tried to dismiss the arrest report at the time by claiming the arresting officer was a homophobic mysoginist that wanted to hurt her for having a girlfriend. The arresting officer was actually herself a lesbian that does charity work for domestic violence survivors. Big yikes.

Amber Heard received $7m from her divorce from Depp. She claimed, multiple times in TV talk-shows and interviews, that she never wanted any money but to just support other domestic violence survivors. She claimed that to prove she didn't do it for money that she gave the $7m to children's hospitals. She did not. The hospitals have called her out on her fake pledges & records show she still has the money. Her legal team then tried to claim that she had to keep the money because evil Mr Depp was suing her and so therefore it's his fault the poor children didn't get the money. This is complete bollocks because she had the money for over a year before any legal battles started to take place.

Tapes have been played of Heard admitting to hitting Depp with a door, hitting him in the chin & slapping him multiple times whilst also goading him as a coward for not physically retaliating. Strange because her whole case is that he did physically attack her. The tapes are horrific tbh and I can't do them justice in this post.

Heard's team is trying to paint Depp as a violent drunk & near everyone to take the stand so far has testified that Depp never changed in his behaviour when consuming drugs & alcohol but that he was rather a mellowed out drunk.

Oh yea, in case you missed it, she cut off the end of his finger and shat on his bed. Enjoy.

Good summary. The defence team definitely misled the judge to get Depp's witness thrown out leading to Heard's girlfriend being barred but technically the witness admitted to seeing some clips of testimony

They also seem to have some splainin to do over the makeup Amber Heard claims to have used throughout the relationship with Johnny Depp. In the opening her lawyer said that she used a specific make up and Heard would explain exactly how she mixed it to cover the bruises and broken nose..

Only problem was the makeup was released the year after the divorce..
Since a lot of people haven't been able to follow events & because, sadly, a lot just assume 'Depp drinks and Amber is hot so therefore everything she says about him is true', I'll post some summarised events for a quick read.

Depp is trying to prove he wasn't physically violent toward her in order to sue her for defamation because she wrote an article about being a survivor of domestic abuse & sexual assault as she tried to make herself the face of the #meToo movement. The article was obviously about Depp because it was at the same time she was publicly accusing him of domestic violence.

Amber Heard & Johnny Depp's friend testified he was very upset with Amber because they got on so well & he saw her every day & was shocked when she sold a story of Depp abusing her and pictures of her being covered in bruises, he claimed that she had no injuries whatsoever and that the "bruises" were make-up. He confronted her about this & said it would be best if they weren't friends any more because of what she had done. He broke down crying about this in court.

Their head of security testified that he never saw Depp being physically aggressive and that Amber Heard was regularly abusive & violent towards Depp & that Depp would always try to avoid conflict & attempt to de-escalate things.

Amber Heard's personal assistant testified that Amber was an aggressive, nasty diva that she only worked for out of convenience as a single mother. She was earning half of what she earned before becoming a mother and eventually when her responsibilities meant she went back to working full time hours & she raised the issue of her pay still being essentially a part-time salary, Amber was aggressive toward her and spat in her face.

One of Amber Heard's supposed legal team was actually her girlfriend, who is also a journalist, that was live-tweeting about the trial (something forbidden in the court). When a witness was testifying in defence of Mr Depp, Heard's girlfriend went on the witness' instagram and screenshot a photo where she had posted about Depp's previous trial in the UK. Heard's girlfriend then cropped the image to remove the date showing that the post was from early 2021 & handed the now edited image to Heard's legal team. This was then taken to the judge & Depp's witness was thrown out for posting about the trial on social media, or at least that was the trick they had created. Depp's team then discovered what had happened and showed the judge the uncropped image to prove that Heard's team had edited it to trick the judge into wrongly removing Depp's witness & exposed the fact that one of Heard's 'legal team' was actually just her girlfriend & journalist. The judge went ballistic & banned Heard's girlfriend from the court. Unfortunately non of this will be exposed to the jury but it shows how desperate and scummy these lying rats are.

Heard's team showed a video, that many of you have seen by now, of Depp smashing up his kitchen & they're trying to pass it off as him being violent. This clip is ancient and is actullaly from when he had just found out that people in his company had stolen an estimated $600m so he was pretty understandably fuming. Heard records him freaking out in the kitchen and then runs off with her phone with a big smirk on her face as she thinks she has her "gotcha" footage. Clearly she was terrified for her safety...

