2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

I've no idea, but she has to go there for a reason! TX ain't turning Blue this cycle, so that senate seat is the only thing I can think of.
Cruz is unpopular, his attitude and actions when the power went off a while back hasn't been forgotten, his seat has the makings of being very close either way
Ken Paxton has written to federal regulators to try and hamper money going to democrats in Texas because texas dems outspending republicans in certain areas.

Would Paxton have the be the biggest crook still serving in any office in the country?

It's a travesty that he is still in office along with Abbott. I was planning on voting early tomorrow at 7am when they open. But they don't open until 11 am apparently. The lines will clearly be longer that way more people up etc. Annoying
Cruz is unpopular, his attitude and actions when the power went off a while back hasn't been forgotten, his seat has the makings of being very close either way

Yeah, he went to Mexico right? It would be so sweet to see him lose.
Can he really beat Cruz though? I feel O’Rourke came closest and it’s going to take some doing to come close to those levels.

Allred polls significantly closer than Beto did, for what it's worth.

See, 2018 wasn't supposed to be a close race, but a major polling miss made it so.
I am taking off work this Friday and me and my immediate family (wife and 2 adult kids) are going to vote then go out to lunch to celebrate. I have always waited until election day to vote but I can't wait to vote against Trump, and I don't want to deal with any chaos that may happen on the big day.
Cruz is unpopular, his attitude and actions when the power went off a while back hasn't been forgotten, his seat has the makings of being very close either way
I’m telling ya Reps have an entirely different barometer when it comes to scrutiny and the shit they do. I’m not even convinced this will be a close senate race.

Well feck. I was just asking about MI. Felt WI was harder of the two to win but I guess I was wrong. Too many Reps hate their woman governor don’t they? But NC I don’t even see it as Dems can win it.

We have 7 swing states - MI, WI, NC, NV, AZ, GA and PA. Even if Trump wins NV, AZ, GA and NC he can’t win so Dems should go all in on PA snd MI these next 2 weeks.
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Michigan should be her strongest swing state, probably just a message not to get complacent, i'd say.
Michigan should be her strongest swing state, probably just a message not to get complacent, i'd say.
It should be but I honestly feel like its in fact in jeopardy. Her showing up with Liz Cheney yesterday rattled the sizeable middle Eastern population even more. Not sure what the game was there other than to scrape away some moderate Republicans from voting for Trump instead. This is a complicated state for multiple reasons.

Recent discussions have centered on the possibility of an anomaly happening this year with just part of the blue wall breaking its way. The conversations have focused on whether Michigan or Wisconsin “fall” to former President Donald Trump while the two other states go blue, according to three sources with knowledge of the campaign’s strategy.

Losing Wisconsin or Michigan would mean that even if Harris secures Pennsylvania — where both Harris and Trump have spent the most time and resources — she would not reach the necessary 270 electoral votes to win the White House without winning another battleground state or possibly two.

“There has been a thought that maybe Michigan or Wisconsin will fall off,” said a senior Harris campaign official, who stressed that the bigger concern is over Michigan. Two other people with knowledge of campaign strategy — who, like others in this article, were granted anonymity to speak candidly — also underscored deep concern about Michigan. Those people still believe that all the states are close and that there are alternative routes to victory.

A Harris campaign spokesperson pushed back against the notion about deep concerns over Michigan, pointing to recent public polling. A Detroit News poll conducted Oct. 1-4 found Harris, who was campaigning in Michigan on Monday, holding a slight lead in the state, as did a Washington Post poll on Monday.

“We absolutely are competing to win Michigan,” Harris campaign spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said, noting Harris’ presence there this week. “We think we will win Michigan.”

She added that she believes they will also win Wisconsin and saw no signs of it slipping.

While North Carolina is still in the campaign’s sights and Democrats maintain strong organization and leadership there, the Harris team is far less bullish about victory, four people with knowledge of the dynamics said.

“Of all of the seven [states], that one seems to be a little bit slipping away,” the Harris campaign official said of North Carolina.
Michigan should be her strongest swing state, probably just a message not to get complacent, i'd say.

What are you basing this on ? It is after all, the state where Arab Americans are not supporting either candidate (which ends up hurting Harris).
What are you basing this on ? It is after all, the state where Arab Americans are not supporting either candidate (which ends up hurting Harris).

It typically is the bluest swing state, and the turnout so far in dem areas of the state is really good so far.

Democratic pollster Matt Baretto, who has conducted surveys for the Harris camp, said the race is far too close to discount any of the states for Harris and noted that in 2022, Republicans — and much of the media — predicted a red wave that never materialized.

“Right now, Harris has an advantage in all three states — not a huge advantage — we know the election is going to be close. It’s going to be 1 or 2 percent in any of these states,” Baretto said. But he contended that enthusiasm was still behind Harris. “She’s drawing huge crowds and huge volunteer bases. … She looks in a strong position. [But] there’s still work to be done.”
It typically is the bluest swing state, and the turnout so far in dem areas of the state is really good so far.

Its also a state that Trump won in 16, so I wouldn't buy into the logic that MI is the Dems best chance of winning a swing state.
The elephant in the room that no candidate is talking about:

U.S. is increasing base money supply by 7.5% per year. That pace will only increase , until the citizenry becomes aware of what’s going on (in this country, that won’t happen until the media starts reporting on it — because nobody reads here).

