Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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This whole saga really is funny. Of course we'd be offering Sanchez a lot of money, he's a top player and deserves to be paid as such. But for years when we were on top, anyone that joined Chelsea or City were called mercenaries by United fans, but the media in general lauded them for picking the project, for trying to be part of the group chasing Manchester United.

Now, the only possible reason a player is choosing Manchester United is money. Nothing to do with our history, nothing to do with our manager, nothing to do with our facilities and playing in one of the most famous club grounds in the world. But also certainly nothing to with being part of a 'project', which has seen United aim to get back to the pinnacle of English football while going through a 5 year barren phase (while still collecting more major trophies than most clubs have in their history). No, the only possible reason he'd move here is money.

Yes, this is pretty amazing. It's like people and media have suddenly decided that Man Utd are a small time, meaningless club and Man City are a wonderful superpower everyone should aim to join.

None of the top players who are currently in their prime grew up admiring City, not even a single one. When those guys were in their youth and starting to follow football properly, or started their career, City were a nothing club who got beaten 8-1 by Middlesbrough a couple of weeks before United won Champions League. It's not weird at all that there are top players who pick United ahead of them, actually it's completely normal for this generation of players to choose United.
Can someone explain to me how any journo can write that they won't pay the demanded fees....but OMG THEY ARE HAVING A MEETING!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like i'm in some kind of stupid-enduing haze.


Calm down. Go and get some lunch.
Displaces Mata on the right wing would be the smart money.

That would be great, I didn't realise he could play there. I'd love to see that line-up.
To reiterate, so maybe people will calm down

The english media have spun this story that Alexis wants to play for Pep, that the problem is they're not willing to up their bid to arsenal, that player is desperate to leave arsenal and willing to to accept united to do so

That is *not* what Di Marzio has been reporting

What he said was:
-city reached agreement with player, £13m year plus £15m signing bonus to sign now, or £30m signing bonus in the summer
-United showed up and blew that offer out of the water. Alexis agreed deal with United
-City's deal with Alexis collapsed as a result.

Even if arsenal were to refuse to sell, as things currently stand, ALEXIS WOULD SIGN FOR UNITED IN THE SUMMER

Basically, as things stand, if say, Alexis were to go to city right now, it would be because he couldn't wait to get out of arsenal and only city could get a deal with them

Player has chosen United's offer over City's.

British media have it backwords

I don't know why you are trying...all it takes is some made up tabloid nonsense and posters on here will panic.

The british media are obviously out of the loop; and have gone to Man City for briefings. This is why this 'money vs pep' stuff has come out.

Sam Lee, who is one of the best Man City journalists, said that City put up an offer but they were outbid and are not willing to up their offer. This corroborates with Di Marzio. There you have two extremely reliable journalists saying the same thing; which goes against what all the sensationalist media are saying.
That may be true, but McDonnell is usually among the journos that get briefed by United, so he's imo one of the more reliable journos. Like you said though Sam Lee did say this looks dead, but he did write in the same article that United should sign Sanchez unless City made a U-turn and it appears that the news that Pep is meeting with City's board to discuss Sanchez could well be true.

We will just have to wait and see but in my opinion the hacks are just trying to squeeze last bit of juice out this story more than anything. Don't you notice, this type of shit always happens with transfers. Oh, theres a snag now, or someone else is in. 95% it's complete fabrication. Last time it happened was Thiago I think, when Bayern actually did come in and only cause Giggsy said Thiago wasn't in a mould of United player to Moyes.
Lets be brutally honest with ourselves here. If City want him they will get him as they can offer whatever it takes and, if you were a flair player who would you rather play under? Pep or Jose? At 29, AS would be guaranteed a title and who knows what else at City. At United, I’m not convinced he’d win anything major.
Signing AS isn’t going to change JM tactics. If I was a player with aligence to neither club, I’d sign for City right now.
I understand your logic but I myself and probably many more are more romantic towards football. If I was a neutral in the same situation I would allways pick United, if you can't understand why then I feel pity for you.
That would be great, I didn't realise he could play there. I'd love to see that line-up.

Thing is, I always think they should be nominal starting positions.

Think back to the 06-08 teams that Fergie built - the fluidity and rotation in the front area was fantastic, albeit we were more stilted in big games.
We were still the biggest club in the country when we finished 7th under Moyes.

Is there a point to this sad story?

The narrative the media and guys like you are peddling is total trash.

We're by far the biggest club in the country, we have one of the most decorated managers of all time, we are spending huge amounts of money to get back to the top, we're in the Champions League last 16 with a favourable draw - City may be ahead of us in the table but it's not exactly Sunderland Sanchez would be joining for feck sake.
Can't it be possible we are in the lead and City are also going to have a meeting to take a final call on what to do?

That's not the point. Many things are possible but you can know the truth by looking at the way the article is written and who it is written by.

