2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

People say it will kill the republican party and secure democratic power for decades. I think it is far more likely that, over time, republicans will realise there is no power left in pandering to the extreme right wing and they will need to go back to some form of late 20th century conservatism and focus on actual governance again to win back the middle. Fox News might even realise it too.

Yes, I expect that, too. But I don't think this transition will be an easy one. They indoctrined a significant part of their voter base and personally I think the whole MAGA crowds are conditioned in a way that it will be difficult to mobilize them with "traditional" campaigns - even less so when the opportunists will continue telling those people what they want to hear because they smell the chance to take Trump's place. On the other hand, continuing what Trump started might turn out to not be suitable to gain a majority. The Republicans maneuvered themselves into this dilemma and I think even if they draw the right conclusions from it, it will take a long while until they have sorted this out.

Plus, even if they manage to stay relevant by abandoning these ultra right wing positions, it means that they are far less dangerous than right now. I definitely prefer somebody like Bush in the oval office to a lunatic and ticking timebomb like Trump.
I definitely prefer somebody like Bush in the oval office to a lunatic and ticking timebomb like Trump.

Sort of? He did start a couple of wars that ended up directly or indirectly killing a few million people. Trump has done less damage, at least right up until the moment he goes full crypto-fascist. If he's left with one term, Bush was the worse president (in the "did the most bad" sense, not the least competent sense). If Trump gets a second term...
I think you should review Panetta's resume before dismissing him like that. Congressmen for 16 years, director of the Office of Management and Budget, Secretary of Defense, White House Chief of Staff, Director of the CIA. He was there to add gravitas but to also remind people that the Democrats got Bin Laden, not the Republicans.

As to the Palestinian Democrat, they were most likely denied a speaking role because the past several days of negotiating were fruitless. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators tried to disrupt and embarrass the nominating convention, and a couple times tried to stage "protests" from the convention floor itself - all after very publicly vowing to not support "Killer Kamala" and claiming "Genocide Joe" will live in infamy. In short, they were not to be trusted, they overplayed their hand, and the theme was of unity and thanking the selflessness of Biden in stepping down for the good of the country - all themes that could very easily and very embarrassingly and disastrously been destroyed by a live microphone and an agenda.

That said, Gaza was mentioned several times over the convention and it was made abundantly clear that the Democrats want the war to end, acknowledging the suffering and tragedy, but also demanding the hostages are returned - while reiterating that we will stand by our allies and face up to Iran et al. I think it was the middle way
if anyone had any doubts about the democrat supporters lack of empathy for palestinian suffering....
Really believe some people had made their mind up on Harris before any of this kicked off, and nothing will change that until she is (hopefully) a really good President.
I'm sure you can find posts on here from me that bemoaned her as an option because she polled worse than Biden, and had largely been notable by her absence in the past 4 years.

I'm happy to acknowledge that at the very least I was wrong about her ability to put together a campaign (at historically short notice), find a message, stick to that message, deliver excellent speeches consistently and most importantly bring together all of the factions (except the obvious) of the democratic party in a way that is extremely encouraging.

Is she the most qualified candidate most likely to be best placed to beat Trump? I don't know. I wouldn't have thought so and again as the record probably shows would have preferred Whitmer or Newsom.

But ignoring her achievements and capability over the course of the last month just reeks of refusing to admit you might have been wrong. I was. It's okay.

Maybe the enthusiasum wanes and she narrowly loses a few key states and we all look back and blame her. But nothing I've seen in the last month suggests that.

Totally agree. For whatever reason, she was pushed aside under Biden. I think we all thought that it would be more of a partnership, where he handed over the reigns to her, but it didnt seem to happen in that way. Certainly not in the first couple of years. Some snippets seem to be coming out to suggest she has been more active in the last year - maybe that is because of Bidens decline?

I always thought that those polls that suggested she was unpopular always tallied with Bidens favorability. She just had to get out from under him.

I think the big difference with her now and in her run in 2020, was she was running to the left in 2020 and I don't think it quite fit with her bio and who she is. She seems more at home being a centrist Democrat - the prosecutor who fights for the middle class, for unions and for social issues. She showed a lot of foreign policy knowledge too.

I think she is best placed to build the coalition to beat Trump. She is the only one that could take him on in GA, NV, AZ, while also being able to hold the blue wall.
Just now catching Kamala's speech. She put no wrong foot forward, not a great sspeech but very, very good.

It will be interesting to see what the convention bump will be.

Hate to say it, but will it be nullified by the RFK announcement today?

If he endorses Trump, it gives them license to say, "Todays Democrats are no longer the party of JFK" etc etc.
She did great. Walked the line really well.
unless im missing something, she said nothing new. the same things that are being said over here by labour. hostages / ceasefire / 2 state solution.
problem is that messaging hasnt changed since last year, wheras the carnage has continued.
if she was being bold, she wouldve re-iterated their support for Israel but put a clear line between the dems and the regime of bibi and his jewish fanatics.
Hate to say it, but will it be nullified by the RFK announcement today?

If he endorses Trump, it gives them license to say, "Todays Democrats are no longer the party of JFK" etc etc.
Don't think so, it's just not as big an issue to knock the convention from its high right now. Might get a mention buried somewhere in the broadcasts.
Don't think so, it's just not as big an issue to knock the convention from its high right now. Might get a mention buried somewhere in the broadcasts.

I disagree. I think RFK will get more exposure from this announcement that he would from anything else he has done in his campaign so far - including the bear carcass!
Trump will squeeze every last drop out of it.

