What's wrong with introducing them last season? They didn't have to do much anyway, much like Bran. I'm sure people either find Bran's story either interesting or the most dull so far. It's mostly talk for the first three books. Meaning they'd have to introduce Reek would be great as that is an interesting character. We're going to get a fecked up whiny Theon instead. That would however mean a decent cosmetics job which the show has been really poor with so far. No noses missing, no sharp teeth, no hair getting cut or burnt off, Tyrion looks like Chucky.
Vargo's non-presence makes sense but nothing has been made out of it. Clegane is still a non character really. No worse in the eyes of the show watchers than Ser Ilyn Payne. I bet you most people won't recognize the name. Most people will know him as the guy that chopped his horse's head off in the 3rd (?) episode. In the books, Vargo is another mini-villain. In the show there's Joffrey that's the villain and that's about it. Tywin is liked by most and not considered one, Jamie is winning people over, the Hound is surely liked after telling Joffrey to piss off. What is left is Cersei and Petyr Baelish.
That's just my take on things. The books are a lot darker. People need characters to hate and with Joffrey soon gone they'll pretty much only have Cersei left.
Why did Martin have to write so much around Ser Piggy? By far the most boring POV character. Really bland and boring. Nobody likes listening to whining all the time. By all accounts he should have been raped and beaten a lot during his stay at the wall.
I know this seems like a lot of moaning but that's because I don't think there's much need for repeated praise of the show in this thread. It's a great watch of course. Just a bit of ponderment and grievances on my part.
The problem with introducing them last season would be twofold.
1. They said they already had a huge amount of characters to introduce in season two without having to introduce the Reeds and Reek as well.
2. The way they're doing it now spreads the plotlines for Theon and Bran more evenly over the next few seasons.
The way they're doing it now:
Season Two: Theon meets the Ironborn again, takes over Winterfell, loses winterfell. Bran loses Winterfell, gets "killed", goes on the run.
Season Three: Theon gets tortured, meets "Reek", possibly goes through the "Kyra" episode described in the book, gets to know Ramsay. Bran meets the Reeds, learns more about his abilities, journeys north.
They way they'd do it if they followed the book:
Season Two: Theon meets the Ironborn again, takes over Winterfell, meets "Reek", loses Winterfell, meets Ramsay. Bran meets Reeds, learns about his abilities, gets "killed", goes on the run.
Season Three: Theon gets tortured, possibly goes through the "Kyra" stuff. Bran journeys north.
There's a more even spread of activity the way they're doing it, plus it allows them to spend more time setting up Reek and the Reeds.
Agree that Clegane is a non character, that's also made worse by them changing actors in season two. I guess they'll set him up better in season four when those Dornish lads come up looking for his head.