Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp | Depp wins on all 3 counts

It appears to me like people have picked their favourites in this case, and most have picked Depp, despite him being found in court to be a domestic abuser.

Theres a reason why domestic abuse often goes unpunished, and some of the reactions to this case highlight these.

Doesn't sound like either person is very nice at times, especially when drink and drugs are around, but that doesn't discount the fact the Depp lost a defamation court case because the allegations of him being a domestic abuser were found to actually be 'substantially true' in court.

Based on the evidence shown so far in this trial it seems like Depp was probably a victim of abuse rather than the abuser.
It appears to me like people have picked their favourites in this case, and most have picked Depp, despite him being found in court to be a domestic abuser.

Theres a reason why domestic abuse often goes unpunished, and some of the reactions to this case highlight these.

Doesn't sound like either person is very nice at times, especially when drink and drugs are around, but that doesn't discount the fact the Depp lost a defamation court case because the allegations of him being a domestic abuser were found to actually be 'substantially true' in court.

Yeah, in a case where Depp was the only one on trial. You won’t find anyone in this thread claiming Depp to be a saint; in fact most think the complete opposite.

Amber Heard, however, is also a domestic abuser and the same allegations would be found to be ‘substantially true’ with roles reversed.
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Yeah, in a case where Depp was the only one on trial. You won’t find anyone in this thread claiming Depp to be a saint; in fact most think the complete opposite.

Amber Heard, however, is also a domestic abuser and the same allegations would be found to be ‘substantially true’ with roles reversed.
I don't doubt that Heard is also an abuser, although nothing has so far been proven from this, but that doesn't excuse Depp and the fact that has in essence been found in court to be an abuser.

A post above was actively saying people should be in favour of Depp....this is alarming, lets be in favour of someone who text messages regarding burning, drowning and then raping his wifes body?

Does no one else see that the issues lie in both of them and people really shouldn't be picking sides when its clear one is a proven abuser, the other looks like they will become likewise?
I don't doubt that Heard is also an abuser, although nothing has so far been proven from this, but that doesn't excuse Depp and the fact that has in essence been found in court to be an abuser.
A post above was actively saying people should be in favour of Depp....this is alarming, lets be in favour of someone who text messages regarding burning, drowning and then raping his wifes body?


He's in the middle of his case in chief so if people are heavily in favour of him, I'm saying it's likely a product of that and it should start to be more contentious when Heard sets out her evidence. It's in response to your wider point about society and it's not that complicated.

Also texts to other people venting about an ex who is, in his mind his abuser, who is now accusing him of what she did to him and is coming after his money and reputation on top of the difficulties of divorce.. Its not hard to see how he got dark about it
Based on the evidence shown so far in this trial it seems like Depp was probably a victim of abuse rather than the abuser.

The evidence of this trial and the trial in London would seem to indicate that Depp and Heard were abusing each other, both physically and mentally (and also that Depp was regularly abusing his own body with alcohol and drugs). It was an utterly toxic relationship. Neither party comes out of this well and the fact that this whole unedifying spectacle is being broadcast to the word, is surely a PR disaster from which neither of them will ever recover.

He's in the middle of his case in chief so if people are heavily in favour of him, I'm saying it's likely a product of that and it should start to be more contentious when Heard sets out her evidence. It's in response to your wider point about society and it's not that complicated.

Also texts to other people venting about an ex who is, in his mind his abuser, who is now accusing him of what she did to him and is coming after his money and reputation on top of the difficulties of divorce.. Its not hard to see how he got dark about it
My whole point is people shouldn't be in favour of one nor the other.
Why are people letting their personal opinions about people get in the way of listening to the evidence of both this case and the libel case against the Sun?

Depp was found to be an abuser in that case, yet still people back him, probably because they don't like Heard, or prefer Depp over Heard. It's just bizarre to me.
My whole point is people shouldn't be in favour of one nor the other.
Why are people letting their personal opinions about people get in the way of listening to the evidence of both this case and the libel case against the Sun?

