3 years ago Aaron Wan-Bissaka was Charged For Illegally Driving

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Don't think there's any coming back from this. Fergie would have shipped him out the door immediately.
Anderson was fined £329 after being flagged down at 4am. He was one of 160 drivers pulled over in a drink-drive crackdown in the city in the south eastern state of Rio Grande do Sul. Anderson was released when a bodyguard agreed to drive the car for him. A spokesman for the traffic department said: “We can confirm that Anderson was stopped by a control while driving and he refused a breath test. “He was issued with a fine of 957 reals (£329) which he will have to pay.” Under Brazilian law a driver is not obliged to take a test, but they will be issued with a fine and have their licence seized.

It’s not the first time the star – who has played 16 times for Manchester United this season – has got into trouble on the roads. In July 2010, he was pulled unconscious from his Audi R8 after a horror crash driving back from a nightclub in Portugal at 7am. He was recovering from an injury then as well.
MANCHESTER United soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo has been given six points on his driving licence and ordered to pay é1,000 after he was caught speeding.
The Manchester United football player Carlos Tevez has had his £140,000 Bentley seized after it was found he did not have a full UK driving licence, Greater Manchester police said today.
He’s driving a lambo and apparently likes to speed, there’s no suggestion that he’s caused anyone else any harm - so not sure why so many people are placing hypothetical situations on his shoulders.
Speed regulations are there for a reason, driving a lamborgini doesn't give you immunity from this. Apparently likes to speed sounds a lot like "boys will be boys" — he is putting people in danger by speeding even though he hasn't caused anyone else harm yet.
It’s not great but also a bit ‘meh’ for me. People always dehumanise these guys, but ehen the fact that he is Aaron Wan-Bissaka is removed, he’s just a 22/23 year old guy. I got banned from driving due to driving with no license and insurance when I was about 20/21. Pretty much all my friends at the time also had driving charges. Of course, we are not footballers, so nobody cares or just chalks it up as ‘kids being kids’. Because I recall how easy such stupidity is at that age I can’t overdo my criticism.
Leave him alone. He’s just a regular 23 year old blitzing around in his Lamborghini
The insults in this thread are a bit much, no?
I thought he was caught drunk driving judging by the replies in here - I had to check the title just to be sure !

He’s driving a lambo and apparently likes to speed, there’s no suggestion that he’s caused anyone else any harm - so not sure why so many people are placing hypothetical situations on his shoulders.
He’ll get a fine, and the club will probably fine him too. Then he’ll get a driver and things will continue as normal.

He made a stupid mistake, but it’s not the end of the world ffs. Our fans are hyperbolic

is this a serious response? There’s no way you would have the same reaction if somebody like Michael Gove was doing this.

can’t stand stuff like this, bad/illegal/dangerous driving makes my blood boil. Selfish wankers
Speed regulations are there for a reason, driving a lamborgini doesn't give you immunity from this. Apparently likes to speed sounds a lot like "boys will be boys" — he is putting people in danger by speeding even though he hasn't caused anyone else harm yet.

Obviously I understand that speed regulations are there for a reason. My point was he hasn’t caused harm to anyone else has he? So some of the insults calling him a twat and all the rest is OTT
Saying ‘well he could’ve done this, even though he hasn’t’ is benign, nobody gets prosecuted on the basis of a hypothetical argument. And he won’t either, he’ll get a fine & a suspended sentence with some community service at the most.
He’s an idiot. But some of the responses in here are hyperbolic.

is this a serious response? There’s no way you would have the same reaction if somebody like Michael Gove was doing this.

can’t stand stuff like this, bad/illegal/dangerous driving makes my blood boil. Selfish wankers

What the hell does Michael Gove have to do with this? Besides I call him an idiot every day.
Obviously I understand that speed regulations are there for a reason. My point was he hasn’t caused harm to anyone else has he? So some of the insults calling him a twat and all the rest is OTT
Saying ‘well he could’ve done this, even though he hasn’t’ is benign, nobody gets prosecuted on the basis of a hypothetical argument. And he won’t either, he’ll get a fine & a suspended sentence with some community service at the most.
He’s an idiot. But some of the responses in here are hyperbolic.
Would you have the same opinion if he had been caught drink driving, but hadn't caused any harm? Fair enough, if it's a one time thing, chalk it off to the stupidity of youth(although I would never have done such a thing at that age), but being done for 4 driving offences, being banned, and then having the gall to drive around while banned in a Lamborghini, that is absolute idiocy.
Obviously I understand that speed regulations are there for a reason. My point was he hasn’t caused harm to anyone else has he? So some of the insults calling him a twat and all the rest is OTT
Saying ‘well he could’ve done this, even though he hasn’t’ is benign, nobody gets prosecuted on the basis of a hypothetical argument. And he won’t either, he’ll get a fine & a suspended sentence with some community service at the most.
He’s an idiot. But some of the responses in here are hyperbolic.

