2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

In addition to Biden increasing the public debt even more than Trump did (also printing more money than Trump). So that answer would quickly backfire.
The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget said last month that Mr. Trump approved $8.4 trillion in new borrowing while in office. Mr. Biden has approved $4.3 trillion during his first three years and five months in the White House.
The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget said last month that Mr. Trump approved $8.4 trillion in new borrowing while in office. Mr. Biden has approved $4.3 trillion during his first three years and five months in the White House.

With a pandemic to survive in the middle
Property taxes in the US makes no sense to me.

Doesn't it completely screw over the people who live in a generational home (i.e their parents, grandparents etc) and subject them to market conditions, especially since wages have not gone anywhere close up as much as property prices have?

Like imagine you buy a house at 30 in the 90's, working as a retail assistant. When you're 50, the price has what, 4x'd, your wage is still the shitty federal minimum wage but your tax liability has increased ALOT more?

What happens if you literally cannot afford to keep it due to rising market conditions? Forced to sell up/move out/be homeless?
California’s Prop 13 was passed to address this very issue. It ties property tax rates to the purchase price and they can not rise above an inflation metric (but not to exceed 2%) each year.
Tax rates are only reassessed when the house is sold. As an example, my parents could not have afforded to live in their house (of 30 years) the minute after they sold it, even if they had paid less than they sold it for.

Now, there have been arguments that this has driven Ca’s housing crisis by limiting inventory because people do not downsize later in life, but the alternative would have been bad as well as many families would have been taxed out of their homes.
Property taxes in the US makes no sense to me.

Doesn't it completely screw over the people who live in a generational home (i.e their parents, grandparents etc) and subject them to market conditions, especially since wages have not gone anywhere close up as much as property prices have?

Like imagine you buy a house at 30 in the 90's, working as a retail assistant. When you're 50, the price has what, 4x'd, your wage is still the shitty federal minimum wage but your tax liability has increased ALOT more?

What happens if you literally cannot afford to keep it due to rising market conditions? Forced to sell up/move out/be homeless?
In California, voters passed Prop 13 back in 1978 which limits the max property tax that can be levied to 1% of its assessed value. Not sure how it works in other states.

Edit - damn you @WI_Red
California’s Prop 13 was passed to address this very issue. It ties property tax rates to the purchase price and they can not rise above an inflation metric (but not to exceed 2%) each year.
Tax rates are only reassessed when the house is sold. As an example, my parents could not have afforded to live in their house (of 30 years) the minute after they sold it, even if they had paid less than they sold it for.

Now, there have been arguments that this has driven Ca’s housing crisis by limiting inventory because people do not downsize later in life, but the alternative would have been bad as well as many families would have been taxed out of their homes.
That makes a lot of sense. The overall inflation of rents and house prices is a separate problem that needs to be addressed by increasing inventory.

If this is the heir to MAGA, GOP are in trouble once Trump is gone.

MAGA-candidates just don't perform well, its specific to Trump, his cult of personality doesn't really translate to anyone else, but non-MAGA candidates might not be able to win the primaries either anymore.

If this is the heir to MAGA, GOP are in trouble once Trump is gone.

MAGA-candidates just don't perform well, its specific to Trump, his cult of personality doesn't really translate to anyone else, but non-MAGA candidates might not be able to win the primaries either anymore.

Most MAGAs aren’t that into Vance, their new flavour of the moment is Youngkin, for winning in a blue state.
Most MAGAs aren’t that into Vance, their new flavour of the moment is Youngkin, for winning in a blue state.

MAGA isn't really into anyone not Trump, if swing-state results in 2022 is anything to go by.

Youngkin seems a bit tame, too nice, to drive out the cult though, his base is probably somewhat different.
I'm not sure I understand this IVF promise as firstly, aren't Republicans against big government interference? And aren't they against Government handouts? Also, isn't this what they would call Communism?

The other thing I don't get is I have seen numerous interviews, documentaries, and read a few articles where a lot of Evangelical Christians want IVF banned along with abortion and morning after pills. One I saw was a few years ago during the Trump Presidency where you had a room full of women who couldn't have kids due to various health reasons, some suffered abuse and rape and some had had multiple miscarriages. An Evangelical lady was in the audience too and she stood up and said some of the most vile, ignorant and just plain offensive things I've heard. She was absolutely shameless in her views and showed absolutely no empathy to those she was clearly upsetting deeply or any remorse either.