Their marriage counsellor testified that Depp was always trying to be calm and de-escalate everything but that Amber would try to cause fights. She testified that Amber would never let Johnny speak but would instead immediately interrupt him. Amber tried to control the narrative whenever she could, even going to 4 solo meetings with the counsellor so that Depp could not offer a defence against her claims. The counsellor even testified that Amber would be physically voilent and punch and slap Depp in front of her during the sessions. Depp never retaliated.

Amber Heard has been found to have had a record of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend from 2009. She had the police called on her as she physically attacked her girlfriend and broke her necklace. There's only the arrest report as the girlfriend never took it to court. Heard tried to dismiss the arrest report at the time by claiming the arresting officer was a homophobic mysoginist that wanted to hurt her for having a girlfriend. The arresting officer was actually herself a lesbian that does charity work for domestic violence survivors. Big yikes.

Amber Heard received $7m from her divorce from Depp. She claimed, multiple times in TV talk-shows and interviews, that she never wanted any money but to just support other domestic violence survivors. She claimed that to prove she didn't do it for money that she gave the $7m to children's hospitals. She did not. The hospitals have called her out on her fake pledges & records show she still has the money. Her legal team then tried to claim that she had to keep the money because evil Mr Depp was suing her and so therefore it's his fault the poor children didn't get the money. This is complete bollocks because she had the money for over a year before any legal battles started to take place.

Tapes have been played of Heard admitting to hitting Depp with a door, hitting him in the chin & slapping him multiple times whilst also goading him as a coward for not physically retaliating. Strange because her whole case is that he did physically attack her. The tapes are horrific tbh and I can't do them justice in this post.

Heard's team is trying to paint Depp as a violent drunk & near everyone to take the stand so far has testified that Depp never changed in his behaviour when consuming drugs & alcohol but that he was rather a mellowed out drunk.

Oh yea, in case you missed it, she cut off the end of his finger and shat on his bed. Enjoy.
That's fecked up. Thanks for posting.
Good summary. The defence team definitely misled the judge to get Depp's witness thrown out leading to Heard's girlfriend being barred but technically the witness admitted to seeing some clips of testimony

They also seem to have some splainin to do over the makeup Amber Heard claims to have used throughout the relationship with Johnny Depp. In the opening her lawyer said that she used a specific make up and Heard would explain exactly how she mixed it to cover the bruises and broken nose..

Only problem was the makeup was released the year after the divorce..

Apparently she didn’t say that she used that specific palette. It was one she physically had in her possession in court so they used it as a ‘prop’

edited a phrase for clarity
Last edited:
Thanks for the summary. I was aware of some of these things, but not all. Certainly confirms that Heard is an absolute wagon. A really bad person, because you know this case will be used in every future argument against #metoo.

My impression of Depp is that he is really calm also. When he was on the stand he seemed xann'd out of it though, to be honest. Wouldn't blame him - tough situation.

A few people here have alluded to having insider info on Depp being a bit of a cnut though, was it you @moses saying you were friends with Shane McGowan or something? (I may have the wrong person, sorry...and you may just not want to say which is fair enough also). I'd like to hear more on this if possible though, because Depp is definitely a character to say the least. Ironically I am posting this a few pints deep :lol:.


I am not friends with Shane McGowan but some of my friends are. I'm a grumpy antisocial feck so friends of friends are quite far removed from me.

I've been hearing about this nonsense for a while now and was deeply suspicious of their narrative that he was some sort of unfortunate angel. Although that does seem more likely than cynical me assumed. I still don't really care.
Good summary. The defence team definitely misled the judge to get Depp's witness thrown out leading to Heard's girlfriend being barred but technically the witness admitted to seeing some clips of testimony

They also seem to have some splainin to do over the makeup Amber Heard claims to have used throughout the relationship with Johnny Depp. In the opening her lawyer said that she used a specific make up and Heard would explain exactly how she mixed it to cover the bruises and broken nose..

Only problem was the makeup was released the year after the divorce..

Plus they also tried to claim she used a medical product, called Arnicare, to heal the bruises so that is why her friends never saw them & have testified as such. Problem here being that Arnicare doesn't magically remove bruises, it speeds up recovery time from approximately 7 days to 4 days for most bruises. So her friends would have still had a 4 day window to see these imaginary bruises.
Apparently she didn’t say that she used that specific palette. It was one she physically had in her possession in court so they used it as a ‘prop’

edited a phrase for clarity

She said 'this is what Amber carried in her handbag throughout the relationship and she will testify about how she mixed the palate each day while the bruise healed' and held that product up as the prop.

