3 years ago Aaron Wan-Bissaka was Charged For Illegally Driving

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I thought United were supposed to have run 4,000 right backs through a computer and the computer came up with a recommendation to spend £50 million on AWB. Can it be re-programmed to filter out potential idiots?
Not a big deal, trust the angels on redcafe to lose their shit though :lol:

Of course it is stupid, but most footballers are not the smartest. Not surprised and i can't pretend to be outraged.
Why are these footballers such idiots? If he can't play, we better not pay him and use the cash to buy Trippier.
I'm not defending. I'm saying insulting the man before we have all the facts is bullshittt. Don't let me stop you though. Insult him some more.
This is pathetic. Are we going to pretend like he didn't know his lincense was taken away?

Stop trying to jump through these RAWK hoops.
Why was he disqualified and why the FECK was his car not insured?!

I believe he has some priors related to speeding. As someone else mentioned; no licence, no insurance. Although for a wealthy individual that just means they are taking on all the risk if they get into an accident.
I'm not defending. I'm saying insulting the man before we have all the facts is bullshittt. Don't let me stop you though. Insult him some more.
What facts do we need? He drove on the A34 while disqualified there's no disputing that.

He's not the first footballer to make a mistake and he won't be the last. He will hopefully learn from this though.
You have to be exceptionally stupid to do this while constantly having photos taken of you driving.
Not even heard the full story but the insults are coming thick and fast. FFS

He was clocked doing 104mph in a 70 zone last year, got a measly £600 fine and 6 penalty points.

You'd have to question what else he did to be get the other 6, as you need 12 to be disqualified from driving for at least 6 months.

This year he gets caught in a car worth 170k whilst disqualified.

Incredibly stupid. He deserves to be insulted.
Why is this such a common occurrence with footballers? Are most of them that smooth-brained? Or do they genuinely think the rules don't apply to them?
I guess rich people do often thing that the same rules do not apply for them as to others.
Loving the outrage here :lol:

I just wish this forum was around when we had the likes of mcgrath, incey, pally etc
Our season is over before even started. No trophy again in 5 years.
Why the outrage he didn't hit anyone or drive drunk calm down.
He'll still get to training on time, he'll play the games it's not a big deal.
I like him as a player, but he should go to prison. Most of us would go to prison if we drive while disqualified, and since he is a role model, the punishment should be more severe not less. A couple of weeks in prison will teach him and will also teach many other young morons.
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He did a dumb thing but this outrage is amazing, calling him a silly human, scum bag and all sorts? He wasn't drink driving, he was stupid but that's it. He'll get the appropriate punishment and life continues. Redcafe never disappoints with the over reactions, same with Maguire last summer.
He did a dumb thing but this outrage is amazing, calling him a silly human, scum bag and all sorts? He wasn't drink driving, he was stupid but that's it. He'll get the appropriate punishment and life continues. Redcafe never disappoints with the over reactions, same with Maguire last summer.

Driving with no licence and insurance is exactly the sort of thing that only scumbags do to be fair. Draw a venn diagram of [all scumbags] and [all people who drive without insurance/licence] and the overlap is going to be almost all of them.

And that's for normal people who aren't earning £100k a week. No excuse for that. Not like he's new to the country or doesn't speak English either.
just get a chauffeur. would look funny in a Urus, but still
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