She basically said it was all gods plan and these women were meant to be childless because God didn't want them to have kids. IVF was akin to cloning and the work of the Devil and abortion is evil too. I'd heard all the views about abortion before but never about IVF and certainly not as extreme. Obviously not all Evangelicals think like this but it's far more common than I realised. Tough shit, you can't have kids and because we denounce science, we want to stop you having them too because it's all part of God's plan.

But they don't want government to get involved in their lives and the Dems are the party of cancel culture? Everything about them is so hypocritical.

So back to my main point, is this IVF claim (that won't happen anyway) not the political flex Trump thinks it is? And could it quite possibly actually cost him more voters.tnan he thinks he will gain? One thing I know is its.jusy something he's thought of in his head and yet again it shows how little he truly understands many of those he wants to reach.
But they don't want government to get involved in their lives and the Dems are the party of cancel culture? Everything about them is so hypocritical.

Exactly right. I always tell people that Conservatives are a walking and living contradiction.

They didn't want to get the C19 vaccine (and nobody forced them either) due to the "my body my rights" argument, yet they want government to interfere and ban abortions. And so on and so on.
Exactly right. I always tell people that Conservatives are a walking and living contradiction.

They didn't want to get the C19 vaccine (and nobody forced them either) due to the "my body my rights" argument, yet they want government to interfere and ban abortions. And so on and so on.

Yup, banning books and demanding what should and should not be taugjt in schools and colleges. Banning certain flags. Against gun control. Want the death penalty but are pro life regarding abortion.

Bitch about government handouts or any kind of scheme to help the middle class or poor yet complain when they don't get the help they need from the Government.

Want to be the world Police yet Ukraine and Palestine are none of their business.

As you said, and so on and so on...
I'm not sure I understand this IVF promise as firstly, aren't Republicans against big government interference? And aren't they against Government handouts? Also, isn't this what they would call Communism?

The other thing I don't get is I have seen numerous interviews, documentaries, and read a few articles where a lot of Evangelical Christians want IVF banned along with abortion and morning after pills. One I saw was a few years ago during the Trump Presidency where you had a room full of women who couldn't have kids due to various health reasons, some suffered abuse and rape and some had had multiple miscarriages. An Evangelical lady was in the audience too and she stood up and said some of the most vile, ignorant and just plain offensive things I've heard. She was absolutely shameless in her views and showed absolutely no empathy to those she was clearly upsetting deeply or any remorse either.

She basically said it was all gods plan and these women were meant to be childless because God didn't want them to have kids. IVF was akin to cloning and the work of the Devil and abortion is evil too. I'd heard all the views about abortion before but never about IVF and certainly not as extreme. Obviously not all Evangelicals think like this but it's far more common than I realised. Tough shit, you can't have kids and because we denounce science, we want to stop you having them too because it's all part of God's plan.

But they don't want government to get involved in their lives and the Dems are the party of cancel culture? Everything about them is so hypocritical.

So back to my main point, is this IVF claim (that won't happen anyway) not the political flex Trump thinks it is? And could it quite possibly actually cost him more voters.tnan he thinks he will gain? One thing I know is its.jusy something he's thought of in his head and yet again it shows how little he truly understands many of those he wants to reach.
Trump will say anything that might attract voters. He also promised infrastructure projects and lower drug prices. Biden delivered those.
Aunt Kamala?

Since you are not American I am going to assume you may not be aware of the racist connotation of that.
That must be an American thing because I've yet to see where Aunt or Auntie has a racist connotation.
MAGA isn't really into anyone not Trump, if swing-state results in 2022 is anything to go by.

Youngkin seems a bit tame, too nice, to drive out the cult though, his base is probably somewhat different.

Youngkin is your average run of the mill, chamber of commerce style Republican who has successfully navigated in and around Trump to get into power and generally do well by ordinary Republican standards. He’s far closer to the likes of Bush than anything resembling Trumpism. If Trump loses, I suspect Youngkin, DeSantis, and Haley will be the leading contenders for 2028.
Aunt Kamala?

Since you are not American I am going to assume you may not be aware of the racist connotation of that.

