3 years ago Aaron Wan-Bissaka was Charged For Illegally Driving

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I like him as a player, but he should go to prison. Most of us would go to prison if we drive while disqualified, and since he is a role model, the punishment should be more severe not less. A couple of weeks in prison will teach him and will also teach many other young morons.
No we wouldn’t :lol: Not unless you were a repeat offender who got caught multiple times.
Not sure how the two scenarios can be compared because driving while drunk impairs your ability to drive, period.
Speeding is an idiotic thing to do, obviously, but everyone is lying to themselves if they’re suggesting they haven’t driven faster than 70 in a 70mph zone.

Also in this instance he hasn’t been caught speeding, that was last year wasn’t it? He’s been flagged for driving without insurance.

Driving without insurance is a huge problem. If he was involved in an accident, the best case scenario is that the other party would have had to pay for repairs themselves whilst waiting for a court case to get him to stump up.

The worst case scenario is he causes severe injuries or worse in an accident and there is no recompense for the person he injures due to no insurance payments.
He had no insurance because he was disqualified - so that puts other drivers at risk. There's no excuse at all, and as he's earning a huge amount of money he could have afforded a driver.

I didn't excuse him.
Why is this such a common occurrence with footballers? Are most of them that smooth-brained? Or do they genuinely think the rules don't apply to them?
It does seem to me that footballers are thicker today than they were 10, 15, 20 etc years ago. I cant say if thats the case outside English football too.
Why are people calling him a role model?

If AWB is your role model, you need help!
Driving without insurance is a huge problem. If he was involved in an accident, the best case scenario is that the other party would have had to pay for repairs themselves whilst waiting for a court case to get him to stump up.

The worst case scenario is he causes severe injuries or worse in an accident and there is no recompense for the person he injures due to no insurance payments.

Again, hypothetical that didn't happen thankfully. He was stupid, his stupidity got caught, that's it.
The insults in this thread are a bit much, no?
I thought he was caught drunk driving judging by the replies in here - I had to check the title just to be sure !

He’s driving a lambo and apparently likes to speed, there’s no suggestion that he’s caused anyone else any harm - so not sure why so many people are placing hypothetical situations on his shoulders.
He’ll get a fine, and the club will probably fine him too. Then he’ll get a driver and things will continue as normal.

He made a stupid mistake, but it’s not the end of the world ffs. Our fans are hyperbolic

While I'm not outraged or upset, this is not a mistake. He purposely disregarded rules that are meant to protect others, when caught and punished he decided that he wasn't going to respect the consequences of his actions. This isn't a stupid mistake, it's a character flaw, we are in presence of an entitled idiot.
Why are people calling him a role model?

If AWB is your role model, you need help!

Whether it's right or wrong, children look up to footballers. They are role models, it comes with the job.

AWB has been a fecking idiot here. Hopefully he's suitably punished.
Why are people calling him a role model?

If AWB is your role model, you need help!
There are very, very few players today I would suggest as role models, in fact Ronaldo is the only one who springs to mind.
While I'm not outraged or upset, this is not a mistake. He purposely disregarded rules that are meant to protect others, when caught and punished he decided that he wasn't going to respect the consequences of his actions. This isn't a stupid mistake, it's a character flaw, we are in presence of an entitled idiot.

Good thing I also called him an idiot, multiple times.
Bit much ado about nothing, considering many of us have sped before and continue to speed.

Still, stupid from AWB. He'll get fined and Ole will give him a stern talking to and that’ll be it
Yeah right….

“Sorry to hear of you car troubles, would it be ok if I arranged a taxi for you?”
I drove without insurance for four months. My excuse was I never got the renewal letter. Luckily there officer bought it and only gave me a small fine.
While I'm not outraged or upset, this is not a mistake. He purposely disregarded rules that are meant to protect others, when caught and punished he decided that he wasn't going to respect the consequences of his actions. This isn't a stupid mistake, it's a character flaw, we are in presence of an entitled idiot.
He "apparantly likes to speed?" And what if while enjoying driving at high speed, uninsured or not, he was to hit somebody, your son or daughter maybe? AWB is 23 years old and not 15 and really should be more responsible; I like him as a player but he deserves what he gets for this.
Again, hypothetical that didn't happen thankfully. He was stupid, his stupidity got caught, that's it.

I'm not sure what you're getting at by calling it a hypothetical. What he did was wrong for a very valid reason because that can happen, not because it does every time.

The response is in relation to this point "My point was he hasn’t caused harm to anyone else has he? So some of the insults calling him a twat and all the rest is OTT "

He quite obviously is all of the above, because he was putting himself and others at risk by driving without insurance and the fact that this time he didn't harm anyone else this time has no bearing on that.
Driving without insurance is a huge problem. If he was involved in an accident, the best case scenario is that the other party would have had to pay for repairs themselves whilst waiting for a court case to get him to stump up.

The worst case scenario is he causes severe injuries or worse in an accident and there is no recompense for the person he injures due to no insurance payments.

Why would there be no recompense? He would be held liable for their injuries and he would have the funds to compensate accordingly.

Actually, now that I think about it, he's wealthy enough to park $250000 in some bonds, available in case he is responsible for an accident. Would probably cost less than signing up for high premiums.

The outrage would be more justified if he was an ordinary joe who needed insurance because his net worth wasn't enough to compensate for hospital fees, replacement of the other car, etc
He'll be fined a few hundred £s and his ban will be extended. Maybe have to attend an utterly pointless course.

He'll actually end up paying far more to his own solicitors than whatever the fine is.

High profile offenders should be made an example of. I know that's probably not fair, but the financial punishment doesn't really scale.

Obviously something custodial would be way too harsh, but hopefully it's not just a fine and a course over Zoom.
Why would there be no recompense? He would be held liable for their injuries and he would have the funds to compensate accordingly.

