2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

There are more Lebanese American voters than Palestinian American voters.

I wonder if this type of stuff might influence the US election. Do American voters like this? Maybe, maybe not.
There are more Lebanese American voters than Palestinian American voters.

I wonder if this type of stuff might influence the US election. Do American voters like this? Maybe, maybe not.

The British left because they had somewhere to leave to. Israel has not a place to leave as a state and they are there to stay. Make not mistake. Israel is going to win that, killing, raping and stealing and the international community will open the increased borders with open arms. This is not a movie where the bad guys lose. This is real life and life fecking sucks when a powerful entity crosses your life. And Israel is that entity comparable to the worse countries of the last 100 years backed by the worse country of the last 80
Stimilus money was a necessary ‘evil’. It created massive inflation but allowed many people to continue paying their rent/mortgage and bills.
I'm not sure it did, the inflation rate in 2020 was less than 2% and 4.7% in 2021, not what I would call massive

Aside from people paying their bills, mortgaes etc the idea was for people to spend it, but those who were still working often didn't, they just saved it
I'm not sure it did, the inflation rate in 2020 was less than 2% and 4.7% in 2021, not what I would call massive

Aside from people paying their bills, mortgaes etc the idea was for people to spend it, but those who were still working often didn't, they just saved it
Inflation started to skyrocket in 2021 and hit it's peak in 2022.
Inflation takes time to build and it takes even more time to come down as we see now.
Inflation started to skyrocket in 2021 and hit it's peak in 2022.
Inflation takes time to build and it takes even more time to come down as we see now.
Indeed it does but the checks were not the main reason for it rising, shortages pushed prices up due to there being more demand than supply
Inflation started to skyrocket in 2021 and hit it's peak in 2022.
Inflation takes time to build and it takes even more time to come down as we see now.
2022 also added invasion of Ukraine on top of that. Inflation has been an issue in all of western countries over the last 5 years and existence of stimulus packages is not going to explain the majority of it anywhere.
Im not bashing him for it. Just stating the facts. You are saying the stimulus check he sent didn’t make prices go up. Im saying it did.
I'm not saying it didn't raise prices, but that the spike would happen regardless of it. Republican messaging about the inflation is extremely dishonest and should be constantly called out for that, but I would expect state of the economy to be worse if that package didn't happen.
Kamala was excellent with Charlamagne. And he gave her and the people in the town hall gave her some tough questions.

The contrast between her today and Trump ramblings in Chicago and "dancing" last night could not be clearer.
What a fecking stupid argument.

These are all active actions. Under no reasonable reading of the law could a Vice President with no direct authority over US intelligence forces ever be guilty of this, unless they personally were involved in planning an action that could constitute a war crime.

The Vice President is not a member of the armed forces, nor are they a commander of the armed forces. For all intents and purposes they are a civilian advisor. They serve no position within the military hierarchy.

It is even dubious if a president could be held accountable for another country comitting war crimes unless the US were specifically involved in knowingly planning or executing a war crime. However, since the US is not a signatory of the Rome Statute and never ratified the Haague conventions, the ICC has no jurisdiction and any case involving a US citizen would have to brought before the US judicial system. With the relatively broad immunity ruling by the Supreme Court, it is highly unlikely any US court could ever find a president guilty of war crimes.

Now the ICC can make a ruling on non-signatory states when their actions are comitted in territories where they have jurisdiction (Ukraine, Palestine). Hence why Bibi and Putin have arrest warrants despite not acknowledging the ICC. It would be difficult to argue that the US has comitted a war crime on signatory territory.

Especially given that Israel is under investigation by the ICC and no ruling has been made yet. Even then to prove that the US knowingly and deliberately assisted war crimes is an even higher bar.

Then there is also the fact that since its creation in 2002, the ICC has concluded 5 cases, where only two resulted in convictions, and all were directly involved. No heads of state have been convicted, and the only head of state to be tried Laurent Gbagbo, was acquitted on the basis of there wasn't a policy or order that specifically targeted civilians - and it was unclear that he as an individual was the causal link.

The vast majority of war crime convictions have been individuals convicted in a domestic courts.
These are all active actions. Under no reasonable reading of the law could a Vice President with no direct authority over US intelligence forces ever be guilty of this, unless they personally were involved in planning an action that could constitute a war crime.

The Vice President is not a member of the armed forces, nor are they a commander of the armed forces. For all intents and purposes they are a civilian advisor. They serve no position within the military hierarchy.

It is even dubious if a president could be held accountable for another country comitting war crimes unless the US were specifically involved in knowingly planning or executing a war crime. However, since the US is not a signatory of the Rome Statute and never ratified the Haague conventions, the ICC has no jurisdiction and any case involving a US citizen would have to brought before the US judicial system. With the relatively broad immunity ruling by the Supreme Court, it is highly unlikely any US court could ever find a president guilty of war crimes.