It wasn’t intended as such. Also, since this thread is largely populated by Europeans, you can’t expect everyone to be well versed in the history of Aunt Jemima and other early 20th century mammy caricatures.
It wasn’t intended as such. Also, since this thread is largely populated by Europeans, you can’t expect everyone to be well versed in the history of Aunt Jemima and other early 20th century mammy caricatures.
Agreed, which is why I added the caveat.
Youngkin is your average run of the mill, chamber of commerce style Republican who has successfully navigated in and around Trump to get into power and generally do well by ordinary Republican standards. He’s far close to the likes of Bush than anything resembling Trumpism. If Trump loses, I suspect Youngkin, DeSantis, and Haley will be the leading contenders for 2028.
Yeah, Youngkin isn't really alligned with MAGA, fairly standard, in many ways.
If Trump loses, he might just take the nomination again in 2028, otherwise, agree on Youngkin and Haley, DeSantis has no charisma, reckon he will flop again.
Is Aunt Jemima like Uncle Tom?

It's not a UK thing, at least in my experience.

It was a brand of (I am not kidding) maple syrup for pancakes. As @Raoul mentioned above it was a play on the "Mammy" archetype and despite a couple of rebranding attempts there was never much derivation from that. From Wiki:
Aunt Jemima is based on the common enslaved "Mammy" archetype, a plump black woman wearing a headscarf who is a devoted and submissive servant. Her skin is dark and dewy, with a pearly white smile. Although depictions vary over time, they are similar to the common attire and physical features of "mammy" characters throughout American history.

The term "aunt" and "uncle" in this context was a Southern form of address used with older enslaved peoples. They were denied use of English honorifics, such as "mistress" and "mister".

There was also a brand of rice called "Uncle Ben's Rice" where the logo was essentially Stephen from Django Unchained. It was rebranded at some point to remove the "Uncle"

It was a brand of (I am not kidding) maple syrup for pancakes. As @Raoul mentioned above it was a play on the "Mammy" archetype and despite a couple of rebranding attempts there was never much derivation from that. From Wiki:

There was also a brand of rice called "Uncle Ben's Rice" where the logo was essentially Stephen from Django Unchained. It was rebranded at some point to remove the "Uncle"

Ah, blimey, thank you. We have (or had) Uncle Ben's but never seen the other one.
So first JD Vance is buying donuts and now Kamala is buying pie.

American politics :lol:

These things are pretty normal in American campaigns - politicians going (to usually breakfast diners) to eat and mingle with patrons, then upload videos of it all to promote the impression that they are ordinary relatable people.
So first JD Vance is buying donuts and now Kamala is buying pie.

American politics :lol:

You may laugh, but these things can turn into the biggest scandals ever, well, according to Fox "News" anyway.

The funniest scenario in the senate, would be independent candidate Dan Osborn winning in Nebraska determing control of it.

Is it likely? Not at all, but if you just ignore the one blow-out poll, its almost a dead tie, if we also ignore that those other polls are also sponsored by Dan Osborn campaign, and then...just believe it will happen, and it will all work out, okay?


Edit : Did i just write this, moments before a new Nebraska poll was relesead, what in the world?

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The funniest scenario in the senate, would be independent candidate Dan Osborn winning in Nebraska determing control of it.

Is it likely? Not at all, but if you just ignore the one blow-out poll, its almost a dead tie, if we also ignore that those other polls are also sponsored by Dan Osborn campaign, and then...just believe it will happen, and it will all work out, okay?


Edit : Did i just write this, moments before a new Nebraska poll was relesead, what in the world?

Who Osborn caucuses with will be the most important bit. He's so far spurned both parties, but if he wins and decides to remain independent in terms of which side he caucuses with in the Senate, it would help the Dems retain control of the Senate since he would subtract one from what was supposed to be a safe Republican seat. That could potentially mitigate the loss of Tester's seat and help the Dems remain in control.
Free IVF is complete desperation. It is just as likely as Mexico paying for the wall was as a promise. Along with his flip flopping on how he would vote on the Florida abortion measure Trump is just floundering trying to find some patch on Abortion. He himself made that patch mess. He claims he got rid of Roe all over the place. And it was his appointed Supreme Court Judges of course that did it.

The problem is abortion has remained a powerful issue among voters. It hasn't "gone away". GOP has scrambled on their messaging in every way. Then you add on the messy childless cat lady comments from JD Vance, his disdain for single women etc. It's just a complete hail Mary to promise free IVF.

Not only is trump looking worse and worse and sounding more incoherent. This is where he is now? Its the same as promising "great healthcare" for all those years and never ever revealing any type of plan or idea other than repealing Obamacare. His voters don't punish him for outrageous claims.
Wasn't there a whole thing because Ed Milliband ate a sandwich ?

I'm not familiar, but speaking of Sean Hannity, it should be a campaign promise of every presidential candidate to have Hannity commit to his pledge of being waterboarded, not a joke.