2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

He was slinking around earlier today & was outed quickly. There is a pic on Twitter that shows Walsh exiting the floor quickly, Kirk was outed again quickly on the floor.

Odd that he would try to disguise himself given that he was on air with TYT at the convention yesterday.
This rolll call is just fun. Got a few fingers of scotch and sitting and smiling next to my partner in politics (my old girl GSD)
Yeah, she’s awesome. She just spoke, but before that I can tell you the flip on outreach and engagement has been amazing in just the time since we moved here.
Good to hear. Gonna plant my flag up there on Friday & my first task Monday AM is to get registered up there.
Gavin Newsom! The guy is good!

Harris is speaking from a full house in WI. An interesting visual.
Ugh. Chucky has the charisma of a head of lettuce (actual lettuce, not the Liz bull shit).
As a follow up, the 60+ crew for the Dems need to retire. The younger generation has the passion, convictions, and charisma these old shits gave none of.
As a follow up, the 60+ crew for the Dems need to retire. The younger generation has the passion, convictions, and charisma these old shits gave none of.

This is where congressional term limits come in handy. Most politicians make policy decisions based on improving their reelection chances. Remove that and you've got a different ballgame.
It’s interesting to see the majority of people in the arena not paying attention to Bernie speaking. Some cheers here and there, but that’s it.

This is not 2016 anymore. Hopefully the outcome will also be different than it was then.
It’s interesting to see the majority of people in the arena not paying attention to Bernie speaking. Some cheers here and there, but that’s it.

This is not 2016 anymore. Hopefully the outcome will also be different than it was then.

Yeah I noticed that. I think much of the progressive movement has been subsumed into the party at this point. A lot of what Sanders was selling has been picked up by the likes of Harris and others and AOC is drifting towards the center.