If an article puts a footnote at the end that according to sources the opposite is happening. That means they are covering themselves because they know that they are taking 'creative freedom' with the article.
DT. When Arsenal lose, go to ArsenalFanTV and watch him ranting on their fancams, he is quite funny because he is so, so angry all the time.

Arsenal fans have good reason to be angry: they are being shafted by their board. I don't mind that DT guy, but Claude and the older guy Lee, the bald guy, are my favourites. That club has broken poor old Claude.
You guys need to chill. Two days ago we had no chance of getting him, now we do. It doesn't sound like anything is imminent.
Lets be brutally honest with ourselves here. If City want him they will get him as they can offer whatever it takes and, if you were a flair player who would you rather play under? Pep or Jose? At 29, AS would be guaranteed a title and who knows what else at City. At United, I’m not convinced he’d win anything major.
Signing AS isn’t going to change JM tactics. If I was a player with aligence to neither club, I’d sign for City right now.
Seriously now, you should really be asking yourself a question. Why are you a manchester united fan? Following that logic, you should be a manchester city fan since they are winning everything also.

If you want to talk about this subject purely from its materialistic POV, by joining Manchester United, AS is getting exposure to the millions and millions of its fan base around the globe.

Furthermore, where is the glory in going to city and just being handed the title without any effort? in united, AS should work his ars of to get it and the satisfaction he'll get from this will be unparalelled.

Anyway, i think this is too serious for this thread now :) Carry on trolling as you were.
The Ballade of Pep Guardiola

Whilst his Merrye Man City club have been heaped with praise, few have been given access to the inner man, the quiet genius that is Pep Guardiola. So it was with a hushed reverence and supplicant bowing that I was finally allowed behind the scenes to meet the great man himself.

Others might have picked their office, or the gym, or the heaving trophy cabinet for such an interview, but not the one some have called the hooded Catalan!

To the gentle strains of a mediaeval madrigal we met in a secluded wood near Manchester and through the misty haze of smoke that seemed to make his features even more chiselled, I listened to the great man speaketh….

“you know it’s not about money or glory or trophies….I’m here to educate and help people be better people” said the shiny headed prophet. “Do you know when Kyle Walker arrived, he knew nothing of the songs of Merry Englande, and had to be taught the difference between a Lute and a Lyre – shocking!”

As the great man speaks he absent-mindedly binds two vines together to create a rudimentary rope which he effortlessly then forms into the shape of 2 swans passing a ball back and forth.

He speaks eloquently for some 10 minutes, putting right the wrongs of Football in England, suggesting a cheap and simple reform of the distribution of wealth and land rights, as well as offering a home to the oft forgotten King Richard, for so long, lost to foreign lands.

His Merrye band gradually join us, hanging off his every word….”look at this man there…my “little John” Stones – we have worked together to make him a better player, not just bought him a bigger staff or surrounded him with lots of others to defend the wood from the evil Sheriiff!”

His team grew tense at the mention of the Sheriff Mourinho and the conversation soon moves onto a different subject. “Here we nurture the group, we offer fresh air, good food, a fruit based vitamin drink that is totally above board and I’ll take you to the Court of Arbitration for Sport if you disagree and the chance to truly express yourself as a merrye man!”

But what of those that say the backing of club by Moorish forces beyond these shores represents a threat to the nation and that they have suspect practices in the building of their castles, halls and football stadia?

A strange calm comes over him, like a monk in prayer and he responds “This criticism of the owners of the Merrye Men is unjust and racist. These simple farmers of the land have placed their faith and oil in me to bring glory to the band. We will ensure they never hear the word No or are not able to buy the swiftest horse in the land or another left back.”

“What about those that have left the merry band such as Will Scar-Hart – were they not merry?”

Again, bathed in serenity and showing no anger the great leader responds…”I consider that a goalkeeper should be a wandering minstrel…touring the land to bring music, laughter and clearing out the last third of the pitch as a sweeper, not just staying in the woods stopping arrow shots!”

I hesitate before asking my final question as I want to spend more time in this beautiful man’s presence….”So what do you say to those who say you are a lucky outlaw; who inherited a great team in the land of Aragon, then again in the Germanic lands of the holy roman empire and have spent legion of silver ducket and gold doubloon to assemble a merrye band of mercenaries here in olde Englande!”

A single tear traces down his manly stubble and he shakes his head….”No…No….it’s not about the money…’s all about the glory….the majesty…..the echoing sound of a half full wood of people cheering the band memory of this great man!” and at that point he reaches down and from his hairy but well-groomed chest he produces a heart shaped locket that he carefully places on a simple wooden stool with gold plated handles…”this man knew what it was all about….he is our inspiration!”

