3 years ago Aaron Wan-Bissaka was Charged For Illegally Driving

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I don't see an issue with doing over 100mph on the motorway in the right conditions.

As for AWB, he's a bit thick but hopefully he'll learn his lesson.

You mean when you're on the Autobahn? Because normal drivers aren't expecting some dickhead to come charging at 100mph when the speedlimit is 70mph in England.
The good news is that as always it cases like this, it is soon to be forgotten (aka Grealish etc.). I wonder if he´ll be starting for United this weekend, though.
You mean when you're on the Autobahn? Because normal drivers aren't expecting some dickhead to come charging at 100mph when the speedlimit is 70mph in England.
Let's be honest 100mph is nothing in modern cars.

These limits were set in the 70/80's when cars were rolling around with tiny brakes and rubbish tyres. While yes it's the law in England it's hardly a big deal to be doing 100mph in a car built like a Lambo.

What is stupid of him is driving while banned and uninsured, it's selfish.
Getting banned in the first place was dumb, but driving again anyway despite the ban is reckless and idiotic.

If I had his kind of money, I wouldn't even drive at all anyway. I'd be paying a guy to do it for me, on 24/7 retainer, living in the garage. He just stays in the car, waiting for me to need a ride, like Argyle in Die Hard.
I take it you don´t like to drive then.
Let's be honest 100mph is nothing in modern cars.

These limits were set in the 70/80's when cars were rolling around with tiny brakes and rubbish tyres. While yes it's the law in England it's hardly a big deal to be doing 100mph in a car built like a Lambo.

What is stupid of him is driving while banned and uninsured, it's selfish.

because it’s a well known fact that the reaction times of humans have vastly improved since the 70s/80s as well…..
Let's be honest 100mph is nothing in modern cars.

These limits were set in the 70/80's when cars were rolling around with tiny brakes and rubbish tyres. While yes it's the law in England it's hardly a big deal to be doing 100mph in a car built like a Lambo.

What is stupid of him is driving while banned and uninsured, it's selfish.

Doesn’t matter what the law should be, it matters what it is. If I’m on the motorway expecting cars to do 70-80 and suddenly there’s one doing 100 that’s incredibly dangerous, irrespective of whether the car can handle that speed. Because it’s way outside of my expectations and therefore ruins all my judgements when it comes to safe motorway driving. I might pull in front of it to overtake another vehicle thinking it’s safe when the speed makes it a dangerous manoeuvre.
because it’s a well known fact that the reaction times of humans have vastly improved since the 70s/80s as well…..
If you're keeping a safe distance in the first place reaction times aren't that important. The ability of majorly decreased braking distances are more important.

Cars didn't even have ABS back then and tyres as skinny as motorbikes :lol:
Doesn’t matter what the law should be, it matters what it is. If I’m on the motorway expecting cars to do 70-80 and suddenly there’s one doing 100 that’s incredibly dangerous, irrespective of whether the car can handle that speed. Because it’s way outside of my expectations and therefore ruins all my judgements when it comes to safe motorway driving. I might pull in front of it to overtake another vehicle thinking it’s safe when the speed makes it a dangerous manoeuvre.
You shouldn't be doing 80, it's against the law. Please move across to the left hand lane and cruise along like you should be. Use the middle lane for over taking at a safe speed.
You mean when you're on the Autobahn? Because normal drivers aren't expecting some dickhead to come charging at 100mph when the speedlimit is 70mph in England.

Well, I did say in the right conditions which would be something like a quiet stretch on the M6 Cumbria to Scotland on a nice day. That said, you get overtaken by people doing 90mph plus in the UK on the outside lane of the motorway all the time. It's common for people to be doing 80mph in the middle lane.
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The caf's ability to be severely outraged at footballers doing things the everyday commoner does never ceases to amaze me. We say footballers live in a bubble but some of you don't half sound like you're in a bubble yourselves. It was wildly irresponsible for AWB to do what he did and he will face the penalty for doing it end of. People feck up everyday, as some here have mentioned, this is quite commonly done by young drivers.
Doesn’t matter what the law should be, it matters what it is. If I’m on the motorway expecting cars to do 70-80 and suddenly there’s one doing 100 that’s incredibly dangerous, irrespective of whether the car can handle that speed. Because it’s way outside of my expectations and therefore ruins all my judgements when it comes to safe motorway driving. I might pull in front of it to overtake another vehicle thinking it’s safe when the speed makes it a dangerous manoeuvre.
Sounds like normal passing speed? If you are checking your mirrors, it shouldn't be a problem. The real danger is from drivers that weave around traffic without signaling.
People feck up everyday, as some here have mentioned, this is quite commonly done by young drivers.