Now the ICC can make a ruling on non-signatory states when their actions are comitted in territories where they have jurisdiction (Ukraine, Palestine). Hence why Bibi and Putin have arrest warrants despite not acknowledging the ICC. It would be difficult to argue that the US has comitted a war crime on signatory territory.

Especially given that Israel is under investigation by the ICC and no ruling has been made yet. Even then to prove that the US knowingly and deliberately assisted war crimes is an even higher bar.

Then there is also the fact that since its creation in 2002, the ICC has concluded 5 cases, where only two resulted in convictions, and all were directly involved. No heads of state have been convicted, and the only head of state to be tried Laurent Gbagbo, was acquitted on the basis of there wasn't a policy or order that specifically targeted civilians - and it was unclear that he as an individual was the causal link.

The vast majority of war crime convictions have been individuals convicted in a domestic courts.

Good post.
I'm not saying it didn't raise prices, but that the spike would happen regardless of it. Republican messaging about the inflation is extremely dishonest and should be constantly called out for that, but I would expect state of the economy to be worse if that package didn't happen.
You’re arguing for a different point with every post. Firstly the spike is prices wouldn’t have happened this much, just the usual increase YoY. It happened cause the demand went higher than supply. Thats common sense economics.

You can’t argue that we needed the money and the economy would be worse off but then not blame the stimulus that the Trump admin issued to not be a factor in inflation. The fact of the matter is his admin pumped more money into the economy and that was the start of the inflation.

Troll move. But i can see a flood od memes coming from this.

I'm not sure why a) she would lie about this and b) why here campaign haven't contacted McDonalds for proof of employment to shut Trump up.

He thinks she didnt work their because it wasn't on her resume when applying for jobs as a prosecutor.

I worked at TGI Fridays in Sale. Literally the last thing i would want on my CV.

I hope his long red tie gets dipped into the chip frier.
More than 200,000 votes cast in GA today with early voting. That is a state I have no confidence the Dems are going to hold this time around. Just hoping PA can be somehow continue to remain blue.
These are all active actions. Under no reasonable reading of the law could a Vice President with no direct authority over US intelligence forces ever be guilty of this, unless they personally were involved in planning an action that could constitute a war crime.

The Vice President is not a member of the armed forces, nor are they a commander of the armed forces. For all intents and purposes they are a civilian advisor. They serve no position within the military hierarchy.

It is even dubious if a president could be held accountable for another country comitting war crimes unless the US were specifically involved in knowingly planning or executing a war crime. However, since the US is not a signatory of the Rome Statute and never ratified the Haague conventions, the ICC has no jurisdiction and any case involving a US citizen would have to brought before the US judicial system. With the relatively broad immunity ruling by the Supreme Court, it is highly unlikely any US court could ever find a president guilty of war crimes.

Now the ICC can make a ruling on non-signatory states when their actions are comitted in territories where they have jurisdiction (Ukraine, Palestine). Hence why Bibi and Putin have arrest warrants despite not acknowledging the ICC. It would be difficult to argue that the US has comitted a war crime on signatory territory.

Especially given that Israel is under investigation by the ICC and no ruling has been made yet. Even then to prove that the US knowingly and deliberately assisted war crimes is an even higher bar.

Then there is also the fact that since its creation in 2002, the ICC has concluded 5 cases, where only two resulted in convictions, and all were directly involved. No heads of state have been convicted, and the only head of state to be tried Laurent Gbagbo, was acquitted on the basis of there wasn't a policy or order that specifically targeted civilians - and it was unclear that he as an individual was the causal link.

The vast majority of war crime convictions have been individuals convicted in a domestic courts.
The bar is set very high to convict anyone or any entity of a crime which is as it should be.
That is the legal reality.
However, I have no doubt in my mind that the USA, and in particular Joe Biden have the blood of Palestinians on their hands.
As does the UK, the Germans ,The French etc etc.
It is the biggest scandal of this century that the slaughter in Gaza has been allowed to go on this long.
More than 200,000 votes cast in GA today with early voting. That is a state I have no confidence the Dems are going to hold this time around. Just hoping PA can be somehow continue to remain blue.
The previous record in Georgia was136000.Those early voters are not voting for Trump.
Biden and Kamala Harris sending troops in defence of Israel as Israel continue their expanding mass extermination campaign:

Kamala has committed American tax payer money, diplomatic cover and American troops in support of Israel


Kamala Harris is not a passive bystander in Israeli's violent policies. It is completely absurd to suggest she is.
The bar is set very high to convict anyone or any entity of a crime which is as it should be.
That is the legal reality.
However, I have no doubt in my mind that the USA, and in particular Joe Biden have the blood of Palestinians on their hands.
As does the UK, the Germans ,The French etc etc.
It is the biggest scandal of this century that the slaughter in Gaza has been allowed to go on this long.