Depp was found to be an abuser in that case, yet still people back him, probably because they don't like Heard, or prefer Depp over Heard. It's just bizarre to me.

Objection, hearsay.
My whole point is people shouldn't be in favour of one nor the other.
Why are people letting their personal opinions about people get in the way of listening to the evidence of both this case and the libel case against the Sun?

Depp was found to be an abuser in that case, yet still people back him, probably because they don't like Heard, or prefer Depp over Heard. It's just bizarre to me.

People are having an opinion based on the evidence that is coming out.

Until this point it was basically all Heard's side in public, then a few tapes on the Internet and then a UK trial against a different party.

It's funny how the standards shift now public sentiment is turning as the evidence is becoming more widely distributed. Depp was cancelled based on accusations and an uncontested restraining order that is extremely easy to get during a divorce and often weaponised.
People are having an opinion based on the evidence that is coming out.

Until this point it was basically all Heard's side in public, then a few tapes on the Internet and then a UK trial against a different party.

It's funny how the standards shift now public sentiment is turning as the evidence is becoming more widely distributed. Depp was cancelled based on accusations and an uncontested restraining order that is extremely easy to get during a divorce and often weaponised.

Honestly, if Depp had done even half of the things Heard is accused of he would be having strips torn off him from all sections of society.
It appears to me like people have picked their favourites in this case, and most have picked Depp, despite him being found in court to be a domestic abuser.

Theres a reason why domestic abuse often goes unpunished, and some of the reactions to this case highlight these.

Doesn't sound like either person is very nice at times, especially when drink and drugs are around, but that doesn't discount the fact the Depp lost a defamation court case because the allegations of him being a domestic abuser were found to actually be 'substantially true' in court.

I think we're just interested in getting a more balanced view of the situation as most are uncomfortable with how one-sided this has been in favour of Heard. Nobody is claiming Depp is a saint and he's clearly abusive in his own way, which will remain his ruin. I see a situation where they both come out badly as inevitable - even if it technically means a swing in favour of Depp insofar as not seeming as awful as the UK trial made him look.

I also reckon being predominantly a male forum we're interested in seeing a more equal viewpoint due to the wider issues of society not believing men can be victims of domestic abuse, as well as of course the perpetrators - which frankly sucks and needs to change.
I also reckon being predominantly a male forum we're interested in seeing a more equal viewpoint due to the wider issues of society not believing men can be victims of domestic abuse, as well as of course the perpetrators - which frankly sucks and needs to change.

She literally mocked the very idea that any judge or jury could believe that he is a victim of domestic violence and then became an ambassador for victims of domestic violence.

She was right about Justice Nicol from his judgment, not sure about the technical legal arguments of defamation and if Depp should win but I think most people will hopefully now see what actually happened
Is Anger turd gonn give evidence
The evidence of this trial and the trial in London would seem to indicate that Depp and Heard were abusing each other, both physically and mentally (and also that Depp was regularly abusing his own body with alcohol and drugs). It was an utterly toxic relationship. Neither party comes out of this well and the fact that this whole unedifying spectacle is being broadcast to the word, is surely a PR disaster from which neither of them will ever recover.
Well it's only part way through but as of now I think Depp stands a much better chance of getting big roles I'm Hollywood movies

Anger turd seems destined for finger chopping scat porn

But it's not over... Will she be a witness and cross examined or not? ... I'm guessing she will?... which subject to evidence / testimony could change things a lot
I don't doubt that Heard is also an abuser, although nothing has so far been proven from this, but that doesn't excuse Depp and the fact that has in essence been found in court to be an abuser.

:lol: For someone as 'neutral' as you claim to be, you sure are blind to anything negative that has come to light against Heard. I know she's hot but come on! :lol::lol:
The evidence of this trial and the trial in London would seem to indicate that Depp and Heard were abusing each other, both physically and mentally (and also that Depp was regularly abusing his own body with alcohol and drugs). It was an utterly toxic relationship. Neither party comes out of this well and the fact that this whole unedifying spectacle is being broadcast to the word, is surely a PR disaster from which neither of them will ever recover.