If it's not the exact line of product she should have stated it was not the same, but a similar product clearly to not mislead the jury..
Since a lot of people haven't been able to follow events & because, sadly, a lot just assume 'Depp drinks and Amber is hot so therefore everything she says about him is true', I'll post some summarised events for a quick read.

Depp is trying to prove he wasn't physically violent toward her in order to sue her for defamation because she wrote an article about being a survivor of domestic abuse & sexual assault as she tried to make herself the face of the #meToo movement. The article was obviously about Depp because it was at the same time she was publicly accusing him of domestic violence.

Amber Heard & Johnny Depp's friend testified he was very upset with Amber because they got on so well & he saw her every day & was shocked when she sold a story of Depp abusing her and pictures of her being covered in bruises, he claimed that she had no injuries whatsoever and that the "bruises" were make-up. He confronted her about this & said it would be best if they weren't friends any more because of what she had done. He broke down crying about this in court.

Their head of security testified that he never saw Depp being physically aggressive and that Amber Heard was regularly abusive & violent towards Depp & that Depp would always try to avoid conflict & attempt to de-escalate things.

Amber Heard's personal assistant testified that Amber was an aggressive, nasty diva that she only worked for out of convenience as a single mother. She was earning half of what she earned before becoming a mother and eventually when her responsibilities meant she went back to working full time hours & she raised the issue of her pay still being essentially a part-time salary, Amber was aggressive toward her and spat in her face.

One of Amber Heard's supposed legal team was actually her girlfriend, who is also a journalist, that was live-tweeting about the trial (something forbidden in the court). When a witness was testifying in defence of Mr Depp, Heard's girlfriend went on the witness' instagram and screenshot a photo where she had posted about Depp's previous trial in the UK. Heard's girlfriend then cropped the image to remove the date showing that the post was from early 2021 & handed the now edited image to Heard's legal team. This was then taken to the judge & Depp's witness was thrown out for posting about the trial on social media, or at least that was the trick they had created. Depp's team then discovered what had happened and showed the judge the uncropped image to prove that Heard's team had edited it to trick the judge into wrongly removing Depp's witness & exposed the fact that one of Heard's 'legal team' was actually just her girlfriend & journalist. The judge went ballistic & banned Heard's girlfriend from the court. Unfortunately non of this will be exposed to the jury but it shows how desperate and scummy these lying rats are.

Heard's team showed a video, that many of you have seen by now, of Depp smashing up his kitchen & they're trying to pass it off as him being violent. This clip is ancient and is actullaly from when he had just found out that people in his company had stolen an estimated $600m so he was pretty understandably fuming. Heard records him freaking out in the kitchen and then runs off with her phone with a big smirk on her face as she thinks she has her "gotcha" footage. Clearly she was terrified for her safety...

Their marriage counsellor testified that Depp was always trying to be calm and de-escalate everything but that Amber would try to cause fights. She testified that Amber would never let Johnny speak but would instead immediately interrupt him. Amber tried to control the narrative whenever she could, even going to 4 solo meetings with the counsellor so that Depp could not offer a defence against her claims. The counsellor even testified that Amber would be physically voilent and punch and slap Depp in front of her during the sessions. Depp never retaliated.

Amber Heard has been found to have had a record of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend from 2009. She had the police called on her as she physically attacked her girlfriend and broke her necklace. There's only the arrest report as the girlfriend never took it to court. Heard tried to dismiss the arrest report at the time by claiming the arresting officer was a homophobic mysoginist that wanted to hurt her for having a girlfriend. The arresting officer was actually herself a lesbian that does charity work for domestic violence survivors. Big yikes.

Amber Heard received $7m from her divorce from Depp. She claimed, multiple times in TV talk-shows and interviews, that she never wanted any money but to just support other domestic violence survivors. She claimed that to prove she didn't do it for money that she gave the $7m to children's hospitals. She did not. The hospitals have called her out on her fake pledges & records show she still has the money. Her legal team then tried to claim that she had to keep the money because evil Mr Depp was suing her and so therefore it's his fault the poor children didn't get the money. This is complete bollocks because she had the money for over a year before any legal battles started to take place.

Tapes have been played of Heard admitting to hitting Depp with a door, hitting him in the chin & slapping him multiple times whilst also goading him as a coward for not physically retaliating. Strange because her whole case is that he did physically attack her. The tapes are horrific tbh and I can't do them justice in this post.

Heard's team is trying to paint Depp as a violent drunk & near everyone to take the stand so far has testified that Depp never changed in his behaviour when consuming drugs & alcohol but that he was rather a mellowed out drunk.

