Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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This is politically incorrect but I would not appreciate Arsenal playing Sanchez tomorrow. He's unofficially, officially OUR player. What if he gets injured? We're doing the sensible thing and benching Mkhi. Arsenal should do the same.
Well if Mkhi is saying his goodbyes in training, I'd assume Alexis won't be with Arsenal's squad tomorrow anyway. The deal looks like it's very nearly completed.
he would not pass a fitness test if that happened, who knows , it stopped Carroll form going to Chelsea ( apparently )

You can pass a medical whilst injured.

I don't understand where this myth had come from, that you can't.

Medicals are there to spot any underlying problems such as a dodgy knee or weak ankles. A known injury isn't going to cause an issue.
I've been a big critic of Mkhi, but that part about him shedding a tear was uncomfortable to read.

No doubt he is a good guy, he just didn't have it in him mentally to succeed here.
Same here. A lot of players have found Manchester United and the pressure here suffocating. Think he could thrive at Arsenal.
:lol: I didn't really follow the thread, did you get heat for it? I did do a double take when I saw who wrote it, didn't think you were the type!

Nah I think everyone knows I didn't mean any harm by it, poor taste I'll admit :) I thought best to keep out of the discussion after that!
Be very surprised is Sanchez does play tomorrow. He was left out of the squad last week and i'm assuming he's going to be left out of it this week, also.

Him getting injured would be just as damaging for them as it would for us.
Lmao... Just rang talksport slurring my words... Got through to one of the producers.. he asked me what I wanted to say.. I said that too much is being made out of Sanchez's and Pep's 'relationship' from what I remember Pep preferred Pedro and if anything Tito Villanova was one with whom Sanchez had a better relationship.

Said theyll call back. They won't.

If I did get one I was going to give shout out to @The Black Pearl - Get the gear out! Yeoo!
I think the figures I read recently were that Sanchez started 25 games for Pep and only finished the full 90 minutes 9 times.

He went as a fairly big signing to a loaded team coached by Pep, and was a part time player. So we are supposed to think that he was just dying to go to another loaded Pep team?

Sanchez is not a maintain possession, tiki taka type player. He takes risks with the ball. He doesn't always pull it off which is why he has some fairly high lost possession stats. When he does succeed, he makes something exciting happen.
Is there any likelihood of this happening today? Or best we can hope for is Monday?
I think the figures I read recently were that Sanchez started 25 games for Pep and only finished the full 90 minutes 9 times.

He went as a fairly big signing to a loaded team coached by Pep, and was a part time player. So we are supposed to think that he was just dying to go to another loaded Pep team?

Sanchez is not a maintain possession, tiki taka type player. He takes risks with the ball. He doesn't always pull it off which is why he has some fairly high lost possession stats. When he does succeed, he makes something exciting happen.

Exactly, think Sanchez lost the ball more than any other Arsenal player. I just don't see how Pep and Sanchez are made for one and other.
I agree. Mkhi gets a lot of flack, but he is a great player. When he's on, it's a joy to watch. But those days seem realy far apart. And his game was way erratic this season.

I hope he does well at Arsenal, but no doubt Alexis is the better player by a considerable amount. It's a good deal by Arsenal considering that you trade an unhappy player by a very good one that needs some change to maybe thrive. But I wouldn't call it fair.
Arsenal want 35m. In today's market, mikhis value is definitely 25-35m

He’s got a cob on abar the match, la.

Sorry for him, i cant imagine being publically humiliated like this. He is been asked to publically feck off by the club and some of of its fans. No one would want to be sold this way. Like someone mentioned he would have to uproot his family his whole life, but that happens to everyone in football, maybe it isnt planned for him. He never made it here, even when he made those assists in starting, he wasnt playing too well. I hope he has a good career at arsenal but not against us at all.
Who the hell is this Bassa guy and why are we showing his tweets? He seems to just repeat everything real journalists say. Might as well quote me.
Sorry for him, i cant imagine being publically humiliated like this. He is been asked to publically feck off by the club and some of of its fans. No one would want to be sold this way. Like someone mentioned he would have to uproot his family his whole life, but that happens to everyone in football, maybe it isnt planned for him. He never made it here, even when he made those assists in starting, he wasnt playing too well. I hope he has a good career at arsenal but not against us at all.
Yeah I really feel for him. He did his best and I think he just lacked that bit of confidence and mentality that is required for Man Utd players. It'll be sad to see him go nevertheless, and I wish him all the best. It's just awful seeing people throw abuse at him because it takes time for Raiola and Arsenal to finalize a deal.
Now Sanchez is on more than Messi.

Soon the story will be that he'll get more weekly than some of the Sheiks, or what Buffet get in dividends.
Sorry for him, i cant imagine being publically humiliated like this. He is been asked to publically feck off by the club and some of of its fans. No one would want to be sold this way. Like someone mentioned he would have to uproot his family his whole life, but that happens to everyone in football, maybe it isnt planned for him. He never made it here, even when he made those assists in starting, he wasnt playing too well. I hope he has a good career at arsenal but not against us at all.

In a way I kinda feel sorry for him. However in Mourinho we have a manager who is ruthless and thats what we need to take us back to the top. If you dont perform your history. Miki was given plenty of opportunities and just didnt do it. At least he doesnt have kids so he is just moving himself and gf. Although London is a s*it hole. Arsenal is not such a bad downgrade
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