So far what we’ve seen is AH has admitted to abusing JD of which theres a recording.

It may simply be because AH is a female that most people were initially on her side. when I’d first heard of the allegations my initial reaction was JD wasnt capable of it but then I was convinced he must have, simply due to my gender bias (women are usually the victims) the more this went on the more voices started questioning AH.

If she is the guilty party and if so do we get to ‘cancel’ her? Everyone was so quick to cancel JD after the London trial.
:lol: For someone as 'neutral' as you claim to be, you sure are blind to anything negative that has come to light against Heard. I know she's hot but come on! :lol::lol:
:lol: :lol: She is smoking hot.

However I am going to be honest here and say i couldn't name you a film she has been in, wheras Depp I could, so I really have no viewpoints on her either way - and i think thats the difference here between my outlook on this case and others, I only know her from these court cases and what I have read and watched about them,
Some people seem taken with Depp, despite the fact he has been essentially proven in court to be an abuser.

Heard so far has not had this hanging over her (she surely will after this case I would imagine, assuming the evidence from Depps team is water tight and can be proved, although there are major contradictions so far, especially the infamous finger tip in the sink).

People really need to see this for what this is, a domestic abuse case whereby we could have two perpertrators and two victims, but so far we already have one perpertrator and one victim which is what some people seem to forget.
It appears to me like people have picked their favourites in this case, and most have picked Depp, despite him being found in court to be a domestic abuser.

Theres a reason why domestic abuse often goes unpunished, and some of the reactions to this case highlight these.

Doesn't sound like either person is very nice at times, especially when drink and drugs are around, but that doesn't discount the fact the Depp lost a defamation court case because the allegations of him being a domestic abuser were found to actually be 'substantially true' in court.
I wonder if he win the case this time, would this have any bearing to the result or possible appeals from his previous verdict against the newsgroup. Or rather, would this make the court becomes a joke.
So far what we’ve seen is AH has admitted to abusing JD of which theres a recording.

It may simply be because AH is a female that most people were initially on her side. when I’d first heard of the allegations my initial reaction was JD wasnt capable of it but then I was convinced he must have, simply due to my gender bias (women are usually the victims) the more this went on the more voices started questioning AH.

If she is the guilty party and if so do we get to ‘cancel’ her? Everyone was so quick to cancel JD after the London trial.

I wouldn't be surprised if they both get 'cancelled' after this debacle. They both appear to be pretty awful human beings. I'm just amazed that they have willingly aired their dirty laundry in public in this way.
I wonder if he win the case this time, would this have any bearing to the result or possible appeals from his previous verdict against the newsgroup. Or rather, would this make the court becomes a joke.

No, appellant courts are there to correct judgments that are outside of the legal standards or abuses of discretion.

The finder of fact in the UK trial was the judge and he weighed the evidence as he did, the jury are the finders of fact in this case and can come to a different conclusion, especially possible with the additional evidence that will be disclosed due to Heard being the defendant.
:lol: :lol: She is smoking hot.

However I am going to be honest here and say i couldn't name you a film she has been in, wheras Depp I could, so I really have no viewpoints on her either way - and i think thats the difference here between my outlook on this case and others, I only know her from these court cases and what I have read and watched about them,
Some people seem taken with Depp, despite the fact he has been essentially proven in court to be an abuser.

Heard so far has not had this hanging over her (she surely will after this case I would imagine, assuming the evidence from Depps team is water tight and can be proved, although there are major contradictions so far, especially the infamous finger tip in the sink).

People really need to see this for what this is, a domestic abuse case whereby we could have two perpertrators and two victims, but so far we already have one perpertrator and one victim which is what some people seem to forget.