Show of hands, who here has been caught doing stupid shit on the roads so often they've been disqualified?

Now those of you with your hands up, stand up if you then went on to drive while you were disqualified.

While yes it's the law in England it's hardly a big deal to be doing 100mph in a car built like a Lambo.

:lol: what is this shit i'm reading here?

It's not a big deal for AWB if he crashes his 4x4 lambo because it's a 4x4 lambo, he'll be fine. But that poor little toddler in the back seat of the aygo he rear ends at 100mph - probably wont be so lucky.

The thought of someone as dim-witted as AWB doing 100mph+ in a 4x4 on any road gives me the shivers.
:lol: what is this shit i'm reading here?

It's not a big deal for AWB if he crashes his 4x4 lambo because it's a 4x4 lambo, he'll be fine. But that poor little toddler in the back seat of the aygo he rear ends at 100mph - probably wont be so lucky.

The thought of someone as dim-witted as AWB doing 100mph+ in a 4x4 on any road gives me the shivers.
The difference between smashing into somebody at 70 and 100 is a very minimal difference, they're going to be dead.

Why can Germany make it work? speed isn't the issue.
I'll never really understood why people who have the money to do so much amazing (legal) stuff the majority of us couldn't dream of feel the need to do daft shite like this. I'm sure his wages could cover a few taxi fares and a track day.
Show of hands, who here has been caught doing stupid shit on the roads so often they've been disqualified?

Now those of you with your hands up, stand up if you then went on to drive while you were disqualified.
Rather than seeking a pointless questionnaire on the caf, you could just look at actual statistics.


If you think what AWB did is that uncommon you'd be very wrong. Again I'm not saying what he did was fine, it was very irresponsible but because he has more money in his account doesn't mean he won't make the same mistakes thousands of kids in his age group do.

Like i said, he fecked up and will pay the penalty for it, end of story.
I'll never really understood why people who have the money to do so much amazing (legal) stuff the majority of us couldn't dream of feel the need to do daft shite like this. I'm sure his wages could cover a few taxi fares and a track day.
Because so many sportspeople who gain wealth so very quickly are a bit thick. When they blow it on big cars and bling then when their careers are over and the money’s gone they start to wonder where it went wrong
Rather than seeking a pointless questionnaire on the caf, you could just look at actual statistics.


If you think what AWB did is that uncommon you'd be very wrong. Again I'm not saying what he did was fine, it was very irresponsible but because he has more money in his account doesn't mean he won't make the same mistakes thousands of kids in his age group do.

Like i said, he fecked up and will pay the penalty for it, end of story.

im not so sure. Having no money in your bank account and an unstable home life etc probably would count as mitigating circumstances. AWB doesn’t have a lifestyle like that which possibly makes it even worse. He’s either very stupid or very arrogant.
I'll never really understood why people who have the money to do so much amazing (legal) stuff the majority of us couldn't dream of feel the need to do daft shite like this. I'm sure his wages could cover a few taxi fares and a track day.
Taxi fares? He could probably hire a personal driver, even to drive him around in that Lambo of his if he so desires.
Show of hands, who here has been caught doing stupid shit on the roads so often they've been disqualified?

Now those of you with your hands up, stand up if you then went on to drive while you were disqualified.

:lol: what is this shit i'm reading here?

It's not a big deal for AWB if he crashes his 4x4 lambo because it's a 4x4 lambo, he'll be fine. But that poor little toddler in the back seat of the aygo he rear ends at 100mph - probably wont be so lucky.

The thought of someone as dim-witted as AWB doing 100mph+ in a 4x4 on any road gives me the shivers.
Nice imagination. You live in Lala land?
Doesn’t matter what the law should be, it matters what it is. If I’m on the motorway expecting cars to do 70-80 and suddenly there’s one doing 100 that’s incredibly dangerous, irrespective of whether the car can handle that speed. Because it’s way outside of my expectations and therefore ruins all my judgements when it comes to safe motorway driving. I might pull in front of it to overtake another vehicle thinking it’s safe when the speed makes it a dangerous manoeuvre.
Nail on the head. If I'm needing to overtake, and glancing in my mirror for a second or two, and their car is a reasonable distance away, I'm pulling into that lane oblivious to the fact that they are going almost 50% faster than they should be. So the seemingly ample distance is nowhere near ample because of their speeding. The idea that it's fine to drive like that is fecking ludicrous.
Let's be honest 100mph is nothing in modern cars.