He leaves the clearing, clearly emotionally moved. With a shaking hand I reach out and pick it up, noting the inscription on the front. ”Our #10” I open it to reveal… a faded picture of Shaun Goater and cry bitter tears of regret for having ever questioned the great man’s genius!
I don't know. @izec said that he's getting a lot of abuse on twitter. I didn't even know Mkhitaryan had twitter. I went to his page there and I see nothing. I'm not going to sit and vent at him for not going to Arsenal. The cnut won't read any of my tweets anyway. :lol:

Also, I don't think he'd turn down a move to Arsenal. Wenger wanted him badly when we signed him. He'd instantly be better playing their style of football and there would be less pressure. And as for the wages, I mean, he'll definitely be moved on in the summer, but where will he go who will offer him better wages than Arsenal? China, Russia, Turkey maybe? Would pick any of those destinations over Arsenal. He doesn't have many options so that's why I don't believe he wouldn't move to Arsenal. Sure, he might not want to but I'm sure he'll quickly come round to it when he realises what alternatives are.

I just said it as quip, and yeah I don't particularly like Mkhitaryan because he's a coward on the pitch. Couldn't wait to come off against Chelsea etc. I don't want him at United at all but I wouldn't go on twitter and abuse him for it. It's so stupid for so many reasons.

There are always some idiots on social media, so i imagine there might be a few who would write some shit. You cant see it on his page if you write him a message
If it's £35m why are we stalling on Mkhi? That must mean it's Mkhi AND £30-35m surely..
They have said that they won't sell without a replacement. I don't think that Mkhitaryan is their first choice. I think that they are trying to sign Malcom but until that's done they won't let him go. We have to sit and wait.

This is only my take on what I've read.

For all we know he could be signed and they're waiting for they match tonight to announce him.
The announcer saying Ladies and gentlemen give a warm Manchester welcome to our new number 7 Alexis Sanchez.

The place would go wild.
I don't think that's the case but it would be brilliant.
Arsenal fans have good reason to be angry: they are being shafted by their board. I don't mind that DT guy, but Claude and the older guy Lee, the bald guy, are my favourites. That club has broken poor old Claude.
No, I agree with you. I dont mind him either, I can see where he is coming from and why he is so pissed off. As a United fan, and as someone who grew up with a particular dislike of Arsenal, there is a healthy dose of schadenfreude for me, I do enjoy his anger. But yes, he has reason to be angry.
Muppets go crazy when there isn't a tweet every 5 mins. I mean it could all be sorted for all we know. We know United don't like letting anything slip these days after the shit show of us chasing Fabregas and co publicly.
I understand your logic but I myself and probably many more are more romantic towards football. If I was a neutral in the same situation I would allways pick United, if you can't understand why then I feel pity for you.
Blinkered idiot. I know many a football fan who don’t even support a PL team and they would choose many a club before United. Not every one is drawn to history, unfortunately.
I think we need to prepare ourselves for the worst here - something isn't adding up, i.e. Mhiki in match squad, City sounding like they are back in, if it was just a fee with Arsenal, surely this would have been announced.
This thread needs some extravagant ITK’s to appear to make this interesting until it’s sorted one way or the other. Possibly the bloke who orders the letters for the shirts in the megastores Bulgarian uncle who has it on good information that they have recently order extra stock o S A N C H E and Z’s....
There are always some idiots on social media, so i imagine there might be a few who would write some shit. You cant see it on his page if you write him a message

Fair enough. It's obviously stupid for people to do that. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have said and caused an agro.
No, I agree with you. I dont mind him either, I can see where he is coming from and why he is so pissed off. As a United fan, and as someone who grew up with a particular dislike of Arsenal, there is a healthy dose of schadenfreude for me, I do enjoy his anger. But yes, he has reason to be angry.

I genuinely find it quite sad. I hated Arsenal back in the day but always respected Wenger and the club for how they built their success.

Now it's just embarrassing what's happening. Imagine if Pogba, Martial and De Gea were to move to City or Liverpool in the coming years. That's the shit they're having to deal with - It's disgraceful how they've consistently allowed this to happen.
I don't know. @izec said that he's getting a lot of abuse on twitter. I didn't even know Mkhitaryan had twitter. I went to his page there and I see nothing. I'm not going to sit and vent at him for not going to Arsenal. The cnut won't read any of my tweets anyway. :lol:

Also, I don't think he'd turn down a move to Arsenal. Wenger wanted him badly when we signed him. He'd instantly be better playing their style of football and there would be less pressure. And as for the wages, I mean, he'll definitely be moved on in the summer, but where will he go who will offer him better wages than Arsenal? China, Russia, Turkey maybe? Would pick any of those destinations over Arsenal. He doesn't have many options so that's why I don't believe he wouldn't move to Arsenal. Sure, he might not want to but I'm sure he'll quickly come round to it when he realises what alternatives are.

I just said it as quip, and yeah I don't particularly like Mkhitaryan because he's a coward on the pitch. Couldn't wait to come off against Chelsea etc. I don't want him at United at all but I wouldn't go on twitter and abuse him for it. It's so stupid for so many reasons.
Why would anyone abuse their own players on twitter? While I'll admit he hasn't had the best of times here he's still a human FFS.
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