The finger incident was used in court to show that she isn't a saint and in that way diminish her credibility, if the jury bought it I have no idea.

There is very little evidence that proves the abuse she claimed he was responsible for, especially the sexual violence (so far) that could change though. But her word won't be enough this time. The jury will have a hard time believing a person who lies about donating their divorce money to a children's hospital.

In the first trial her testimony weighed heavily, this time around it probably won't, she has been caught in too many lies.

The staff from the house, her personal assistant even their therapist never saw any direct abuse or agression from Depp but the opposite. The therapist even testified how Heard would escelate a situation and hit Depp during therapy, rather than let him walk away.

Then there is the recording where she admits hitting him and then makes fun of him, calling him a baby because he doesn't fight back.

The therapist and tape is evidence that points to her being an abuser and not the other way around.

Let's say you don't trust a word either person says and just look at the evidence so far, it doesn't look favorable for Heard. That might change but as I said I doubt her word will be enough evidence this time.
The finger incident was used in court to show that she isn't a saint and in that way diminish her credibility, if the jury bought it I have no idea.

There is very little evidence that proves the abuse she claimed he was responsible for, especially the sexual violence (so far) that could change though. But her word won't be enough this time. The jury will have a hard time believing a person who lies about donating their divorce money to a children's hospital.

In the first trial her testimony weighed heavily, this time around it probably won't, she has been caught in too many lies.

The staff from the house, her personal assistant even their therapist never saw any direct abuse or agression from Depp but the opposite. The therapist even testified how Heard would escelate a situation and hit Depp during therapy, rather than let him walk away.

Then there is the recording where she admits hitting him and then makes fun of him, calling him a baby because he doesn't fight back.

The therapist and tape is evidence that points to her being an abuser and not the other way around.

Let's say you don't trust a word either person says and just look at the evidence so far, it doesn't look favorable for Heard. That might change but as I said I doubt her word will be enough evidence this time.
It doesn't look particularly favourable for any of them, taking into account Depp has already been found by a judge to be a domestic abuser.

The whole money for charity thing is a non starter, she agreed to give it over a number of years apparently, how true that is I guess no one really knows.

The tapes are damning to them both, they point to then both being abusers, however as per the allegations by the sun which were found to be substantially true by a judge (a first for everything) we know Depp is an abuser in that basis.

So let's not pretend that Depp is the only victim here.
My whole point is people shouldn't be in favour of one nor the other.
Why are people letting their personal opinions about people get in the way of listening to the evidence of both this case and the libel case against the Sun?

Depp was found to be an abuser in that case, yet still people back him, probably because they don't like Heard, or prefer Depp over Heard. It's just bizarre to me.

Reading that case back, I do feel certain elements of the current case put things into question in the previous one.

It was decided by a judge rather than a jury, the judge seems to of relied a little heavily on just Amber's testimony deeming her a reliable witness? but disregarded some of the events Amber was accused of. Bed shitting, the finger incident, hitting depp deemed self defence etc. Also disregarded police,therapist evidence.

The audio recording recently where Amber goads Depp about not being believed that he's a victim of a domestic abuse, also has mention of the finger incident.

I highly doubt Depp's a saint and has done/said shit in this relationship but some of the video evidence doesn't show someone in fear of their life but someone that is trying to escalate and entice a reaction.
Anyone who saw this last bit? Some guy in his car vaping, giving testimony:lol: Before the last question he got so tired of the questions, he started driving without his seat belt on:lol:

Dude was so nonchalant. Funniest bit of the trial for me so far.
It doesn't look particularly favourable for any of them, taking into account Depp has already been found by a judge to be a domestic abuser.

The whole money for charity thing is a non starter, she agreed to give it over a number of years apparently, how true that is I guess no one really knows.

The tapes are damning to them both, they point to then both being abusers, however as per the allegations by the sun which were found to be substantially true by a judge (a first for everything) we know Depp is an abuser in that basis.

So let's not pretend that Depp is the only victim here.