Oh yea, in case you missed it, she cut off the end of his finger and shat on his bed. Enjoy.

Thanks for this, and yeah big yikes.
She said 'this is what Amber carried in her handbag throughout the relationship and she will testify about how she mixed the palate each day while the bruise healed' and held that product up as the prop.

If it's not the exact line of product she should have stated it was not the same, but a similar product clearly to not mislead the jury..
I dunno that still doesn’t signal to me that she/her lawyer is saying she used a specific product. If someone takes off one of their converse shoes in court and their lawyer says ‘my client is going to demonstrate how her partner hit her with it’ I would take it to mean that she is showing how he beat her with shoes not that specific brand of shoe.

(Btw this isn’t me doing what I can to blindly defend her, as from what I’ve read it seems like their relationship was one big toxic mess. I just don’t think that little tidbit is some sort of ‘gotcha’)
I dunno that still doesn’t signal to me that she/her lawyer is saying she used a specific product. If someone takes off one of their converse shoes in court and their lawyer says ‘my client is going to demonstrate how her partner hit her with it’ I would take it to mean that she is showing how he beat her with shoes not that specific brand of shoe.

(Btw this isn’t me doing what I can to blindly defend her, as from what I’ve read it seems like their relationship was one big toxic mess. I just don’t think that little tidbit is some sort of ‘gotcha’)

Well, either way she will need to explain that to the jury during her testimony since it wasn't clear in the opening statement and clearly a lot of people have taken the opposite reading to it to yourself. Whatever products she used she will need to explain exactly because she has promised to describe the exact blend used to cover up the bruises and outside of her close friends and sister everyone is testifying that:

1) she never wore makeup unless she was going to a party or event

And 2) they never saw any bruises or cuts or swelling

If she fecks up its a massive issue for her story
It seems that it was a very toxic and childish relationship and I have no doubt they were both at fault. However, I can't have any sympathy for a person who uses drugs. This guy, albeit a brilliant actor, is poisoning himself. A grown-up with family, a supposed rolemodel for children.

The film industry should fire actors who use drugs.
It seems that it was a very toxic and childish relationship and I have no doubt they were both at fault. However, I can't have any sympathy for a person who uses drugs. This guy, albeit a brilliant actor, is poisoning himself. A grown-up with family, a supposed rolemodel for children.

The film industry should fire actors who use drugs.
They struggle to fire guys that have sexually assaulted their fellow co-stars or people who work on set. Depp is no saint, but at least his addiction hsn't really impacted his work.
Depp is no saint, but at least his addiction hsn't really impacted his work.

I guess we'll have to wait and see on that one. Part of the Heard defence is that he would have lost his gig with Disney because he was turning up late to shoots due to drugs.

Not sure how credible that is though..
It seems that it was a very toxic and childish relationship and I have no doubt they were both at fault. However, I can't have any sympathy for a person who uses drugs. This guy, albeit a brilliant actor, is poisoning himself. A grown-up with family, a supposed rolemodel for children.

The film industry should fire actors who use drugs.
Don’t most Hollywood actors and actresses do coke :lol:
I had no idea how much people love johnny depp before this whole thing.
I had no idea how much people love johnny depp before this whole thing.
He's had some iconic roles to be fair. Though I suppose his role in Fear and loathing in Las Vegas was less of ana ct than I realised.
He's had some iconic roles to be fair. Though I suppose his role in Fear and loathing in Las Vegas was less of ana ct than I realised.

I have always thought his portrayal of himself in Life's Too Short wasn't really an act.
It seems that it was a very toxic and childish relationship and I have no doubt they were both at fault. However, I can't have any sympathy for a person who uses drugs. This guy, albeit a brilliant actor, is poisoning himself. A grown-up with family, a supposed rolemodel for children.

The film industry should fire actors who use drugs.

If you’re in Hollywood and you ain’t doing fat lines then you’re doing it wrong
It seems that it was a very toxic and childish relationship and I have no doubt they were both at fault. However, I can't have any sympathy for a person who uses drugs. This guy, albeit a brilliant actor, is poisoning himself. A grown-up with family, a supposed rolemodel for children.

The film industry should fire actors who use drugs.

Have you ever gotten drunk?
Since a lot of people haven't been able to follow events & because, sadly, a lot just assume 'Depp drinks and Amber is hot so therefore everything she says about him is true', I'll post some summarised events for a quick read.

