Books A Song of Ice and Fire (Books) | TV show? What TV show?

I must be the only one not bothered (or even notice) by his accents!
I'm not a native English speaker so I do not actually recognise the different accents he attempts to pull off. All I hear is that for some reason he sounds different every time and progressively getting more and more over the top. It's jarring.
I'm not a native English speaker so I do not actually recognise the different accents he attempts to pull off. All I hear is that for some reason he sounds different every time and progressively getting more and more over the top. It's jarring.

Not a native English speaker either. I only started noticing it after people on this forum pointed it out and I started paying careful attention. Still doesn't bother me though.
I changed the thread title so that gobshites like fuzzlightgimp have no excuses for wandering into the TV thread instead.

I get the idea, and I support it, but I feel I have to point out that the book thread title now has the word "TV" in it, and the TV thread title has the word "book" in it.
I get the idea, and I support it, but I feel I have to point out that the book thread title now has the word "TV" in it, and the TV thread title has the word "book" in it.
if someone's retarded enough to only spot a single word in the thread title then it's their own fault.
if someone's retarded enough to only spot a single word in the thread title then it's their own fault.

Now, to be fair, it's entirely plausible that someone will just quickly click into the thread before they realize it. It's not like I read the long thread titles every time I go into them if I (think I) know what it's all about. You did also just make the thread titles more similar in length, and both end with exclamation marks.

I'm not saying you suck, but...
First episode I have watched in ages...that end sequence is perfect. People found that boring? :wenger:

And the rains of castamere to end it :drool::drool:

That songs always gets to me.
I don't want to post it in the show thread because I'll get lynched like everyone else, but someone should caution show watchers against looking at the episode titles for the rest of the season. I had a couple of friends have the combatants spoiled by that, it's called "the viper vs the mountain" or something similarly blatant.

My Facebook is screaming "Emmy for Dinklage"... Am I the only one who thought it was absurdly OTT? No human being snarls that much.

:lol: some lad called J Stander has just pointed out Oberyn fighting in the trailer. Here we go...
I saw that Bebe, and boy are they upset. Now mind you I bet they all have watched the fecking trailer. And good point about looking at the episode names, I mean if the show is going to publish those, then it is going to be pretty difficult for anyone not to have it given away to them.
While I understand them not wanting anything spoiled for them, it does raise the question, why come to a thread to talk about the show where it will only be natural for people to talk about their speculation (which is supposed to all be spoilered but it is not) and that they might mention things like what was in the trailer, what is in the next episode previews. I think if I was that paranoid about it, I would not discuss the show with anyone, I would just sit and enjoy it.
Yeah people find parallels to exodus, Norse mythology and probably the disney club if they search long enough. GRRMs epic contains a shit load of influences from all kinds of sources which he than mixes up again for his books of course the fact that almost all religions share a few similar aspects adds to that there can be found parallels to all kinds of religious and mythological stories.

The main influence, which GRRM named himself though is simply the war of the roses. Non the less all these stories can't serve to help predicting what might happen in the future simply because he mixes up too many things and most parallels can only be seen in retrospect with often a very liberal interpretations of what actually happens in the books as well as the material that things get linked to.
Yeah people find parallels to exodus, Norse mythology and probably the disney club if they search long enough. GRRMs epic contains a shit load of influences from all kinds of sources which he than mixes up again for his books of course the fact that almost all religions share a few similar aspects adds to that there can be found parallels to all kinds of religious and mythological stories.

The main influence, which GRRM named himself though is simply the war of the roses. Non the less all these stories can't serve to help predicting what might happen in the future simply because he mixes up too many things and most parallels can only be seen in retrospect with often a very liberal interpretations of what actually happens in the books as well as the material that things get linked to.

Posted theory by Norse Mythology has a lot of holes in it, some of the biggest characters are considered to be minor which doesn't make sense, but still is an interesting read. The bits about Jon Snow and Stark's children particularly is something that we've all thought about. Surely, they just can't be dicked around like this :lol: But it's a good theory to waste some time on.
Posted theory by Norse Mythology has a lot of holes in it, some of the biggest characters are considered to be minor which doesn't make sense, but still is an interesting read. The bits about Jon Snow and Stark's children particularly is something that we've all thought about. Surely, they just can't be dicked around like this :lol: But it's a good theory to waste some time on.

I know a lot of people like the whole guessing stuff of what might happen due to parallels they see with other literature even though I generally don't get much out of these speculations. The problem for me is just that I usually close down these things as soon as I see how far fetched the whole thing gets, the exodus stuff probably was the worst for me even though I think there can probably be found tons of even worse speculations around.

Pyat Pree = Euron Greyjoy was pretty much the worst I have seen so far.
People have confirmation bias coming out of their asses. I try not to get too involved in fan theories, unless they seem particularly reasonable and well thought-out.

Yeah to be sure there are some around that aren't too bad because they don't go around 10 corners to prove a point that isn't even there. For example theory that Sandor isn't really dead the hints are all pretty much in the book and can be directly quoted from just one scene.
Yea, these theories does have the 'Maggie's dad was involved in the child molestation for sure - True Detective' air about it. I like reading fan theories to see how left field fans can get. I do think Jon Snow was Rhaegar's son though.
He's such a wanker.
He's read the books. Yesterday he posted in the show thread that he hadn't, I thought I remembered him in this thread so I checked and at that point he had 8 posts in here, including one from last year saying he had just finished ASOS. Seconds later all but 3 of the posts had been deleted.
I wonder if he realizes mods (like, you know, Cina) can see deleted posts. Besides, I find it somewhat hard to believe that he read up until ASOS two years ago, and then just stopped there. My brother is hardly a book reader, yet he started reading with the intention of just catching up to the TV show. A week later he had finished ADwD.
He's read the books. Yesterday he posted in the show thread that he hadn't, I thought I remembered him in this thread so I checked and at that point he had 8 posts in here, including one from last year saying he had just finished ASOS. Seconds later all but 3 of the posts had been deleted.
Really? I'll tell him he's getting a temp if he doesn't stop then.
Posting in this thread, and avoiding looking at all the posts, because I genuinely haven't read the other plots. But I saw in nimic's posts he mentioned me here.

I've only read Jon's storyline to the end of book 3, because the books split it into chapters based on characters. I like Jon's plot and read it, I didn't want to read anyone elses because I like having a weekly fix as opposed to the full thing. I have no clue what happens to Tyrion, Bran, Dani or whoever. I haven't posted about Jon in the other thread or theorized or anything.
I'll just avoid both now, ta. I don't want 80% of the other other plots spoiled.

Cheers for being a decent bloke Cina.
Looks like someone finally figured that one out then

It's not even a spoiler tbh. The title of the episode gives it away, the trailer does everything it can to tell you other than literally have Star Wars scrolling text saying 'fight night: Oberyn vs the mountain...and it's live'

People who give genuine spoilers are annoying but some people actually seem to be living for this show.