Alleged assault #12:

December 15th, 2015. LA

Claims:Amber claims Johnny threw a decanter at her before slapping her, dragging her through the apartment by her hair and pulling large chunks of hair from her scalp.

She also claims he then followed her upstairs, pushed her to the floor and shouted “you think you’re a fecking tough guy” before headbutting her.

She claims she then told him she wanted to leave him and he followed that by grabbing her and screaming “I fecking will kill you - I’ll fecking kill you, you hear me?”

Johnny claims Amber fabricated this alleged assault and falsely claimed the hair was hers. He also claims she was the one who violently attacked him that night.

Here’s Amber the very next day, after all this allegedly took place, on The Late Show With James Corden:

Judge’s ruling: The judge stated the argument was “not just verbal, it became physical” indicating that Johnny did indeed do it. 10/14

Based on what?
It doesn't look particularly favourable for any of them, taking into account Depp has already been found by a judge to be a domestic abuser.

The whole money for charity thing is a non starter, she agreed to give it over a number of years apparently, how true that is I guess no one really knows.

The tapes are damning to them both, they point to then both being abusers, however as per the allegations by the sun which were found to be substantially true by a judge (a first for everything) we know Depp is an abuser in that basis.

So let's not pretend that Depp is the only victim here.
I'd say in terms of public opinion after following the ongoing trial, its hugely on Depp's favour now.

But in terms of legal consequence, I really have no idea. Maybe both are guilty in some form of domestic abuse, as there seems to be alot of fights among these 2, while Amber does appear to lie about alot of things there.
Alleged assault #12:

December 15th, 2015. LA

Claims:Amber claims Johnny threw a decanter at her before slapping her, dragging her through the apartment by her hair and pulling large chunks of hair from her scalp.

She also claims he then followed her upstairs, pushed her to the floor and shouted “you think you’re a fecking tough guy” before headbutting her.

She claims she then told him she wanted to leave him and he followed that by grabbing her and screaming “I fecking will kill you - I’ll fecking kill you, you hear me?”

Johnny claims Amber fabricated this alleged assault and falsely claimed the hair was hers. He also claims she was the one who violently attacked him that night.

Here’s Amber the very next day, after all this allegedly took place, on The Late Show With James Corden:

Judge’s ruling: The judge stated the argument was “not just verbal, it became physical” indicating that Johnny did indeed do it. 10/14

Based on what?

Based on her word. This time it won't carry the same weight for sure, after being caught in several lies.
It appears to me like people have picked their favourites in this case, and most have picked Depp, despite him being found in court to be a domestic abuser.

Theres a reason why domestic abuse often goes unpunished, and some of the reactions to this case highlight these.

Doesn't sound like either person is very nice at times, especially when drink and drugs are around, but that doesn't discount the fact the Depp lost a defamation court case because the allegations of him being a domestic abuser were found to actually be 'substantially true' in court.

The issue here is not who is right and who is wrong. The issue here is that Johnny Depp as a man has had his career ruined and reputation destroyed for the same thing that that Amber Heard as a woman has gone on to enjoy great success despite. It's a commentary on how society in general don't treat men who are the victims of abuse very seriously. There are countless social experiments detailing this, the public interfering if a man raises his voice at a woman in the street but looking on when they flip the roles and have the woman actually physically attack the man. Heard herself daring Depp to tell the world, that nobody will believe him because he's a man sums up the entire problem that this is all about and requires a shift in how the public views mens suffering of abuse. The fact that the double standard is so transparent is one of the reasons that Johnny Depp has such large public support.
In civil court by one judge who looked at no hard evidence.

A 70 year old man who clearly has a regressive attitude towards this issue if he just believes that a man is the abuser and woman is the victim based on the testimony alone and disregards any evidence to the contrary.