What the hell does Michael Gove have to do with this? Besides I call him an idiot every day.

We would call someone caught drunk driving a dickhead but they may not have hurt anyone either.

Driving while banned is stupid selfish behaviour and deserves to be called such. He's banned for a reason so has already been caught, and ignored the penalties for doing so.
Would you have the same opinion if he had been caught drink driving, but hadn't caused any harm?

Not sure how the two scenarios can be compared because driving while drunk impairs your ability to drive, period.
Speeding is an idiotic thing to do, obviously, but everyone is lying to themselves if they’re suggesting they haven’t driven faster than 70 in a 70mph zone.

Also in this instance he hasn’t been caught speeding, that was last year wasn’t it? He’s been flagged for driving without insurance.
is this a serious response? There’s no way you would have the same reaction if somebody like Michael Gove was doing this.

can’t stand stuff like this, bad/illegal/dangerous driving makes my blood boil. Selfish wankers

It is a serious response because by all means critique his actions but to insult the player is uncalled for. When Grealish was fined a few months ago for drink driving, crashing into pedestrian vehicles as witnessed on video and having 6 points on his license prior, there was almost next to no mention of it majority of this forum wanted him signed where was the same energy. It seems if people generally dislike a player anything that comes up to scrutinize the individual will get raised at the masses.
We would call someone caught drunk driving a dickhead but they may not have hurt anyone either.

Driving while banned is stupid selfish behaviour and deserves to be called such. He's banned for a reason so has already been caught, and ignored the penalties for doing so.

yes I’ve called him idiotic which he is, im not excusing him. I’m saying some of the insults are OTT.
By the way you don't need to be drunk to cause an accident, speeding can do it, not concentrating can do it. Somebody who constantly gets points for speeding is not the brightest. Somebody who gets banned for that and gets behind a wheel of a car is an idiot. I suppose we are all grateful his didn't us or one of our kids and then we find he has no insurance.
yes I’ve called him idiotic which he is, im not excusing him. I’m saying some of the insults are OTT.

Why though? If I met a friend for a drink or to catch up and they told me they had been banned and then subsequently caught driving again, I would call him a few of the same insults that have been used here.

He's acted like a bit of a selfish dickhead, and deserves to be called the same. It will pass(unless he keeps doing it)
Why though? If I met a friend for a drink or to catch up and they told me they had been banned and then subsequently caught driving again, I would call him a few of the same insults that have been used here.

He's acted like a bit of a selfish dickhead, and deserves to be called the same. It will pass(unless he keeps doing it)

Because this is a forum and that’s my opinion on it, just like you have your opinion on it.
Not much more than that & you’re right it will pass.
Not sure how the two scenarios can be compared because driving while drunk impairs your ability to drive, period.
Speeding is an idiotic thing to do, obviously, but everyone is lying to themselves if they’re suggesting they haven’t driven faster than 70 in a 70mph zone.

Also in this instance he hasn’t been caught speeding, that was last year wasn’t it? He’s been flagged for driving without insurance.
I'm sure 99% of people have sped to some degree at some point in their lives, yes. It seems as though he has been caught speeding 4 times in the last 18 months though, with at least 1 recorded being nearly 1.5 times the limit. He has also just been caught driving while banned, so it's pretty safe to say he is not your average driver that does 57 in a 50 without realising. Speeding impairs your ability to handle a situation on a given road, and driving while banned(and therefor uninsured) could cause major problems for anyone he was in an accident with, if he decided to be an arsehole about it. It's not like he'd forgotten to renew his insurance, he willfully got in a car, knowing he is banned from driving. Proper arsehole behaviour.
Are footballers really just rich manchildren who can’t even sort their own car insurance out? I knew exactly how car insurance worked when I was 16 and looking forward to learning how to drive :wenger:

I imagine it doesn't work the same when you're disqualified from driving. In fact I assume you can't actually get car insurance to drive while disqualified from driving.
Obviously I understand that speed regulations are there for a reason. My point was he hasn’t caused harm to anyone else has he? So some of the insults calling him a twat and all the rest is OTT
Saying ‘well he could’ve done this, even though he hasn’t’ is benign, nobody gets prosecuted on the basis of a hypothetical argument. And he won’t either, he’ll get a fine & a suspended sentence with some community service at the most.
He’s an idiot. But some of the responses in here are hyperbolic.
Oh, yeah, I agree that it's stupid but hardly justifies more vile name-calling.
Not sure how the two scenarios can be compared because driving while drunk impairs your ability to drive, period.
Speeding is an idiotic thing to do, obviously, but everyone is lying to themselves if they’re suggesting they haven’t driven faster than 70 in a 70mph zone.

