2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

The Australian news has been playing the main Trump insanity on loop. Seemingly mainly for the lols.
The Australian news has been playing the main Trump insanity on loop. Seemingly mainly for the lols.
I remember seeing an opinion poll that show Australians having the lowest opinion for the US out of traditional Western allies (split like 54-46 in favour of positive). They are a bit of a joke Down Under for sure (and weirdly enough I think Aussie culture is much closer to the US than UK, except the drinking one)
I remember seeing an opinion poll that show Australians having the lowest opinion for the US out of traditional Western allies (split like 54-46 in favour of positive). They are a bit of a joke Down Under for sure (and weirdly enough I think Aussie culture is much closer to the US than UK, except the drinking one)
I'd say on average the culture is much closer to the UK than the US but also with quite a few similarities to the US. And Aussies like to laugh at everyone, themselves included.

Its hilarious for educated normal people but there are millions of stupid fks that believe this nonsense. Its the type of dehumanising rhetoric they use to dehumanize a group of people like they did against the Jews or in Rwanda for example. Just keep making them to be less than. Like animals. Maybe I'm making more of it than it is but if I was an immigrant I wouldnt want to be around nutter Maga supporters who believe that I'll eat thier cats and dogs. It needs to be taken more seriously than it is.
Or, you know “the debate”?
It'll be interesting to see the age demographic of newly registered voters from this, 18-35s were probably the impact of Swyft's endorsement, above that age I'd guess the debate was more likely to play a part.

It's great and a hard to reach demographic, but registering from a link on a website isn't voting. The crucial bit will be to get them to actually vote. We kind of have to hope Taylor chooses to follow-up when that's available, both early and obviously day of.
It's great and a hard to reach demographic, but registering from a link on a website isn't voting. The crucial bit will be to get them to actually vote. We kind of have to hope Taylor chooses to follow-up when that's available, both early and obviously day of.
If you watch the whole interview in that tweet, he says their data historically shows that 80% of people who register this close to an election tend to vote.

Trump is fecked. If she does a post on the day before the election and on election day urging people to vote - this is game over.

Everyone is longing for the days, when the Republicans were just war mongering corporatists.

Who would have thought we'd miss it when Dick Cheney was the biggest problem.
It shouldn't need to be said but Dick Cheney and Bush went a bit further than just your average Republican/Democrat warmonger.

Of course, but still preferable to the Far Right extremist hellscape the GOP has turned into by the hands of Trump.
It shouldn't need to be said but Dick Cheney and Bush went a bit further than just your average Republican/Democrat warmonger.
Because they were in power, and it was post 9/11. Bush obviously also felt there was a score to settle with Hussein. But when you look at the likes of Haley, Graham, and others etc., there are plenty of current Republicans that would love a good scrap with Iran if it came down to it.
Because they were in power, and it was post 9/11. Bush obviously also felt there was a score to settle with Hussein. But when you look at the likes of Haley, Graham, and others etc., there are plenty of current Republicans that would love a good scrap with Iran if it came down to it.
Who paved the way for them? And come on, Cheney and Bush weren't just reacting to 9/11 and settling some score. I feel we're back in 2003. The suffering they caused in the world and the damage done to US democracy during that period can be felt to this day. There's nothing about these two that anyone should be longing for even with Trump around.

I can understand it not sitting right, but the bigger picture is that having prominent Republicans endorse Harris is a huge signal and will lower the bar for others. Strange to focus on this aspect, IMO, when it is clearly a positive for anybody concerned with a second Trump term.
Trump is fecked. If she does a post on the day before the election and on election day urging people to vote - this is game over.
It does make me wonder if she could have worked with the campaign to time her endorsement. Harris was gonna get a bump from the debate considering how well she did and how poorly Trump did. Could they have kept Swift in the back pocket for a few weeks to react and counter to any possible Trump swing?
This was debunked by the moderators at the debate TWICE!

And yet he still continues to say it because he doesn't care if it's true or not. Some of his base believe him and you know that he made this up so he won't let anyone tell him otherwise.
There was an interesting story on CBC this morning on how the pets thing is a Russian invention that made its way into MAGA circles and is now still useful there as a kind of fanbase truth:


There's also a lot more in there on how Russian propaganda works, based on FBI documents. It's quite interesting (and disheartening).
Has there already been a discussion about the most important topic this election; is Trump shagging Laura Loomer?