3 years ago Aaron Wan-Bissaka was Charged For Illegally Driving

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While I'm not outraged or upset, this is not a mistake. He purposely disregarded rules that are meant to protect others, when caught and punished he decided that he wasn't going to respect the consequences of his actions. This isn't a stupid mistake, it's a character flaw, we are in presence of an entitled idiot.

So pointless when you can hire your own chauffeur for £200-£250 a day. Not like he's short of money. Or just bloody carpool to the training ground.
Same kind of comments were made last year with Maguire. Keane was arrested for fighting and SAF stood by him.
Fighting is one thing, but unless knives or weapons were involved its not the same as recklessly driving a car, and speeding is reckless.
This is where Sir Alex was a master. He would sort him right out. Lets see if Ole does actually have a mean streak and is not all nicey nicey. Shame we have no back up RB because that would be the easy stick to threaten him with.

Like he did when Anderson and Tevez had similar offences?

You're talking out of your arse.
Yet another brain-dead footballer who thinks they're above the law.

I hope Ole hammers him (not literally, of course) There's not a single valid excuse for it. Complete and utter idiot.
Why not? He doesnt smoke, drink or do drugs, he doesnt attack women or bother old ladies; he keeps pretty much to himself as much his fame lets him; he doesnt use his fame to gain favour as far as Im aware; hes never sent texts or emails of a dubious nature and never stalked another person physically or online; he embraces all races; hes very good with his fans and to his family. Of course, he might secretly be guilty of all these but if so hes done remarkably well to keep it a secret. Who would you prefer as a role model, Ryan Giggs? Dwight Yorke? Mark Bosnich? Wayne Rooney? Ashley Cole? Maradona? Ronaldo may not be a saint but compared to these and others hes the nearest to it in modern football.

Maybe the extra ? wasn't needed on my part, but he's a surprising choice when we have Mata and Rashford much closer to home.

There is also the issue with him and the girl in America, although I think that's still in the courts there, not heard about it for a few years.
wont happen. Big lawyers will get involved and they’ll let him do united community work he was going to do anyway as his community order. Always different rules for celebs

A "regular" person wouldn't go to prison for this anyway, it's not celebrities getting away with it :lol:
So pointless when you can hire your own chauffeur for £200-£250 a day. Not like he's short of money. Or just bloody carpool to the training ground.
This is what I don't understand.

I know someone who is definitely not short of money - if he wants to get about and he hasn't got a car or is over the limit etc, he just calls a private chuffeur company he is on the books with and gets a driver to pick him up and take him anywhere he wants. It's easy, secure and legal!!

Either that or he calls his Uncle who picks him up in his helecopter :lol:
Fighting is one thing, but unless knives or weapons were involved its not the same as recklessly driving a car, and speeding is reckless.
As @harms pointed out we had players commit driving offences under SAF. None of them were shown the door for it. I'm sure Ole will have a word with AWB and hopefully AWB learns from this.
It really takes a special sense of entitlement to get banned from driving but then to decide to drive anyway.

Utter prat.
Compensation is not some cure all though. Tell someone who's lost a relative to dangerous driving that it's OK because the driver was rich and can stump up a large Compensation figure and see what the response is.

Why the hell would I do that?

And why should their feelings have any bearing on my opinion? They're obviously extremely biased (understandable) and think such drivers should be hung drawn and quartered... Thankfully we don't do that

But yes, compensation is not some cure all. I was just addressing concerns about no insurance meaning that victims wouldn't get compensated.
So buy all the costly cars and never enjoy driving it?

AWB is an idiot, he will get the stick and all the fines which he deserves.

Plenty of other things to do with my time.

Also, many rich people have drivers.
Fighting is one thing, but unless knives or weapons were involved its not the same as recklessly driving a car, and speeding is reckless.

So why didn't the almighty Fergie ship out Anderson and Tevez?
would a regular person get their community service rolled into their day job?

They wouldn't get community service the first time that they were caught either.

The punishment/s for driving whilst disqualified are too lenient, which is why people do it all the time. They just pay the fine and do the course.
Plenty of other things to do with my time.

Also, many rich people have drivers.

Yeah they do.

If I was in their position I would have had driver but wouldn't have let them drive sports cards or Lamborghinis.
Fighting is one thing, but unless knives or weapons were involved its not the same as recklessly driving a car, and speeding is reckless.

Fergie himself rather famously got taken to court for a driving offensive and his solicitors got him off with the magnificent "he really needed a poo" defence.
Think we will file this under young man with lots of money does stupid thing. He is a dickhead for doing so and I'm sure our management team will tell him so aswell.

If found guilty i suspect a fine and maybe a community service order will be incoming take the punishment and get on with and that will be the matter closed.
Why is this such a common occurrence with footballers? Are most of them that smooth-brained? Or do they genuinely think the rules don't apply to them?
At the risk of sounding like player bashing, they are known not to be exactly nuclear physicist level of intelligence. They are young people with very limited levels of education due to sporting focus and thus developed poor critical thinking abilities. There are many exceptions of course but many are closer to the village idiot then the wise sage.
what an idiot, like he thought that no one would notice a Lambo with a well known United footballer hossing it around town when banned. Hardly Trevor from next door taking his Ford Fiesta to Tesco's in his lunch break is it.
A total disrespect for the law, they should pull his license for the next 10 years.
You'd like to think they will at least give him another 2-3 years onto his disqualification.
Soo many Saints in this thread. Some saying sack him, imprison him, suspend his license for 10 years haha. Miserable people
Getting banned in the first place was dumb, but driving again anyway despite the ban is reckless and idiotic.

If I had his kind of money, I wouldn't even drive at all anyway. I'd be paying a guy to do it for me, on 24/7 retainer, living in the garage. He just stays in the car, waiting for me to need a ride, like Argyle in Die Hard.
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