If I was a US voter, at this stage I probably would have been a single issue voter, who has a concrete strong plan at lowering the debt, which will likely require both higher taxation and lesser benefits/spending, both sucking and highly unpopular, would have gotten my vote. Do not see for the life of me on how is this sustainable and if it continues like this, which it will, it will either require US defaulting, which would bring a global depression or US printing an insane amount of money which will bring a massive inflation.

The issue is that while Democrats do not even pretend to care about the public debt, GOP are as bad as Dems when it comes to that. Public debt is only an issue when Dems are in power, the moment GOP gets power, they stop giving a shit about it and give another big tax cut to their billionaire friends which causes the debt to increase further.
Donald Trump holds a razor-thin edge over Kamala Harris among Arab American voters even as they view him as more supportive of Israel’s government, according to a new Arab News/YouGov poll.

Forty-five percent of respondents said they are most likely to vote for Trump, while 43% said they would likely cast ballots for Harris, according to the results shared early with Semafor. Trump’s edge is within the survey’s margin of error. Another 4% said they would vote for Jill Stein, 6% said they were undecided, and 2% declined to say their choice.
If I was a US voter, at this stage I probably would have been a single issue voter, who has a concrete strong plan at lowering the debt, which will likely require both higher taxation and lesser benefits/spending, both sucking and highly unpopular, would have gotten my vote. Do not see for the life of me on how is this sustainable and if it continues like this, which it will, it will either require US defaulting, which would bring a global depression or US printing an insane amount of money which will bring a massive inflation.

The issue is that while Democrats do not even pretend to care about the public debt, GOP are as bad as Dems when it comes to that. Public debt is only an issue when Dems are in power, the moment GOP gets power, they stop giving a shit about it and give another big tax cut to their billionaire friends which causes the debt to increase further.
What you described extends to many other issues. To go along with your points about the national debt: look at the issue alone of the national debt ceiling which always is being blown up for political gain. They re toying with people's livelihoods to make some gains. Whoever is in power tried to raise it, the other party opposes it. The pendulum goes back and forth between the parties. We do have some stark differences in philosophy between the two parties but more so the extreme left and right than everything in between. This country should never have ended up with only two parties battling for power. It corrupts everything from the federal levels down to the most local of all levels.

If I only care about dogs shitting in my favorite parks, I should be able to start a party that tries to address that - and that alone - without being compelled to fall in line with some larger agenda in order to get a seat at the table.
Fiscal Debt hawks are insane.

The debt to GDP levels are nothing compared to some historical levels.

USD being the reserve currency basically makes US debt a non-problem. Which is why despite sides banging on about it, regardless of who gets in power, nothing actually gets done about it.

US debt's huge ownership is also domestic, why makes it much more secure.
Fiscal Debt hawks are insane.

The debt to GDP levels are nothing compared to some historical levels.

USD being the reserve currency basically makes US debt a non-problem. Which is why despite sides banging on about it, regardless of who gets in power, nothing actually gets done about it.

US debt's huge ownership is also domestic, why makes it much more secure.
Yes, but have you seen that website that has very big numbers and keeps ticking up?! The end is nigh.
How the feck is this possible?
Because Arabs aren't a monolith.

A mistake the left often make is automatically assuming minority = fertile ground for class-based politics, when they are often more conservative by nature due to religious leanings. The mayor of Dearborn who endorsed Trump banned LGBT flag in his city, pro-trans politics actually already alienated a lot of Arabs/Muslims from the Democratic Party, and I think part of the reason why the party has largely ignored them is because of 2022 result when they won decisively in Michigan despite weaker performance among this group of voters.
Can he really beat Cruz though? I feel O’Rourke came closest and it’s going to take some doing to come close to those levels.
I've no idea, but O'Rourke pushed him closeish last time and that was after the "we're coming for your AR15's" statement which is not something you'll get away with in TX, it's not unrealistic to think without that statement he might have won
Be glad you're not Japanese!

Japan's debt is fine, it's that level by choice and their interest payments are stupidly low and almost all of the debt is publically owned by Japan itself.

China has a standard national debt of 81% of GDP. But it's state owned enterprises (for profit businesses that are funded, invested in and liable by the government) have a further 85% of GDP of debt, and it's state owned banks owe another 35% of GDP of debt.

Add in the ridiculously shadow banking systems of LGFV's that local governments use to raise capital, their total debt to GDP ratio of just National level (excluding local government debt) sits at a staggering 350%+- of GDP.

It's a probably a case of the algorithms showing me Trump but...is Trump more visible than Harris lately? Feels like he has a rally everyday.
It's a probably a case of the algorithms showing me Trump but...is Trump more visible than Harris lately? Feels like he has a rally everyday.

No more than Harris. He's been doing a lot of podcasts and publicity stunts (McDonalds etc) lately.
It's a probably a case of the algorithms showing me Trump but...is Trump more visible than Harris lately? Feels like he has a rally everyday.
No way. She has been on a media blitz the past couple weeks and rallies, interviews podcasts. Trump has pulled out of several interviews but of course has time for Mc Donalds stunts