Also in this instance he hasn’t been caught speeding, that was last year wasn’t it? He’s been flagged for driving without insurance.
Speeding also impairs your ability to drive though.
Some of the people trying to defend him here. “He’s driving a lambo and likes to speed. No harm done” :lol:

“People calling him have obviously never done anything wrong in their lives”

Well actually, no, I’ve never been disqualified from driving. Let alone blatantly ignoring that and carrying on driving regardless with utter contempt for the law. Therefore I reserve my right to call him an absolute knob. Which he clearly has been in this instance.
Oh, yeah, I agree that it's stupid but hardly justifies more vile name-calling.

Exactly my position on the matter.

I'm sure 99% of people have sped to some degree at some point in their lives, yes. It seems as though he has been caught speeding 4 times in the last 18 months though, with at least 1 recorded being nearly 1.5 times the limit. He has also just been caught driving while banned, so it's pretty safe to say he is not your average driver that does 57 in a 50 without realising. Speeding impairs your ability to handle a situation on a given road, and driving while banned(and therefor uninsured) could cause major problems for anyone he was in an accident with, if he decided to be an arsehole about it. It's not like he'd forgotten to renew his insurance, he willfully got in a car, knowing he is banned from driving. Proper arsehole behaviour.

This is where we get into the murky waters of debating without any of us knowing any of the facts beyond he was caught speeding so we’re left with hypothetical scenarios which I’m not a fan of because it’s not productive.
I agree that speeding impairs your judgement, but we don’t know if he was speeding on a dual carriageway surrounded by cars, or a motorway with a clear lane - so there’s not much more to delve into here.
The guy is clearly an idiot and hopefully he learns from this, but not much else we can say or do beyond that.
Bit much ado about nothing, considering many of us have sped before and continue to speed.

Still, stupid from AWB. He'll get fined and Ole will give him a stern talking to and that'll be it
Surely the first thing a competent agent would do following disqualification would be to hire a driver for 6 months?
If i was earning that money, I'd never drive again, just hire a driver.
Young dumb footballer, what's new?
Pay the fine and get on with it.
Don't subscribe to that line of thought. If players are stupid enough to drive uninsured and while disqualified something has gone seriously wrong. And we shouldn't accept it.

Very foolish from Wan-Bissaka, I hope his punishment is a worthy one and not just some shitty fine he can pay off after five minutes of kicking a ball around.
Not sure how the two scenarios can be compared because driving while drunk impairs your ability to drive, period.
Speeding is an idiotic thing to do, obviously, but everyone is lying to themselves if they’re suggesting they haven’t driven faster than 70 in a 70mph zone.

Also in this instance he hasn’t been caught speeding, that was last year wasn’t it? He’s been flagged for driving without insurance.
He had no insurance because he was disqualified - so that puts other drivers at risk. There's no excuse at all, and as he's earning a huge amount of money he could have afforded a driver.
Feckin stupid from him. I wonder when he was disqualified because that looks like a brand new Urus so if it’s got it since being disqualified that’s just taking the p*ss :lol:
This is one of the situations where I think Ole's man management can deal with this quite well.
Sure he will have a firm but fair word with him and thats the end of it, move on.
Get the impression Ole expects a certain level of decency and responsibility from his players
Can you read ? Did you not see the or, wow some people are amazing on this forum can’t belive I’m wasting a comment on you.
What does the or change? It was a ridiculous post that I can’t believe I’m wasting my time on.

You think being caught driving dangerously multiple times to the extent you have your licence disqualified and then continuing to drive is no big deal. Some people are amazing on this forum. Go ahead and drive recklessly with care free abandon to the laws as long as you aren’t drunk then it’s no big deal. Sober and willfully putting yourself and others in danger? No big deal.
If i was earning that money, I'd never drive again, just hire a driver.

So buy all the costly cars and never enjoy driving it?

AWB is an idiot, he will get the stick and all the fines which he deserves.
I used to work in car insurance and this sort of disqualification is staggeringly common.

The punishments are far too lenient so people just keep doing it.

His next premium will be in the high five figures as well. He won't care but it will be a nice monthly bonus for whatever call centre worker takes that call!
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