Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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I literally couldn’t care less what we pay players. Not sure why anyone does. The obscenity of footballers wages has for a long time far exceeded a level that is questionable. They are in a league of their own with wages and it’s not our money. Too compete at the top and get back their we have to pay over the odds. How the finances of the club is run is irrelevant.
Modern day fans are obsessed with wages. I couldn't give two turds what players earn. It's not my money.

Well it sort of is... The fact that TV subscriptions and ticket prices keep going up is not unconnected to how much players are earning.

But I can't understand the obsessing about individual players' wages, they're all on the sort of absolutely stupid money that nobody actually needs.
Yeah and as a club their wages take up about 90% of their revenue and Messi is a big reason for that. Great player though.
Absolutely. If we had the best player in the world I wouldn't give two shits about finances as long as the club isn't fecking itself into oblivion. But it's still noteworthy as a laugh when you actually look at the financial side.
It's sound paranoid that the media is against us all the time, but it actually make sense for them to do that. If they write or say something positive about us then that only appeals to United fans. If they paint is in a bad light then they get the attention of the United fan because is riles us up, plus the ABU's who love it.

We need to boycott all these sites and publicly denounce their credibility esp on social media. The more we stick together, the sooner they will stop with the lies. A bit of fun is only that, a wind-up. But this is a constant distortion of the facts to constantly display United in a bad light. Like when is enough, enough! Don't we owe it to the club to not feed the trolls?
Something is seriously wrong in miki/arsenal talks. I would not be surprised if that deal collapses
Hang on, where the feck did I get a Scouse lover banner from? I've not even been involved in whatever silly argument was behind that! :confused:
I am fed up looking a that Scouse lover thing already - I think I may have got it for saying Utd needed Liverpool to win on the last day of 94/95 season against Blackburn while winning at West Ham and while the first one happened United couldn't keep their end of the bargain...............
I am fed up looking a that Scouse lover thing already - I think I may have got it for saying Utd needed Liverpool to win on the last day of 94/95 season against Blackburn while winning at West Ham and while the first one happened United couldn't keep their end of the bargain...............

You'd be mad not to have wanted them to win that match, but even in those occasional situations when it means we win the league, or virtually do, I can't bring myself to really support them. There's no pleasure in their winning, you just have to stick that up and think of the greater good, like some kind of vile medicine.
Oh, Fergus as a first name, for sure. Ferguson, no. As you say, it's a marker of being the son of Fergus and came into being as a surname to distinguish one man from another as other surnames did (e.g, Kieran, son of Richard = Kieran Richardson :D). Maybe it's more common as a first name in Scotland? Who knows.

P.S - can someone please like my posts so I can reply to other posts? I have a 5 message limit...pretty please?

How do I like a post? Not seeing that option on my mobile anyway.

Damn this thread fly. A lot of catch up.
Something is seriously wrong in miki/arsenal talks. I would not be surprised if that deal collapses

If that happens, which it most likely won't, then we'll just pay the £35m Arsenal wants.

Sanchez is coming, it is just a matter of when.
You'd be mad not to have wanted them to win that match, but even in those occasional situations when it means we win the league, or virtually do, I can't bring myself to really support them. There's no pleasure in their winning, you just have to stick that up and think of the greater good, like some kind of vile medicine.

Then i am mad.
You'd be mad not to have wanted them to win that match, but even in those occasional situations when it means we win the league, or virtually do, I can't bring myself to really support them. There's no pleasure in their winning, you just have to stick that up and think of the greater good, like some kind of vile medicine.
Liverpool winning is never a medicine! It's more like some nasty twisted poison that makes you go blind.
Ah, tbf, I was just joking around. The answer to your question is, I presume, that the bloke who posted the tweet follows this Bassa fella - who, from memory, used to post on here and is just a Twitter mentalist who seems to come alive during transfer windows - and lazily just posted his tweet rather than go seek out the original.

lol, really?

I seem to remember some supposed ITK from Spain that got the caff all in a tizzy over a supposed big transfer we were supposedly going for a good few years back. Do you remember him?
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