You think they will give him the Health Secretary position?
unless im missing something, she said nothing new. the same things that are being said over here by labour. hostages / ceasefire / 2 state solution.
problem is that messaging hasnt changed since last year, wheras the carnage has continued.
if she was being bold, she wouldve re-iterated their support for Israel but put a clear line between the dems and the regime of bibi and his jewish fanatics.

Maybe, but im not sure how they helps any potential peace deal.
If the objective is a ceasfire, especially in the near term, then its important not to put anyone nose out of joint.
Right, we shouldn’t be overconfident, but Jonathan Lemire is annoying. Suddenly he’s coming up with this tweet?!! The morning after Harris’s speech?
What's wrong with taking a sober look at the numbers? Harris seems to be generating a lot of positive energy, which is good, but it's honestly better to be overly cautious and keep the eye on the ball. They can't get complacent.
What's wrong with taking a sober look at the numbers? Harris seems to be generating a lot of positive energy, which is good, but it's honestly better to be overly cautious and keep the eye on the ball. They can't get complacent.
I agree, and I talked about this during the week. But, to tweet this a before 7:30 am the morning after the acceptance speech? Didn’t he know this yesterday? Can’t he just let us a bit more about the speech for few more hours before this tweet? C’mon, he’s like Shreeves…
I agree, and I talked about this during the week. But, to tweet this a before 7:30 am the morning after the acceptance speech? Didn’t he know this yesterday? Can’t he just let us a bit more about the speech for few more hours before this tweet?
I mean the guy is not some all powerful being that determines the narrative on his own. It's just one tweet.
I mean the guy is not some all powerful being that determines the narrative on his own. It's just one tweet.
It will be quoted left and right. Indeed, it even made it to Red Cafe in the middle of discussions about the convention. Geofff Shreeves all over again.

He could’ve waited until the afternoon and that wouldn’t matter a bit. Right? This is not “BREAKING NEWS”… annoying attitude.
The 'I look down on peasants' moment captured on film, unintentionally. These things are so forced. "How long have you been here?" is such a "I don't have anything to say to you peasants."

A really really odd interaction, especially considering, unlike Sunak for instance, he is supposed to have grown up at least in exactly these kinds of environments.

Too much time spent with silicon valley VC/tech bros clearly.
The Trump campaign peaked too early with the assassination and all and then Biden dropped out and it changed the momentum.

Now, with the DNC over, it's still about 2 months before the election and Harris has to be careful about maintaining her momentum.
I am trying to understand what these right-wing idiots who snuck into the DNC in disguises etc. were doing. Just saw the clip of the "My Pillow" fraud Mike Lindell arguing with a 12 year old influencer. I mean these people are crazy. Instead of worrying about how he drove his company into the ground to bury his face up trumps rump he's yelling at little kids about conspiracies.
unless im missing something, she said nothing new. the same things that are being said over here by labour. hostages / ceasefire / 2 state solution.
problem is that messaging hasnt changed since last year, wheras the carnage has continued.
if she was being bold, she wouldve re-iterated their support for Israel but put a clear line between the dems and the regime of bibi and his jewish fanatics.
From what I gathered, the speech had a good dose of racism, war-mongering, and misinformation. So not different from Biden which is expected.
unless im missing something, she said nothing new. the same things that are being said over here by labour. hostages / ceasefire / 2 state solution.
problem is that messaging hasnt changed since last year, wheras the carnage has continued.
if she was being bold, she wouldve re-iterated their support for Israel but put a clear line between the dems and the regime of bibi and his jewish fanatics.

Agree with this. She attempted to assuage the concerns of both sides without really saying anything substantive that would be a significant departure from Biden’s policy.
The current frenzy surrounding her has quite a unique but also disconcerting feeling, and shows the desperation that reigned in the Democratic camp until Biden was pushed out. Now everybody just wants to believe, no questions asked.

Under normal circumstances no one would've paid her any attention, let alone chosen her as a presidential candidate and she'd have disappeared into political nothingness. Now she's a quasi Messiah.

From an outsider point of view, this whole convention is nothing short of a circus I'll never understand.

Yes, it was a bit too heavy on entertainment and light on substance. Hopefully the latter comes out more in the coming weeks and months.
I disagree. I think RFK will get more exposure from this announcement that he would from anything else he has done in his campaign so far - including the bear carcass!
Trump will squeeze every last drop out of it.

You think they will give him the Health Secretary position?
RFK Jr is a kook, and a dangerous kook at that. His campaign was propped up by his VP’s cash infusion and GOP strategists, and little else.
The Trump campaign peaked too early with the assassination and all and then Biden dropped out and it changed the momentum.

Now, with the DNC over, it's still about 2 months before the election and Harris has to be careful about maintaining her momentum.
Still to come: Beyoncé and Taylor Swift barnstorming voter drive support tours!
The 'I look down on peasants' moment captured on film, unintentionally. These things are so forced. "How long have you been here?" is such a "I don't have anything to say to you peasants."

It’s so odd.

“What are your most popular flavours?”
“One glazed dozen and a mixed dozen of your choice”

Any kind of normal opener.

He’s a weird little Fcuk.
It was looking pretty bleak with Biden, i will admit that, but going back to something i've said earlier, its worth mentioning that the GOP hasn't had a single good election after 2016, not one.

They are not really that strong as a national party these days, dems don't have to be perfect in order to defeat them.
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