These limits were set in the 70/80's when cars were rolling around with tiny brakes and rubbish tyres. While yes it's the law in England it's hardly a big deal to be doing 100mph in a car built like a Lambo.

What is stupid of him is driving while banned and uninsured, it's selfish.
Pretty much every driver ever has sped on a motorway, but yep was dumb not sitting out the ban.
Nail on the head. If I'm needing to overtake, and glancing in my mirror for a second or two, and their car is a reasonable distance away, I'm pulling into that lane oblivious to the fact that they are going almost 50% faster than they should be. So the seemingly ample distance is nowhere near ample because of their speeding. The idea that it's fine to drive like that is fecking ludicrous.
Absolute rubbish :lol:

If you can judge that somebody is really travelling that much faster than you, you shouldn't be on the motorway.

The difference between 70mph and 100mph really isn't that big, if you're indicating for a few seconds like you should be that gives the 100mph driver adequate time to slow down and avoid an incident.

If you're really just pulling out infront of people with only 1-2 seconds to judge the situation, you're the dangerous one.

Pretty much every driver ever has sped on a motorway, but yep was dumb not sitting out the ban.
Exactly. The morale highgrounding on this forum these days is ridiculous. Everybody are angels apparently.
The caf's ability to be severely outraged at footballers doing things the everyday commoner does never ceases to amaze me. We say footballers live in a bubble but some of you don't half sound like you're in a bubble yourselves. It was wildly irresponsible for AWB to do what he did and he will face the penalty for doing it end of. People feck up everyday, as some here have mentioned, this is quite commonly done by young drivers.
Not just young drivers. Paddy Crerand was banned at the age of 78 for crashing into another car while he was over the alcohol limit, and then giving the PC some ripe Glaswegian verbals.
Rather than seeking a pointless questionnaire on the caf, you could just look at actual statistics.


If you think what AWB did is that uncommon you'd be very wrong. Again I'm not saying what he did was fine, it was very irresponsible but because he has more money in his account doesn't mean he won't make the same mistakes thousands of kids in his age group do.

Like i said, he fecked up and will pay the penalty for it, end of story.

Does it say there how many people drive after being banned without insurance?
Nail on the head. If I'm needing to overtake, and glancing in my mirror for a second or two, and their car is a reasonable distance away, I'm pulling into that lane oblivious to the fact that they are going almost 50% faster than they should be. So the seemingly ample distance is nowhere near ample because of their speeding. The idea that it's fine to drive like that is fecking ludicrous.
No offense but you should probably stick with self driving cars if you cannot judge other cars speed with your mirrors. You also sound like the kind of person who takes a quick glance only to see if there's enough space before immediately pulling into the lane.
Does it say there how many people drive after being banned without insurance?
The no insurance thing is kind of by the by in the sense that if you're banned it automatically nullifies the insurance you have.
Driving without insurance is a huge problem. If he was involved in an accident, the best case scenario is that the other party would have had to pay for repairs themselves whilst waiting for a court case to get him to stump up.

The worst case scenario is he causes severe injuries or worse in an accident and there is no recompense for the person he injures due to no insurance payments.

That's what lawsuits are for. It's scarcely different than if he was insured. Slightly more complex but a good lawyer will probably get an out of court settlement, especially when high profile people are involved. The only significant difference is the sperd of payouts related to repairs. The injury side of insurance is a long and drawn out process, too.

Insurance isn't some magical protection that keeps bad things from happening. It's a simple transfer of risk from the driver to the insurance company in exchange for premiums. If you have the money to cover your responsibilities in the event of an accident, Including personal injury, and accept that risk so be it. People who drive uninsured and don't have the resources to cover damages are a problem, situations like AWBs are not as bad.

The excessive speeding is another issue and when you've got money you should keep it to a closed course.
because it’s a well known fact that the reaction times of humans have vastly improved since the 70s/80s as well…..

Context is important. I often hit 100mph on a five line freeway here in the states when there aren’t many, or any people about. For high performance vehicles it’s nothing, and if the road is straight and there’s no one around, I don’t see the issue. Driving that speed in high flow traffic is incredibly dangerous, because as you say….reaction times. You can’t control what other drivers will do and if they see you.
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