Depp is trying to prove he wasn't physically violent toward her in order to sue her for defamation because she wrote an article about being a survivor of domestic abuse & sexual assault as she tried to make herself the face of the #meToo movement. The article was obviously about Depp because it was at the same time she was publicly accusing him of domestic violence.

Amber Heard & Johnny Depp's friend testified he was very upset with Amber because they got on so well & he saw her every day & was shocked when she sold a story of Depp abusing her and pictures of her being covered in bruises, he claimed that she had no injuries whatsoever and that the "bruises" were make-up. He confronted her about this & said it would be best if they weren't friends any more because of what she had done. He broke down crying about this in court.

Their head of security testified that he never saw Depp being physically aggressive and that Amber Heard was regularly abusive & violent towards Depp & that Depp would always try to avoid conflict & attempt to de-escalate things.

Amber Heard's personal assistant testified that Amber was an aggressive, nasty diva that she only worked for out of convenience as a single mother. She was earning half of what she earned before becoming a mother and eventually when her responsibilities meant she went back to working full time hours & she raised the issue of her pay still being essentially a part-time salary, Amber was aggressive toward her and spat in her face.

One of Amber Heard's supposed legal team was actually her girlfriend, who is also a journalist, that was live-tweeting about the trial (something forbidden in the court). When a witness was testifying in defence of Mr Depp, Heard's girlfriend went on the witness' instagram and screenshot a photo where she had posted about Depp's previous trial in the UK. Heard's girlfriend then cropped the image to remove the date showing that the post was from early 2021 & handed the now edited image to Heard's legal team. This was then taken to the judge & Depp's witness was thrown out for posting about the trial on social media, or at least that was the trick they had created. Depp's team then discovered what had happened and showed the judge the uncropped image to prove that Heard's team had edited it to trick the judge into wrongly removing Depp's witness & exposed the fact that one of Heard's 'legal team' was actually just her girlfriend & journalist. The judge went ballistic & banned Heard's girlfriend from the court. Unfortunately non of this will be exposed to the jury but it shows how desperate and scummy these lying rats are.

Heard's team showed a video, that many of you have seen by now, of Depp smashing up his kitchen & they're trying to pass it off as him being violent. This clip is ancient and is actullaly from when he had just found out that people in his company had stolen an estimated $600m so he was pretty understandably fuming. Heard records him freaking out in the kitchen and then runs off with her phone with a big smirk on her face as she thinks she has her "gotcha" footage. Clearly she was terrified for her safety...

Their marriage counsellor testified that Depp was always trying to be calm and de-escalate everything but that Amber would try to cause fights. She testified that Amber would never let Johnny speak but would instead immediately interrupt him. Amber tried to control the narrative whenever she could, even going to 4 solo meetings with the counsellor so that Depp could not offer a defence against her claims. The counsellor even testified that Amber would be physically voilent and punch and slap Depp in front of her during the sessions. Depp never retaliated.

Amber Heard has been found to have had a record of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend from 2009. She had the police called on her as she physically attacked her girlfriend and broke her necklace. There's only the arrest report as the girlfriend never took it to court. Heard tried to dismiss the arrest report at the time by claiming the arresting officer was a homophobic mysoginist that wanted to hurt her for having a girlfriend. The arresting officer was actually herself a lesbian that does charity work for domestic violence survivors. Big yikes.

Amber Heard received $7m from her divorce from Depp. She claimed, multiple times in TV talk-shows and interviews, that she never wanted any money but to just support other domestic violence survivors. She claimed that to prove she didn't do it for money that she gave the $7m to children's hospitals. She did not. The hospitals have called her out on her fake pledges & records show she still has the money. Her legal team then tried to claim that she had to keep the money because evil Mr Depp was suing her and so therefore it's his fault the poor children didn't get the money. This is complete bollocks because she had the money for over a year before any legal battles started to take place.

Tapes have been played of Heard admitting to hitting Depp with a door, hitting him in the chin & slapping him multiple times whilst also goading him as a coward for not physically retaliating. Strange because her whole case is that he did physically attack her. The tapes are horrific tbh and I can't do them justice in this post.

Heard's team is trying to paint Depp as a violent drunk & near everyone to take the stand so far has testified that Depp never changed in his behaviour when consuming drugs & alcohol but that he was rather a mellowed out drunk.

Oh yea, in case you missed it, she cut off the end of his finger and shat on his bed. Enjoy.
If she’s the one mainly at fault, how come Depp lost in court in the UK?
If she’s the one mainly at fault, how come Depp lost in court in the UK?