Nice :lol:
The issue here is not who is right and who is wrong. The issue here is that Johnny Depp as a man has had his career ruined and reputation destroyed for the same thing that that Amber Heard as a woman has gone on to enjoy great success despite. It's a commentary on how society in general don't treat men who are the victims of abuse very seriously. There are countless social experiments detailing this, the public interfering if a man raises his voice at a woman in the street but looking on when they flip the roles and have the woman actually physically attack the man. Heard herself daring Depp to tell the world, that nobody will believe him because he's a man sums up the entire problem that this is all about and requires a shift in how the public views mens suffering of abuse. The fact that the double standard is so transparent is one of the reasons that Johnny Depp has such large public support.


But then Champ here clearly has his own leanings, whether he's aware of it or not.
The issue here is not who is right and who is wrong. The issue here is that Johnny Depp as a man has had his career ruined and reputation destroyed for the same thing that that Amber Heard as a woman has gone on to enjoy great success despite. It's a commentary on how society in general don't treat men who are the victims of abuse very seriously. There are countless social experiments detailing this, the public interfering if a man raises his voice at a woman in the street but looking on when they flip the roles and have the woman actually physically attack the man. Heard herself daring Depp to tell the world, that nobody will believe him because he's a man sums up the entire problem that this is all about and requires a shift in how the public views mens suffering of abuse. The fact that the double standard is so transparent is one of the reasons that Johnny Depp has such large public support.
I wanted to respond to that comment in the same way you have but couldn't find the right words. Well put.
A 70 year old man who clearly has a regressive attitude towards this issue if he just believes that a man is the abuser and woman is the victim based on the testimony alone and disregards any evidence to the contrary.

Might be going down the conspiracy rabbit hole but apparently the judges son works for talkradio which is owned by Murdoch.

Quite the conflict of interest if that was the case...
:lol: :lol: She is smoking hot.

However I am going to be honest here and say i couldn't name you a film she has been in, wheras Depp I could, so I really have no viewpoints on her either way - and i think thats the difference here between my outlook on this case and others, I only know her from these court cases and what I have read and watched about them,
Some people seem taken with Depp, despite the fact he has been essentially proven in court to be an abuser.

Heard so far has not had this hanging over her (she surely will after this case I would imagine, assuming the evidence from Depps team is water tight and can be proved, although there are major contradictions so far, especially the infamous finger tip in the sink).

People really need to see this for what this is, a domestic abuse case whereby we could have two perpertrators and two victims, but so far we already have one perpertrator and one victim which is what some people seem to forget.
Spot on. So far we only have unwavering proof that Amber is a perpertrator and Johnny is a victim but let's wait and see what evidence her team provide to see if there's a shred of truth in any of her claims against him.
The issue here is not who is right and who is wrong. The issue here is that Johnny Depp as a man has had his career ruined and reputation destroyed for the same thing that that Amber Heard as a woman has gone on to enjoy great success despite. It's a commentary on how society in general don't treat men who are the victims of abuse very seriously. There are countless social experiments detailing this, the public interfering if a man raises his voice at a woman in the street but looking on when they flip the roles and have the woman actually physically attack the man. Heard herself daring Depp to tell the world, that nobody will believe him because he's a man sums up the entire problem that this is all about and requires a shift in how the public views mens suffering of abuse. The fact that the double standard is so transparent is one of the reasons that Johnny Depp has such large public support.
But he shouldn't have public support.

That's the issue.

The fact that, as I keep saying, there appears to be two victims and two perpetrators keeps slipping from people's grasp.
Neither deserves support if Depps allegations against Heard are proved to be true (and the fact is no court has found them to be substantially true from what I know, unlike Heards allegations against Depp).

The fact that people in public and on this forum are actively sticking up for Depp is just inherently wrong in my opinion. Likewise for Heard.
Spot on. So far we only have unwavering proof that Amber is a perpertrator and Johnny is a victim but let's wait and see what evidence her team provide to see if there's a shred of truth in any of her claims against him.
Allegations against Depp being an abuser have been found by a court to be substantially true.
Johnny is a perpetrator also.