Actually, now that I think about it, he's wealthy enough to park $250000 in some bonds, available in case he is responsible for an accident. Would probably cost less than signing up for high premiums.

The outrage would be more justified if he was an ordinary joe who needed insurance because his net worth wasn't enough to compensate for hospital fees, replacement of the other car, etc

So him being rich makes it OK? The reaction is no less or more justified because of wage. I could have worded my post better though, the waiting for court comment I made would relate to both the car and medical payments.
Whether it's right or wrong, children look up to footballers. They are role models, it comes with the job.

AWB has been a fecking idiot here. Hopefully he's suitably punished.
They aren't really though are they? Who really models their behaviour on the little bits of any given footballers life we are exposed to? You might as well day anyone in the public eye is a role model....

I get what you mean but in a sliding scale of supposed role models, footballers are probably down the list, as opposed to family members, peers, teachers, mentors, carers, etc... If a footballer that you don't really know that much about has a higher level of influence over your behaviour than say, those mentioned earlier... You have problems.

How many people are influenced by Rashford? Unfortunately probably not many... Still, keep doing your thing Marcus!
High profile offenders should be made an example of. I know that's probably not fair, but the financial punishment doesn't really scale.

Obviously something custodial would be way too harsh, but hopefully it's not just a fine and a course over Zoom.

Those zoom courses are brutal in fairness. I'd rather got to prison for a month than do 10 hours of zoom driving licence education material.
So him being rich makes it OK? The reaction is no less or more justified because of wage. I could have worded my post better though, the waiting for court comment I made would relate to both the car and medical payments.

Not at all... What I'm saying is that because he's rich, I'm not as worried about a potential victim not getting compensated due to an accident for which AWB was at fault. Such a victim would get fully compensated. Quickly.

Insurance companies are guilty of dragging things along as well.

I think we both agree that it's a situation he shouldn't have been in, in the first place.
I'm not sure what you're getting at by calling it a hypothetical. What he did was wrong for a very valid reason because that can happen, not because it does every time.

The response is in relation to this point "My point was he hasn’t caused harm to anyone else has he? So some of the insults calling him a twat and all the rest is OTT "

He quite obviously is all of the above, because he was putting himself and others at risk by driving without insurance and the fact that this time he didn't harm anyone else this time has no bearing on that.

It is hypothetical because you're talking about what he could've done, not what he actually did. What he did do, he was caught for, and will face whatever punishment he deserves because it was stupid.

I'm not gonna get upset because he could've got in a car crash, that can happen whether he had insurance or not.
So calling him twats, scumbags all the rest of it is OTT in my opinion, if you don't agree that's fine too.
Doing over 100mph in the UK or driving whilst disqualified does makes you a bit of a twat to be fair.

I've done it more than a few times (the speeding, I've never been disqualified or even received 3 points). I know I'm a bit of a twat.
Whether it's right or wrong, children look up to footballers. They are role models, it comes with the job.

AWB has been a fecking idiot here. Hopefully he's suitably punished.
Yeah, I agree he's been a twonk, community service would probably do him good i reckon.
He's not the sharpest tool in the box, this kid. Hopefully Ole can sit him down and set him straight. I remember there being rumblings of him playing away from home last summer also.
This is where Sir Alex was a master. He would sort him right out. Lets see if Ole does actually have a mean streak and is not all nicey nicey. Shame we have no back up RB because that would be the easy stick to threaten him with.
It was no insurance, worst case he’s 100% liable if any accident were to occur when driving

..…whoopty-fecking-doo !
Not at all... What I'm saying is that because he's rich, I'm not as worried about a potential victim not getting compensated due to an accident for which AWB was at fault. Such a victim would get fully compensated. Quickly.

Insurance companies are guilty of dragging things along as well.

I think we both agree that it's a situation he shouldn't have been in, in the first place.

I was having the same thought and then remembered the speeding part, one of the likely consequence isn't material and no amount of money will fix it. My issue here is the clear lack of discipline, it's one thing when you are the only one potentially paying the consequences and it's an other when you potentially cripple or kill someone.

If you are a rich person and like the feeling of speed, go to a race track and have all the excitement that you want.
Not at all... What I'm saying is that because he's rich, I'm not as worried about a potential victim not getting compensated due to an accident for which AWB was at fault. Such a victim would get fully compensated. Quickly.

Insurance companies are guilty of dragging things along as well.

I think we both agree that it's a situation he shouldn't have been in, in the first place.

Compensation is not some cure all though. Tell someone who's lost a relative to dangerous driving that it's OK because the driver was rich and can stump up a large Compensation figure and see what the response is.
Doing over 100mph in the UK or driving whilst disqualified does makes you a bit of a twat to be fair.

I've done it more than a few times (the speeding, I've never been disqualified or even received 3 points). I know I'm a bit of a twat.

I don't see an issue with doing over 100mph on the motorway in the right conditions.

As for AWB, he's a bit thick but hopefully he'll learn his lesson.
he didn’t kill a guy just no insurance, whoopty-fecking-doo !!

& no he won’t go to jail for this :lol:
Why not? He doesnt smoke, drink or do drugs, he doesnt attack women or bother old ladies; he keeps pretty much to himself as much his fame lets him; he doesnt use his fame to gain favour as far as Im aware; hes never sent texts or emails of a dubious nature and never stalked another person physically or online; he embraces all races; hes very good with his fans and to his family. Of course, he might secretly be guilty of all these but if so hes done remarkably well to keep it a secret. Who would you prefer as a role model, Ryan Giggs? Dwight Yorke? Mark Bosnich? Wayne Rooney? Ashley Cole? Maradona? Ronaldo may not be a saint but compared to these and others hes the nearest to it in modern football.
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