English defamation law and different standards of proof may have played a part in this.

It isn't unheard of for a claimant to win a case in England that they would lose in a US state.

Drawing a direct equivalence between jurisdictions in this kind of case is not straightforward.
If she’s the one mainly at fault, how come Depp lost in court in the UK?
Why was OJ found innocent? There was no physical evidence against Depp but at the height of the meToo & believeallwomen movements it was hardly a shock that a decision went against a 'powerful, aggressive, drunken, white male' in favour of a defenceless loving woman. Thankfully this psychotic narcissist is finally being exposed. Also, Depp had to 'prove' he didn't beat her, rather than her having to prove that he did. The case was a mess from the very start, how can you prove you haven't hit someone unless your entire life has been filmed?
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Why was OJ found innocent? A jury can be conned. There was no physical evidence against Depp but at the height of the meToo & believeallwomen movements it was hardly a shock that a jury went against a 'powerful, aggressive, drunken, white male' in favour of a defenceless loving woman. Thankfully this psychotic narcissist is finally being exposed. Also, Depp had to 'prove' he didn't beat her, rather than her having to prove that he did. The case was a mess from the very start, how can you prove you haven't hit someone unless your entire life has been filmed?

From memory, it was a single judge, not a jury. Jury trials are not common in defamation cases, and are pretty much unheard of in the rest of English civil law (for example, the last jury trial we had in a personal injury case was in 1965).
From memory, it was a single judge, not a jury. Jury trials are not common in defamation cases, and are pretty much unheard of in the rest of English civil law (for example, the last jury trial we had in a personal injury case was in 1965).
Ah yeah, you're right, it was a judge. I'll ammend that post.
See she couldnea handled a ducking night out.
Ah yeah, you're right, it was a judge. I'll ammend that post.
I think it reinforces your point - you only have 1 person to convince instead of 12, and if the judge is 'claimant friendly', or clearly favours one side, you really have your work cut out as a lawyer to change their mind.
I don't understand how this works in the states. There is so much evidence on the table which shows that infact it's the other way around, Ambar is the physically abusing one yet the previous trials have judged in her favour. I have followed most of this trial and I couldn't believe it when it was revealed she took a shit on his bed.

Like, how nasty can you be....
English defamation law and different standards of proof may have played a part in this.

It isn't unheard of for a claimant to win a case in England that they would lose in a US state.

Drawing a direct equivalence between jurisdictions in this kind of case is not straightforward.

Typically that should have played in favour of Depp, no? I.e. that it's normally easier to sue for defamation in the UK vs the US, so Depp lost in the venue friendliest to him. Not commenting on the case specifically, I don't know anything beyond some headlines.
Typically that should have played in favour of Depp, no? I.e. that it's normally easier to sue for defamation in the UK vs the US, so Depp lost in the venue friendliest to him. Not commenting on the case specifically, I don't know anything beyond some headlines.

Yes that is true.

I followed the UK trial at a distance, but there appear to be a few key differences - the Wiki summary is useful here:

The single judge favoured The Sun's account (and by extension Heard's) on the balance of probabilities, hence the 'substantially true' verdict. It appears that the UK judge thought Heard was a reliable witness, and so didn't really deal with some of the issues in relation to credibility which the US court has.

The UK judge also had previous of making really bad judgments -

"Last month, he ruled that the trial of two defendants accused of preparing terrorist offences must take place in secret. Not only would the evidence be heard in secret, the suspects' names and the charges they faced would be secrets, too. So secret was Nicol's secrecy order that it was a secret itself."

Add to that the rules of evidence in UK courts...

It could be that Depp is an abuser, and Heard is the victim, and the UK court was correct. I am happy to be corrected, but it does appear that the judge in the High Court didn't like Depp's submissions, and saw Heard as a reliable witness, which therefore met that the newspaper article citing Heard's evidence of the domestic abuse was more likely than not to be true.
It seems that it was a very toxic and childish relationship and I have no doubt they were both at fault. However, I can't have any sympathy for a person who uses drugs. This guy, albeit a brilliant actor, is poisoning himself. A grown-up with family, a supposed rolemodel for children.

The film industry should fire actors who use drugs.

Remove the drinkers, drug and steroid users and we are left with what? 10-15 actors :lol:
What I found a bit mad was his mother dies while she's at coachella but there's no phone call to check in if he is OK or if there's anything she can do, I mean that's his wife, instead he comes home to find a shit in his bed. That's madness, and makes her look like a self obsessed bitch.