The original argument that only if you hold napalm are you responsible for its use, or that the Nazi upper echelon weren't responsible for exterminating 6 million Jews and countless others because their finger prints can't be matched to those on a Zyklon b cannister is a terrible one.

There is criminal responsibility and moral responsibilty. And these extend to things like facilitation, the encouragement, the funding and the diplomatic cover of an act or policy.
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Hope Colin Allred has a good debate tonight against Ted Cruz and that hopefully it does something to help dump Cruz. Less than a week from early voting starting here in Texas.

Feels like a close race, and probably the only pickup-opportunity for dems this cycle(not counting Nebraska), so an important debate, Allred needs to hold his own tonight.

Since you live in Texas, how is the feeling on the ground, when it comes to this senate race?
I have forgotten a bit just how insufferable Ted Cruz is, 2 minutes in and he feels more insufferable than ever.

feck this guy.
I have forgotten a bit just how insufferable Ted Cruz is, 2 minutes in and he feels more insufferable than ever.

feck this guy.
Well yeah none of them have a backbone. Thats why they bend over so easily and let themselves get fecked over by this orange moron. I wonder how they go to sleep at night. They are all huge believers in God too. They do their shitty work from Mon - Sat and then they go on Sunday to Church and ask for forgiveness and then the cycle starts again on Monday.
You’re arguing for a different point with every post. Firstly the spike is prices wouldn’t have happened this much, just the usual increase YoY. It happened cause the demand went higher than supply. Thats common sense economics.

You can’t argue that we needed the money and the economy would be worse off but then not blame the stimulus that the Trump admin issued to not be a factor in inflation. The fact of the matter is his admin pumped more money into the economy and that was the start of the inflation.

The recent inflation post-COVID isn't "common sense" economics, it was a once-a-century one-off event and that's why so many economists and institutions have been studying it because its pretty much the opposite of "common sense economics". While it is true that the stimulus checks probably contributed to it a little bit, they were not at all the primary cause and their effect on inflation has been very much overstated in some corners.

Supply constraints were the primary causes of the post-COVID inflation. Shipping containers from China to America that cost $1,400 pre-COVID hit a peak of over $20,000. The global supply chain was completely disrupted in ways that never happened before. Then the Russian invasion introduced other supply side issues that contributed to inflation.

"First, the vast majority of the COVID-19 inflation surge is accounted for by supply-linked factors, especially a rise in company margins that followed severe delivery delays at the height of the pandemic. Demand-linked factors, notably indicators of labor market overheating, play almost no role. As a result, the argument that policy stimulus was excessive is weak." Brookings

"the authors find that three main components explain the rise in inflation since 2020: volatility of energy prices, backlogs of work orders for goods and service caused by supply chain issues due to COVID-19, and price changes in the auto-related industries." National Bureau of Economic Research summarized by BLS
Moderators are just allowing Cruz to speak all the time, way over time, even when moved on to another topic, he insists on going back, and allows him to do it.

Allred isn't doing badly when he speaks, but he is just letting Cruz talk all the time, if Cruz can hold on to the speaking time, Allred could too.

I guess positive is that Cruz comes across more unhinged/insufferable than usual, but not liking that he is kinda leading the narrative.
What did he say in the next tweet?
It's a thread about how GOP are potentially fecking themselves in the MT Senate race.

Basically the nitwits implemented voter ID laws, but the majority of people without legit ID for voting are anti gov hillbillies who vote straight ticket Republicans. They've now been moved to inactive voter roll and might not get the required verification in time, and we are looking at potentially 50-60k in total not able to vote because of it. I think Tester still have it very tough but it will be a delicious twist of fate if he ends up winning because of it and Ds hold the Senate as a result.
Overall, my feeling was during the entire debate, "christ, will this guy ever shut the hell up"?

Yes, obviously talking about Cruz, man if he isn't annoying!

Allred held his own, and had some good moments, but should have talked more.

Good numbers. Democrats seem enthusiastic enough so far, both in PA and FL. MI doesn’t report by party affiliation, but the Democratic strongholds there have returned ballots at a high rate. I’m honestly encouraged by this, as well as by the strong early voting in GA today.
Why is going on Rogan a dumb move for Harris?

He's going to grill her in a way that makes her look extremely unappealing. Kamala has been struggling with softball interviews. Unless she is extremely well prepared, I don't see it going well. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze for me. The winning Kamala strategy is do more Rallies than interviews, and focus on left leaning policies over right leaning ones.